� |
� |
� |
31% of U.S. Voters think a Second
Civil War is Likely
� |
34 Years Ago a KGB Defector
chillingly Predicted Modern USA
� |
70 Years Later it's Still '1984'
� |
Espa�ol |
Bases en 70 Pa�ses" - Caracas ve "C�nica" la reacci�n de
EE.UU. por su Cooperaci�n con Mosc�
Espa�ol |
1947, el A�o en que Todo Cambi� - Hace mas de 70 A�os
� |
1947, the Year that Changed Everything - 70 Years On
� |
turns 70 Years Old in a World that Looks a Lot Like the
Espa�ol |
A 30 A�os de la Invasi�n de
EE.UU., Panam� busca Alejarse de la Hegemon�a de
� |
A 1958 Speech Exposing "A Small
Clique of Power Lusting Conspirators" and their Plan for
North America
� |
A Bold Proposal to Fix U.S.
Foreign Policy
� |
A Century of U.S. Intervention in
Central America created the Immigration Crisis
Espa�ol |
Acerca de EE.UU., Soros y Sus Esquemas
� |
� |
A Clinton Presidency -
Humanity's Worst Nightmare - Hillary's "Rage for War"
� |
A Decisive Shift in the Power
Balance has Occurred
� |
A Disturbing 1995 Prediction by
Carl Sagan Accurately Describes America of Today
Espa�ol |
A Favor de Putin
Espa�ol |
Estadounidense? �Nunca...!
Espa�ol |
Cooperar con Washington en Siria, Rusia ha Ca�do en una
Espa�ol |
Alta Tensi�n Rusia-USA
- Rusia Responde con Fuerza a las Amenazas de EE.UU.
� |
America - A Sunset Empire
� |
� |
America Collapses into a "Pharma
State" - Just like a "Narco State" but run by
Prescription Drug Cartels...
� |
America Going Through its
Own Political Arab Spring
� |
America has Been at War 93% of the
Time - 222 Out of 239 Years - Since 1776
� |
has Lost"
- Duterte Announces "Separation" from United States,
with China and Seeks...
� |
America has No Allies, Only
� |
America is Exhibiting All of the
Signs of a Failing Empire
� |
America is on a "Hot War Footing"
- House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?
� |
America is The Same 'Ol Oligarchy
it Was over a Century Ago - History Lesson
Espa�ol |
Am�rica Latina gira a un Mundo
Multipolar - Mientras la UE sigue a la "Potencia en
Decadencia, EE.UU."
Espa�ol |
Am�rica Latina - La Nueva Arma
arrojadiza de EE.UU. contra China
Espa�ol |
Am�rica Latina - La Zona de
Influencia del Gobierno Trump
Espa�ol |
Am�rica Latina no quiere una nueva
Guerra Fr�a
� |
American Apocalypse - The
Government's Plot to Destabilize the Nation is Working
� |
American Horror Story
� |
American Idiocracy - 50 Years
Later, We're Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone |
� |
American Militarism is Destroying
the Future of Humanity
Espa�ol |
Am�rica no es EE.UU. - La Lecci�n
que deber�a Aprender la OEA
� |
American Requiem
� |
Americans: A Conquered
People - The New Serfs
� |
Americans Argue Over Puppets
while Global Masters Meet in Secrecy
� |
America's Advancing Empire -
Putsch, Pillage and Duplicity
� |
Fate - Oligarchy or Autocracy
� |
America's Imperial Empire - The
Sun Never Sets but the Mote remains in the Emperor's Eye
� |
America's "Humanitarian War"
Against the World
� |
America's Permanent-War Complex
� |
America's Secret Cerebral
Campaign - Psychological and Informational Operations
� |
America's "Two-Headed One Party"
� |
America's Transition from a
Democracy to a National Security State, in Five Easy
America - The New Atlantis
� |
A Multipolar World is Emerging
Espa�ol |
Analista Advierte que
EE.UU. est� al Borde de una Insurrecci�n
� |
Anatomy of False-Flag Events�
� |
Anatomy of The Deep State - Gazing
Inside the Deep State that Controls the American Empire
� |
And Then There Was One�- Imperial
Gigantism and The Decline of Planet Earth
� |
A New Global System or a 'Global
Catastrophe'? |
� |
A New Kind of Tyranny - The Global
State's War on 'Those Who Speak Truth to Power' |
� |
An Imperial Strategy For a New
World Order - The Origins of World
War III |
� |
An In-Depth Look at the Deep State
and Shadow Government
� |
Sen. John McCain's Fundraiser Caught Operating Meth Lab - Plus Dealing Heroin and
� |
Anti-Washington "Rebellion"
Brewing Across Country
� |
A Panicked Empire tries to make
Russia an "Offer it can't Refuse"
Espa�ol |
Apocalipsis Romano - Esto
deber�amos Aprender de la Ca�da del Imperio que domin�
Medio Mundo...
� |
A Psychopath for
President? - The Right Mix of Good and Evil can Take You
Far in Life
Espa�ol |
As� es c�mo China planea
Convertirse en la Econom�a L�der del Mundo
Espa�ol |
As� es c�mo Luce la Tercera Guerra
Espa�ol |
As� Manipulan a la Poblaci�n de EE.UU. para que Odie a
Espa�ol |
As� reacciona Occidente a la
decisi�n de Putin de reconocer las Rep�blicas de Donb�s
Espa�ol |
As� se Manipula a una Poblaci�n
- Las Oscuras Verdades que
Oculta la Pel�cula "El Francotirador"
� |
Asking Questions the Politicians
and the Press Can't Answer
� |
As the Media Focuses on Russia, Govt's Own Data Shows U.S.
Interfered in 81 Elections
� |
As We Move Into 2017 the Cracks in
the Empire are Here� - How will the U.S. Empire Dissolve?
� |
Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA) Sets the Stage for the
TTIP - Towards NAFTA-EU...
Espa�ol |
Bancos Centrales del Mundo se
Deshacen de los Bonos del Tesoro de EE.UU. a un Ritmo
� |
Bases of Empire - The Global
Spread of US Military and Intelligence Bases
� |
Biden - A 2021 U.S. President
- Main File
Espa�ol |
Bidenom�a - Crisis Alimentaria
estalla en EE.UU. - 17 Millones de hogares pasan Hambre
Espa�ol |
Biden y los Dem�cratas van a
Sembrar el Caos en Am�rica Latina
� |
Big Pharma's Big Connections -
Congress Exposed as Protecting Drug Companies while
Opioid Problem...
� |
Treasure and Soul - The Exorbitant Price of American
� |
Body of Evidence Suggests New U.S.
Biological Warfront Opening
� |
Bombs and Starvation - The Only
Two Tools in the U.S. Tool Bag
� |
Russia has Become Objective for U.S.'
- Kissinger
� |
� |
Britain and the United States - A
Geopolitical Logic
Espa�ol |
Bruselas se Alza en Rebeli�n
contra Washington - Un Punto de Inflexi�n en la Relaci�n
� |
Brussels Rises in Revolt Against
Washington - A Turning Point in the US-European
� |
Brzezinski's Ghost shapes
Washington Eurasia Geopolitics
� |
Brzezinski's Warning to America
� |
Bourgeois Democracy meets 'Global
Governance' - U.S. Election 2020
Espa�ol |
Dr�stico de Planes? - EE.UU. efect�a la Compra del
Primer Cargamento de Gas Ruso
� |
Can China and Russia Squeeze
Washington Out of Eurasia? - The Future of a
� |
Capitalism as Obstacle to Equality
and Democracy - The U.S. Story
� |
Capitalism isn't going to Survive
the 21st Century - Will We?
Espa�ol |
Carta al Pueblo Estadounidense
Acerca de Ucrania
� |
Espa�ol |
Castigo a Todos los que Abusan del
� |
� |
CETA - Playing with the
Politics of Power
� |
CFR - The Council on Foreign Relations
- Main File
� |
� |
Challenging American
� |
Changing The President Won't
Matter - Who is Really Running this Country?
Espa�ol |
Chatham House postula la
Probabilidad de una Balcanizaci�n de EE.UU. en Dos
Espa�ol |
Asesinado por su Asistente Personal? - EE.UU. trata de
Cubrir sus Huellas en el Caso
� |
Chicago "Black Site" Indicates
America has Passed the Point of No Return...
Espa�ol |
China al G7 - Se Acab� que un 'Grupo
de Pa�ses' dicte las Decisiones Globales
Espa�ol |
China Encerrada en una Guerra
H�brida con Estados Unidos
� |
China has Begun to Shape and
Manage the U.S. - Not the Other Way Around
Espa�ol |
China insta a EE.UU. a revelar
Detalles sobre Laboratorios Biol�gicos en Ucrania - Los
virus que Almacenan y...
� |
China is Not Just the Largest
Economy - Here are Several other Ways it has Surpassed
the U.S.
� |
China Locked in Hybrid War with
� |
China Overtook the U.S. as The
World's Largest Economy
� |
China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold
Espa�ol |
China Podr�a Matar al Petrod�lar
con el Petroyu�n - El Sue�o de Gaddafi No Muere...
Espa�ol |
China rechaza el Petr�leo
Estadounidense a pesar de la "Tregua Comercial"
� |
China Warns the U.S. to Stop its
Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia
Espa�ol |
China y Rusia derrotan al T�o Sam
en su Propio Juego
Espa�ol |
China y Rusia se Unen y Cambian el
Orden Mundial
� |
Chinese President Highlights the
"World Wants Justice" and "Not Hegemony"
Espa�ol |
Choque de Civilizaciones 2.0
� |
Chosen Leaders, Proven
Failures and Political Debacles
� |
Change a 'Catalyst for Conflict'
� |
Espa�ol |
Colapso del Imperio - La
tecnolog�a de Misiles Rusa deja Obsoleta a la Marina
Estadounidense de un Bill�n...
Espa�ol |
Colapso Econ�mico y Hegemon�a del
D�lar - �Cu�ndo Comenz� Todo?
Italiano |
Come Platone 'Predisse' l'Avvento
di Trump
Italiano |
Come Sapere se l'America � il
Nostro Nemico
Espa�ol |
Finalmente a funcionar la Estrategia de Putin?
Espa�ol |
C�mo Estados Unidos elimin� el
Oleoducto Nord Stream
Espa�ol |
C�mo Estados Unidos se hizo
Vulnerable al Colapso
Espa�ol |
C�mo John McCain ha Paralizado la
Guerra de Obama contra ISIS
Espa�ol |
C�mo los Gobiernos siguen
Experimentando con sus Ciudadanos
Espa�ol |
C�mo Nacen las 'Aristocracias'
Espa�ol |
Parar la Marcha hacia la Guerra
Espa�ol |
C�mo Plat�n 'Predijo' el
Surgimiento de Trump
Espa�ol |
C�mo se Desarrollar� el Pr�ximo
Colapso del D�lar Americano
Espa�ol |
Comunismo 'A La Norteamericana' |
Espa�ol |
Con el Viaje en el Tiempo se Pre-Identific�
a Andrew D. Basiago como
Presidente USA que Anuncia su...
Espa�ol |
Con o sin actas Estados Unidos
quiere "el Petr�leo de Venezuela" - Entrevista a Claudio
Espa�ol |
Contempla la Impresionante
Debilidad �de "El Imperio"...!
Espa�ol |
o Subordinaci�n? - Argentina y la Agenda de Seguridad
� |
Coronation of Malevolence -
Hillary Clinton as President
� |
� |
Coronavirus and 'No Weapon Left
Behind' - The American Hybrid War on China
� |
Coronavirus Hype 'Biggest
Political Hoax' in History
� |
Corruption is now 'Our Way of
Italiano |
Cos� si Manipola una Popolazione -
Le Oscure Verit� che Nasconde il Film "American Sniper" |
� |
COVID has exposed North America as
a 'Failed State'
� |
COVID - To Governors who are
Re-opening your States - How to Defeat the Attacks
against You
Espa�ol |
Crear Laboratorios Biol�gicos con
Fines Militares - Plan de Estados Unidos�en la Amazon�a
� |
Criminalization of Cash - Driving
Toward Cashless Society
� |
Czech Molecular Biologist explains
in Layman Terms COVID-19 virus Originates from Lab in
U.S. not China
Italiano |
Da Monroe a Trump - Gli USA hanno
sponsorizzato Colpi di Stato Militari in Latino America
� |
Dark Suits Rule the U.S. and its
Puppet Presidents - Reveals Putin, stating the Obvious
Espa�ol |
Decadencia del Imperio
Estadounidense - Biden
Espa�ol |
Decadencia de un Imperio
- Paralelos entre los Estados Unidos y Roma
� |
Decline of an Empire -
Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome
� |
Deconstructing Democracy - Co-Creating Eco-Governance
� |
De-Dollarization - Europe Joins
the Party
Espa�ol |
Delirio de Grandeza y Decadencia de Occidente |
Espa�ol |
Delirios Fatales del Hombre
Espa�ol |
De Militar a Militar - Rebeli�n de
los Generales del Estado Mayor Conjunto de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Derrota Humillante de EE.UU. a
manos de Palestina al frente del G77
Espa�ol |
Desde 1945, Estados Unidos ha
Matado entre 20 y 30 Millones de Personas
Espa�ol |
y Amenazas" - C�mo EE.UU. sigue Repitiendo los Mismos
Errores en Am�rica Latina
Espa�ol |
Despu�s de Acusarla de Narcoterrorismo durante Varias
D�cadas, Estados Unidos negoci� con Cuba
Espa�ol |
Destruir Millones de Empleos o
Salvarlos a Toda Costa - EE.UU. y Europa eligen Caminos
Espa�ol |
Detalles que Revelan que el Nivel
de la Pol�tica Norteamericana est� Bajo M�nimos
Espa�ol |
Dinamarca Limpiar� el Desastre
Ecol�gico Estadounidense en Groenlandia
Espa�ol |
Discurso de Lavrov en la ONU - Una
"Rotunda Defensa del Nuevo Orden Multipolar"
Espa�ol |
Discurso de Vladimir Putin en el
SPIEF 2023 - 'Foro Econ�mico Internacional de San
� |
is for a 'Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy'
� |
Does Fear Lead to Fascism? - A
Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror
Espa�ol |
est�n los L�deres? - Acusan a los Dirigentes
Occidentales de Analfabetismo Geopol�tico
� |
Don't Be Fooled by the Political
Game - The Illusion of Freedom in America |
Espa�ol |
Dos Ejemplos que Explican la
Decadencia de EE.UU. |
Italiano |
Dove sono i Leader? - Accusano i
Dirigenti Occidentali di Analfabetismo Geopolitico |
� |
Earth - 248 Armed Conflicts after
WW2 - U.S. Started 201 (81%), Killing 30 Million |
Italiano |
Ecco come Appare la Terza Guerra
Italiano |
� da Oltre un Decennio che la Cina
si sta Preparando alla Guerra Commerciale
Espa�ol |
admite su Derrota en la Guerra contra Rusia y China
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. Amenaza a Colombia
por Querer Rebajar el Precio de un Medicamento Contra el
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. Avanza sobre el Brasil de
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. debe Pagar una
Indemnizaci�n si se confirma la Denuncia por la Covid-19
- Rusia |
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. el Mayor Progenitor de la
Desinformaci�n en la Historia |
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. - El Pa�s-Prisi�n |
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. el Sheriff de las
Am�ricas Al Servicio del Capitalismo |
Espa�ol |
en Espera de Una Revoluci�n Inminente" |
Espa�ol |
entra en "Modo P�nico" |
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. "Entren� y Financi�" a los
Terroristas del 11-S - �Una Lecci�n para Ucrania?
