AICD Members reach new heights

On the 11th of April, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) hosted several of its members on the Climb of their Lives to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge!  Once at the top they were able to take in the breathtaking uninterrupted panorama views of Sydney and its sparkling harbour, whist enjoying canapés with a view like no other – a truly unique experience!

When asked why the AICD chose BridgeClimb to host this event, NSW State Manger Duane Findley GAICD, stated, “Our Directors on Location series takes our members to unique places and organisations where they can learn and network outside of the usual business setting. With the generous support of our sponsor, Marsh, we chose BridgeClimb Sydney for this event because it is an iconic organisation whose leaders have thought deeply about risk and risk culture.  This was a chance for our members to gain insights from BridgeClimb whilst having an unforgettable experience at the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. What could be more unforgettable than Climbing to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge".

Twenty-eight members in total partook in the BridgeClimb Express which takes you through the heart of Bridge through to the summit where they were then able to enjoy 360 degree views of unforgettable, whilst engaging with fellow members and connecting about the experience they achieved together.

The Climb concluded with a post event function in the BridgeClimb Visitor Centre where members networked and enjoyed post-Climb canapes and beverages to toast their achievement before making their way into the BridgeClimb Cinema for a special presentation by the CEO of BridgeClimb Sydney.

AICD has a membership base of more than 41,000 including directors and senior leaders from business, government and the not-for-profit sector. It is committed to excellence in governance and making a positive impact on society and the economy through governance education, director development and advocacy.


Name of event: Australia Institute of Company Directors
Type: Member Event
Product: BridgeClimb Express
Attendees: 28 PAX
Date: 11 April 2018