Derived from the Greek word 'poneria,' Ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of socio-political evil.


�-� About Andrew M. Lobaczewski

�-� After the Next 9-11 - Definition of Cryptocracy

�-� A Journey Through The Madness Industry - The Psychopath Test

�-� Archons - The Secret Pact


�-� Arcontes - El Pacto Secreto

�-� Beyond Insanity - Political Ponerology - Macrosocial Evil


�-� Comienza el Juicio contra Israel por Genocidio en el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia


�-� El Mal Puro y Completo Enmascarado como Pandemia

�-� Evil Only Comes where It's Invited - Tracking Ponerogenesis in History and Israel-Palestine

�-� International Criminal Court Tribunal declares Trump and Duterte Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


�-� Introducci�n a Logocracia - Presentaci�n mundial del �ltimo Libro de Lobaczewski

�-� Introducing Logocracy - First entry in this world-first presentation of Lobaczewski's final Book


�-� La Ignorancia del Mal


�-� La 'Ponerolog�a Pol�tica' se cuela en los Medios de Comunicaci�n Espa�oles


�-�"Lavender" - Se Desenmascara la Aterradora Realidad de la Guerra Automatizada

�-� Political Ponerology - A Science on The Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes

�-� 'Political Ponerology' by Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Commentaries and Additional Quoted Material


�-� 'Ponerologia Politica' por Andrew M. Lobaczewski - Comentarios y Material Adicional Citados


�-� Ponerolog�a Pol�tica - Una Ciencia Sobre la Naturaleza del Mal Adaptada a Prop�sitos Pol�ticos

�-� Ponerology

�-� Ponerology 101


�-� Psic�patas y Psicopat�a - Una "Rama" de La Ponerolog�a - Main File

�-� Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological "Branch" - Main File


�-�Qu� ha pasado con la Educaci�n y la Sociedad Occidentales? - �De d�nde Viene toda esta Locura?

�-� Reflections on Political Ponerology


�-� Reflexiones Sobre Ponerolog�a Pol�tica


�-� Serpientes en Traje - Ponerolog�a 101

�-� The Demon-cratic Cryptocracy "Puppet Show" Book - How the New World Order Cult Communicates &...

�-� The Ponerological Dysfunctions of G.W.Bush

Additional Information

�-� About The Emotional Basis of Political Power

�-� A Brief Exploration of COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis


�-� Acerca de la Base Emocional del Poder Pol�tico

�-� A Developing Evil - The Malignant Historical Force behind the Great Reset

�-� A Different View of 'The Holocaust' - Main File


�-�Agresi�n Estadounidense? �Nunca...!


�-� Algo Maligno Viene Hacia Ac�

�-� Alien Origins of Sociopathy - How Bloodlines Have Been Genetically Tweaked to Produce an Abundance...

�-� All The President's Women - Hillary Clinton

�-� American Apocalypse - The Government's Plot to Destabilize the Nation is Working

�-� A Parasite of a Different Order - A Psychic Tapeworm

�-� A Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger - Main File

�-� Are Globalists Evil or Just Misunderstood?

�-� Are We Possessed?

�-� A Study about the Origin of Evil - Yaldabaoth-Yahweh-Enlil

�-� Axis of Evil - Cheney, Bush and The Real Axis of Evil

�-� Backdoor Talks on Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Aim to Globalize Corporatocracy

�-� Big Brother Loves You - Main File

�-� Bohemian Grove - Main File

�-� Bonhoeffer's "Theory of Stupidity" - We have More to Fear from Stupid People than Evil Ones

�-� Bush Is Certifiable


�-� Cambio Clim�tico C�smico y Terrorismo Financiero - Atando Cabos

�-� Chemtrails and Geoengineering - Main File

�-� Cheney's Deceit of Shakespearean Proportions


�-� C�mo Sobrevivir a un Cambio de R�gimen

�-� Confessions of An Economic Hit Man

�-� Congressional Probe Reveals Cover-Up of "Auschwitz-Like" Conditions at U.S.-Funded Afghan Hospital