Espa�ol |
es El L�der Mundial en Cometer Los Mayores Cr�menes"
- Noam Chomsky |
Espa�ol |
est� Perdiendo su Hegemon�a y Luchar�n de la Manera m�s
Sucia para Evitarlo"
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. intimida a los Pa�ses de
Am�rica Latina por su Negativa a Unirse a la Campa�a
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. pierde Latinoam�rica ante
China por su 'P�simo Manejo Migratorio' y su Falta de
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. pierde Poder en la OEA -
M�xico, Brasil y Argentina se Rebelan por el Conflicto
en Ucrania
Espa�ol |
EE.UU./Rusia/China configuran la
Nueva Tripolaridad del Siglo 21
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. se Equivoc� en su Intento
de Evaluar las Capacidades de Rusia
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. se Prepara para una Ofensiva Terrestre en Ucrania
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. y la UE tienen "Verdadera Ansia" por Enfrentarse
a Rusia
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. y Rusia - De la Guerra Fr�a
a la Guerra Cibern�tica |
Espa�ol |
El Acercamiento entre EE.UU. y
Cuba - Nada es lo que Parece
Espa�ol |
El �guila, el Oso y el Drag�n
Espa�ol |
El Arma Silenciosa de Washington
para Guerras No Tan Silenciosas
Espa�ol |
El Ascenso de las Arp�as
de Guerra - Las Mujeres que Destruyen Nuestro Mundo
Espa�ol |
El Camino hacia el 2025
Espa�ol |
El Cementerio de las
Espa�ol |
El Colapso Planificado de EE.UU. y
Espa�ol |
El Colapso que Viene - Un Largo
Proceso Pol�tico, Cultural y Deterioro Social
Espa�ol |
El 'Colegio Electoral' de Estados
Unidos - �Promesa de Representaci�n Popular o Sistema
Arcaico? |
Espa�ol |
El Congreso de EE.UU. da su Brazo a Torcer y Aprueba la
Reforma de Cuotas del FMI |
Espa�ol |
Consejo de Sun Yat-sen a los J�venes Revolucionarios - No
sean T�teres Imperiales
Espa�ol |
El Debate Termin� - La
Banca se� ha Convertido en una Empresa Criminal en
Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
El Declive del Imperio Americano
Espa�ol |
El Denunciante que Expuso la Profunda Conspiraci�n de Google
para Derrocar al Gobierno de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
El Derrumbe de Israel y Estados
Espa�ol |
El Desorden Mundial - El Espectro
de la Dominaci�n Total
Espa�ol |
El Dominio Energ�tico
Estadounidense y el Ascenso del Petroyuan
Espa�ol |
Elecciones en Taiw�n - Una Derrota
para los Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
El Enigma de Putin
Espa�ol |
El Estado Mayor Conjunto Denuncia
la Influencia de los Halcones Liberales sobre la Casa
Espa�ol |
El Fin de la Dominaci�n Occidental
Espa�ol |
El Fin del Capitalismo Ha
Espa�ol |
El "Fin" del "Principio"
Espa�ol |
El FMI constata la debacle de
Europa y EE.UU. |
Espa�ol |
El Gobierno M�s Maligno en la
Historia Estadounidense
Espa�ol |
El Golpe de Estado ha Comenzado -
El Imperio Contraataca en Todas Partes
Espa�ol |
El Imperio Norte Americano - La
Realidad del 'Gran' Estados Unidos...
� |
Elites vs. Deplorables - The US is
now a Two-tier Nation |
Espa�ol |
El llamado de Biden a crear un
'Nuevo Orden Mundial' refleja el Miedo de EE.UU. a la
Espa�ol |
El Medio Oriente se libera de
Espa�ol |
El Modo Estadounidense -
Un Estudio de Psicopat�a
Espa�ol |
El Momento Unipolar ha Terminado
Espa�ol |
Moribundo Sue�o de la Globalizaci�n |
� |
Espa�ol |
El Mundo Anglosaj�n - Camino de La
Espa�ol |
El Orden Mundial ya Cambi� en 2022
Espa�ol |
Pacto Rusia-China y la Conspiraci�n Marx-Rothschild
Espa�ol |
El Pent�gono Est� Dispuesto a Cooperar con Rusia en Siria
Espa�ol |
El Pent�gono Habla
Espa�ol |
El Porqu� el Mundo est�
Renunciando a su Libertad
Espa�ol |
El Post-Excepcionalismo
Estadounidense - Trump 'Traiciona' la Idea de la �lite
que EE.UU. siempre es...
Espa�ol |
El Presidente Putin no trat� de
provocar la Tercera Guerra Mundial - S�lo la Evit�
Espa�ol |
El Problema No Es Trump - Somos
Espa�ol |
El Sistema Neocolonial Mundial "ha
Dejado de Existir" - "El Mundo Multipolar se est�
Consolidando" - Putin
Espa�ol |
El Sistema Quiere Imponer
a Hillary en la Presidencia
Espa�ol |
Suicidio del D�lar?
Espa�ol |
El Trabajo Sucio siempre consiste
en Provocar y Escalar la Guerra
� |
Empire and Its Consequences |
� |
� |
Empire Destroying Wars are Coming
to America Under Trump
� |
Empire's Double Edged Sword -
Global Military + NGOs
- Tearing Down Sovereign Nations & Replacing...
� |
Empires Then and Now |
� |
Espa�ol |
En Am�rica Latina 'El
Imperio' Devuelve el Golpe
Espa�ol |
Encuentro Biden-Putin - M�s
parecido a un 'Yalta II' que a la 'Capitulaci�n de
� |
Endless Wars Have Cost Americans
$1.6 Trillion - Report Finds
� |
Engineered Chaos and Fear
are the 'New Normal' in America
� |
Enlightened World Leadership Does
Not Exist
Espa�ol |
En Mosc�, Xi y Putin entierran la
'Pax Americana'
Espa�ol |
Env�o de Armas a Ucrania - El
Mejor Negocio Militar de la Historia para Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Am�rica Latina el Objetivo Fundamental de EE.UU.?
Espa�ol |
posible un 'Golpe de Estado' en Estados Unidos contra
Donald Trump?
Espa�ol |
Fallidos" - Arma de Encubrimiento de los Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Unidos al Borde de la Guerra Civil
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos est� Exhibiendo
todos los Signos de un Imperio Fracasado
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos - La Rebeli�n de la
"Generaci�n Y (millennials)" y la "Generaci�n Z
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos Prepara una Guerra
entre Latinoamericanos
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos tiene por Objetivo Impedir una Alianza
entre Rusia y Alemania - dice STRATFOR
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos usa Am�rica Latina
para Desarrollar Armas Bacteriol�gicas
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos viola el Derecho
Internacional con su Intento de Golpe de Estado contra
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos y su Proyecto
Liberal - �Un Experimento Social Fallido?
Espa�ol |
la Doble Moral Occidental socavando el Orden Global?
Espa�ol |
Europa al borde de una Profunda
Crisis por apoyar a Ucrania - "Es lo que EE.UU. ha
estado deseando"
Espa�ol |
Europa y EE.UU. estar�an "Al Borde
de la Desvinculaci�n" por el Conflicto Ucraniano
Espa�ol |
Eventos de la Crisis Mundial - Lo Extra�o se Vuelve cada vez
M�s Extra�o
� |
Every Facet of Government of the
U.S. is in the Censorship Business
� |
Everyone's Paying for
America's War on Russia, Including America
Espa�ol |
Evo Morales le quita la M�scara a
EE.UU. en Am�rica Latina
Espa�ol |
Experto Denuncia la Sucia Estrategia de EE.UU. para
Destruir los �xitos de Rusia en Siria
� |
Expert Says U.S. is on the Brink
of "Mass Civil Unrest" - Anti-lockdown Protests
� |
Facts About USA!
� |
Facts that Privileged Americans
don't want Us to Know
Democracy" - Manifest Destiny: Democracy as Cognitive
Fake News - The Unraveling of U.S.
Empire from Within
Fall of Empires - London, Washington and Paris on Brink of
Fascism and War - Elite Tools to
Crush and Kill Dissent
� |
� |
Fatal Delusions of Western (North
American) Man
Italiano |
Fatti che Gli Statunitensi
Privilegiati Non vogliono farci Sapere
� |
Fearing the Loss of Hegemony - The
Concept of U.S. Retreat
� |
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Main File |
� |
� |
Independence" from American Empire say EU, China, Russia...
Espa�ol |
de la Globalizaci�n? - El Futuro que le espera al
Comercio Mundial
� |
Amendment Stands as Major Block" to "Govern" - John Kerry
says the quiet part Out Loud... |
� |
Follow the Money - Senator John
McCain's Ties to Saudis and Rothschilds Exposed |
� |
Forget ISIS, America Is the Real
Threat to the World - Says Oliver Stone
� |
Former U.S. Presidents
Explain Why the Presidency is Now Irrelevant
� |
For our Rulers, Smearing a
Dissident Journalist like Julian Assange is as Good as
Killing Him
� |
For Sale to the Highest Bidder -
How Middle Eastern Governments are Buying Off the U.S.
Political Process
� |
Fortress America
� |
Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW) used
by USG to Attack Venezuela
Espa�ol |
Fragmentar Irak - El Demencial
Plan Estadounidense
Espa�ol |
Fran�ois Hollande Visitar� Mosc�
la Pr�xima Semana
- Noviembre 2015
� |
From Monroe to Trump - U.S.
Sponsored Military Coups in Latin America
� |
From Trump to Nixon - 'Watergate'
film explains "How We Learned to Stop an Out of Control
� |
Gaddafi Predicted and Tried to
Stop this Terror Wave in UK - So the U.S. Murdered Him...
� |
Gallup Poll - 43 Percent of
Americans think Socialism is Good
Italiano |
Gennaio 2020 - Tutto quello che �
Accaduto nel Mondo
� |
Get Ready for a Major Geopolitical
Chessboard Rumble
Italiano |
Gli Orrori dell'Impero - Note da
"La Linea estrema del Racconto Matrix"
Italiano |
Gli Stati Uniti come "Distruttore
di Nazioni"
Italiano |
Gli Stati Uniti sono la Maggiore
Causa della Instabilit� Globale - Ma Pretendono di
essere la Soluzione
� |
Crisis Events - The Weird Keeps Getting Weirder
� |
� |
Globalists will Need Another
Crisis in America as their Reset Agenda Fails
� |
Gloomy Putin World View Comments
� |
Save the Queen' - The U.S. Destruction of the British Empire
� |
Goodbye Democracy and
- It Was Fun...
� |
Governing Elites Think
We're All Morons
- New Study
� |
Government and Media are doing
Exact Same Thing they Did to Start Iraq War - And
Americans are Buying It
� |
Government wants to 'Dictate
Espa�ol |
Guerra en Ucrania para mantener a
la Uni�n Europea Bajo Tutela
Italiano |
Guerre - La Storia Cancellata -
Pangea Grandangolo
Espa�ol |
Hace 34 a�os un Desertor de la KGB
Predijo un Escalofriante Moderno Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
una Desdolarizaci�n de la Econom�a Mundial?
Espa�ol |
Haciendo Preguntas que los
Pol�ticos y la Prensa No Pueden Responder
Espa�ol |
Ha Ocurrido un Cambio Decisivo en
el Equilibrio del Poder Mundial
Espa�ol |
una Injerencia Brutal en Am�rica Latina" - �Qu� esperar
de la Crisis entre M�xico y Ecuador?
� |
Heading for War with Russia?
Espa�ol |
Hechos que los Estadounidenses
Privilegiados no Quieren que Sepamos
Espa�ol |
Hemos Estado Hackeando Elecciones por M�s de un Siglo
� |
Here's why the Signs of a New
World Order are becoming Increasingly Obvious
� |
Hidden American History,
Delusional Leaders and the Kali Yuga
Espa�ol |
en EE.UU. y sus Sat�lites por Avance Geopol�tico de
Rusia y China
� |
History is Being Made in the East
this Week - While War is Being Made in the West...!
� |
Horrific Torture Report Shows Why
Much of the World Considers America to Be the Nazis of
The 21st...
� |
America is Bringing 'Peace' and 'Democracy' to The World
� |
How America Took Out the Nord
Stream Pipeline
� |
How 'Aristocracies' are Born |
� |
� |
How Can Kids Reach Out to Congress
� |
How Corporate Power Killed
� |
How John McCain Crippled Obama's
War on ISIS
� |
How Life Under Predatory
Capitalism Traumatized a Nation
� |
How North America made itself
Vulnerable to Collapse
� |
How the U.S. Flooded the World
with Psyops
� |
How the U.S. Government and U.S.
Military Became Murder, Inc.
� |
How to Know if America is Your
� |
How to Split the USA into Two
Countries - Red and Blue
� |
How to Survive The Empire
� |
� |
How to Think About the World After
� |
Human Rights Hypocrisy -
U.S. Criticizes Cuba
Espa�ol |
Identificada el Arma con que
Mataron C�lula por C�lula al Comandante Ch�vez
Espa�ol |
Identifican el Arma "de Alta
Tecnolog�a" con la que Indujeron C�ncer a Hugo Ch�vez
� |
Identity Politics =
Totalitarianism |
Espa�ol |
a la Americana - 50 A�os despu�s Continuamos Encallados en
la "Zona de Penumbra - Twilight Zone"
� |
If America Continues to Go Down
the Same Path as Europe, this is What Life Will Be Like
� |
If Economic Cycle Theorists are Correct, 2015 to 2020
will be 'Pure Hell' for The United States
� |
If the United States stopped
Destroying the World, the 'Bad Guys' Might Win
� |
If the U.S. Loses Syria, The US
Loses Its Empire
- U.S. Threatens Russia, China for Not Supporting...
� |
If you Provoke the Entire World,
something May Happen
Italiano |
Il Collasso Pianificato di Stati
Uniti e Europa
� |
Italiano |
Il discorso di Biden per creare un
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale riflette la Paura degli Stati
Uniti al Multipolarismo
Italiano |
Il Katechon Negativo tra Sacro e
Potere - L'Agonia dell'Impero Americano el il Nuovo
Nomos della Terra
Italiano |
Il Mondo Anglosassone - Il Cammino
della Tirannia
Italiano |
Il Moribondo Sogno della
Italiano |
Vero Pericolo � in Casa" - Dice un esperto di Politica
Estera Americana
� |
Imperialism and its Accomplices -
The Question of Dictatorship and Democracy at Home and
� |
Presidency' of Donald Trump - A Threat to American
Democracy and an Agent of Chaos in the World? |
Espa�ol |
Importantes Desarrollos Sugieren fuertemente el Fin del
Orden Mundial Unipolar
� |
Independent American and Russian
Women Call for Peace
Italiano |
In Favore di Putin
� |
In Latin America "The
Empire" Strikes Back
� |
In the Foreign Policy Shadow of
Dr. Brzezinski - Obama, Islamic Fundamentalism and
� |
In the U.S. 800 Thousand Children
Missing Each Year
� |
In Unanimous Vote U.S. House Says
No Legal Right to Attack Iran
� |
at U.S. Border is 'Engineered' by United Nations - Top
Panama Official Warns |
Espa�ol |
Investigaci�n Revela c�mo el PCCh
Interfiri� en las Elecciones de EE.UU.
Italiano |
I Piani della Cina per spezzare la
Forza del Petroldollaro
� |
Iran is China's Secret Weapon for
Killing off the U.S. Dollar's Global Reserve Status
� |
Is Putin's Strategy finally
Beginning to Work?
