� �
by Arthur Firstenberg � �
� Written under the pen name Olof Johannesson, his 1966 science fiction novel Sagan om den stora datamaskinen (The Tale of the Great Computer) predicted,
...which regarded human
beings as just one step on the evolutionary path to themselves.
6G will use,
The first European 6G Symposium, a virtual event with 72 speakers, took place May 4-6, 2021. � It was organized jointly by 6GWorld, 6GIC, Interdigital, and 6G Flagship. � It featured,
The 2021 Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit took place June 8-11, 2021. � EuCNC is the European Conference on Networks and Communications. � This event was a joint program of 6G Flagship and the European Commission. It was a virtual conference based in Porto, Portugal. � On July 13, 2021, at an event called Asia Tech x Singapore, 6G Flagship announced a partnership with the country of Singapore. The Singapore part of the collaboration will be housed at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. � Another 6G Summit will take place on August 31, 2021 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. � There will be speakers from,
...and others. � The physical event will be followed by a virtual event on September 2, 2021. This 6G Summit is sponsored by the Big 5G Event in collaboration with the Next G Alliance and ATIS. � The IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), a virtual conference sponsored by 6G Flagship, will take place September 13-16, 2021. � A 6G Symposium will take place Sept. 21-22, 2021 in Washington DC at Halcyon House. � There will be 50 speakers from industry, universities and governments. It is sponsored by 6GWorld in partnership with InterDigital; the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University; and the Next G Alliance. � On September 23, 2021, also at Halcyon House in Washington, the U.S. Department of Defense will hold a symposium called 5G to XG US Defense Symposium. � It will feature former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell as well as speakers from,
And the Brooklyn 6G Summit, titled "Dawn of 6G" and hosted by the Tandon School of Engineering in Brooklyn, New York, will be held virtually on October 18-19, 2021. � It will feature speakers from the U.S., Japan, Europe and China. � The third issue of 6G Waves magazine was published in Spring 2021. In it, we read that,
Its articles paint a picture of a nightmare world into which scientists and engineers are leading us:
"Massive twinning" is "the creation of a digital twin from humans, physical objects, and processes." � "Telepresence" will allow people to "interact with, or experience the physical world remotely with lifelike fidelity." � "Cobots" will be "collaborative robots" in homes and public spaces.
And on August 5, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission created new "Innovation Zones" in Raleigh, North Carolina and Boston, Massachusetts and expanded its existing Innovation Zone in New York City. � These are programs of the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR), which is funded by the National Science Foundation and a consortium of over 30 technology and telecommunications companies. � The Northeastern Innovation Zone will be operated jointly by Northeastern University and DARPA. � It will cover 0.8 square miles at Northeastern�s main campus in Boston, bordering Carter Playground to the east, Columbus Avenue to the south, and Huntington Avenue to the north; and 0.9 square miles at its satellite campus in Burlington, bordering Mary Cummings Park. � These facilities will expose everyone in these test areas to frequencies ranging from 746 MHz all the way up to 1.05 THz (1,050 GHz). � The expanded New York City Innovation Zone, known as COSMOS, will be run jointly by Columbia University, Rutgers University, New York University, and City College of New York, and will cover portions of Columbia University, City College, nearby streets, and parts of Riverside and Morningside Parks. � Other partners include Silicon Harlem, the University of Arizona and IBM. � The New York City testbed will focus on developing ultra-high bandwidth, low latency wireless communications. It will use frequencies from 2500 MHz to 40 GHz. � The Raleigh Innovation Zone will be split into two areas. One will cover 10.5 square miles, including the North Carolina State University campus, a suburban residential area, and the Lake Wheeler Agricultural Research Station. � This zone will house the Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW), which will focus on developing wireless communications from unmanned drones. � An additional 3 square miles, covering a different portion of the university campus and extending into the Town of Cary, will host four fixed towers with wireless transceivers. � The Raleigh testbed will be operated by North Carolina State University in partnership with,
This testbed will use frequencies from 617 MHz to 40 GHz. � Another Innovation Zone, which was established by the FCC in September 2019, is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It covers 4 square miles consisting of a portion of the University of Utah campus, a downtown area and a corridor connecting the two. � This testbed is a joint project of the University of Utah, Rice University and Salt Lake City. � The frequencies used in this testbed range from 698 MHz to 7125 MHz. All of the Innovation Zones are managed by the National Science Foundation�s Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program. � And on June 22, 2021, PAWR announced the establishment of yet another large testbed, based at Iowa State University in central Iowa. � This testbed will be spread across Iowa State University, the City of Ames, and surrounding farms and rural communities. � Funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it,
In 1862 Henry Brooks Adams, grandson of the sixth American president, wrote,
The nightmares of sages past are coming true at a dizzying pace. Do we have the ability to face them, and the courage to plot a different course? � To stop blaming one another, and realize that no one is in charge. � To stop fighting fire with fire, to let the flames of technology die out so that the dormant seeds of nature may reemerge through its cinders to rebeautify the world, before it is too late. � � |