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� � � � � A new study published in Current Medicine and Chemistry titled, "Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study," lends support for the long theorized link between an ever-expanding number of infant vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). � � � The fact that the peak age for SIDS is 2-4 months, which coincides with the introduction of 11 shots containing 16 vaccines (within the US immunization schedule), is so obvious a cause for concern, that even the CDC has been compelled to address the seeming 'coincidence' directly:
Unsurprisingly, the CDC, whose pro-vaccine agenda is glaringly oblivious to the 100+ documented serious, unintended adverse effects of vaccines as evidenced in the biomedical literature, claims extensive research they commissioned has found vaccines do not cause SIDS. � Despite the CDC's dismissal, infant mortality rates are highest among countries that administer the most vaccines within the most vulnerable developmental window of infanthood. � A 2011 study published in Human & Experimental Toxicology, for instance, observed that,
They found that across the 34 nations analyzed,
Also, a recent study published in Vaccine titled, "Co-administration of live measles and yellow fever�vaccines�and inactivated pentavalent�vaccines�is associated with�increased�mortality�compared with measles and yellow fever�vaccines�only" found multiple infant vaccines dramatically increased the risk of mortality in a trial conducted in the West African country of Guinea-Bissau. � While the 6-antigen hexavalent vaccine most recently linked to SIDS is presently only licensed in Europe, there are a number of 'mandatory' multi-dose vaccines in the US immunization schedule - including (DTaP, MMR), and which brings up the question:
There are also a wide range of vaccines in development or already on the market, which are being included or will be included eventually on top of an ever-expanding immunization schedule:
Dr. Larry Palevsky, MD, has pointed out that
Given the number of 'antigenic' exposures in vaccines, singularly, and in multi-dose form, the number of possible immunological reactions in newborns is simply mind-blowing - especially considering just how little we know about the immune system, the developing brain and infant physiology.� � � � Hexavalent Vaccine and SIDS: Looking at the Studies� Given the weight of evidence linking infant vaccines to higher mortality, this new paper's findings should not be of great surprise. � Researchers,
They selected 110 cases for review, finding that in,
None of the victims had congenital developmental alterations of brain structures known to regulate vital functions.� � While brain abnormalities were noted, and while the researchers stated that their study does not prove a causal relationship between hexavalent vaccines and SIDS, they hypothesized that,
They concluded:
This is by no means the first report in the medical literature linking hexavalent vaccines to SIDS. � A quick search on pubmed.gov will reveal quite a few others, dating back to an initial 2006 report published in the journal Vaccine titled, "Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination," concluding after post-mortem autopsies that these were cases of,
In 2011, a study was published in Statistics in Medicine titled "A modified self-controlled case series method to examine association between multidose vaccinations and death," found that based on the review of 300 unexplained sudden unexpected deaths (uSUD) following either penta- or hexavalent,
Another 2011 study published in PLoS titled "Sudden unexpected deaths and vaccinations during the first two years of life in Italy: a case series study," investigated a signal of an association between vaccination in the second year of life with a hexavalent vaccine and sudden unexpected deaths (SUD) in the two day window following vaccination, which was reported in Germany in 2003.� � The Italian study sought to establish whether hexavalent vaccines increased the short-term risk of SUD in infants. The study analyzed 604 infants who died of SUD, 244 (40%) of whom had received at least one vaccination. Four deaths occurred within two days from vaccination with the hexavalent vaccines, representing a 50% increase in relative risk. � The relative risk for SUD for the risk periods 0-7 and 0-14 days were 100% [2.0 RR] and 50% [1.5 RR] higher, respectively. The study concluded that there was a 120% [2.2 RR] increased risk associated with the first dose of hexavalent vaccine. � Clearly, both case studies and broad epidemiological studies confirm the possibility that hexavalent vaccination can be lethal in susceptible individuals.� The next important question is what is the mechanism? � One of the first studies to offer an explanation was published in 2006 in the international journal of pathology, Virchows Archives titled, "Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shortly after hexavalent vaccination: another pathology in suspected SIDS?". � The study discussed how previous expert analysis performed by the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medical Products in 2003, following an investigation they conducted into the emergence of a link between hexavalent vaccines and 5 cases of infant deaths that occurred, paid little attention,
The study goes on to report on the autopsy findings of a 3-month old female infant who died suddenly and unexpectedly immediately after the administration of the hexavalent vaccine. � The autopsy revealed,
The author hypothesized,
The report concluded:
Another case study published in Forensic Science International in 2008 titled, "Beta-tryptase and quantitative mast-cell increase in a sudden infant death following hexavalent immunization," described a fatal case of a 3-month-old female infant, who died within 24 h of vaccination with hexavalent vaccine from vaccine-induced shock. � They concluded:
The potential for hexavalent vaccine induced shock has even been acknowledged by the vaccine's manufacturer. � GlaxoSmithKline's hexavalent vaccine (INFANRIX) describes post-marketing surveillance data on adverse reactions which include within the section on 'Nervous system disorders' the following side effect:
The aforementioned information clearly indicates that hexavalent vaccine is a possible cause of infant death mistakenly or intentionally attributed to an idiopathic syndrome - SIDS - in order to hide the lethal risks associated with routine immunizations. � This leaves parents with the question: could the slippery slope of simultaneous vaccine delivery represent a lethal intervention for my newborn? One that is unlikely to be recognized as such, but for which the literature suggests is a real and present danger? � It seems that it may have required the design of hexavalent vaccines to demonstrate the true hubris in reckless injection of immunogenic material into our most vulnerable. � � � References
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