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Tell us: What’s your favorite bar in Greater Boston?

We'd like to know the best place you go for a drink.

Equal Measure
Equal Measure in the Fenway opened earlier this fall. Photo courtesy of Rebecca Nottonson

As we near the end of the year, we know that this is a time to get together with friends and celebrate. For many, this may involve paying a visit to their favorite bar, whether that be an upscale spot with creative craft cocktails or a local dive. Greater Boston is home to many places to grab a drink, and we want to know about the best one — what’s your favorite bar overall in the area?


This year, reported on many places where you can get a quality drink. Earlier this season, we asked readers to tell us about the best townie bar, a reliable, no-frills establishment, and Eagle Brook Saloon in Norfolk was voted in first place. This past summer, we shared the best breweries in Massachusetts, and Tree House Brewing Company was readers’ top pick. We heard about rooftop bars that readers visit, with RTP at the Colonnade Hotel being the most popular. Over the course of the year, we saw the opening of new cocktail bars, like Equal Measure in the Fenway, and Birds of Paradise in Brighton.


We want to hear about your favorite place to get a drink. Let us know what you like about this place, what you order, and what makes the experience there memorable. Fill out the survey below or e-mail us at [email protected], and your response may be featured in a future article.

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