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from VidRebel Website � � � �
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4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies. � Dr Francis Anthony Boyle who wrote America's Bio-terrorism law agrees that it was made in a lab. � Question:
The Covid-19 'virus' was made in a lab at the University of North Carolina. � Dr Fauci
Epidemiological studies show that 70% of both Americans and of people around the world are deficient in Vitamin D. � Scientific studies reveal that we could reduce the Covid death rate by 80% by giving everyone minimal doses of Vitamin D-3. � Also Ivermectin has clearly shown an ability to cure Covid.
On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld went on CBS Evening News and admitted that neither he nor the Pentagon comptroller rabbi Dov Zakheim could trace $2.3 trillion from the DOD budget... � On September 11 (2001), the Pentagon was attacked killing over 50 civilian and military auditors who had been trying to see what happened to the missing trillions. � Question:
There was a COMEX vault containing gold and silver bullion in the basement vault four levels down at WTC Tower 4.
On September 11, 2001 BBC announced the collapse of World Trade Center Tower 7 some 23 minutes before it actually fell down. � The BBC said that they had been told by the then Rothschild owned Reuters News Agency that Tower 7 had already collapsed. � The Tower had been hit by debris from the South Tower but the fires had been put out for several hours.
Did you know that rabbi Dov Zakheim, the DOD Comptroller on 911, was President of SPC International in the 1990s which had a device called the Command Transmitter System that allowed the user to electronically and remotely control up to 8 planes at once so there was no need to have hijackers on board the planes?
The North and South Towers had 47 central core steel columns and 236 perimeter columns for a total of 283. � For the buildings to fall straight down at nearly free fall speed all 283 connections from the columns to each of the 110 floors had to be cut within a second of each other. � Keeping in mind open air fires cannot reach half of the temperature required to melt steel,
Dr Mark Skidmore has demonstrated that at least $35 trillion has gone missing from government accounts since 1998.
Dr Mark Skidmore and others before him noticed discrepancies on the orders of trillions of dollars in the sale of US Treasury bonds. � They all have concluded that wealthy men are allowed to take money from the sale of Treasury bonds and stick the money into their very deep pockets.
Did you know that the US M1 Money Supply is growing faster than Argentina's? � At the current rate of growth the American Money supply will grow by at least 2,000% from October 2019 to Summer 2022.
Several States are looking into passing a law to require that the Congress declare war before state National Guard troops can be federalized and sent on long deployments overseas in combat zones.
Covid-19 was also designed to kill the economy so you could blame the virus and not the Bankers,
David Rothkopf was the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates back in the 1990s. � He wrote the book 'Superclass - The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making' in which he said that,
Do you not see that Lockdowns are integral to the NWO plans for the Great Reset which will forever reduce everyone to slavery who is not a member of one of the 30 Families? � Question:
The kings of ancient Sumer and Babylon painlessly ended Depressions by cancelling debt.
Since the self-appointed Elite stole tens of trillions of dollars from the taxpayers,
We will probably need to declare martial law when our cities are being burned down by rioters in search of food. � The junior military officers could could easily turn martial law into a justice based military coup and,
Do you think worldwide
debt cancellation funded by seizing the assets of our criminal elite
is a good idea...? � |