� |
Israel's occupation of Syria is
�Security,' Russia's moves in Ukraine are �Aggression' -
US Hypocrisy reaches a...
� |
Is the American Empire on the
Verge of Collapse? - Beware the Dogs of War...
� |
Is Trump a 'Covert Ally' to the
Multipolar Order?
� |
It's the 'End of the World As We
Know It' - The American-NATO rush toward Nuclear War
with Russia
� |
It's Time to Question
America's "Authoritarian Demagogue" that Rules our World - Chimamanda Ngozi...
� |
It's Time to Start Getting Enraged
at what Western Imperialists have done to Syria
� |
It's Time to Start Imagining a
Post-Police World - Why Abolishing the Police is Not a
Crazy Idea...
Italiano |
Biden Non � Incompetente - Sta facendo 'Esattamente ci� per
cui � Stato Scelto' - Far Collassare gli USA
� |
Joe Biden is Not Incompetent - He
is doing 'Exactly what He was Hired to Do' - Collapse
Espa�ol |
Joe Biden No es Incompetente -
Est� haciendo 'Exactamente lo que fue Contratado para
Hacer' - Colapsar EEUU
� |
Biden pledges 'Allegiance to the New World Order' in 1992
Espa�ol |
Julian Assange - �No es un Caso
Espa�ol |
Justificaciones que
� |
Kennedy's U.S.-Russia Joint Space
Vision must be Revived
� |
Kissinger Nails It... For Once...
Espa�ol |
La Agon�a de Occidente
Espa�ol |
La Alarmante Amenaza
"Nuclear" del Presentador de Noticias favorito del
Gobierno de Vladimir Putin
Espa�ol |
La Alianza del Millenium entre
Estados Unidos de Am�rica y la Federaci�n Rusa
Espa�ol |
La Alianza Occidental est�
Derrumb�ndose - La UE est� Abandonando a
Estados Unidos sobre Derrocar...
Espa�ol |
La Autentica Raz�n por la que
EE.UU. Amenaza a Corea del Norte y de la que Apenas se
Espa�ol |
Laboratorios Biol�gicos de Estados
Unidos - �Una Nueva Era de Control Mundial?
Italiano |
La Caduta degli Imperi - Londra,
Washington e Parigi sono sull'Orlo del Collasso
Espa�ol |
La Ca�da de los Imperios - Londres, Washington y Par�s est�n
al Borde del Colapso
Espa�ol |
CIA - 70 A�os en Ucrania" - Los Hechos, con Douglas
Espa�ol |
La Cibercracia, el 'Deep State' y
el Pent�gono sujetan a Trump
Italiano |
La Cina potrebbe Uccidere il
Petroldollaro con il Petroyuan - Il Sogno di Gheddafi
Non Muore
Espa�ol |
La Corruptocracia
Italiano |
La Corruzione � adesso 'Il Nostro
Modo di Vivere'
Espa�ol |
La Credibilidad de la Democracia
se Tambalea en Todo el Mundo
Espa�ol |
La Criminalizaci�n del Dinero en Efectivo - Conducci�n hacia
la Sociedad Sin Dinero en Efectivo
Espa�ol |
La Crisis de Estados Unidos - Una
Cultura Ubicua de Informaci�n Sesgada
Espa�ol |
La "Crisis de la Democracia" y el
Ataque a la Educaci�n
Espa�ol |
Crisis de Siria en Manos de Aut�nticos Locos
Espa�ol |
La Cuidadosamente Calculada Agenda
de Migraci�n en Masa
Espa�ol |
La Decadencia de EE.UU. y
el Fin del Imperio Americano
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
Italiano |
La Decostruzione della Democrazia - La Co-Creazione di
Italiano |
La Democrazia Borghese incontra
"La Global Governance" - Elezioni 2020 in USA
Espa�ol |
La Desdolarizaci�n - Europa se Une
a la Fiesta
Espa�ol |
La decisi�n de Rusia sobre el
Tratado START fue una "Primera Llamada" para Occidente
Espa�ol |
La Econom�a de Guerra ha
Fortalecido a Rusia y Hundido a las Potencias
Espa�ol |
La Empresa de Biden financi� los
Atentados Terroristas en Ucrania
Espa�ol |
La Era de la Confrontaci�n
Espa�ol |
La Escalofriante Vuelta a la
'Normalidad' en Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
La Estabilidad Pol�tica de Rusia
Garantizada mientras Occidente se Hunde
Espa�ol |
La Estrategia de 'Seguridad Nacional' de Joe Biden
Espa�ol |
La Guerra contra Rusia y China ya
ha Empezado - Declara Ex-funcionaria
de la Casa Blanca
Italiano |
La Guerra contro Russia e Cina �
Gi� Iniziata - Cos� Dichiara ex-Funzionaria
della Casa Bianca
Espa�ol |
La Guerra de Terror de una
Superpotencia Canalla - �Cui Bono?
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Secreta del Petr�leo ha
� |
Italiano |
La Guerra Segreta per il Petrolio
� Iniziata
� |
Espa�ol |
La Fantas�a del Mundo 'Libre' - �Est�n
realmente Unidas las Democracias contra Rusia?
Espa�ol |
La Histeria Nuclear en Occidente
tras el discurso de Putin - �Qui�n realmente Amenaza a
Espa�ol |
La Historia Americana Oculta, los
Delirantes L�deres y el Kali Yuga
Espa�ol |
La Ilusi�n de Libertad
Espa�ol |
La Impudicia de la Indulgencia
Espa�ol |
La Incre�ble M�quina Instant�nea
Espa�ol |
La Incre�ble Sordera de Washington
y Londres - Ucrania
Espa�ol |
La Ley del Almirantazgo y
la Esclavitud a Trav�s del Lenguaje
Italiano |
L'Alleanza del Millennio tra Stati
Uniti d'America e la Federazione Russa
Espa�ol |
La Locura del Imperio
� |
Espa�ol |
La M�scara Benevolente de
Washington se est� Desintegrando
Espa�ol |
La Mentalidad de Colmena es La
Tumba de La Humanidad
Espa�ol |
La Mentira - La Principal Arma de
Guerra en Ucrania
Italiano |
La Nuova Alleanza in Medio Oriente
scuote i Poteri Mondiali
Espa�ol |
La "Peste Blanca" del Siglo XXI -
Plan de Recetar hasta la Muerte
Espa�ol |
La Pol�tica de lo Obvio - �Vaya!,
porqu� el Mundo de Habla Inglesa es la Nueva Uni�n
Italiano |
La Post-Eccezionalit� Statunitense
- Trump Rinnega l'Idea dell'Elite che gli Stati Uniti
spno sempre "Puri" e...
Espa�ol |
La Prueba de que Estados Unidos
est� Controlado por Corporaciones Extranjeras
Italiano |
L'Aquila, l'Orso e il Drago
Espa�ol |
La Ruptura - Los Dos Imperios
Financieros m�s Poderosos de la Historia Moderna
Espa�ol |
La Ruta de la Seda envuelve a
EE.UU. en Am�rica Latina
Espa�ol |
Las Dos Superpotencias - �Qui�n
Controla Realmente los Dos Pa�ses?
Espa�ol |
Las Fases de Un Imperio
� |
Espa�ol |
Las "Fantas�as Hist�ricas" de EE.UU. acerca de Vlad�mir
Espa�ol |
Las Fuerzas Multipolares d�a a d�a
se Consolidan M�s en sus Posiciones
Espa�ol |
Las Ra�ces de la Adicci�n de
Washington a la Fuerza�Militar
Espa�ol |
Las Semillas de la Pr�xima Guerra
Civil en Estados Unidos
Italiano |
La Stabilit� Politica della Russia
� Garantita mentre l'Occidente Affonda
Italiano |
La Storia si sta facendo all'Est
questa Settimana mentre a Ovest si sta facendo la Guerra...!
Italiano |
La Tragedia di Trump
Espa�ol |
Trastienda de Trump' - Estamos a las Puertas de un Colapso
Econ�mico Mundial y del Desmantelamiento...
Espa�ol |
Ultima Arma de "Destrucci�n Masiva Econ�mica" de Rusia
contra el Sistema Occidental
Espa�ol |
La Ultima "Maniobra Agresiva" de
Rusia es� Una Proposici�n de Paz
Espa�ol |
La Verdad Detr�s del Capitalismo
Espa�ol |
La Verdadera Raz�n por la que los
Propagandistas han estado Promoviendo la Histeria
Espa�ol |
La Verdad sobre la "Influencia
Rusa" es simplemente que Rusia dice la Verdad
Italiano |
La Via della Seta accerchia gli
USA in America Latina
� |
Leaked Memos Show U.S.
Threaten Continued Violence if Colombia Challenges Big
Pharma Monopoly
� |
Leaked Sec. Kerry Audio
that CNN and NY Times Tried to Hide - Confirms U.S. Role
in Rise of ISIS
Italiano |
Le Banche Centrali del Mondo si
Disfano dei Buoni del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti a tempo
di Record
Italiano |
Le Due Superpotenze - Chi
controlla veramente i due Paesi?
Italiano |
Le "Fantasie Isteriche" degli USA su Vladimir Putin
Italiano |
L'Era del Confronto
Italiano |
L'Europa al limite di Una Crisi
Profonda visto l'appoggio all'Ucraina - "E' ci� che gli
Stati Uniti ha desiderato"
� |
Libya, Syria, Ukraine - Same
Playbook, Same Puppet Masters
Italiano |
L'Indecenza dell'Indulgenza
Espa�ol |
Locura Total - Crece la
Sombra de una Posible Guerra Nuclear
� |
Looming Economic Collapse
Scenarios Facing the United States - Lessons from the Soviet
Espa�ol |
Lo que la Ciencia dice sobre la
Pol�tica |
Espa�ol |
Los 5 C�rteles que Gobiernan los Estados Unidos y el
Mundo |
Espa�ol |
Los BRICS y la Estructura de un
Mundo Heptapolar - Contra la Unipolaridad Anglosajona
Espa�ol |
Los Cinco Frentes Globales de
Conflictos abiertos por EE.UU. - Una Sinopsis de 2023 |
Espa�ol |
Los Conflictos Internos y Externos
de EE.UU. acercan el Fin de su Dominio |
Espa�ol |
Dictadores deber�an Temer a la IA |
Espa�ol |
Los EE.UU. Planearon Borrar del
Mapa a la USSR con un Masivo Ataque Nuclear
- Orden Post Segunda... |
Espa�ol |
Los Emails Explosivos de
Hillary Clinton |
� |
Espa�ol |
Estados Desunidos de Am�rica" - La Cr�tica de 'The
Economist' a la Polarizaci�n de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Los Extra�os Preparativos
para Emergencias del Gobierno de EE.UU
Espa�ol |
Los Grupos Religiosos
Estadounidenses Generan M�s Dinero que Microsoft y Apple
Espa�ol |
Intentos de Crear un Mundo Unipolar han tomado Formas
Monstruosas" - Putin
Espa�ol |
Los Intentos de EE.UU. de aislar a
Rusia reforzaron un Mundo Multipolar
Espa�ol |
Los Intereses de Estados Unidos en
Brasil detr�s de la Decisi�n Contra Lula
Espa�ol |
Los Intereses de Estados Unidos en
el Conflicto de Ucrania
Espa�ol |
Los L�deres Mundiales acuerdan 'Etiquetar
al Ganado' del Planeta
Espa�ol |
Los Planes que EE.UU. tenia en
Siria... y que Rusia ha Roto en Pedazos
Espa�ol |
Los Plenos Poderes del
Presidente de Estados Unidos
Italiano |
L'Ovest � gestito da Barbari |
� |
Major Developments Strongly Suggest the End of Unipolar
World Order
� |
Majority of Mexicans see the United States as Greatest
Threat - New Poll Shows
Espa�ol |
Malone sobre la Investigaci�n de
Armas Biol�gicas en Estados Unidos - �Somos los Buenos o
los Malos?
� |
Martial Law in USA?
The Death of Democracy
- Main File
� |
� |
Masters of Deceit - The
Government's Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain
� |
Medical Martial Law - Is this How
they Plan to Lock Down planet Earth?
Espa�ol |
Merkel insta a Europa a Prepararse
para un Mundo 'Sin el Liderazgo de EE.UU.'
Espa�ol |
M�xico - La "Huerta" de Amapola de
Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Mientras Rusia Crecer� m�s de lo
previsto, la Econom�a de EE.UU. se Hunde - Lo dice el
� |
Military Intelligence has
Weaponized Democracy Worldwide
� |
Military Omnipresence - A Unifying
Concept for America's 21st-Century Fighting Edge
� |
Military to Military - On US Intelligence Sharing in the
Syrian War
� |
Millennials Poll Shows
Sanders' Revolution Reshaping U.S. Electorate
� |
Missing in Action - What Happened
to War and the Imperial Drive to Organize the Planet?
� |
More American Troops to
Afghanistan to Keep the Chinese Out? - Lithium and the
Battle for Afghanistan Mineral
Espa�ol |
de China en America Latina
� |
Munich Conference reveals
East-West Divide
� |
Nation Transfixed in Horror by Toy
Bombs while Destroying Lives with Real Ones
� |
Neocolonialism and the "Migrant
� |
Neo-Liberalism seems to have
Reached a Dead End
� |
Neoliberalism - The
'Zombie Doctrine' at the Root of All Our Problems
� |
New "Dark Money" Documentary Shines Light into the Shadows
Cast by the Super-Rich
� |
New FBI Report definitively proves
'Russiagate' which dogged Trump's US presidency was
'Made Up' from the...
� |
New Video Evidence of America's Coup in Ukraine - And
What it Means
� |
New World Disorder and the Demise
of Capitalism
� |
New World Disorder - Emerging
Division Between East and West Threatens to Plunge the
Globe into Chaos
� |
World Order' vs. 'Empire of Lies' - Key takeaways from
Lavrov's UN Speech
� |
NGOs are the 'Deep State's Trojan
� |
NGOs - Choice Tool of
Subversion for the New World Order
Espa�ol |
a la Intervenci�n Militar de Estados Unidos en Venezuela!
� |
Nobody is 'Stealing' your Jobs -
You Spend Too Much on Wars - Alibaba founder tells U.S.
Espa�ol |
No hay "Valores Comunes" entre los
Europeos y Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
No Necesitamos Nuevos
Presidentes - Necesitamos una Nueva Conciencia y un
Nuevo Sistema
� |
Nonsense at the G7 Summit - Russia, Greece and
Convenient Threats
� |
Putin Did Not start the War in Ukraine" - Towards a U.S.
War against Russia?
� |
No 'Unfriendly Nations' for
Russia, Only 'Unfriendly Elites' - Putin
� |
Now is the Time to Talk About what
We are Actually Talking About
Espa�ol |
Nuestra Sociedad tiene los Mismos
S�ntomas que el Imperio Romano justo antes de su Ca�da
- �Colapso...
Espa�ol |
Nueva Alianza de Oriente Medio
sacude a los Poderes Mundiales
Espa�ol |
Numerosas Noticias
Alarmantes que Silencian los Grandes Medios de
Espa�ol |
Nunca EE.UU. Estuvo tan Aislado en
Am�rica Latina
� |
Espa�ol |
Occidente Devora a sus Hijos
Espa�ol |
Ocho Contradicciones del "Orden
Basado en Reglas" del Imperio
� |
One Humanity, One Planet,
One World - Global Politics is Dehumanizing Mankind
� |
One Nation Under Blackmail
Espa�ol |
Opciones Rusas contra un
Ataque Estadounidense en Siria
� |
Open Skies Treaty Vital for Confidence Building -
Russian Tu-154 Flies over Washington
� |
Up Society Now" say Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin
� |
Our Society has the Same Symptoms
as the Roman Empire just Before the Fall - Is a Collapse
� |
Pearl Harbor False Flag
75th Anniversary - Time to Admit the Deception
� |
People Keep Talking About
'The Establishment' - What Is It, Anyway?
