� |
� |
Espa�ol |
Am�rica del Sur Clama - Neoliberalismo - �Nunca M�s...!
� |
American Requiem
� |
A Milestone for Global Capitalism
� |
Burning Down the House
� |
Capitalism - An Alien Ideology
from Who Were as Human Beings
Capitalism as Obstacle to Equality
and Democracy - The U.S. Story
� |
Capitalism for the Rich and
Socialism for the Poor - The Great Reset VII
� |
Capitalism Hits the Fan
� |
is Doomed - Without Alternatives, So are We
� |
Capitalism isn't going to Survive
the 21st Century - Will We?
Espa�ol |
Capitalismo Global - "Gobierno
Mundial" y la Crisis del Coronavirus
� |
Capitalism's New Era
� |
Capitalist Terrorism
� |
Charles' Empire - The Royal Reset
� |
Chilean Protests - A Revolt
against Neoliberalism the Media Refuses to Acknowledge
� |
Chile in Flames - The Neoliberal
Model in Crisis throughout the Region
� |
Close-Knit Financial Oligarchy
Controls All Major Corporations
Espa�ol |
C�mo "Capitalismo" se Convirti� en
una Mala Palabra
Italiano |
Cosa ci Sar� dopo il Capitalismo?
- Una Nuova Sintesi
Espa�ol |
Cunde el Miedo a la Crisis del
Capitalismo entre los Grandes Financieros
Espa�ol |
Derrumbe del Modelo Occidental...
� |
Direct Democracy is the Future of
Human Governance |
� |
Espa�ol |
Eiichi Shibusawa - "El Padre del
Capitalismo Japon�s" que cre�a que la Moral y la
Econom�a son Inseparables
Espa�ol |
El Discurso de Javier Milei en el
Foro de Davos 2024
Espa�ol |
El Expolio de �frica explicado en
Modo Sencillo - Un Mecanismo que Sostiene a Occidente
Espa�ol |
El Gran Reinicio avanza hacia la
Tiran�a Global
Espa�ol |
El Gran Reinicio - El Fin del
Capitalismo tal como lo Conocemos
Espa�ol |
El Mundo se est� volviendo Contra el Capitalismo - Encuesta
Espa�ol |
El Nuevo Mundo Surge ante Nosotros
Espa�ol |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial del Papa
Francisco - Vaticano utiliza 'Iniciativa Rothschild'
para Reformar el Capitalismo
Espa�ol |
El Papa Francisco planea 'Arreglar'
el Capitalismo Global con la ayuda de los Rothschild,
Rockefellers y...
Espa�ol |
El Sistema Econ�mico Occidental
est� a punto de Expirar
� |
Examining Capitalism through
Quantum Mechanics
Espa�ol |
Explosi�n de "Indignados" pone en
el 'Banquillo de los Acusados' al modelo Capitalista
Neoliberal Chileno
Integrated Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism - Scenarios of a
Third World War
� |
Gallup Poll - 43 Percent of
Americans think Socialism is Good
� |
Global Capitalism - "World
Government" and the Corona Crisis
� |
Capitalism is a Product of Socialism
� |
How Life Under Predatory
Capitalism Traumatized a Nation
� |
How to Think About the World After
� |
How United Nations Scientists are
Preparing for the End of Capitalism
Italiano |
Capitalismo Globale - "Il Governo del Mondo" e la Crisi del
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di Papa
Francesco - Vaticano usa "Iniziativa dei Rothschild" per
riformare il Capitalismo
Italiano |
I Sei Miti sul Capitalismo che
Dovrebbe Sapere Chiunque
� |
Holacracy the New "Operating System" of Conscious
Espa�ol |
La Alternativa a la Econom�a
Capitalista - Christian Felber
Espa�ol |
La Edad del Colapso - Porqu� todo
est� Colapsando, y qu� Hacer al Respecto
Espa�ol |
La Elite Global - La Clase Capitalista Transnacional
- Main File
Italiano |
La Grande Menzogna del
"Capitalismo Risvegliato"
Espa�ol |
La Pax Americana y el
Espa�ol |
Las Horcas est�n Llegando... para
Nosotros los Plut�cratas - Carta Abierta de Un�
Espa�ol |
Trastienda de Trump' - Estamos a las Puertas de un Colapso
Econ�mico Mundial y del Desmantelamiento...
Italiano |
L'Era del Collasso - Perch� Tutto
sta Collassando e Cosa Fare
Italiano |
L'Esecuzione sta Arrivando ... per
Noi i Plutocrati - Lettera Aperta di Un Multimilionario
Italiano |
L'Impero di Carlo - L'Enigma del
Ripristino Reale
� |
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
Appear to Use Religion and Capitalism to Control
� |
Mapped Economic Freedom around the
World in 2021
� |
Marxism and Buddhism
Espa�ol |
M�s Ricos en la 'Pandemia'...