�-� Democide Mass-Murder and The New World Order


�-� Democidio, Asesinato en Masa y El Nuevo Orden Mundial

�-� Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


�-� El Centro del Mal en el Mundo - El Estado en la Sombra Brit�nico


�-� El Desaliento - La Herramienta m�s utilizada por El Mal


�-� El Gobierno M�s Maligno en la Historia Estadounidense


�-� Elitismo Global - Los Rasgos del Car�cter de Gente Realmente Malvada


�-� El Mal Escondido - Medios y T�cnicas Para Desacreditar


�-� El Pr�ncipe de las Tinieblas se Re�ne con Su �lite Global


�-� El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio - Main File


�-� El Resultado Final de Ignorar el Mal


�-� Errar es Humano... Pero No para M�...


�-��Es Esto Arte????


�-��Estamos Pose�dos?




�-� Exponiendo a Los Mal�volos Due�os y Se�ores de La Tierra

�-� Exposing The Evil Overlords of Earth

�-� George Soros and The Rothschild - Main File

�-� Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy on The Twentieth Century and After... - Main File

�-� Global Elitism - The Character Traits of Truly Evil People

�-� Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash and Burn

�-� Global Reset - Great Reset - Main File


�-� Humanos 'Sin-Espiritu'


�-� Identifican el Origen Com�n de la Maldad Humana

�-� Idiots, Zealots, Elitists and Patriots - The 4 "Wise Monkeys" of Modern Society

�-� Imposter Consciousness

�-� Industry "Weapons" for Earth's Depopulation - Main File

�-� Interview to Former Economic Hitman John Perkins - 2012, Government Corruption and More...

�-� Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan - Main File

�-� Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum - Main File


�-� Klaus Schwab y el Foro Economico Mundial - Main File

�-� KONY 2012 Part 2 - License for Imperial Conquest

�-� KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing


�-� La Conciencia Impostora


�-� La Corruptocracia


�-� La Guerra Global contra los Ni�os


�-�La Ra�z de toda Maldad? - "El Enga�o de Dios"


�-� La Vida... Invertida

�-� Life... in Reversal


�-� Los C�rculos Herm�ticos - El Sistema Financiero Mundial y Sus N�cleos De Poder

�-� Manipulating Matter - The Scientific Dictatorship as A Project in The Reconfiguration of Reality

�-� Manufacturing The Deadhead - A Product of Social Engineering

�-� Mass Depopulation on Its Way - The Secret Team's Management of The World

�-�'Mass Formation' - The Applied Science of Social Engineering

�-� Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death - Main File

�-� Murder Is Not An Anomaly in War

�-� Normal People Under Pathocratic Rule

�-� Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era or The Greatest Deception? - Main File

�-� On The Nature of Man's Evil Deeds - Is All The Mass Killing Due To Genetics, Learned Behavior, or...

�-� On The Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in The Light of Mind Invasive Technology


�-� Or�genes Alien�genas de La Sociopat�a - C�mo Los Linajes han Sido Gen�ticamente Ajustados para...


�-��Porqu� el Mal tiene Tanto �xito?


�-��Porqu� est� el Mal tan Apurado?�- La Muerte de La Luz

�-� Projecting Evil Onto Russia

�-� Psychology And Psychiatry Under Pathocratic Rule


�-�Qu� es la "Psicosis de Formaci�n Masiva"?


�-�Qu� se Necesitar�a para Construir 'Un Mundo Sin Globalistas'?


�-� Qu� Son Realmente los Chemtrails

�-� Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI - Main File

�-� Reining In The Imperial Presidency - The Conyers Report and What YOU Can Do With It!

�-� Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File

�-� Satanic Reality

�-� Sinister Forces - Audio Interview With Peter Levenda

�-� Skepticism Vs. The "Art" of Debunking


�-� Sobre la Naturaleza de Acciones Malvadas del Hombre

�-� Something Wicked This Way Comes

�-� Spiritless Humans

�-� Spiritual Predators and Pathological Gurus

�-� Struggling With Pedophilia in Islam

�-� Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main File

�-� Ten Reasons America Will Be Judged as The Most Brutal Empire in History


�-� Teocracia - de "Guerra en El Cielo - El Colegio Invisible"


�- �Terroristas en La Administraci�n Bush? - Terrorismo Internacional

�-� The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans

�-� The Architecture of History - How the World Has Been Set-Up: Proof Revision

�-� The Ascendancy of The Scientific Dictatorship

�-� The Bushes and The New World Order - Main File

�-� The Bush Impeachment Movement - Main File

�-� The Clintons - America Politics - Main File

�-� The Covidian Cult

�-� The Dark Core of Personality

�-� The Dark Core of Personality - An Investigation

�-� The Dark History of The Vatican - Main File

�-� The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry - Main File

�-� The Despoiling of America - How George W. Bush Became The Head of The New American Dominionist...