Italiano |
Perch� gli Stati Uniti vogliono il
Petrolio Venezuelano se Comprano gi� il 41% delle loro
esportazioni Totali?
Italiano |
Perch� il Crollo degli USA � solo
all'Inizio e non alla Fine...
Italiano |
Perch� l'Occidente Non Pu�
Tollerare i Russi
Espa�ol |
Periodistas se R�en de la Vocera
del Departamento de Estado cuando dijo que EE.UU. No
Apoyaba Golp...
Espa�ol |
Per� - �Asediado por EE.UU., la
CIA y el Foro Econ�mico Mundial? |
Espa�ol |
Plan de Cambio de R�gimen en
Venezuela por EE.UU. - Apagones El�ctricos para
'Galvanizar Malestar P�blico'
� |
Politicians Use "Rent a Crowd"
Company to Give Illusion of Support
� |
Poll Exposes '2-Party'
Dictatorship - 65% of Americans want a Candidate Who is
NOT Clinton or Trump
� |
Populism in America -
"Follow the Money"
Espa�ol |
favor, Recuerde NO Votar...!
Espa�ol |
acept� Trump que Estados Unidos renuncie a ser el
Gendarme del Mundo?
Espa�ol |
Porqu� el Colapso de EE.UU. est�
s�lo Comenzando - No est� Terminando...
Espa�ol |
Porqu� el Occidente odia a Putin - Lo que No le est�n
Espa�ol |
Porqu� la Tercera Guerra Mundial
se Vislumbra en el Horizonte
Espa�ol |
quiere Estados Unidos el Petr�leo Venezolano si ya
Compra el 41% de sus Exportaciones Totales?
Espa�ol |
Todo el Mundo Mantiene a Flote la Econom�a de EE.UU.?
� |
Presidential Executive Orders -
The Fourth and Stealth "Branch" of Governance
Espa�ol |
Presiones de EE.UU. y Terror
Medi�tico sobre la Base China en la Patagonia |
Preventing a Disrupted
Presidential Election and Transition
Espa�ol |
Primeros Observadores de
EE.UU. llegan a Argentina para Instalar Bases Militares |
� |
Principles, Not Bitterness will
Determine History |
� |
Prisons of Pleasure or Pain -
Huxley's "Brave New World" vs. Orwell's "1984"
� |
Proof that the USA is Controlled
by Foreign Corporations
Espa�ol |
Publican m�s Evidencia sobre el
Posible Origen del Covid-19... y apunta a Estados Unidos
� |
Putin announced the Doctrine of
Global Confrontation with the United States
Espa�ol |
Putin anuncia la Doctrina de la Confrontaci�n Global con los
Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Putin atribuye a "la Pol�tica
Miope" de la U.E. y EE.UU. la Crisis Energ�tica y
Espa�ol |
Putin, cansado de 'Mentiras sobre Hackeos Rusos', env�a
un Mensaje Directamente al Pueblo Americano
Espa�ol |
Putin concluye que "El Futuro
Orden Mundial est� siendo creado ante Nuestros Ojos"
Espa�ol |
Putin marca el Fin del Mundo
Unipolar y Avecina un Cambio de �lites a nivel Global
� |
Putin's Conundrum
Italiano |
Putin segna la Fine del Mondo
Unipolare e rende prossimo un Cambiamento delle Elites a
Livello Globale
� |
Putin Tired of 'Russian
Hack Lies' Sends a Message Directly to the American
Espa�ol |
Putin vs. Obama - Mundo Real vs. Ilusa Fantas�a
� |
Putin vs. Obama - Real World vs. Deluded Fantasy
Espa�ol |
busca Antony Blinken en su Gira por Am�rica Latina?
Espa�ol |
Entre el Diablo y Escoja entre Trump y Biden |
Espa�ol |
Est� Comprando Secretamente la Deuda de EE.UU.?
Espa�ol |
Pierde M�s con las Sanciones a Rusia que incluyen la "Opci�n
Espa�ol |
se Beneficia con el Acto de Terrorismo en los Oleoductos?
Espa�ol |
Ra�ces Espirituales del
Conflicto Ruso-Estadounidense
Espa�ol |
Recuento Oficial de las Invasiones
� |
Reported Death of TTIP -
An Abhorrent Political Deception
Espa�ol |
Revolucionarios de Color en
Estados Unidos
Italiano |
Rivoluzionari di Colore negli
Stati Uniti
� |
Road to White House - New Boss
Will Be the Same as the Old Boss
Italiano |
Rothschilds invia il Presidente
Francese Macron in Cina - Cerca di salvare l'Europa
visto che l'Impero...
� |
Rothschilds send French President
Macron to China - Attempt to Save Europe as U.S.
Rockefeller Empire Panics
Espa�ol |
Rusia, China y Arabia
Saudita ponen en Jaque a la Hegemon�a del D�lar
Espa�ol |
Rusia, EE.UU. y Francia Formar�n
una Amplia Coalici�n que "Dar� un Golpe Definitivo al EI"
- Dice Hollande
Espa�ol |
Rusia est� Derrotando a EE.UU. en
el 'Juego del Petrolero en Oriente Medio'
Espa�ol |
- La Oportunidad Perdida
Espa�ol |
Rusia quiere obligar Estados
Unidos a Respetar la 'Carta de la ONU'
Espa�ol |
Rusia reconoce de "Forma
Inmediata" la Independencia de las Rep�blicas
Autoproclamadas de Donetsk y Lugansk
Espa�ol |
Rusia revel� c�mo los Experimentos
Biol�gico-Militares de EE.UU. prepararon el Covid-19
Espa�ol |
Rusia se ha Preparado durante A�os
para esta Confrontaci�n que Occidente Subestim�
Espa�ol |
Rusia Ya ha Ganado la Guerra contra Occidente... �Quieres
saber Porqu�?
Espa�ol |
Rusia y China invierten en
Infraestructuras - Estados Unidos en cambio gasta en
Elementos Militares
� |
Russia and China are Containing
the U.S. to Reshape the World Order
� |
Russia and China Invest in
Infrastructure - U.S. instead Spends on Military
Italiano |
Russia, Cina e Arabia
Saudita mettono a Repentaglio l'Egemonia del Dollaro
� |
Russia, Cuba and the Truth about
Putin the U.S. Media Doesn't Want You to Know
� |
Russia is Defeating the U.S. in
the 'Middle East Oil Game'
Italiano |
Russia - L'Opportunit� Persa
� |
Russia Not to Blame for Global
'Food Crisis' - Putin
� |
Russia-Putin and the West
� |
Russia's Political Stability
Ensured while the West Sinks
� |
Russia - The Lost Opportunity
Italiano |
Russia vs. Ucraina... e gli
Anglo-Americani - La Dimensione Esoterica |
� |
Russia vs. Ukraine... and the
Anglo-Americans - The Esoteric Dimension |
� |
Security, Safety, Security! -
Dictatorship by Democracy
Italiano |
Se Provochi Tutti qualcosa
Potrebbe Succedere
Seven Ways Republicans and
Democrats are Exactly the Same!
� |
Since 9/11 North America has
Traded Liberty for Security and we're Almost Out of Both
Espa�ol |
Si Provocas a Todo el Mundo, algo Podr�a Suceder
Espa�ol |
Siria - Conversaciones de
Paz y un Imperio Volvi�ndose Loco
� |
Six Years Ago today the U.S.
helped Murder Gaddafi to Stop the Creation of
Gold-Backed Currency
Espa�ol |
Sobre el Caos en EE.UU. y
Su (Eventual) Recuperaci�n
Espa�ol |
la Dominaci�n de Washington sobre la ONU?
� |
Some Reasons Why We do
Not Need a President
� |
Striking Parallels Between The U.S. and The Roman Empire
� |
� |
Supporting Genocide to Halt
� |
Survey - You'll Never Guess what
Americans are Most Afraid Of...
� |
Syria - Peace Talks and an Empire Running Amok
� |
Techno-Authoritarianism - China
and Deep State have Joined Forces
� |
Technocracy and the Rise
of the Police State
� |
Ten Reasons America Will Be Judged
as The Most Brutal Empire in History
� |
Terror Junkies - The West's Addiction to Funding Radical
� |
Thanks to 'War on
Whistleblowers' U.S. Ranks 41st on Press Freedom Index
� |
The 5 Cartels that Rule America and the World
� |
The 239 Year Timeline of America's
Involvement in Military Conflict
� |
The Age of Injustice and the Moral
Corruption of Individuals Orchestrating Julian Assange's
� |
The American Dream Has Moved to
Scandinavia |
� |
� |
The American Empire has Fallen -
Though Washington may Not Know it Yet...
� |
The Amerikan Way - A
Study in Psychopathy
� |
The Bait and Switch - Trump and
the "New Establishment"
� |
The Barbarism of the Migrant
� |
The Battle for the 'Global South'
- An Ancient Evil rears its Head... |
� |
Break Up - The Two Most Powerful Financial Empires in Modern
� |
The Broken Chessboard -
Brzezinski Gives Up on Empire
� |
The Carefully Calculated Mass
Migration Agenda
The Chinese are Leaving the U.S.
in the Dust
� |
CIA's Creation of "Islamic Terrorism" on American Soil
� |
� |
The Clintons - America Politics
- Main File
� |
� |
The Collapse of Western
Democracy |
� |
� |
The Coming Collapse - A Long
Process of Political, Cultural and Social Decay
� |
Coming War on China
� |
The Coming War on China - A Review
of John Pilger's Latest Documentary
� |
The Corporation of The United
States of America |
� |
� |
Cost of Building and Operating Empire (USA) |
� |
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
� |
The Coup has Begun - The Empire
Strikes Back Everywhere
� |
The Criminalization of U.S. Politics - Hillary Accused
of Racketeering by the FBI
- Will She be Dumped...
� |
Cults of Empire |
� |
The Danger of American
Fascism |
� |
The Debate is Over -
Banking has Become a Criminal Enterprise in the U.S. |
� |
The Decline and Fall of the United
States |
� |
� |
The Deep State's Stealthy,
Subversive, Silent Coup to ensure 'Nothing Changes'
� |
The Democratic Experiment is
� |
� |
The Drug Catastrophe in
� |
� |
The Dying Dream of
� |
� |
The Eagle, the Bear and the Dragon
� |
The Empire of Lies Breaks Down -
Ugly Truths the Deep State wants to Keep Hidden
� |
The End of Capitalism has Begun
� |
End of Excesses - The Collapse of Everything
� |
The Era of Tyranny has Begun -
Washington has Destroyed Western Liberty
� |
The Establishment's Last Gasp
� |
The Fallacy of 'Regime
Change' Strategies
� |
The Fall of America Signals the
Rise of the New World Order |
� |
Fall of Western Man
� |
The Folly of Empire |
� |
� |
The Four Greatest Enemies of the
� |
� |
The Global Majority Speaks - A
Billion more People just Joined the BRICS...!
� |
The Grand Irony of RussiaGate -
The U.S. Becomes more like the USSR every Day
� |
The Graveyard of the
� |
The Heart of Darkness - The Sexual
Predators within America's Power Elite
� |
The Horrors of the Empire - Notes
from 'The Edge of The Narrative Matrix'
� |
The Illusion of America - Has It
Ever Really Existed?
� |
The Illusion of Freedom
� |
The Incredible Instant ISIS
� |
The Information War - The Deadly
War hardly Anyone realizes we're Fighting
� |
The Iranian Threat - Who Is the
Gravest Danger to World Peace?
� |
Kremlin's "America-Gate"? - "An Eye for an Eye"
� |
Kremlin's Playbook" - Washington Views Russia-EU Cooperation
a Threat to U.S. National Security
� |
The Land of Don't
� |
� |
The Last Western Empire?
� |
The Left's Descent to Fascism
� |
The Looting Conspiracy in the
American "Empire"
� |
The Many Faces of Secrecy - Amy
� |
The Midas Disease - Corruption has
Shaped History - Why do we still Ignore it?
� |
The Most Evil Government in
American History
� |
� |
The Next Empire
� |
� |
NGA - The Billion Dollar Spy Agency You've Never Heard
- They Can See
a 'Stick of Butter from Space'
� |
The North America Union
- Main File
� |
� |
The Oligarch Takeover of U.S.
� |
The Path to Persia and the Ongoing
Plot to Destroy Iran
� |
The Path to Total
Dictatorship - America's Shadow Government and its
Silent Coup
� |
The Pentagon is Building
a 'Self-Aware' Killer Robot Army Fueled by Social Media
� |
The Pentagon's Law of War Manual -
A Blueprint for Total War and Military Dictatorship |
� |
Phases of An Empire |
� |
� |
The Politics of the Obvious -
(Why) the English-Speaking World is the New Soviet Union
� |
The Price of Empire |
� |
� |
The Prison State of America |
� |
� |
Real Danger Is at Home" - Says American Foreign Policy
� |
The Recolonization of Latin
America and the War on Venezuela
� |
no Great 'American Democracy' to be Restored after Trump -
And Nothing will fundamentally Change...
� |
The Road to 2025 |
� |
� |
The Roots of Today's
Tyranny |
� |
� |
These Americans are
Preparing for War With their Own Government
� |
The Secret History of America's
Capital - Washington D.C.
- Main File
� |
The Secret History of America's
Defeat in Syria
� |
� |
The Secret-Shadow Government
- Main File
� |
� |
The So-Called 'War on Terror' has Killed over 801,000 People
and Cost $6.4 Trillion
The Socialist Leader 'America
Loves to Hate' wins Again - What now?
� |
The Soros Master Plan
� |
The Spectacular Failure of (North)
American Morality
Structure of Power in American Society |
� |
The Swamp Swallowed Trump |
� |
Tectonic Plates of Geopolitics are Starting to Shift |
� |
The Telltale Signs of Imperial
Decline |
� |
The Three Ugly Sisters -
� |
The Tragedy of Trump
� |
The Truth Behind Capitalism
� |
The Two Superpowers - Who Really
Controls the Two Countries?
� |
The Tyranny of the Police State
disguised as Law-and-Order
� |
The Ukraine Crisis - Sponsored by
U.S. Hegemony and War Profiteers
� |
The Ukrainian and Colombian Road
to Empire Building - Violence and Terror
� |
The United Stasi of Amerika
� |
� |
The United States as "Destroyer of
Nations" |
� |
The United States is Led
by Two Corrupt Establishments |
� |
The UN's New Rules for 'Ruling the
World' and what does Secretary-General of the UN Ant�nio
� |
The Untold History of
U.S. War Crimes |
� |
The U.S. and EU will Collapse
Regardless of Economic 'Contagion'
� |
The U.S. Empire does Not Seek
Peace - Its Existence depends on Endless War
� |
The U.S. Exploits its Allies...
