� �
CIA's former Director
� Many voters backed Donald J. Trump because he committed himself to changing all that, but, unfortunately,
One might reasonably ask if America in its seemingly enduring role as the world's most feared bully will ever cease and desist, but the more practical question might be,
Trump, to be sure, is the heart of the problem as he has consistently made bad, overly belligerent decisions when better and less abrasive options were available, something that should not necessarily always be blamed on his poor choice of advisers. � But one also should not discount the likelihood that the dysfunction in Trump is in part comprehensible, stemming from his belief that he has numerous powerful enemies who have been out do destroy him since before he was nominated as the GOP's presidential candidate. �
This hatred of all things
Trump has been manifested in the neoconservative "Nevertrump" forces
led by
Bill Kristol and by the "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" prominent on the political left, regularly
exhibited by
Rachel Maddow. � One can define Deep State in a number of ways, ranging from,
The Deep State in either version includes,
Whether the Mueller report is definitive, very much depends on the people they chose to interview and the questions they chose to ask, which is something that will no doubt be discussed for the next year if not longer. � Beyond declaring that the Trump team did not collude with Russia, it cast little light on the possible Deep State role in attempting to vilify Trump and his associates. � The investigation of that aspect of the 2016 campaign and the possible prosecutions of former senior government officials that might be a consequence of the investigation will likely be entertaining conspiracy theorists well into 2020. �
Since Russiagate
has already been used and discarded the new inquiry might well be
dubbed Trumpgate. � Horowitz, whose report is expected in about a month, has already revealed that he intends to make criminal referrals as a result of his investigation. � While the report will only cover malfeasance in the Department of Justice, which includes the FBI, the names of intelligence officers involved will no doubt also surface. �
It is expected that there
will be charges leading to many prosecutions and one can hope for
jail time for those individuals who corruptly betrayed their oath to
the United States Constitution to pursue a political
vendetta... � The first phase of the illegal investigation of the Trump associates involved initiating wiretaps without any probable cause. � This eventually involved six government intelligence and law enforcement agencies that formed a de facto task force headed by the CIA's Director John Brennan. � Also reportedly involved were the,
Brennan was the key to the operation because the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court refused to approve several requests by the FBI to initiate taps on Trump associates and Trump Tower as there was no probable cause to do so but the British and other European intelligence services were legally able to intercept communications linked to American sources. � Brennan was able to use his connections with those foreign intelligence agencies, primarily the British GCHQ, to make it look like the concerns about Trump were coming from friendly and allied countries and therefore had to be responded to as part of routine intelligence sharing. � As a result,
...were all wiretapped. And likely there were others... �
This all happened during
the primaries and after Trump became the GOP nominee. �
The British responded by
initiating wiretaps that were then used by Brennan to justify
further investigation of Trump's associates. It was all neatly done
and constituted completely illegal spying on American citizens by
the U.S. government. � In May 2017, after he departed government, he testified before Congress with what sounds a lot like a final unsourced, uncorroborated attempt to smear the new administration:
Brennan's claimed "concerns" turned out to be incorrect. � Meanwhile, other interested parties were involved in the so-called Steele Dossier on Trump himself. � The dossier, paid for initially by Republicans trying to stop Trump, was later funded by $12 million from the Hillary campaign.
Steele left MI-6 in 2009 and had not visited Russia since 1993. � The report, intended to dig up dirt on Trump, was largely prepared using impossible to corroborate second-hand information and would have never surfaced but for the surprise result of the 2016 election. � Christopher Steele gave a copy to a retired of British Diplomat Sir Andrew Wood who in turn handed it to Trump critic Senator John McCain who then passed it on to the FBI. � President Barack Obama presumably also saw it and, according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,
The report was leaked to the media in January 2017 to coincide with Trump's inauguration. �
Hillary Clinton denied any
prior knowledge despite the fact that her campaign had paid for it.
Pressure from the Democrats and other constituencies devastated by
the Trump victory used the Steele report to provide leverage for
what became the Mueller investigation. � What Trump has amounted to as a leader and role model is beside the point as what evolved was undeniably a bureaucratic coup directed against a legally elected president of the United States and to a certain extent it was successful as Trump was likely forced to turn his back on his better angels and subsequently hired Pompeo, Bolton and Abrams... � One can only hope that investigators dig deep into what is Washington insiders have been up to so Trumpgate will prove more interesting and informative than was Russiagate. � And one also has to hope that enough highest-level heads will roll to make any interference by the Deep State in future elections unthinkable. �
One hopes... � |