�-� The End of All Evil

�-� The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy - 500 Million Debt-Serfs

�-�"The Family" - Main File

�-� The Faustian Face of Modern Science - Understanding the Epistemological Foundations of Scientific...

�-� The First Corporation

�-� The Global Elite - Main File

�-� The Global War on Children

�-� The Heart of Darkness - The Sexual Predators within America's Power Elite

�-� The Holy Inquisition - Main File

�-� The Madness of George W. Bush - A Reflection Of Our Collective Psychosis

�-� The Most Evil Government in American History

�-� Theocracy - from "War in Heaven - The Invisible College"

�-� The Politics of Obedience - Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

�-� The Power Elite's Use of Wars And Crises

�-� The Prince of Darkness Meets His World Elite

�-� The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Main File

�-� The Psychopathic God

�-� Therapy For The World of A Macrosocial Pathological Phenomenon

�-� The Root of All Evil? - "The God Delusion"

�-� The Rothschilds - Main File

�-� The Rules of Disinformation - Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth

�-� The Secret History of America's Capital - Washington D.C. - Main File

�-� The Sociobiology of Sociopathy - An Integrated Evolutionary Model

�-� The Triumph of Evil

�-� The Wetiko Virus - A Malignant Egophrenia

�-� The WHO - World Health Organization - Main File

�-� Top UN-Secret

�-� Trickle-Down Tyranny - Why Ordinary People in Positions of Local Power Are Adopting Tactics of Tyrants


�-� Una Realidad Sat�nica


�-� Un Par�sito de Orden Diferente - Una 'Tenia Ps�quica'

�-� Violent Humanity

�-�"V" is For Vendetta

�-� We're Not the Good Guys - Why is American Aggression Missing in Action?

�-� West's Moral Bankruptcy Exposed

�-� What Chemtrails Really Are

�-� What would it Take to Build a 'World Without Globalists'?

�-� Why America is the World's Most Uniquely Cruel Society

�-� Why Do Good People follow Evil Orders?

�-� Why Is Evil In Such A Hurry? - The Dying of the Light

�-� Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File



�-� El Advenimiento de Ahriman - Un Ensayo Sobre las Fuerzas Profundas Detr�s de la Crisis Mundial


�-� La M�quina Irreal


�-��Qu� se ha Metido en Nuestras Mentes? - La Psicosis del Mundo Moderno y la B�squeda de Uno Mismo

�-� Rudolf Steiner, Secret Societies and 'The Ahrimanic Deception'

�-� The Advent of Ahriman - An Essay on the Deep Forces behind the World-Crisis

�-� The Ahriman Forces and.... How World Leaders are Influenced

�-� The Future of Ahriman and the Awakening of Souls - by Peter Selg

�-� The Incarnation of Ahriman - The Embodiment of Evil on Earth - by Rudolf Steiner

�-� The Inversion - How We Have Been Tricked into Perceiving a False Reality

�-� The Purpose of the Ahriman Forces

�-� The Unreal Machine

�-� What has Gotten into Our Minds? - The Psychosis of the Modern World and the Search for the Self

Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand of Psychopaths


�-��Como Opera la �lite Global en el Mundo?

�-� Doublespeak in The Modern Pathocracy - Political Ponerology - Macrosocial Evil


�-� El Nuevo Orden Mundial - Main File

�-� Global Pathocracy - Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World

�-� History Regurgitates

�-� How does the Global Elite Operate in the World?


�-� La "Ciencia" de la Manipulaci�n - Investigadores elaboran 'Mensajes de Culpa y Verg�enza' para fomentar el...