� |
The U.S. has Become a Malignant
Narcissist infecting all it Encounters
� |
The U.S. has Been Downgraded to a
'Flawed Democracy'
� |
The U.S. is an Oligarchy
- New Report from Princeton and Northwestern Proves It
� |
The U.S. is the Biggest Cause of
Global Instability - But it Pretends to be the Solution
� |
The U.S. is the World Leader of
Bio-Weapons - Research, Production and Use Against
� |
The U.S. is
the World's Worst
Human Rights Violator
� |
The U.S. Military emits more
Greenhouse Gases than Sweden and Denmark
� |
The U.S. Needs its Own
Chilcot Report
� |
The U.S. versus The World - A Majority of One, a
Minority of 192 in UN General Assembly Resolutions
The U.S. Will Not Cease its
Efforts to 'Remake' other Nations
� |
The Vladimir Putin Interview -
February 2024
� |
The Weaponization of Information -
The Need for Cognitive Security
� |
The Western Alliance is Crumbling
- EU is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad
� |
The Western Alliance is Falling
� |
The West is Run by Barbarians
� |
The Whistleblower who Exposed
Google's Deep Conspiracy to Overthrow the U.S.
� |
The World is Dedollarizing
� |
They're finally Revealing the Deep
State - Here's Why...!
� |
The Zero Evidence World of U.S.
Criminal Misleaders
Espa�ol |
Tank financiado por Soros/Koch se Opone a la "Guerra para
Siempre" de EE.UU.
� |
in Fact, is A Revolution"
- Overwhelming Majority of Americans Believe that Both
Parties are Too...
� |
This is what World War III Looks
� |
This Outlaw Power - America's
Intent is to Dominate China, Russia and the World
� |
Time for a Divorce? - The U.S. is
Bitterly Divided
� |
Time Travel Pre-identified U.S.
President Andrew D. Basiago announces 2016 Candidacy to
Millions of...
� |
Corporate Hegemony and Global Economic Warfare
� |
Today's Youth Rejects Capitalism
and Socialism - Will Technocracy Appeal to Them?
Espa�ol |
Todos Estamos Siendo
Espa�ol |
Todos los Imperios son Mortales�
incluso el de Estados Unidos
� |
To Fight for Freedom, or to Fight
for Empire - That is the Question
Italiano |
Totale Pazzia - Cresce
l'Ombra di una Possibile Guerra Nucleare
� |
Toward a Global
Espa�ol |
Transcripci�n del Discurso de
Vladimir Putin ante la Asamblea General de la ONU 2015
Espa�ol |
Triple Golpe de China a EE.UU. -
Petroyu�n con Oro y Armas Nucleares Rusas
Espa�ol |
Tropas de EE.UU. en la Amazon�a -
Se Cumple el 'Sue�o Americano' |
� |
- Main File
� |
Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton on
4 Core Issues
Espa�ol |
Trump y la Historia Estadounidense han Sido Asesinados |
� |
In Government' is No Longer Possible |
Espa�ol |
TTIP - Breve Historia de
una Agenda para el Saqueo Corporativo
Italiano |
Turchia dice NO agli USA
e alla UE
Espa�ol |
Turqu�a dice NO a los
EE.UU. y a la UE
� |
Twitter Files reveal
Government-led Censorship Network
� |
UBS Whistleblower Exposes
'Political Prostitution' All the Way Up to President
Espa�ol |
Ucrania - �Nuevo Estado Sat�lite
de Estados Unidos?
Espa�ol |
Una Historia de Humillaci�n...
Espa�ol |
Una Humanidad, un
Planeta, un Mundo - La Pol�tica Global est�
Deshumanizando a la Humanidad
Espa�ol |
Una Idea Loca y Peligrosa Salta a
la Luz P�blica
Espa�ol |
Una Lecci�n Hist�rica sobre c�mo
EE.UU. y Reino Unido 'Traen Democracia'
Italiano |
Un Analista Avverte che
Gli Stati Uniti sono al Limite di un'Insurrezione
Espa�ol |
Analista Ruso Revela como Rusia Podr�a Destruir a los
EE.UU. de forma Sorprendente
Espa�ol |
Una Revelaci�n Publica Impactante
sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Isl�mico"
Espa�ol |
Un Articulo Acad�mico Muestra Como
Piensan Muchos Militares de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Un G7 sin China es solo un Grupo
de Consulta con "Buenas Intenciones"
Espa�ol |
Un Momento Instructivo
Espa�ol |
Un Siglo de Intervenci�n
Estadounidense en Centroam�rica cre� la Crisis de
Espa�ol |
Un Tercio de los Norteamericanos
Apoyar�a un Golpe Militar
� |
USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it
Tells us About The U.S. Subversion Worldwide
Espa�ol |
USAID y Wall Street - Conflictos,
Golpes y Conquista
� |
U.S. and Israel - Two Governments
linked by Lies and Bloodshed
Italiano |
USA/Russia/Cina sono la Nuova
Tripolarit� del Secolo 21
� |
USA uses TPP-like
Trade-Court to Kill Massive Indian Solar Project
� |
U.S.-Colombia - Conspiracy Against
� |
� |
U.S. Department of Defense is The
Worst Polluter on The Planet
� |
U.S. Empire - The Reality of the
'Greater' United States
� |
U.S. Empire - When will they Stop
saying 'Unintended Consequences'?
� |
U.S. Exit from United Nations
could Become Reality with Fresh Bill
� |
U.S.-Led Western Scheme to Divide
and Destroy Syria - Revealed in Leaked British Cable
� |
U.S. Imperialism and The Ukraine
- The EU-IMF Economic Agenda
for Ukraine
� |
U.S. 'Intentionally released Covid
Virus in Wuhan' - EU Summit Told...
U.S. is 'The Greatest Threat to
Peace' in the World Today - Polls
� |
U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter
than as many as 140 Countries - Shrinking this 'War
Machine' is a Must
� |
U.S. Military World's Largest
Polluter - Hundreds of Bases Gravely Contaminated
� |
U.S. Naval False Flags -
A Brief History
� |
U.S. No Longer an Actual Democracy
- Princeton Study
� |
U.S. Policymakers openly Plot
Against Venezuela
� |
U.S. Politics isn't 'Polarized' -
It's in almost 'Universal Agreement'
� |
U.S. "Regime Change" in Venezuela
- The Documented Evidence
� |
U.S. Religious Groups Generate
More Money than Microsoft and Apple Combined
� |
U.S. Routinely Meddles in Russian and Other Nations'
Elections - Says Putin
U.S. Senate to Declare
"International Martial Law" - Give President 'Unlimited'
Military Powers
U.S. Southern Command in Colombia
along the Border - Venezuela Military Moves, U.S. Pulls
Out of INF...
Espa�ol |
Usted Deber�a Dejar los
Estados Unidos
- Pero �puede hacerlo?
U.S. to Begin Invasion of Syria
U.S. Tourists Will Be Required to
Turn Over their Social Media History
Unlawful Wars is 'Emperor's New Clothes' Tragic-Comedy
- Defining 'Clothes,' 'Wear,' 'Self-defense'
U.S. vs. Russia in Syria
- A Battle to Control the Truth
� |
U.S. Warns Allies Not to Join
China-led Development Bank
Espa�ol |
Camino de la Tercera Guerra Mundial" - Expertos
Financieros de Todo el Mundo Advierten
� |
Venezuela, Minneapolis, Iran,
Europe - Trump's Last Gasps of 'Collapsing World
Control'... Or is It? |
Espa�ol |
Vladimir Putin en Guerra contra
los "Straussianos"
� |
Vladimir Putin isn't a Supervillain - Foreign
Policy Magazine
Espa�ol |
Vladimir Putin - La Restauraci�n
de la Fe en la Humanidad
Espa�ol |
Vladimir Putin no es un Supervillano
- Revista
Foreign Policy
Italiano |
Vladimir Putin non � una Supercanaglia
- Rivista
Foreign Policy
� |
War and More War� - Trump's
National Security Strategy (NSS) |
� |
War is A Racket
� |
� |
War Pigs - The Fall of A Global
� |
Espa�ol |
Washington Amenaza - No Tolerar�
la Creaci�n de unos Estados Unidos de Europa
Washington Blows Itself Up With
its Own Bomb
� |
Washington Fears Losing Greece to
Italiano |
Washington Minaccia - Non
tollerer� la Creazione degli Stati Uniti d'Europa
� |
Washington Post just Admitted
'Russian Propaganda' was Actually U.S. Mainstream Media
and Was 'Factual'
� |
Washington's Benevolent Mask is
Espa�ol |
Washington se Niega a escuchar a
Rusia y a China
� |
Washington's Silent Weapon for
Not-so-quiet Wars
� |
Washington Wants "Regime Change"
in Ecuador
� |
Watching America Collapse -
Existence is Running-Out for America
� |
Weaponizing the U.S. Dollar is
Accelerating Global De-Dollarization
� |
We are All Being Oppressed,
Poisoned and Bankrupted
- Distractions by the
Mainstream Media
� |
We Don't Need New Presidents - We
Need a New Consciousness and a New System |
� |
Welcome to DARPA's new 'Mass
Surveillance Control Tool' |
� |
We're Not the Good Guys - Why is
American Aggression Missing in Action?
� |
Moral Bankruptcy Exposed
� |
What Does the Sale of Venezuelan
Oil in Currencies Other than the U.S. Dollar Mean?
� |
What Is the Deep State?
� |
What this 2018 Election in USA is
� |
What to Make of China's Rejection
of the Dollar? - Washington is Destroying American Power
� |
What Was Discussed At a Closed
Session of The U.S. House of Representatives?
- End of An 'Empire'... |
When Empire Hits Home |
� |
� |
When Terrorism Becomes
Counter-Terrorism - The State Sponsors of Terrorism are
"Going After the...
� |
When Washington Decides that
'Democracy is Dangerous' - Stoking Opposition in
Venezuela and Syria
� |
Where Do You Draw the Line in
Today's Crazed Political Environment?
� |
Whistleblowers vs. The State
White House 'Hysterical' over
Putin interview - Moscow |
are the Beneficiaries of American Wars? - America's
Perpetual War Six Questions |
� |
Who Controls the Government?
� |
Who is Really Behind the American
Militia Rebellion?
� |
Who is the New Secret Buyer of
U.S. Debt?
� |
� |
America is the 'Canary in the Coal Mine' of Global
� |
Why America is the World's Most
Uniquely Cruel Society
� |
Why America Needs War
� |
Why America Should Improve its Own
Democracy before Spreading Democracy Globally
� |
Why Billionaires Need Society more
than Society Needs Billionaires
� |
Why don't Americans Care about
Each Other?
� |
Why is 'The West' so Weak and
Russia so Strong?
� |
Why is Venezuela in the White
House's Crosshairs?
Why North America's Revolution
Won't Be Televised
� |
Why the Anglo World is Collapsing
� |
Why the Right to Vote in the
United States is a Fraud
� |
Why the Rise of Fascism is Again
the Issue
� |
� |
Why the United States' Democracy was
so Easy to Destroy
� |
Why the U.S. is the World's First
Poor Rich Country
� |
Why the West Cannot Stomach
� |
Why the West Hates Putin - What You're Not being Told...
� |
Why the World is Giving Up on
� |
Why US-America's Collapse is Only
Just Beginning - Not Ending...
� |
Why Venezuela Has Not Been
� |
Why We're Drifting Towards World
War 3
� |
Why You Do Not Own Any Land and
Property in the U.S. - Senate Document 43
� |
WikiLeaks Tweets Army Manual
detailing how U.S. weaponized Banking Cartel to Take
Down Nations
� |
Will America Survive Washington?
� |
Will America Tap Out??
� |
the Soviet Union Off the Map" - U.S. Nuclear Attack
against USSR Planned During World War II
Espa�ol |
Xi Jinping, Putin y el Colapso de
EE.UU. como Imperio
Espa�ol |
"Ahora Estados Unidos No va a Imponer su Estilo de Vida"
Espa�ol |
Cre� el Terrorismo Yihadista y No me Arrepiento! -
Brzezinski, Asesor de Seguridad de Carter
� |
You Have Been Fooled into
Believing WWIII is Real - Here is the Proof
� |
Additional Information |
� |
� |
42% of 'All COVID-19 Deaths in the
U.S.' occurred in Nursing Homes
� |
A Disturbing Series of Events - Governments Around the World
Seem to Be Preparing for War
� |
Afghanistan's Mineral Resources
fueling War and Insurgency
� |
After America - How Does The World Look in An Age of
U.S. Decline?
- Dangerously Unstable
Italiano |
Alcune Teorie sulle Cospirazioni
che Sono Diventate Realt�
Espa�ol |
Se�ales que la Nave de la Elite Global se Est� Hundiendo
Espa�ol |
Algunas Teor�as Conspirativas que
se Han Hecho Realidad
� |
Aliens and The Government
� |
� |
America's most Secret Intelligence
Agency DEAGEL forecasts Depopulation of the World from
Espa�ol |
An�lisis Inquietante - �Porque los
Pa�ses Aumentan sus Reservas Estrat�gicas de Petr�leo?
� |
An Interview with Zoltan Istvan,
Leader of the Transhumanist Party and 2016 Presidential
Espa�ol |
Antes del 2016 Puede Estallar una
Revoluci�n en EE.UU.
- Advertencia de un Economista
Espa�ol |
Argentina en la Ruta del
Terrorismo de Estado Colombiano y Mexicano
Espa�ol |
Armas Biol�gicas �tnicas - Una
Amenaza Real
Espa�ol |
As� Extermin� el Ej�rcito de
Estados Unidos todo rastro de la Herencia Espa�ola en
� |
As Long as 'Mass Media Propaganda'
exists, Democracy is a Sham
Espa�ol |
Batalla por los Recursos de Per� -
Embajadora de EE.UU., veterana de la CIA, discute 'Inversiones'
con Ministros
� |
Behind the Racist Coup in Bolivia
� |
Beijing Plots to Surpass U.S. in
Coming Decades
- China's Secret Strategy
� |
Building Bridges of Peace
Instead of Fear - Citizen Diplomacy with Russia
� |
Jack and The United States of Money" - A Look at Corporate
Money and Politics - DemocracyNow!
Espa�ol |
Celebrando el Genocidio -
La Verdadera Historia del D�a de Acci�n de Gracias
� |
Celebrating Genocide -
The Real Story of Thanksgiving
� |
Chief Seattle's Thoughts -
Native-American Letter that Prophesies the End of Life
and the Beginning of Human...
Espa�ol |
China abre Nueva L�nea de Cr�dito a Ir�n de 10 Mil
Millones... en Euros y Yuanes
� |
China and Russia - The Bilateral Relationship that
� |
China Calls for New Security Pact with Russia and Iran
� |
China - The Emerging Global Giant
Espa�ol |
China y Rusia, junto con los BRICS, llevar�n a EE.UU. a
la Quiebra |
� |
Christmas - The Most Depressing
Time of The Year in the Most Depressed Nation on The
Planet |
� |
Christopher Columbus - The W�tiko
� |
Espa�ol |
Como Google Puede Manipular el
Resultado de Todas las Elecciones Democr�ticas del Mundo
Espa�ol |
C�mo los Houthis dieron Vuelta al
Tablero de Ajedrez - Ataque a las Instalaciones
Petroleras de Abqaiq
Espa�ol |
a Madame Guillotina!
