There are several people named Brendan Gregg. This one is me (2011):
This might be useful if you don't know what I look like and are trying to find me at some event (although I don't normally wear kurtas).
-->Conferences often ask for a head shot, so I'll share them here.
My work-from-home look in 2022 (full version):
Here's one from a 2018 meetup (thanks LinkedIn; full version):In 2018 I was photographed for the Faces Of OpenSource project (thanks Peter Adams).
Visiting the Louvre in 2017:
This is from 2017 SREcon, which I used as my avatar (thanks LinkedIn; full version):
I previously used a 2013 Velocity conf photo (on the left) as an avatar (credit Trav Williams, Broken Banjo Photography):
As an amusing picture, in 2006 I was accused of being a group of clones (due to the volume of software I was writing) so I created this:
Here I am fooling around with data center safety clothing, seated at a text console of a server I helped sysadmin. This was my first real job; I was still a Uni student (2001):