� � from ChangingCourseForLife Website �
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� Post British Empire colonial ambitions were hatched around the desire to form a number of global trading empires whose leadership would be essentially elitist and corporate, with banks mostly at the helm.
� A trading pattern which is anything but 'free' due to the fact that it is designed to prevent any one country stopping any other country from resisting the import of products that it has no need or no wish for:
'Free' Trade is controlled by the World Trade Organization, another autocratic top down institution the majority of whose board is composed of the CEO's of the World's largest multinational and transnational corporations with a sole interest in profit and power. �
A hallmark of the neo-conservative and
neo-liberal capitalist dream (nightmare) which is dying a painful
death even as I write. � Maybe because their campaigning arm is obsessed with finding ways to promote the utterly meaningless multi-purpose catch-all 'sustainable development', or arguing about the effects of 'climate change' or naively encouraging the 'Agenda 21' countryside depopulation propaganda exercise.
� That might be because such organizations have already been living out of the pocket of the corporate purse for at least two or three decades. They probably learned that catch phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds you" and agreed that winning the war against global destruction is best done by cozying-up to the very forces that are complicit in the destruction process. � This can be easily achieved by offering a little green spin as fair exchange for being bankrolled into embellishing otherwise insufferable corporate agendas.
I wonder if any green consumer savior has ever heard of or ever even read anything by or about their founding fathers? � People who understood something about 'human scale' communities and the values inherent in local and regional production and consumption of quality goods produced on a relatively small scale by caring individuals for caring individuals?
Its existence was planned and executed
at the 1955 Rome meeting of 'The
Bilderbergers', a secret society of elitist despots whose
role is to set the agenda for a super centralized state - and
ultimately world - in which the most powerful oligarchs retain 100%
control over the evolution of society. The European Common Market was established in 1958, three years after this Bilderberger meeting. � Its co-founder Jean Monet, in a 1954 letter to a friend, unashamedly stated outright that the object was to create a 'Federal Europe'. But to do it covertly, making it seem that the ambition was to initiate a process of economic harmonization between the nation states of Europe. � � �
� Oh yes, the lawyers know where to look for the legal definition of 'a cabbage' and other such vital bits of information. � They and they only, know where to dig up the right phrase amongst the various treaties which resulted from the 'democratic' voting procedures (read 'fixed' voting procedures) which got us all embroiled in this vast and ugly behemoth over the past five or six decades.
...were created. � All of these are just part of one mega power structure whose ambition is to run the planet for its own ends, casting aside any and all voices for an independent and self-autonomous society made up of people with values still grounded in honorable traditions of fairness, social cohesion and actual justice. � A model of society which ought to be stamped all over the Greens' calling cards.
� The EU ultimately serves the interests of the Monsanto and Pfizer's of the world, but has to appear to be listening and acting on behalf of its constituent countries' peoples. � This applies to all 'trading blocks' not just the European Union.
It's that, or capitulation to global corporate 'full spectrum dominance' under the likes of, There's a way out of this - and it's called 'power to the people'... � � � |