� |
Nationalist Capitalism - An
Alternative to Globalization?
� |
New World Disorder and the Demise of Capitalism
Espa�ol |
O Muere el Capitalismo Salvaje, o
Muere la Civilizaci�n Humana
Italiano |
Papa Francesco pianifica di
'Risolvere' il Capitalismo Globale con l'aiuto dei
Rothschilds, dei Rockfeller e...
� |
Parasitic Bankers Achieve The End
of Capitalism and The Sacking of America
Pope Francis' New World Order -
The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild Initiative' to reform
� |
Pope Francis plans to 'Fix' Global
Capitalism - With the help of the Rothschilds,
Rockerfellers and Mastercard
Espa�ol |
Porqu� es Obsoleta la Manera en
que Pensamos
Espa�ol |
los Estadounidenses est�n Perpetuamente Sorprendidos por su
Propio Colapso?
Espa�ol |
se Siente como si el Mundo se Hubiera Vuelto Loco? - El
Domin� y la Ca�da
Espa�ol |
Protestas Chilenas - Una Revuelta
contra el Neoliberalismo que los Medios de Comunicaci�n
se Niegan a...
Espa�ol |
Pasa Despu�s del Capitalismo? - Una Nueva S�ntesis
� |
Revealed -
The Capitalist Network that Runs the World
� |
Rockefeller Internationalism
- Main File
� |
Rothschild wants Merger between Corporations,
Governments and AI to "Save Capitalism"
Espa�ol |
Seis Mitos acerca del Capitalismo
que Todos deber�amos Conocer
� |
Six Myths about Capitalism
everyone should Know
� |
Transformation - The Truth Behind Capitalism Decoded
� |
South America Cries Out -
Neoliberalism - Never Again...!
Espa�ol |
Vladimir Putin declarar� Muerto el Capitalismo?
� |
The Age of Collapse - Why
Everything's Collapsing, and What to Do About It
� |
The Battle for Control of Your
Soul - The Fight For and Against the Future
� |
The Big Lie of 'Woke Capitalism'
� |
The Birth of Predatory Capitalism
� |
The Capitalist Manifesto - Let
Poor People Die
� |
The Collapse is already Inevitable
- Financialization and Capitalism
� |
The "Disintegration" of Global
Capitalism could Unleash World War 3, warns top EU
� |
The Fall of Greece -
Yes, It Really is a Capitalist Plot
� |
The Global Elite - The
Transnational Capitalist Class
- Main File
� |
The Great Reset - The End of
Capitalism as we Know It |
� |
The Midas Disease - Corruption has
Shaped History - Why do we still Ignore it?
� |
The Myth that Capitalism Saved the
� |
The Pitchforks are Coming� for Us Plutocrats
� |
The Planetary Insanity of Eternal
Economic Growth
� |
The Plundering of Africa Explained
in a Simple Way - A Mechanism that Sustains the West
� |
The Rothschilds
- Main File
� |
The Socialist Leader 'America
Loves to Hate' wins Again - What now?
The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild
Initiative' to reform Capitalism
� |
The World is Turning Against
Capitalism - Survey
� |
Today's Youth Rejects Capitalism
and Socialism - Will Technocracy Appeal to Them?
� |
Total System Failure will give
Rise to New Economy
Espa�ol |
Transformaci�n Social -
Decodificada la Verdad Detr�s del Capitalismo
� |
Trump and
the "Collapse of Capitalism"
(COC) - Foibles, Fables and Failures, the Financial
Press and...
� |
Under 'Real Capitalism' Billionaires shouldn't Exist
� |
Watch Putin's full Censored speech to the West warning
of 'Corrupt Globalist Elites' pushing for World War
� |
What Happens after Capitalism? - A
New Synthesis
What is the 'Global Public-Private
� |
What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want?
� |
When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech
� |
Why are Americans Perpetually
Surprised by their Own Collapse?
� |
Why Billionaires Need Society more
than Society Needs Billionaires
� |
Capitalism is the Most Unnatural Thing in the World
� |
Why the Future is a Choice between Two Socialisms
� |
Why the Way We Think is Obsolete
� |
Why the World Feels Like It's
Going Crazy - The Dominos and the Fall
� |
Will Capitalism Ruin other Planets
after it Ruins Earth?
� |
Will Vladimir Putin declare
Capitalism Dead Too?
