This Was Brainerd - Oct. 19

A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1924.

A picture of a pin dart.
Pin darts like these, made from long sewing needles with feathered ends from embroidery thread, are shot through straws and can inflict harm on others. A Brainerd boy accidentally inhaled when he should have exhaled and sucked a dart into his throat. It had to be surgically removed under anesthesia.


20 years ago (2004)


Nearly 10 years ago Kathy Pietz's life took a tragic turn because of meth. “I never would have guessed in a million years this would happen to my family,” she said. She told 250 community members gathered at Forestview Middle School of one son doing life in prison and another an admitted former violent drug dealer.

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A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1924.
A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1924.
A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1924.
A look through the Brainerd Dispatch archives with Terry McCollough combing the microfilm for tidbits of history through the decades going back to 1924.


30 years ago (1994)

Paul Bloom was named Minnesota's 1994 Community Educator of the Year, sharing the award with Linda Gohman of Grey Cloud. Bloom, who has been director of the Brainerd district's Community Education Program for the past 10 years, was nominated by his staff.


40 years ago (1984)

(Photo) Pin darts like these, made from long sewing needles with feathered ends from embroidery thread, are shot through straws and can inflict harm on others. A Brainerd boy accidentally inhaled when he should have exhaled and sucked a dart into his throat. It had to be surgically removed under anesthesia.



60 years ago (1964)

(Adv.) Come to the Dance After the Football Game! Wednesday, October 21st at the Brainerd Armory – 8:00 p.m. to Midnight. Dance to “Robby Jay and the Unpredictable Uglies.” Top 10 Records to be given away. Free Pepsi all night.


80 years ago (1944)

Word has been received by Eva Kjonaas, Brainerd, that her husband, Pvt. E. Kjonaas was seriously wounded in the fight against the Japs on Palau. The former Margaret Nolan, Brainerd, received word that her husband, Lt. (J.G.) M.B. McGrann was wounded in the South Pacific. He fought in Saipan, Guam and Tinian.


100 years ago (1924)

The Gull Lake Road was the scene of several auto accidents on Sunday, the fine weather bringing out many motorists, some driving carelessly. Two Fords collided west of the old NP Hospital, with the one coming from Pillager having no lights. There were no injuries. A Ford and a Hupmobile turned over near the Brainerd Country Club. Again, no injuries.

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