�-� La Historia se Vuelve a Repetir


�-� La Patocracia del Estado Profundo - Tiran�a en las manos de un Gobierno Psic�pata


�-� Los Pat�cratas quieren Destruirte - Estudiando al Psic�pata


�-� Los Protocolos de Los Pat�cratas


�-� Los Seguidores Autoritarios No Cuestionan a la Autoridad y Habilitan los Objetivos de Tiranos

�-� Pathocracy

�-� Pathocracy - Extracted from "The Nature of Evil - Political Ponerology"

�-� Pathocracy and Religion

�-� Pathocracy - Our Global Disease

�-� Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand of Psychopaths


�-� Patocracia Global - Seguidores Autoritarios y la Esperanza del Mundo


�-� Patocracia - Tiran�a en Las Manos de Psic�patas


�-� Psicopat�a y Cr�menes contra la Humanidad

�-� The New World Order - Main File

�-� The Pathocracy of the Deep State - Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government

�-� The Protocols of The Pathocrats

�-� Tyranny and the Anankastic Mind - A guest post by Martin Grady

�-� Tyranny without a Tyrant - The Deep State's 'Divide-and-Conquer Strategy' is Working


�-� Pathocracy - DISEASE


�-� Confessions of An Economic Hit Man - by John Perkins

�-� Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds - by Charles Mackay

�-� Occult Theocrasy - by Lady Queenborough

�-� Political Ponerology - The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism - by A. Lobaczewski


�-� Ponerolog�a Pol�tica - por A. Lobaczewski

�-� The Authoritarians - by Bob Altemeyer

�-� The Corporation - The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power - by Joel Bakan

�-� The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind - by Gustave Le Bon

�-� The End of All Evil - by Jeremy Locke

�-� The Hidden Evil - The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population - by Mark M. Rich

�-� The Mask of Sanity - by Hervey Cleckley

�-� The Nature of Evil - Political Ponerology - by A. Lobaczewski


�-� A Conversation With John Perkins - Democracy Now

�-� Childhood Under Siege - How Big Business Targets Children

�-� Defense Against The Psychopath

�-� El Origen del Mal

�-� Faces of Evil that Rule the World!

�-� Fall of The Cabal - The New World Order

�-� How Economic Hitmen Enslave Nations For Generations

�-� I, Psychopath - Extended Version

�-� KONY 2012 - A Ponerological Example in Africa


�-� La Ca�da del Cabal - El Nuevo Orden Mundial


�-� La Ciencia del Mal


�-� La Defensa en Contra del Psic�pata - El Arte de La Supervivencia Urbana

�-� Matrix Of Evil - Alex Jones

�-� Political Ponerology

�-� Political Ponerology - UPDATED version

�-� Political Ponerology - Evil is Real

�-� PsicoPatocracia

�-� The Anatomy of Belief and Evil

�-� The Corporation

�-� 'The Corporation' - Instituciones o Psic�patas

�-� The Corporatocracy and Central and South America

�-� The God Delusion

�-� The Origins of Evil - by Michael Tsarion

�-� The Power of Nightmares - The Rise of The Politics of Fear

�-� The Root of All Evil - Richard Dawkins

�-� The Root of Evil

�-� The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal - Bill Gates

�-� The World Government Terror Cryptocracy

Related Reports

�-� COINTELPRO - Main File

�-� Crimes Against Humanity - Main File

�-� Denver International Airport and its Murals - Main File

�-� Gods and Religions on Planet Earth - Main File

�-� Guerra en El Cielo - El Colegio Invisible - Un Concepto Completamente Nuevo y Revolucionario Sobre...

�-� Matrix - Main File

�-� MK-Ultra - The Monarch Project - Main File

�-� Organic Portals - Main File

�-� Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans - Main File

�-� The Astral Plane - Main File

�-� The New World Order - Main File

�-� The Bushes' Clan and The New World Order - Main File

�-� The Order of Skull & Bones - Main File

�-� War in Heaven - The Invisible College - A Completely New And Revolutionary Conception of The Nature...

�-� What is "STS-STO" - Que es "SAS-SAO" - Main File