� |
Young People are Giving on
Capitalism because Capitalism Failed Young People
� |
Additional Information |
� |
Espa�ol |
As� es c�mo Consiguen los Hijos de
la �lite que los Contraten en Trabajos de �lite
Espa�ol |
Bienvenidos a la Era del
Capitalismo Psicod�lico - �Y al Final de su Potencial
Other - Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information
� |
Calling for 'Corridor of Life and
Culture,' Indigenous Groups from Amazon propose Creation
of Largest...
Espa�ol |
Capitalismo de Vigilancia -
Algoritmos para Manipular la Opini�n P�blica y la Ca�da
de Facebook
� |
Communism, Class Struggle and the
Roman Republic
Italiano |
Comunismo, Lotta di Classe e la
Repubblica Romana
� |
COVID has exposed North America as
a 'Failed State'
� |
Debt and the Cyclical Rise and
Fall of Societies - Socrates
� |
Debt - History of the Near East
� |
Deconstructing Democracy - Co-Creating Eco-Governance
� |
Democracy's Fatal Flaw: Us...
Espa�ol |
Desarrollo - Un Proyecto Fallido
Italiano |
come Riescono i Figli dell'Elite a farsi Assumere nei Lavori
Espa�ol |
Eiichi Shibusawa - "El Padre del
Capitalismo Japon�s" que cre�a que la Moral y la
Econom�a son Inseparables
Espa�ol |
El Colapso del Sistema Global -
Los Genes y la "Naturaleza Humana" No Son la Causa del
"Caos Mundial"
Espa�ol |
El Colapso que Viene - Un Largo
Proceso Pol�tico, Cultural y Deterioro Social
Espa�ol |
El Lado Oscuro de las Irrupciones
- 'La Econom�a Gig' es el Nuevo T�rmino para 'Servidumbre' |
Espa�ol |
El Porqu� el Mundo est�
Renunciando a su Libertad
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos y su Proyecto
Liberal - �Un Experimento Social Fallido?
Espa�ol |
Estos son los Pa�ses M�s 'Libres'
del Mundo - �Pero qu� es Realmente la 'Libertad'...?
Democracy" - Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive
� |
Global Instability and the Rise of
Global Satisfaction with Democracy
Global System Collapse - Genes and
"Human Nature" Are Not the Cause of "World Chaos"
Sustainable Development Report 2019 by Group of
Independent Scientists - Transforming the Economy
Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy -
Fallout from Life in a Risk Society
� |
Harvard Professor Exposes Google
and Facebook
Espa�ol |
sido 'Recalibrado' para el COVID? - �En realidad eres
Ego�sta e Inmoral por No Aceptar la Vacuna?
Espa�ol |
Hay que Dejar de ser Productivos
para Empezar a ser �tiles
the Anthropocene Back Loop
Espa�ol |
La Credibilidad de la Democracia
se Tambalea en Todo el Mundo
Espa�ol |
La "Crisis de la Democracia" y el
Ataque a la Educaci�n
Italiano |
La Decostruzione della Democrazia - La Co-Creazione di
Espa�ol |
La Deuda y el Auge y Declive
C�clico de las Sociedades - S�crates
Espa�ol |
La Fantas�a del Mundo 'Libre' - �Est�n realmente Unidas
las Democracias contra Rusia?
Italiano |
La Fragilit� della Democrazia -
Atene e i "Trenta Tiranni" |
Espa�ol |
Las Matem�ticas explican la
Inestabilidad Pol�tica en Espa�a |
Italiano |
L'Instabilit� Globale e l'Ascesa
del Tecnopopulismo
Espa�ol |
Menos de la Mitad de los
'Milenials' apoyan la Democracia - Dice un Estudio de la
Universidad de Cambridge
� |
Neocolonialism and the "Migrant
� |
Neo-Liberalism seems to have
Reached a Dead End
Espa�ol |
Papiroflexia Democr�tica
Patricians and Plebeians in
Ancient Rome
� |
Plato and the Disaster of Democracy
Violence Contagion
� |
Populism - The Corrupting of
Espa�ol |
Profesor de Harvard Expone a
Google y Facebook
Italiano |
Questa Pandemia Non � Solo una "Crisi"
- � un Regalo�!