� |
Espa�ol |
Contra el Imperio de La Vigilancia
- Entrevista con Noam Chomsky |
Espa�ol |
Coronavirus y Geopol�tica
� |
in the Classical World
Italiano |
Corruzione nel Mondo Classico |
� |
Italiano |
Significa Aver Tolto le Sanzioni contro l'Iran? |
� |
� |
Council on Foreign Relations Tells
Government they "Have To" Use Propaganda on Americans
� |
Countering The
Corporate-Insurgency |
� |
- A U.S. Army Field Manual
� |
Espa�ol |
de Confianza' en el Tribunal Penal Internacional
� |
Cuba Reaches Out to
Partners Far and Wide to Hedge Against U.S. Engagement
� |
Dangerous Crossroads -
"This is Not a New Cold War... Nobody Will Win World War
- M.Chossuodovsky
Espa�ol |
Dead on Arrival - A Brief
Post-Mortem on the U.S.' Regime-Change Operation in
� |
Direct Democracy is the Future of
Human Governance |
� |
� |
States of America - 20 States Petition to Secede |
� |
Espa�ol |
Dos Noticias desde EE.UU. que
Indican que el Mundo 'Se Encamina hacia la Locura'
� |
Do We Face a Global Food Disaster?
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. busca obtener el Control de
TikTok a cambio de su Futura Operatividad en el Pa�s -
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. y Rusia podr�an
Entregar los Ricos Altos del Gol�n a Siria - Duro Golpe a Israel
Espa�ol |
El a�o 2024 - Gaza, Ucrania y
Eurasia en la Crisis del Declive Occidental
Espa�ol |
El Cambio Clim�tico que Acab� con
el Imperio Romano
Espa�ol |
El "Cementerio de Imperios"
reclama otra V�ctima
Espa�ol |
El Colapso de la Confianza en
Espa�ol |
El Cristianismo Ha Arruinado la
Civilizaci�n Antigua
� |
Espa�ol |
El Estado de Vigilancia
Omnipresente - '1984' de Orwell ya No Es una Ficci�n
Espa�ol |
'Fin' de los Estados Unidos?
-�Posibles Eventos que
Podr�an dar Lugar a un Apocalipsis Estadounidense
Espa�ol |
El Inicio del Cambio de Rumbo Mundial
- La Estrategia Rusa ante el
Imperialismo Anglosaj�n
Espa�ol |
El Mapa del Mundo Paralelo -
Conozca Pa�ses que no Existen para la ONU
Espa�ol |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial del Papa
Francisco - Vaticano utiliza 'Iniciativa Rothschild'
para Reformar el Capitalismo
Espa�ol |
El Poder Real Viene de la Energ�a
de la Gente - Del Porqu� Comprender
esta Verdad es Esencial para...
Espa�ol |
El Presente - Dominio a Trav�s de
D�lares y Petr�leo |
� |
Espa�ol |
El Puente entre Colombia y
Venezuela - S�mbolo Falso para que EE.UU. justifique la
Espa�ol |
El Triunfo del Ello y el
Conservadurismo - La Ca�da del Hombre Occidental
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. desea Convertir a los
Pa�ses Latinoamericanos en "Chicos Obedientes" |
Espa�ol |
Entonces, �Qu� Est� Realmente
Sucediendo Ahora? |
� |
Errors in the Human
Condition |
Espa�ol |
Estados Divididos de Am�rica -
Petici�n de Secesi�n de 20 Estados |
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos Ya No Asusta a
� |
Espa�ol |
Estos son los Pa�ses Percibidos
como con Mejor Influencia en el Mundo
Espa�ol |
Europa debe Decidir Sobre el
Conflicto contra Rusia
Manual (FM) 3-05.130 - Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional
� |
Forced Sterilizations in Peru -
Paid for by U.S. Taxpayers
� |
� |
Freedom is Receding
Around the World
Espa�ol |
Fuera de Control - C�mo Occidente
Cre�, Financi� y Desat� el Terror del Estado Isl�mico
sobre el Mundo
� |
G7 - An Obsolete, Useless Talking Shop
Espa�ol |
en Biarritz - S�lo un Circo Medi�tico
� |
Global Justice or World Domination
Global Peace Index 2017
� |
Global Satisfaction with Democracy
Espa�ol |
Golpe de Estado en Bolivia liderado por Cabecilla Paramilitar Fascista Cristiano y
Millonario con Apoyo...
Espa�ol |
Golpe de Estado en Brasil
- As� es el Nuevo Presidente que ha Sustituido a Dilma
Espa�ol |
Gran Fracaso de la ONU en
Protecci�n a Civiles en los Conflictos
Espa�ol |
Guerra No Convencional
entre el Este y el Oeste - El Control de los Medios de
Espa�ol |
Gu�a para Desenmascarar a
las Falsas 'Izquierdas'
Espa�ol |
Hacia Un Mundo Sin Estados Unidos
� |
� |
Here's a Map of all the Mass
Shootings in 2015 - What's Really Going On in the United
� |
Here's Where the U.S. Ranks on the
List of 'Most Peaceful Nations in the World'
� |
Hijacking the American Plane of
State -
Old Scripts and Empty Stories Signal a New Age�
Espa�ol |
Hillary acusada de Vender
Uranio a Rusia y Enriquecerse a Costa de Debilitar a
Espa�ol |
Hong Kong - Caos antes del Orden
� |
How a Secretive Elite created the
EU to Build a World Government
� |
How Palestine Became
- The Empire Files
� |
How the Houthis Overturned the
Chessboard - Attack on Abqaiq Oil Installations
� |
How to Avoid Second Passport Scams
and Traps |
� |
How to Spot the Reptilians Running
the U.S. Government
Clobbered Every Cash Confiscatory Agency Known to Man
Italiano |
Il Debito Globale arriva a 63
Trilioni di Dollari
� |
I'll Never Bring my Phone on a
U.S. International Flight Again - Neither Should You...
Italiano |
Il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale di Papa
Francesco - Vaticano usa "Iniziativa dei Rothschild" per
riformare il Capitalismo
Italiano |
Il Ponte tra Colombia e Venezuela
- Un Falso Simbolo per giustificare l'Intervento degli
Stati Uniti
Italiano |
Il Vento dell'Est Temuto dagli USA - L'Arte Della Guerra
Espa�ol |
Inmigraci�n - Muchos Mitos y
Escasa Realidad
Espa�ol |
Intelectuales Denuncian Intentos
de EE.UU. de Recolonizar Latinoam�rica
� |
Interlocking Agencies
that Conspire to "Create Terror" - We Do Not Need the Police
to "Create More...
� |
Introduction of Global Taxation
Just One Step Away
� |
� |
it U.S. vs. China in Trade Pacts?
� |
Is the Global Taxman Coming?
Espa�ol |
Italia a las �rdenes de Estados
Unidos contra Rusia
Espa�ol |
Italia Cortejando a China - Una
Jugada Maestra de Caos
� |
It Begins - Activists Launch
Movement to Make Taxation Voluntary
Espa�ol |
La Carta Nativo-Americana que
Profetiza el Fin de la Vida y el Comienzo de la
Subsistencia Humana
Espa�ol |
La Desgastante Diplomacia
de Putin deja al Occidente Permanentemente Fuera de
Espa�ol |
La Deuda Global se Dispara a los
63 Billones de D�lares
Italiano |
La Estenuante Diplomazia
di Putin lascia l'Occidente sempre Senza Vigore
Italiano |
La "Fratellanza Pedofila" degli
Stati Uniti - Funzionari del Cerchio Intimo di Joe Biden
implicati in Abusi...
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Est� Materializando la
Israelizaci�n del Mundo - Dividir, Conquistar, Colonizar
Espa�ol |
La Hermandad Musulmana a punto de
entrar en la Lista de Grupos Terroristas de Estados
Espa�ol |
La "Hermandad Ped�fila" de EE.UU.
- Funcionarios del C�rculo Intimo de Joe Biden
implicados en Abusos...
Espa�ol |
La Historia de 'Usar Ni�as para
Promover Agendas Pol�ticas'
Espa�ol |
La Historia Oculta Sobre la
Interminable Guerra Fr�a de Estadounidenses y Brit�nicos
con Rusia
Espa�ol |
La Independencia por Encima de
Todo - Rusia Corta las Amarras Energ�ticas de Washington
Italiano |
La Mappa del Mondo Parallelo - Per
farvi Conoscere Paesi che per l'ONU Non Esistono
Espa�ol |
La Nueva Cortina de Hierro - "La
Amenaza Rusa"
Italiano |
La Nuova Cortina di Ferro - "La
Minaccia Russa"
Espa�ol |
La Organizaci�n de Cooperaci�n de Shangh�i Encabeza la Gran
Transformaci�n de Eurasia
Espa�ol |
Las 10 Grandes Teor�as de la
Conspiraci�n de 2014
Espa�ol |
Las Estrategias de China
Encaminadas a Convertirla en La Mayor Potencia Aur�fera
Espa�ol |
Solicitud para Declarar "Terrorista" a George Soros
consigue Suficientes Firmas como para Generar...
Espa�ol |
Las Universidades del Capitalismo
y el Imperio - Entrevista a James
Espa�ol |
La Tierra Prometida
� |
� |
Latin America - The Political
Pendulum Swings to the Right
� |
Espa�ol |
La Uni�n Europea fue una Idea Estadounidense
� |
Espa�ol |
La Verdad sobre las "Fake News"
Italiano |
Le Strategie della Cina proiettata
a Divenire La Maggior Potenza Aurifera
Espa�ol |
Los Due�os del Imperio - El
Vaticano, la Corona y el Distrito de Columbia
Espa�ol |
Los Golpes de Estado "Blandos"
en Latinoam�rica - Un Caso de Manual
Espa�ol |
Los Golpistas de 'Guante Blanco'
promocionan la 'Democracia' en el Mundo
Espa�ol |
Los Imperios, el Nacionalismo y la Leyenda
Espa�ol |
Los Marinos de EE.UU. Afectados
por el Desastre de Fukushima, Traicionados por su Propio
Espa�ol |
Augurios para la Econom�a Global 2016 - 100 D�lares el
Barril de Crudo, el D�lar Cae, la Pobreza...
Espa�ol |
Mandatario Filipino Rompe
con EE.UU. y Busca "Otras Alianzas"
� |
Massive 'Contagion' Will Lead to a
Worldwide Financial Catastrophe - Will a Desperate U.S. Start
Espa�ol |
M�s Sobre Guerra Gen�tica - Laboratorios Secretos el
Pent�gono en Georgia
� |
Model Venezuelan Democracy vs.
U.S. Imperial Lawlessness
Italiano |
Riserva Federale non c'� pi� Oro"
- Lo dice l'Ex Sottosegretario del Tesoro degli Stati
� |
New "Dark Money" Documentary
Shines Light into the Shadows Cast by the Super-Rich
Espa�ol |
Hay M�s Oro en La Reserva Federal"
- Dice Ex-Subsecretario
del Tesoro de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Podemos Seguir" Luchando contra Rusia - Junker Tira la Toalla
� |
Not Quite Ready to Leave (your
Espa�ol |
Guerra a la Vista? - Arabia Saud� cambia a EE.UU. por
Italiano |
Nuova Guerra in Vista? -
L'Arabia Saudita passa da Stati Uniti a Russia
� |
Obama - A "New" Sociopolitical Era
or The Greatest Deception?
- Main File
Espa�ol |
ONU - Nacimiento del Mundo
Espa�ol |
Or�genes de La Uni�n Europea - Un
Plan Encubierto de EE.UU.
� |
Origins of the EU - USA Covert
Operations to Assimilate Europe Into a Federal State
� |
Our Society is Sick, Our
Economy Exploitive and our Politics Corrupt
� |
Owners of Empire - The Vatican,
the Crown and the District of Columbia
Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change and the
Costs of War
Italiano |
Pi� a Lungo "La Propaganda dei
Mass Media" esiste la Democrazia � una Mistificazione
� |
Politicians are Now Making Plans
in Case the Public Turns Against them Violently
� |
Poll finds 2016 is the
Year Americans Stopped Trusting the Establishment
especially the Media
Pope Francis' New World Order -
The Vatican is using a 'Rothschild Initiative' to reform
Espa�ol |
los Estadounidenses est�n Perpetuamente Sorprendidos por su
Propio Colapso?
Espa�ol |
se Siente como si el Mundo se Hubiera Vuelto Loco? - El
Domin� y la Ca�da
Espa�ol |
Venezuela y EE.UU. siguen Siendo Importantes Socios
Comerciales pese a las Tensiones?
� |
Juan Guaid� - A Neocon Tool for Unlocking Venezuela's
Vast Resources
� |
President Kennedy's UFO Quest led to
his Assassination and a Deep State Coup
Espa�ol |
Primeras Interpretaciones al Ataque de EE.UU. a Siria...
- �Todo es Puro Teatro? |
� |
Evil Onto Russia
� |
Espa�ol |
Washington Derrocar Tres Gobiernos a la Vez?
� |
Espa�ol |
Putin, el Presidente Ruso, Dice algo Acerca de ISIS que
los Medios de Comunicaci�n Occidentales No...
Italiano |
Putin dice "I Ricchi Devono Pagare"
per il Coronavirus
� |
Putin Exposes Obama's
Lame Duck Attempt to Start a New Cold War by Refusing to
� |
Putin on Russia's U.S. Election
Interference: "I Do Not Care"
� |
Putin's Attritional
Diplomacy Leaves the West Permanently Off Balance
� |
Putin says 'The Rich Must Pay' for
the Coronavirus
� |
Putin, the Russian President, says Something about ISIS
that Western Media Won't Air
Espa�ol |
es la Derecha Alternativa - Alt Right?
Espa�ol |
Inter�s hay Detr�s del Boicot al Mundial de Futbol Rusia
� |
Real Power Comes from the Energy
of the People
- Why Comprehending this Truth is Essential for Freedom
Espa�ol |
Recrudece la Guerra Encubierta
entre China, EE.UU. y sus Aliados
Espa�ol |
Revelan un Antiguo Plan Secreto de
China para Superar a EE.UU. en Un Siglo
Revising U.S. Grand Strategy
Toward China
� |
Espa�ol |
R�ndete al Nuevo Imperio
� |
Espa�ol |
Rusia Desbarata Golpe Sigiloso de los Estados Unidos
� |
Espa�ol |
Rusia provee la Tecnolog�a de Espionaje necesaria a
EE.UU... �para que Esp�e a la propia Rusia!
Espa�ol |
Rusia y China en Equilibrio - El
G7 Desquiciado
Espa�ol |
Rusia y China Liderar�n el Regreso
a las Divisas Respaldadas por el Oro
� |
Deals - Another Nail in the Coffin for U.S. Dollar
� |
Russia Preparing for Epic Split with Global Banking
Cartel by Dumping U.S. Dollar for Gold |
� |
Russia Readies Back-up System for
Potentially Explosive "Split with International Banking
System" |
� |
Russia Shoots Down U.S. Stealth Coup
Espa�ol |
Ha dado Cuenta Putin de que El Mundo Est� en Sus Manos?
Espa�ol |
de Miedo e Inseguridad aumenta" - La poco envidiable
posici�n de Europa entre China y EE.UU.
� |
Seven Key Events that are Going to
Happen by the End of September
� |
Several Examples that Show the United States has Become
a Seriously Messed-Up Country
� |
2016 Predictions - $100 Crude, Strong Ruble
Espa�ol |
Siete Eventos Clave que Van a
Suceder dentro Finales de Septiembre
Espa�ol |
Siete Poderes y un Destino -
Convivir con el �xito de la Civilizaci�n China
Espa�ol |
Sobre la Invasi�n Inmigratoria en
� |
� |
Social Transformation - The Truth
Behind Capitalism Decoded
� |
Some Signs that the
Global Elite's Ship is Sinking
� |
So What's Really Happening Now?
� |
� |
Switzerland's Struggle Against
Fiscal Imperialism
Espa�ol |
Tambores de Guerra en Ucrania
Theories of American Politics -�Elites, Interest Groups, and
Average Citizens
� |
Texas Textbook Controversy Puts
Moses in The Spotlight
� |
The Bushes' Clan and The New World
- Main File
� |
� |
The Choice Before Europe about a
Conflict with Russia
Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations - 1954
The Easiest Way to a Second
� |
The End of Hypocrisy - American
Foreign Policy in the Age of Leaks |
� |
The Eugenicist's Playbook -
Politicized Science is Making a Comeback in the 'Age of
COVID-19' |
� |
The EU's 'Investment Deal' with
Beijing punctures America's dream of a 'Transatlantic
Alliance' against China
� |
The Future of Passports and
Citizenship by Investment |
� |
The European Union Was an AMERICAN
Idea |
� |
The Evils of Big Pharma Exposed
� |
The G20 Fractures - Tensions in
� |
� |
The Global Economic Reset Has
Begun |
The Great American Adventure -
Political History of Government and Law
� |
The History of Using Children to
Push for Agendas
� |
The Horror of the Deep State's
Plan Exposed - "Thinking is Hard"
� |
The Influence of Ancient Politics
on Modern Political Systems
� |
The Lie Factory - CNN - is
Collapsing, thank God... |
� |
The Modernized Slave Labor System - Also Known as the
Prison Industrial Complex
� |
The National Endowment for
Democracy - A CIA Trojan Horse
� |
� |
The National Endowment
for Democracy - Not 'National' and Not for 'Democracy'
� |
The Neo-Imperialist Corporatist
Order and the "Men Behind the Curtain"
� |
The New Iron Curtain - "The
Russian Menace"
� |
The Omnipresent Surveillance State
- Orwell's 1984 is No Longer Fiction
� |
The Police - Our Enemies in Blue? |
� |
� |
The Press Lies About Everything |
� |
� |
The REAL Reason U.S. Targets
Whistleblowers |
� |
� |
There is an 800% Higher Probably
Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist |
� |
The Road from Rome - The Fall of
the Roman Empire wasn't a Tragedy for Civilization
� |
The Russian Phoenix - Hope or
� |
These Countries are Quickly and
Quietly Dumping the Dollar
� |
The United States has an Epidemic
of Processed Food ...And it's Killing Us
� |
The United States Isn't a Country - It's a Corporation! |
� |
� |
The U.S. Government is Officially
Funding the Study of 'Geoengineering'
� |
The World�s Tiniest Countries and
the Eccentrics Who Rule Them
TIA Lives On
� |
� |
TISA - An International
"Trade in Services Agreement"?
� |
Towards a Culture of World Peace
Espa�ol |
Transformaci�n Social -
Decodificada la Verdad Detr�s del Capitalismo
Italiano |
per Investimenti' della UE con Pechino infrange sogno
Americano del 'Patto Transatlantico' contro la Cina
� |
Two New Bills quietly Slipping
through Congress - Will give Big Pharma Unlimited Power
and Zero Accoun...
� |
Ukraine - A Geopolitical Choke
Point |
� |
� |
Ukraine - Unraveling the Planned Chaos
Espa�ol |
Ultraconservadores de EE.UU. Advierten que si Destituyen
a Trump Estallar� una Guerra Civil |
Espa�ol |
Negociaci�n Caricaturesca? - Lo que No te han Contado
Espa�ol |
Un 'Contagio' Masivo Conducir� a
una Cat�strofe Financiera Mundial - �Empezar� un Desesperado
� |
in Grave Danger"
- Former Canadian Acting PM Paul Hellyer exposes Cabal,
calls for New Energy, ET...
U.S. Government Counterinsurgency
� |
� |
U.S. Now Admits it is Funding
"Occupy Central" in Hong Kong
� |
Espa�ol |
Quieren Ser la Ramera del T�o Sam? - �Paguen el Precio!
Espa�ol |
Varios Ejemplos que Muestran que Estados Unidos se ha
Convertido en Un Pa�s Seriamente Confuso
� |
Venezuela Launches the 'Petro' -
Oil and Gold Backed Cryptocurrency to Fight U.S.
Financial Blockade
� |
War and Petroleum Reserves
� |
War or Peace? - World Entering
Epochal Period of Geopolitical Change
War with China - Thinking Through the
� |
Earth's 'Secret Occult Ruler' eliminated in U.S. led
takedown of Global Deep State?
Espa�ol |
Washington Teme al Viento del
Oriente - El Arte de La Guerra
� |
� |
Can't Go On" Fighting Russia - Junker Throws-In the Towel
� |
What if Putin is Telling the Truth?
� |
What the Global Status Quo
Optimizes - Protecting Elites and the Clerisy Class that
Serves Them
� |
What the Internet Sales Tax in the
U.S. is All About
When the Great Power Gets a Vote -
The Effects of Great Power Electoral Interventions on
Election Results
� |
Why are Americans Paying to Be
Searched, Spied On, Shot At and Robbed Blind by the
� |
Why are Americans Perpetually
Surprised by their Own Collapse?
� |
Why Does the "War on Terror" Serve
Western Policy?
� |
isn't this Maps in the History Books?
� |
Why the World Feels Like It's
Going Crazy - The Dominos and the Fall
� |
Why Voters Choose to Believe Lies - 2014 Mid-Term Elections
� |
WikiLeaks Exposes Newly
'Selected' Brazilian President as Puppet for U.S.
� |
World Sees The U.S. as Bankrupt
Politically and Financially
� |
� |
Year in Review - Our Top Ten
Conspiracies of 2014
� |
You Are Surrounded by Propaganda -
"The Invisible Government"
� |
You Want to Be Uncle Sam's Bitch?
- Pay the Price!
Espa�ol |
Si Putin Est� Diciendo la Verdad?
� |
Economic War - Guerra Econ�mica |
� |
� |
America's Largest Creditor - Will
China end U.S. Trade War with a "Debt Reset" by Dumping
U.S. Treasury...?
� |
America Will Lose the Trade War
because that is what Globalists Want to Happen
Espa�ol |
Arabia Saudita NO renov� el
Acuerdo de "Petrod�lar" con Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Calentamiento Clim�tico - El
Enfrentamiento de Occidente contra el Mundo
Espa�ol |
China abandona los USD tras Nuevo
Acuerdo con Brasil y establece Primer Comercio de GNL en
� |
China has Been Preparing for a
Trade War for Over a Decade
Espa�ol |
de Civilizaciones' o Crisis de Civilizaci�n?
Espa�ol |
C�mo la "Escasez de Alimentos" y
el Colapso Econ�mico protegen el Status Quo
Espa�ol |
es el 'rejuego' entre Estados Unidos y Alemania?
� |
De-Dollarizing the American
Financial Empire
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. y Europa Lloran - No
Aguantaron cuando China empez� a jugar el Juego del
Libre Mercado
Espa�ol |
El legislador ruso Anatoly Aksakov
vaticina el "Fin del D�lar" en un M�ximo de 10 A�os
Espa�ol |
El 'Nord Stream 2' ofrece a
Alemania una Cita con el Destino
Espa�ol |
El "Tr�o Magnitsky" impulsa la
Guerra contra Rusia - Insisten en Nuevas Sanciones "Aplastantes"
Espa�ol |
Oficial! - El Banco Central de Rusia anuncia la
vinculaci�n del �Rublo al Oro!
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos ha Perdido Todas
las Batallas Econ�micas que ha Emprendido contra China
Italiano |
� Ufficiale! La Banca Centrale
Russa annuncia il Rublo legato all'Oro!
� |
Former White House Official Says
U.S. already at War with Russia and China
Italiano |
Gli Intellettuali Occidentali
impazziscono per la "Mostruosa Cina"
Italiano |
Gli USA fanno pressione
sull'Italia per uscire dalla "Belt and Road" Cinese -
Rimanere o No nella BRI?
� |
Global Trade War U.S./E.U. Against BRICS
� |
Goodbye G20 - Hello BRICS+
Espa�ol |
Guerra Rusia-Ucrania - La Verdad
se Encuentra a 180 grados de Distancia
� |
How to Destroy Russia - The Rand
Italiano |
Il Pi� Grande Creditore
dell'America - Finir� la Cina la Guerra Commerciale
Americana "Resettando il Debito"...
� |
Imagine what Would Happen if China Decided to Impose
Economic Sanctions on the USA?
Espa�ol |
India reanudar� las Importaciones de Petr�leo de Venezuela
desafiando las 'Sanciones'
� |
Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to
Espa�ol |
Bolsa de Mosc� Suspende Oficialmente todas las Transacciones
en D�lares y Euros
Espa�ol |
La "Bomba Financiera" de las
Sanciones que EE.UU. prepar� para Rusia tuvo un Efecto
Italiano |
La "Bomba Finanziaria" delle
Sanzioni che gli Stati Uniti prepararono per la Russia
ha avuto un Effetto Contrario
Italiano |
La Borsa di Mosca Sospende
Ufficialmente tutte le Transazioni in Dollari e Euro
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Econ�mica - "Bombardeo"
contra Europa
Espa�ol |
La Inminente Guerra de Washington
contra China
Espa�ol |
La Nueva Ruta de la Seda como 'Piedra
de Tropiezo' en las Relaciones entre China y EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Las Nuevas Sanciones Antirrusas
provocan Discordia en la UE y EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Las Principales Empresas
Tecnol�gicas de EE.UU. comienzan a Cortar los
Suministros Vitales de Huawei
Espa�ol |
Las Sanciones Unilaterales Violan
los Acuerdos Internacionales
Espa�ol |
L�deres Europeos "Se Rebelan"
Contra las Sanciones Antirrusas de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Los Intelectuales Occidentales se
vuelven Locos por la "Monstruosa" China
Espa�ol |
Los intereses de EE.UU. y Elon
Musk en Venezuela
Espa�ol |
Queremos Empezar la Guerra Comercial - Pero No tenemos
Miedo de Hacerlo" - Dice China
Overextending and Unbalancing
Russia - Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options
- The Rand Corporation
Espa�ol |
Putin llam� a Liberarse de la
"Dictadura del Modelo Financiero" cuyo objetivo es
"Endeudar y Colonizar"
Espa�ol |
Ordena Finalizar el Comercio en D�lares USA en
Puertos Rusos
� |
Putin Orders End to U.S. Dollar Trade at Russian
� |
Putin Targets U.S. Monetary System - "Aims to Eliminate
the U.S. Dollar and the Euro from Trade"
Espa�ol |
Significa el Levantamiento de las Sanciones contra Ir�n?
Espa�ol |
podr�a Sufrir Sanciones ahora es el propio Estados
Espa�ol |
Sufrir� M�s del "Impago Artificial" de Rusia?
Espa�ol |
Rusia Responde a Nuevas Sanciones de EE.UU. desechando
el D�lar
� |
Russia and China Declare All-Out War on U.S. Petrodollar
- Prepare for Exclusive Trade in Gold
� |
Russia Responds to New U.S. Sanctions by Dumping the
Espa�ol |
Sancionando a los Sancionadores -
La Desdolarizaci�n y la Desamericanizaci�n son Ideas que
han Madurado
Espa�ol |
Sanciones de Mayo 2018 de Estados
Unidos contra Ir�n - CIJ Ordena Medidas Provisionales a
Estados Unidos
- Economic Aggression-Revisited
Italiano |
Sanzioni di Maggio 2018 degli
Stati Uniti contro l�Iran - CIG Ordina Misure Preventive
per gli Stati Uniti
Saudi Arabia
declares Oil War on
U.S. Fracking - Hits Railroads, Tank-Car
Makers, Canada, Russia and...
Saudi Arabia ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement -
Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency...
Italiano |
di Civilt�' o Crisi della Civilt�?
Espa�ol |
trata de un Acto de Terrorismo Internacional' - Putin
sobre las Explosiones en el Nord Stream
Espa�ol |
Siga el Dinero - C�mo Rusia
sortear� la Guerra Econ�mica de Occidente
Espa�ol |
T�cticas Occidentales Enga�osas
para desprestigiar a China - Distraen a las Masas de los
Conflictos Internos
� |
The U.S.' fury over the
China-Europe Investment Deal shows how Rattled and
Isolated they Are
� |
Underneath the Trade War of Donald
Trump and Xi Jinping
Espa�ol |
Un Tercio del Mundo est� Sometido
a las Sanciones de Estados Unidos
� |
U.S.-China Relations in the Years
Ahead - The 'Trade War' is a Sideshow |
� |
U.S. pressures Italy to Exit the
Chinese "Belt and Road" - To Stay or Not to Stay in the
BRI? |
� |
Venezuela Ditches the U.S. Dollar
and Prices its Oil in Chinese Yuan
� |
Ditches U.S. Dollar - Will use Euros for International Trade
� |
Venezuela is About to Ditch the
Dollar in Major Blow to U.S. - Here's Why it Matters
Espa�ol |
Venta Masiva - Rusia,
China y Arabia Saud� se Deshacen de los Bonos
� |
Why did Russia REALLY invade
� |
� |
� |
Coups Inside
Disturbing History
Espa�ol |
El Conflicto Ucraniano es una
Guerra por Delegaci�n de EE.UU. y la OTAN - Rusia est�
dispuesta a Ganar...
Espa�ol |
Real la Posibilidad de una Guerra Mundial?
Espa�ol |
no es aliado de EE.UU., sino su Lacayo" - Protestan en
Italia contra Expansionismo de la OTAN
Espa�ol |
Grecia se Convierte en el
Caballo de Troya de Rusia dentro de la OTAN
� |
History of US-NATO Military
Campaigns - 1991-2023
� |
NATO - Before
and After Brexit
� |
Intel Agent Reveals how NATO Planned to Tear Russia
� |
Is Global War their Goal?
Espa�ol |
La Globalizaci�n de la OTAN como
Proyecto de Contenci�n Euroasi�tica
Italiano |
La Grecia Diventa il
Cavallo di Troia della Russia all'Interno della NATO
Espa�ol |
La OTAN tambi�n Expande sus Ramas
en Am�rica Latina
Espa�ol |
La Relaci�n entre el Despliegue de
la OTAN, la Guerra Econ�mica, Goldman Sachs y el Pr�ximo
� |
Lunatics in Washington Want
Article 5 Invoked for Total War
� |
NATOstan Robots versus the Heavenly Horses of Multipolarity
Espa�ol |
Global o Paz Global...?
Espa�ol |
el Momento para EE.UU. de Salir de la OTAN?"
Espa�ol |
Setenta A�os de Sometimiento de
Italia a Estados Unidos y a la OTAN
� |
The USA and NATO oust
Crisis-ridden EU
� |
This War wasn't Just Provoked -
It was Provoked Deliberately!
Espa�ol |
Geopol�tica de Bases Militares" - El enfoque de Estados
Unidos para Am�rica Latina
Espa�ol |
Un "Muerto Viviente" en Busca de
Sangre que deambula por Europa y que se llama OTAN
� |
U.S. Foreign Policy in Shambles -
NATO and the Middle East - How do You Wage War without
U.S.-NATO "Humanitarian
Interventions" have Resulted in "Crimes against Humanity"�
� |
� |
� |
Espa�ol |
Ucrania y Occidente - Una F�brica de
Mentiras |
� |
Secession - Secesi�n |
� |
� |
79% of Americans think 'The U.S.
is Falling Apart'
Espa�ol |
El Derrumbe de Estados Unidos
Espa�ol |
Revoluci�n de Color en Washington
DC - �Golpe Anticonstitucional o Movimiento de Seguridad
� |
United States - 'Halfway to
Secession' - Unity on Foreign Policy, Disunity on
Domestic Policy
Espa�ol |
EE.UU. camino de una Guerra Civil o de una Dictadura?
� |
U.S. Presidential Elections 2016 |
� |
� |
2016 - How Truth was
Destroyed So You'd Buy the Government's Propaganda
� |
2016 - The Year Americans
Found Out our Elections are Rigged
� |
Actually 'Nobody' Won the
2016 Presidential Election - And it Was a Landslide...
� |
Assange Statement on the U.S. 2016
� |
BREXIT Pioneer Destroys
Hillary Clinton
� |
Clinton Campaign "Salvage Program"
- Technology that will Mimic an "Invading
Extraterrestrial Force"
� |
Congrats USA - Oxford
Scientists Declare BOTH Trump and Clinton Likely
� |
Could the 'Deep State' Be
Sabotaging Hillary?
� |
� |
Cutting the Cords of
Empire - The Spectacle of U.S. Elections
� |
DNC Holding Emergency
Meeting to Discuss Replacing Clinton as Presidential
Espa�ol |
El Caos Irrumpir� en EE.UU. en
Menos de 100 D�as - No Importa Qui�n Gane la Elecci�n
Espa�ol |
Elecciones en EE.UU. - �Al Borde de un L�o de Gigantescas
Espa�ol |
la Era Trump...
Espa�ol |
Estratega del Partido
Dem�crata llam� en TV a Asesinar a Julian Assange
� |
Evidence DARPA-CIA Time
Travel Pre-identified Trump as Future U.S. President
� |
Hillary Clinton's Axis of
� |
Historical and Structural
Reasons for Skepticism of CIA Claims
- Remaining Agnostic on Claims of Russ...
� |
How Google Could Rig the 2016
Espa�ol |
que Trump Llegue a Ser Presidente?
� |
In an Oligarchy, Voting
is a Tool to Manufacture the Illusion of Consent
� |
Julian Assange Releases
Statement on the U.S. 2016 Election - Breaking
� |
Julian Assange's Most
Incendiary Interview - "Hillary Clinton is the Central
Cog of the Establishment"
Espa�ol |
Casa Blanca 'acusa' a Trump de Mantener V�nculos Financieros
con Rusia y RT
Espa�ol |
La Inc�moda Verdad sobre Goldman Sachs, Trump y los BRICS
que No quieren que Veamos
Espa�ol |
Las Revelaciones de
WikiLeaks que M�s Comprometen a Hillary Clinton
� |
Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to save
Clinton Campaign
� |
Les Deplorables -
America's 24/7 Circus Maximus
� |
Most Millennials Despise
Both Major Candidates 2016 and Both Parties - Poll
� |
Most Young Americans say Parties
Don't Represent Them
- Poll
Espa�ol |
Mueren en "Extra�as Circunstancia" varias Personas
Incomodas para Hillary Clinton...
�Y Ella misma...
Italiano |
Muoiono in "Strane
Circostanze" varie Persone Scomode per Hillary - E Lei Stessa pu� Essere la
� |
President Trump - The
Anti-Globalist USA Champion or Just Another Con-Man
Riding a Trojan Horse? |
Espa�ol |
Presuntas Maniobras
Militares en EE.UU. anticipan "Caos Civil" tras las
Elecciones |
� |
Princeton Professor Shows How Easy
it Is to Hack an Election in Just 7 Minutes
- Outside Web Link |
� |
Putin Lashes Out at Obama
- "Show Some Proof or Shut Up"
Espa�ol |
Putin podr�a Destruir a
Hillary Clinton este Octubre (2016)
Italiano |
Putin potrebbe
Distruggere Hillary Clinton questo Ottobre (2016) |
� |
QAnon Unmasks Britain as State
Actor that Interfered in U.S. 2016 Presidential Election
Report on the Investigation into
Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election
- The Mueller Report |
� |
Roaming Charges - When
the Pterodactyls Came Home to Roost |
Program - Executive Overview: Hillary Clinton Flash-Crash to 12%
Favorable, Losing 19-77%...
Espa�ol |
Sobre el Futuro Inmediato en
EE.UU. - Las Elecciones del Pr�ximo Noviembre |
� |
Steve Pieczenik - U.S.
Intelligence Waging Coup Against Corrupt Clintons
Italiano |
Stratega del Partito
Democratico ha chiesto in TV di Assassinare Julian
Testing Theories of American
Politics - Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
� |
Coup against Trump and his Military-Wall Street Defense
� |
The Next Presidential 2016 Election Will Move the World
Closer to War
� |
These Blast Points on
Hillary's Campaign... Only the Deep State is So Precise
� |
The U.S. 2016 President Must Restore the Original 1789
- Also Protect the Rights of Children... |
� |
Trump Against the Machine
- How Political Elites Failed |
� |
Trump and the "Collapse
of Capitalism"
(COC) - Foibles, Fables and
Failures, the Financial Press and its... |
� |
Trump and Brexit are
Retaliation for Neoliberalism and Corruption |
Espa�ol |
Trump Avanza hacia la
Casa Blanca - Confirmado por el Colegio Electoral |
Espa�ol |
Trump Contra la
Maquinaria Pol�tica
- C�mo las Elites Pol�ticas Fracasaron
Espa�ol |
Trump Ganando por Dos Tercios en
Encuestas REALES - Todo el Supuesto Apoyo a Hillary Es
Espa�ol |
Trump No Incluye a Rusia
en la Lista de Prioridades de Defensa de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Trump y el Brexit son
Represalias contra el Neoliberalismo y la Corrupci�n |
Espa�ol |
Una Incre�ble Rebeli�n en
el "Estado Profundo" de EE.UU. a Punto de Acabar con
Hillary Clinton
� |
U.S. Democracy in Action - Report
Shows 91% of Americans Didn't Want Clinton or Trump |
� |
U.S. Election Shocker - Is this
How the Vote Will Be Rigged? |
� |
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the
Trump Presidency |
Espa�ol |
Vladimir Putin -
Directamente de la Boca de la Verdad
� |
Vladimir Putin Says the
U.S. Elections are Rigged - It's Not a Democracy
� |
Vladimir Putin - Straight
from the Horse's Mouth
� |
�-� 'Voting
is Rigged AND Used to Pacify the Public'
- Says Three-Time U.S.
Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
Where Europeans See
Catastrophe in Trump's Victory, Asians See Chance for
� |
Who is 'The Real' Hillary
� |
Why the 'Deep State' is
Dumping Hillary
� |
WikiLeaks List Exposes at
Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes' who Colluded to Hide
Clinton's Crimes
� |
� |
� |
Italiano |
Putin e Trump - Una Fraterna
Espa�ol |
Putin y Trump - Una Fraternal
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States
� |
U.S. Presidential Elections 2020 |
� |
� |
A 'Biden Presidency' would be a
Dream Scenario for our Corporate Overlords
Espa�ol |
los Ojos! - Elecci�n Presidencial Estadounidense 2020
� |
Americans didn't Vote Against
Trump - They Voted Against more 'Media Psychological
� |
Banana Follies - The Mother of All
Color Revolutions
Italiano |
Con la Censura Unilaterale di un
Presidente in Carica Big Tech ha Dimostrato che � pi�
Potente di qualsiasi Gov.
Espa�ol |
Cuando Tu Voto No Importa...
� |
Get ready for Four Years of
'Vomit-inducing Media' fawning as our 'brave'
Journalists transform into PR agents...
Espa�ol |
Hay que Prepararse para el Caos
sin importar Qui�n termine en la Casa Blanca
� |
Biden's Web of Interests
� |
Kamala Harris - Men and Women
alike should be Fearful if she becomes President
Espa�ol |
La Guerra Civil se hace Inevitable
en Estados Unidos
Italiano |
La Tecnocrazia avrebbe il Dominio
su una "Presidenza Biden
Italiano |
L'Elezione Presidenziale 2020
degli Stati Uniti un "Criminale" contro un "Truffatore"
� |
Senate Report on Hunter Biden -
Findings raise 'Conflicts of Interest' Concerns
� |
Technocracy would Dominate a
'Biden Presidency'
� |
The American Empire has Fallen -
Though Washington may Not Know it Yet...
� |
The Chaos "IS" The Plan...
� |
The U.S. 2020 Presidential
Election - A "Criminal" Versus a "Con Artist"
� |
The U.S. Political System is the
Last Thing holding the Country Together - The 2020
Election is about to Destroy It
Time Magazine posts Shocking
Admission that Biden Election was Orchestrated by a
Espa�ol |
Victoria Legal para Trump - Anulan
Certificaci�n Votos en Pensilvania, Georgia, Nevada -
"Evidencias de Fraude"
Espa�ol |
Vuelve el Viejo Orden a Estados
� |
AI 'Misinformation' algorithms and research are mostly
Expensive Garbage
� |
With Unilateral Censorship of a
sitting US President, Big Tech has proven it's more
Powerful than any Govern... |
� |
U.S. Presidential Elections 2024 |
� |
� |
A Body Language Expert watched the
'Trump-Biden Debate' - Here's what He Noticed...
Espa�ol |
Atentado contra Trump - �Hubo
Complicidad del Servicio Secreto del Gobierno de los
� |
Attempt to Assassinate
ex-president Donald Trump - Pennsylvania July 2024
� |
Biden vs. Trump has Profound
Implications for the World Order
Espa�ol |
C�mo Empiezan las Guerras Civiles
Espa�ol |
Cronolog�a de un Antes y un
Despu�s del Intento de Asesinato al ex-presidente Trump
Espa�ol |
De 'Bilderberg 2024' al G7 - El Globalismo y
la OTAN definen su camino ante Rusia y el retorno de Trump a EEUU
Espa�ol |
De lo que se Salv� los EE.UU. - La Historia de
Kamala Harris
� |
Does Russia want Donald Trump to
� |
Him' - A look at the Violent Rhetoric against Donald
Espa�ol |
El Mega A�o Electoral 2024 en el
que la Mitad de la Poblaci�n Mundial ir� a las Urnas |
Espa�ol |
Expediente Trump - �Salvador o
parte del 'Estado Profundo'...?
Italiano |
Le Cose che la Maggior parte della
Gente non sa su Donald Trump - Sorprendente Rivelazione! |
Espa�ol |
le espera al Mundo si EE.UU. decide Retirarse de la OTAN? -
"La Primera V�ctima ser� Ucrania"
Espa�ol |
puede esperar Am�rica Latina de las elecciones 2024 en EE.UU.?
� |
RFK Jr. - Another 'Former
Associate' with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S.
President in 2024 - Addendums
Italiano |
RFK Jr. - Un altro "Ex
Collaboratore" con Jeffrey Epstein si presenta per
candidarsi come Presidente USA 2024 |
� |
Trump and the Illusion of Reform |
Italiano |
Trump e l'Illusione di Riforma
Espa�ol |
Un Cuarto de Siglo Descalabrado -
Y la Sonrisa de Trump |
� |
Voting is Evil
� |
What most People don't know about
Donald J. Trump - Amazing Eye-Opener! |
� |
Books-Treatises |
� |
Against Our Better Judgment - The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was
Used to Create Israel
by Alison Weir
� |
America�s "War on Terrorism" -
by Michel Chossudovsky |
� |
America - The War on the American People
- by John H. Whitehead
in America - by Zephyr Teachout |
Crossing the Rubicon - The Decline
of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
by M. Ruppert |
Deterring Democracy
by Noam Chomsky |
Espa�ol |
El Destino de los Imperios y la
B�squeda de la Supervivencia - por Jeff Bagot
Espa�ol |
Geopol�tica Imperial
- por Jairo Estrada �lvarez y Carolina Jim�nez
Mart�n |
Espa�ol |
La Historia Silenciada de Estados Unidos
- por Oliver Stone y Peter Kuznick
Espa�ol |
La Trastienda de Trump
- por Daniel Estulin
Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in
America - A Critical Appraisal
- by Paul E. Gottfried
Oblivion - America at the Brink
- by T.E. Bearden
Nation Under Blackmail -
Vol. 1 and
Vol. 2
- by Whitney Webb
� |
Pawns in the Game
by William Guy Carr |
Rogue State - A Guide to the
World's Only Superpower
- by William Blum
Super-Imperialism - The Economic
Strategy of American Empire - by Michael
The Bill of Obligations - The Ten Habits of Good Citizens - by
Richard N. Haass
The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of
World Order
- by Samuel Huntington
The Constitution of Liberty
- by Friedrich Hayek
The Family - The Secret
Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power
- by Jeff Sharlet
� |
The Fate of Empires and Search for
Survival - by
Jeff Bagot
The Many Faces of Secrecy
- by Amy Benjamin
The Next 100 Years - A Forecast
for The 21st Century - by
George Friedman
The Third Wave - by
Alvin Toffler
Understanding the War Industry - by
Christian Sorensen |
WasteBook 2013
- by US Senator Tom Coburn
of Mass Migration - Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign
- by Kelly Greenhill
Western Hostility to Russia - The
hidden Background to War in Ukraine - by
Terry M. Boardman |
When Race Trumps Merit
- by Heather Mac Donald |
� |
Multimedia |
� |
Abolishing Capitalism
� |
America is NOT the Greatest
Country in the World Anymore...
America's Unofficial Religion -
The War on An Idea
Another War? - Russia, China and
the American "Empire"
Casino Jack and The United States
of Money
� |
Dirty Wars
� |
Espa�ol |
El Imperio Americano -
Intervensionismo Internacional, Guerra Psicol�gica y la
Espa�ol |
Escapados - La Crisis Oculta en la
Frontera Sur de EE.UU.
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos ya NO es el mejor
Pa�s del Mundo...
Faces of Evil that Rule the World!
Four Horsemen |
� |
Italiano |
Il Mondo si sta Allontanando dal
Dollaro USA
In the
Shadow of Lizards - The Secrets of Power
- David Icke
Invisible Empire
- A New World Order Defined |
� |
In Whose Interest? - Why
The U.S. Went to War for Profit |
� |
Is the Agenda a New Civil War?
Can't Happen Here!" - Or Can It...?
� |
Kissinger Message to WEF Meeting
at Davos - 2022
Espa�ol |
Crisis Fronteriza es Deliberada" - Ex-jefe de la Patrulla
Fronteriza de EE.UU., Rodney Scott
Italiano |
L'America ormai NON � pi� il
Migliore Paese del Mondo...
Espa�ol |
Mujica 5.0
� |
Nine Eleven IS the
� |
Political Risk
- Casey Research on "Going Global"
� |
Plutocracy - Political Repression
in the U.S.A.
Putin Checkmates Obama on New World Order WWIII
Espa�ol |
Reg�menes Mundiales desarrollan Armas de I.A. sin
considerar los Riesgos para todos...
Roman Empire Rules Today
� |
Russia and the Neocon March to
World War 3
- Paul Craig Roberts
The Dangers of Idealism - How
America Destabilized the Middle East
The Dumbest People Ever - The Zombification of the
The Empire's Ship is Sinking
The Most Honest Three Minutes in
Television History |
� |
The Rise of The Politics of Fear
The War on Democracy
� |
Ukraine Bioweapons Funded by U.S.?
- Russia's Accusation Explained
Espa�ol |
USA de Verdad
� |
War with China - Are we Closer
than we Think?
What Is the Deep State?
� |
World Moving Away from the U.S.
� |
Related Reports |
� |
� |
Asia - The Reemerge of a
- Main File
� |
� |
Capitalism is a Collapsing System - What's Next?
- Main File
� |
- Main File
� |
� |
Globalization and The European Union
- Main File
� |
Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological
- Main File
� |
Russia and The EU
- Main File
� |
The Khazars�- Main
� |
� |
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File
� |
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The United Kingdom and Brexit
- Main File
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