Espa�ol |
Reiniciar el Capitalismo en Brasil
- La Meta del Nuevo Gobierno
Italiano |
Ricchi e Buoni? - Le Trame Oscure
del Filantrocapitalismo
� |
The Brave New World of
Surveillance Capitalism
� |
The Coming Collapse - A Long
Process of Political, Cultural and Social Decay
� |
The Dark Side of Disruption - 'The
Gig Economy' is the New Term for Serfdom
� |
The Fragility of Democracy -
Athens and the 'Thirty Tyrants'
� |
The Grand Irony of RussiaGate -
The U.S. Becomes more like the USSR every Day
� |
Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark
� |
The Rise of 'Corporate Nations'
These 25 Companies are More
Powerful than Many Countries
� |
This Pandemic is Not Just a
'Crisis' - It's a Gift...!
� |
To Stop Climate Change Modern
Capitalism Needs to Die - Scientists say to U.N.
Espa�ol |
Trump est� Aqu� para Quedarse y Cambiar el Mundo
� |
Where Do You Draw the Line in
Today's Crazed Political Environment?
� |
Why the Anglo World is Collapsing
� |
Why the Eurozone and the Euro are
Both Doomed
� |
Why the U.S. is the World's First
Poor Rich Country
� |
Why the World is Giving Up on
Youth and Satisfaction with
� |
Anarchy - An
Alternative / Anarqu�a - Una Alternativa |
� |
� |
vs.�Minarchy - Do You Want a Little Government or None
at All?
� |
and Anarchy - Contradictory or Complementary
Espa�ol |
Cinco Razones del Porqu� la
Anarqu�a Ser�a una Mejora en la Gobernabilidad Humana
Espa�ol |
El Mito de la Autoridad
Espa�ol |
El �nico Camino para Salvar al
Mundo es Salvarte a Ti Mismo |
� |
Five Reasons why Anarchy would be
an Improvement in Human Governance |
� |
British Diplomat believes Anarchism is our Only Alternative
to a Corrupt Government |
� |
Four Things the 'Powers-That-Be'
Don't Want You to Know about Anarchy |
Espa�ol |
La Tormenta del Totalitarismo se
� |
Living in a World Gone Mad - Is
Peaceful Anarchy the Secret to a Better Society?
� |
No Masters, No Rulers - A World
Without Statist Conditioning
Espa�ol |
Sin Amos, Sin Gobernantes - Un
Mundo Sin Acondicionamiento Estatista
� |
Some Reasons Why We do
Not Need a President
� |
Some Things you Need to Know about
� |
� |
The Indigenous Community that
Rebelled Against Narcos, Thieves, and Politicians� and
� |
The Myth of Authority
� |
The Only Way to Save the World is
to Save Yourself
� |
True Anarchy of Life on Earth
- The Human Role in Sophia's Correction
� |
The World's First Floating Nation
to Launch in Pacific Ocean in 2022 - With Own Government
and Crypto...
Espa�ol |
Un Dise�o para la Vida
� |
What Lies Beyond Capitalism and
� |
� |
� |
Statism is Dead - True News
� |
� |
Books-Treatises |
� |
A Theory of Socialism
and Capitalism - by Hans-Hermann
Espa�ol |
Breve Historia del Capitalismo -
por Jacques Attali
Capitalist Manifesto -
by Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler
Capitalism -
The Unknown Ideal -
by Ayn Rand
Impact - Reshaping
Capitalism to Drive Real Change - by Ronald Cohen
Espa�ol |
Doctrina del Shock - El Auge del Capitalismo del Desastre
- por Naomi Klein
Espa�ol |
La Trastienda de Trump
- por Daniel Estulin
Shibusawa Eiichi and the Merger of
Confucianism and Capitalism in modern Japan -
by John Sagers
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
- by Shoshana Zuboff
�- "The Shock Doctrine - The Rise of
Disaster Capitalism" - by Naomi Klein
� |
Multimedia |
� |
A New Approach to Capitalism in
The 21st Century - Davos Annual Meeting 2008
- Bill Gates
Beware, Fellow Plutocrats, the
Pitchforks are Coming - Nick Hanauer
Capitalismo - Historia de Un
Romance - Capitalism - A Love Story
Espa�ol |
Capitalismo vs. el Clima
- Capitalism vs. the Climate
Espa�ol |
Cuidado, Compa�eros Plut�cratas,
las Horcas est�n Llegando - Nick Hanauer
Fidel Castro advierte en 1992 del
Actual Desastre Ecol�gico de Brasil en la Amazon�a
Espa�ol |
�-�"Yo ser� Socialista, pero No quiero Ser bobo" - Capitalismo y
Comunismo son una Enfermedad - Pepe Mujica
� |
Related Reports |
� |
� |
American "Empire"
- Main File
� |
� |
Biden - A 2021 U.S. President
- Main File
� |
Big Brother Loves You...
- Main File
� |
� |
Globalization and The European
- Main File
� |
The United Kingdom and Brexit
- Main File
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |