The first fact is that what you have in your wallet and in your
bank account is not money, it is fiat currency.
Money is
something with real, intrinsic value. Like a gold or silver
coin. That is money. The worth of the coin is right there in the
coin. The value of such a coin does not change. One ounce of
gold is one ounce of gold. That IS its value.
Other things might
change value in relation to an ounce of gold but the gold is
what it is. It is possible to create paper money. This is what
is called a promissory note. I could create a piece of paper
which promises that I will give the bearer of that paper, say,
an ounce of gold.
Then that paper is
a proxy for the coin. The
paper is worth one ounce of gold. As long as you believe me, and
as long as I don't create more paper than I actually have gold
to back it with, then that paper is also money.
What you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not
money, it is fiat currency.
The word "fiat", means
arbitrary order issued by some authority.
And this is what your
currency is.
Your nation's financial authority essentially
issues a decree to create currency. But it really has no value
other than that they say it does. Its value exists only in the
fact that those to whom they give this paper believe it has
And as long as it flows from person to person and as long
as that belief exists between those people, so long it appears
to have value. And then only because it is possible to exchange
this nonsense fabricated fiction for things that do have actual
That's the first fact. Your currency is not money,
it is a
fiction created by decree by your financial authorities.
The second fact is perhaps a bit more startling.
Do you know who
the financial authority of your nation is?
If you guessed that it was your government, then you have fallen
for the deception. Your currency is created when your central
reserve bank declares a loan from its Illuminati bank.
Let's unpack that statement, shall we?
There are a number of ancient bloodline families that are
insanely, obscenely wealthy. Their wealth comes from banking.
They have been in banking for a very, very long time. They
started out being money changers. They grew wealthy by offering
more promissory notes than they had gold to back it with.
also developed a system called usury, which is the basis for
modern bank loans. And they slowly became wealthier than kings,
popes, emperors, sultans and even whole nations.
Then they
became the financiers to those nations.
When one country went to
war with another, these bankers were called upon to finance the
war. They quickly realized that financing both sides of the war
was very profitable business.
And then they
realized that they
could encourage wars with a little skullduggery, and in this way
could open the taps of wealth. And so they became ever more
powerful too. And all this without any risk to themselves.
the populace come with pitchforks to the palace gates, when they
overthrow a despot, when guillotines end the lives of kings� the
bankers live on in comfort and luxury� usually leaping in to
offer "financial assistance" to the revolutionaries in terms of
Do you see how it goes?
And today these ancient families live in vast secluded mansions.
They continue to be the wealthiest individuals on the planet by
a vast margin. But they are clever enough to hide their wealth
using a complex game of shells so that they are very nearly
invisible to you.
So these are the people to whom I refer when I say,
These ancient families that have been manipulating
the human story from behind the scenes for the length and
breadth of your recorded history. These families own top-tier
banks that the central reserve banks of very nearly every nation
on Earth come to for the annual loan that creates that nation's
We'll be speaking a fair bit about the American situation in
today's conversation, so let us begin right now by using the USA
as our example, shall we?
The United States' central bank is popularly called
The FED,
short for the Federal Reserve Bank.
And so it is that the FED
approaches an Illuminati bank. And while there are many such
family banks, the FED is contractually bonded to a particular
group of Illuminati families.
Let us call them
the 'Red Shield'
group. And we'll talk some more about the different groups in a
little while.
The Red Shield group of banking families loans to the
however many trillions of dollars that the nation will need to
run its economy for the year. And here is the crucial bit. The
vast majority of what the FED needs for the economy is really
just to service the nation's debt that is carried over from
previous years.
You heard that right. Only a small percentage of the loan is
actually for currency that will float the economy. Most of the
loan is just to pay back debt from previous years.
At this
point, the U.S. federal debt runs to about
20 trillion dollars.
you understand what that means? It means that your nation owes
the Red Shield banking families about 20 trillion dollars.
owe it to them because they previously loaned you money and the
debt has accumulated, with interest, to this level. [1]
And do you know how that debt will be paid off?
Next year, the
FED will loan more money than it did this year. That is why the
debt ceiling must constantly be raised. Next year, the FED will
loan more money so that it can pay off this year's debt plus the
little bit extra needed for currency to flow into the national
banking system.
So to answer my own question: I asked you if you know who your
nation's monetary authority is. The answer is that it is
the Red
Shield banks.
They own your money. And they own it in two ways:
Did you catch that?
I slipped it in there casually enough that
perhaps it did not shock you.
So here it is again, a little slower, this time.
The Federal
Reserve Bank is not owned by the nation or by the government or
whatever else you might have thought. It is a private
corporation owned by shareholders.
And the controlling
shareholders are� would you like to guess� those same Red Shield
It's a closely guarded secret as to who actually owns the
stocks, but I can tell you that there is another game of shells
used to hide the fact that the Illuminati families that own the
banks, that make the loans to the FED, also own the FED itself.
Can you begin to see how iniquitous this is?
They collude with
themselves to make loans out of fresh air� making up numbers as
they go� and you, the people of the nation, must, by the sweat
of your brow, labour to repay those loans!
The vast majority of
your annual taxation goes to just this:
repaying that loan.
year, you personally give a huge chunk of your income directly
to the Red Shield banking families. And the system is rigged
such that your nation can never, ever repay that loan. The debt
simply balloons.
Year by year the debt ceiling is pushed higher,
as ever greater loans are made to service past loans with
interest and a little more for the running of the nation.
So, this is the second fact:
your currency is
created, really,
by the Red Shield banking families in collusion with themselves.
They create it out of nothing.
The FED has no collateral at all
to back the loan and the Red Shield banks have no gold, silver
or any other thing of value to back the currency they issue as a
consequence of the loan.
It's just� made up...
Meaningless numbers
sucked from their thumbs. They shake their own hands, agree with
themselves� which instantly makes them more money than you can
And you then slave away to exchange your life-energy for this
fiction. This created currency. You give your time, energy,
effort and creativity for this fable.
And because the FED must loan more money each year to service
last year's debt, more money is created out of nothing each
year. This means, directly, that the currency you are holding
becomes worth less and less each year.
That is called inflation. Which is a lie.
Nothing is inflating. Prices are not going up.
Your currency is just worth less because more currency has been
created. So you get poorer each year. You put in the same
effort, but the currency you are given in exchange is, over
time, worth less and less. And this is actually all just a
hidden tax that also makes the Illuminati families richer still.
You have heard the talking heads on the news speak of
Quantitative Easing?
Well, really, this is just an acceleration
of this very principal. It is a deal that they sign with
themselves to produce even more currency which accelerates the
devaluation of the money in your pocket.
Really� it is just an
ingenious way to take value from everyone else and further
enrich themselves.
The third fact is that only about 10% of the currency in your
wallet is created in the way outlined above. The other 90% is
created by retail banks. When your salary lands in your bank
account, your bank is permitted to make loans against that
In a system called
fractional reserve banking, they are
allowed to loan out about 9 times as much money as they have in
reserve. This would be a terribly bad idea even if what they had
in reserve was real money. Like gold or silver.
It is an
absolutely insane idea when what they have in reserve is
valueless currency! But, be that as it may, that is how it
works. These retail banks don't do business with the FED, they
do business with you, the citizens of the nation.
And when you
go to them for a loan or an overdraft, they are allowed to loan
out nine-times as much currency as is in deposit with them.
Which is why, when people lose faith and go to the bank en masse
to make withdrawals and to close their investments, those banks
can very quickly fail.
Quite simply, they hold much less
currency than they have loaned out. And, if their deposits
quickly drop, their business model quickly implodes.
But, as insane as this is, this is the way your banking system
works. Most of the currency in circulation is created out of
second-tier debt between private citizens and their banks.
of course, you also pay interest on your debts, which is yet
another way in which they get richer.
But you, of course, are
not permitted to make debt without collateral. Only the FED is
allowed to do that! And, of course, the bank doesn't need to
hold anything of value to back the loan they make to you. Other
than, of course, one tenth of the value in this fiction called
fiat currency.
The only ones ever held to any kind of account in all of this,
is you. If you don't pay back your loans exactly as stipulated,
your property will be taken from you and sold. If retail banks
fail, they are bailed out.
Which means that
the Red Shield
banking system creates more fictitious currency out of thin air
and gives it to these retail banks (in which
the Red Shield
family members usually have shares, and often controlling
shares) so that they can continue.
Which means that you, as a
nation, again, owe the Red Shields yet more. So the banks can't
fail. And neither can the FED. Though it is a private
enterprise, whatever poor, insane or self-destructive choices
they make, you, the tax-payer, will pick up the tab.
And the
top-tier Red-Shield banks certainly can't fail either. They just
make currency out of nothing and reap the ever ballooning
rewards, no matter what happens.
Only the citizens of the nation can fail. Only the citizens can
have their assets confiscated. Only citizen-owned businesses can
be declared bankrupt.
Are you angry yet?
Perhaps you have heard a quote by a famous man of your world
named Henry Ford.
He said,
"It is well
enough that people of the nation do not understand our
banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe
there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
If you feel your anger rising, I'd like to caution you:
This is
how they win.
Either you know nothing and they control your life
through your ignorance. Or you become informed and they control
you through your rage. But there is a third path.
A path I am
inviting you to walk. Upon this path, you become informed, but
do not allow anger to pull you from your centre. And then you
connect with the divine within and begin to create something
better. Not out of a desire for revenge or retribution. But out
of a genuine desire to see the Greatest Good made manifest.
we will be talking a great deal more about this in following
conversations but there is more you need to hear and understand
Right now, I am simply lovingly encouraging you not to
give yourself over to anger, as this takes you out of your
And so, let us continue to understand the situation.
The fourth fact is that, the Illuminati bankers are not one,
planet-wide organization. It is merely for convenience that I
use this word, Illuminati. There is no single organization that
conforms to that name. There are many families who each have
their national and regional assets. Some of these families form
alliances and group together.
The Red Shields are one such
alliance that control, by and large, the USA and Western Europe.
There are other alliances that control other parts of the world.
There is, for example, an alliance that I will call the Gold
I call them that because they have maintained a firm
belief that it was a mistake to float the world's financial
system free from the gold standard. They always said that it
would cause exactly the kinds of problems we are now seeing.
Gold team's powerbase was originally ancient
Byzantium. Now,
largely, it is Russia and Russia's satellite nations. There is
also what I will call the Jade Group which, really, is one
ancient family that has always considered China to be its
There are others, but in the interests of simplicity and
clarity we will focus on these three main players in today's
And the reason it is important for you to know this fourth fact,
is that you need to understand that these teams aren't playing
against you. From their perspective, you are simply pawns on
their game board. Game pieces that they use to play against one
another. They vie for power, for control over the world.
And you
must understand that they have ancient scriptures that date back
ancient Sumerian and Babylonian times which promise them
dominion over the earth and all men.
These are not the same
scriptures as you might ever see.
These are stories dating back
from when these families were the priest class that served
certain extra-terrestrial masters. They were given all manner of
secret teachings that gave them a massive advantage over all
others. This very banking system that you now see in operation
was invented as a means of dominion over others in
the Orion
It has been used very successfully by the
Orion Whites
as a kind of specialized form of warfare. They have taken over
whole planetary systems without firing a single weapon using
this system.
The present day
Gold and Green Groups hail from a
priest class that served different masters to those served by
the Red Shields . Each family has different scriptures.
Different ideologies. And so these other groups are aware of the
Red Shield's methods and are attempting to resist them, combat
them, but not to emulate them.
This is why I say the
Gold team,
particularly, has been working to return the world to the Gold
standard. Or to be precise, a resource-based monetary system. A
system in which all currency is backed by precious metals. A
system in which you cannot print more money than you actually
having the backing for.
This stops the criminally greedy from
simply issuing currency by edict. This curtails inflation and,
more importantly, keeps the crooks honest.
And with a
resource-based economy, the world cannot simply be enslaved as
an unavoidable consequence of the use of its currency. And banks
cannot simply create currency out of thin air. Everyone is kept
In so many ways, a resource-based economy is more sane
than the present fiat-based system.
Now, I do not wish to imply that that these other families are
saints. There are no real "good guys" amongst them. But it is
immediately apparent that the Red Shields' policies and methods
are by far the most harmful and destructive to all others who
are on the game-board.
By which I mean you. You personally,
humanity collectively, and all the rest of life that resides
upon the planet.
The fifth fact you must understand is that this currency that
the Red Shields create is not what they consider to be
important. They own the money supply simply so that they can own
all that money can buy.
So, by now, the families that pretty much
invented banking as it
exists on your planet, very nearly own everything that can be
They own all
the media houses - which is why you are not told
any of this. The mainstream media, as it is often called, is the
wholly owned propaganda wing of the banking families.
through it, they try (and mostly succeed) to control all sides
of every debate.
They own all the largest manufacturing enterprises, which is why
these businesses no longer serve you by creating jobs and by
stimulating the economy. They serve their masters' interests
They own
the pharmaceutical houses that create the medicines
that doctors are taught to prescribe. Which is why a plant that
was brought to Earth along with the arrival of humanity that
a pharmacopoeia, in and of itself, remains classified as both
"medically valueless and dangerously addictive", when it is
It is a medicine that is uniquely matched to the human
physiology. And not only is this grand gift to humanity banned,
but you are jailed just for holding some in your possession.
share this information just by way of example of the destructive
grip the Illuminati wield via the pharmaceutical houses. I could
offer you an endless roll of equally iniquitous examples.
What do you think would happen, for example, if you were to
a cancer cure tomorrow?
The answer is that even if you
gave it to others for free, you would likely be jailed. And the
greater your cure's efficacy, the more likely it would be that
you would be jailed. And, by way of another example, this is
also why so-called alternative health practitioners are being
side-lined and silenced.
Recently there have been a growing
number of the more successful alternative practitioners who have
died under suspicious circumstances. What is going on is that
they are being assassinated for the good work that they are
Precisely because their good work proves that some highly
lucrative pharmaceutical products are semi-effective and
over-priced at best. Outright toxic at worst. It's all quite
shocking really.
Then these ancient families also own agro-industrial
corporations, which is why you, collectively, become more
malnourished each year. It is why you are not permitted to know
what is in the products you buy in the store when accurate
labeling would be easy enough to implement.
And this is why
GM crops proliferate despite increasing awareness of their
potential dangers.
the banksters own the arms industries that produce weapons
of war which very often end up being used on both sides of a
conflict, making them the only clear winner� and which is why
you have never actually had world peace.
I could go on and on. The point is that they own pretty much
And, mostly, of course, they own the politicians. They fund
politicians and control them, both through lobbying
intermediaries and through direct manipulation.
Politics has
become so rotten that most politicians don't even need to
pretend any more. They openly take the money and do the bidding
of their puppet masters. They allow their legislative proposals
to be drafted by the corporations that pay them to push those
proposals through that further damage your quality of life, your
wellbeing, your health, your environment in the name of ever
more power and riches for the Illuminati and their lackeys.
And so there is a pyramid of power.
Right at the top are the
banking families. The members of the old bloodlines. The ones we
call the Illuminati. They never dirty their hands with anything
of course.
They let it be known what they desire and what they
expect, and disposable lackeys run around making it happen. And
when I say disposable lackeys, I mean everyone from your
Presidents to your nation's largest corporate CEOs, down.
Everyone who is anyone is either bought or side-lined.
There was once an American president who stood up against the
A brave man of strong convictions who looked at the
situation, saw to the heart of the problem and decided to take
back the power of money creation. To make your currency a
national asset. To simply cut the Illuminati out of the deal.
His name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we all know what
happened to him. He was dealt with by the Illuminati. And they
made sure to record on film, in careful and graphic detail,
exactly what was done to him, and by whom.
You are never shown
that film, obviously, they show it only when they need a top
politician to understand who really holds the reins of power.
There is a certain
"intelligence briefing" that intelligence
operatives give new presidents if they don't "play ball" with
their Illuminati masters. Amongst other inducements, this film
is shown.
After that they become quite compliant.
Standing up to the Illuminati was, arguably, not Kennedy's most
fatal error. It was choosing Lyndon Johnson for his
vice-presidential candidate. Perhaps you didn't know this, but
Kennedy neither liked nor respected Johnson.
Kennedy admitted to
a number of people that he thought Johnson would make a terrible
president. But he was pressured, and eventually convinced, that
having Johnson with him on the Presidential ticket would make
his candidacy palatable to the establishment.
In other words, to
the Illuminati puppets that then, as now, thoroughly inhabit the
political establishment. Because, you see, Johnson was about as
loyal to his Illuminati masters as any man could be.
What Kennedy would not be able to imagine is that this would
offer the Illuminati an easy solution when he refused to bow to
their demands.
When Kennedy proved intractable, they simply
assassinated him. And, as easy as that, they had in Johnson an
eager puppet who promptly began to steer the nation on the
precise course they dictated.
Since then, there has never yet been a President who directly
stood up to the Illuminati masters. And if you disagree or
disbelieve me, simply look at what has been done under each
The wars fought. The nations destabilized. The steady
erosion of your liberties. The decimation of your wealth with
the concomitant enrichment of the already super-wealthy. The
toadying to corporations. The repeated attempts to degrade your
nation's constitution.
And so on and so forth...
The evidence is
plain for all to see. Your political establishment, right from
the President down, has not, for a very long time, served the
people. It has served the Illuminati puppet masters.
Just take a look at the long list of billionaires that eagerly
supported each of these Presidents, both vocally and
And then ask yourself:
What is the likelihood that
the same policies that make these obscenely wealthy individuals
happy are also going to be good for the average salary-earning,
tax-paying individual?
And, if serving the super-wealthy is good
for you, why does
the income gap grow and grow at such an
alarming rate?
Why are normal working class people getting more
and more poor while the super wealthy just become more obscenely
Clearly what is good for them� is not good for you too!
And every President since Kennedy has certainly served them!
Now, I am not saying that these Presidents were all bad people.
I am not saying that some of them did not start out with great
intentions and high ideals. I'm not even saying that some of
them did not start out wishing to serve the Light.
I very much
do believe that some of them did! It's simply not so easy to
judge them for their choices when you understand that each of
these men received the same, so called, "intelligence briefing".
Each of them understood: co-operate or pay the ultimate price.
It's also not so easy to judge them when you understand the
intense and unrelenting pressure each of them would be under
from their advisers, the other politicians that surround them,
the so-called intelligence apparatus and so on.
Everyone they
came into contact with would all be pushing them in the same
direction. Co-operate. Do as you are told. Play ball...
And then
there is the threat of elimination if they don't. And then, if
they do, there is the promise of a lavish life of great comfort,
luxury and ultimate status when they step down afterwards. All
of this adds up to a pretty compelling proposition.
Could YOU
stand up to that kind of pressure?
And of course it isn't just the American leadership that resides
under the Illuminati thumb.
When some other nation of the world decides to do away with this
Illuminati banking system�
What do you think happens?
Does the
Muammar Gaddafi ring a bell?
Do you know why he was REALLY
deposed and killed?
Because he was a bad man who was unkind to
his people?
That's what your Illuminati owned press told you...
They sold it to you as an act of liberation for the people of
Libya. Well� that's not even nearly the truth. Gaddafi was no
saint. But he was generally well loved by most of his people and
there was much that he was doing that was quite good.
finger you could point at Gaddafi, far worse was, and is, being
done by other regimes that are not only considered friendly by
the U.S. government but are actually supported, both financially
and militarily.
Did you know, as just one example, that Saudi
Arabia regularly has public beheadings? This nation is just one
of a number that have the status of being considered a special
friend to the USA while doing far worse things than those that
have had regime change militarily enforced upon them.
A moment's
scrutiny reveals the lie that these military actions have
anything at all to do with humanitarian goal or any other kind
of noble intention.
No, my friends, Gaddafi was killed for the
same reason that Kennedy was killed.
Gaddafi was busy
implementing a plan to create a new, gold-based, economy for his
nation and for Africa. If he was permitted to do that, he would
instantly reverse decades of Illuminati machinations. Potentially destroying their plans world-wide.
So he was killed,
his government overturned and a suitably nervously obedient
puppet regime implemented that would continue to support the
Illuminati banking system.
And of course, Gaddafi and Libya is just one of a long list of
similar actions.
Many nations of the world have been turned
inside out with rebellions and insurrections, with assassination
and financial implosions so that the Illuminati banking system
could continue to proliferate all over the world.
By way of example:
Do you want to guess what was REALLY going on
the 9-11 'attack' on the three world trade centre buildings?
Did that not lead to you directly thereafter going to war with a
slew of middle eastern nations?
My friends, this had nothing to
do with halting terrorism.
There was no terrorism that was not
first manufactured for exactly the purpose of riling you up� of
manipulating you into a state of once again being willing to
place your sons and daughters in direct harm's way to serve Red
Shield interests.
You were psychologically abused into believing
that these wars were for a noble and just cause.
But they were
not. They were nothing more or less than bringing about changes
in these foreign nations banking systems or, alternately, about
changing the ownership of those banking systems.
And yes, it is
true, the greedy puppet masters have greedy minions who are
always happy to allow for the death and suffering of untold
numbers of humans to gain free access to oil or some other easy
They are even happy to have American soldiers die for
this. They would in fact directly poison those same service men
and women for a little cash. Which has directly happened on
numerous occasions too. But that is another can of worms that we
won't open today.
My friends, what I wish to convey is that the list of evil deeds
perpetrated upon your world in the name of Illuminati banking is
very, very long.
By a very wide margin it is the greatest cause
of misery, destruction, bloodshed and evil upon the earth in
modern times.
But things were not always like this. There was a time when the
American currency was backed with real value. There was a time
when the paper money in your wallet could be redeemed for Gold.
Perhaps my American friends know this� but the noble and
righteous principles your nation was founded upon were
essentially about ensuring your freedom from tyranny of every
kind. And the newly invented American dollar was backed by
precious metals and there was no Illuminati banking system in
As a result, there was no need for any income tax at all.
When the USA fought for, and declared, independence what your
forefathers were declaring independence from was tyranny in all
its forms. Most of all the tyranny of a financial system that
unfairly enriched the few at the expense of the many.
And this act of defiance enraged the
old Red Shield families
who, until then, had operated on the premise that those whom
they considered to be "lesser men" would always bend their knees
before them. Kings, emperors and popes came to them to finance
their wars and their projects. Such was their power.
believed that they were the true power behind every throne of
every nation which was then under their sway. And now suddenly
an upstart colony belonging to one of their nations
unceremoniously declared them irrelevant and tossed them out!
They were incensed and they swore revenge upon the newly formed
United States of America.
It might have taken them some time but they have certainly had
that revenge. Over time, with many little maneuvers such as
buying out politicians, manipulating public opinion, creating
wars, stock market crashes and similar disasters and then
manipulating public opinion on the best way to protect against
future disasters, they managed to slowly inveigle themselves
back into owning America. Which they now do.
As they expanded
their control, they reinstated taxation and, at the same time,
created the FED. Since these two things go hand-in hand.
first they printed gold-backed money and then later they
replaced that with the present system of fiat currency and
fractional reserve banking. And, then they managed to turn you,
my dear American friends, into their own personal army. Now you
are the ones they use to beat up on the nations of the world
that will not conform to their will.
Your sons and daughters
fight and die on the battlefields of THEIR choosing!
But before I digress. The point I wish to make is a rather
simple one.
The Illuminati banking families know that their
financial system is utterly unstable. They know that it is going
to implode. They know that it cannot continue and that it will
destroy every nation on Earth in the end. They don't care
because the Orion White plan according to which they are
operating is for them to own every single thing upon the planet
that can possibly be bought or traded before the final
And THAT, my friends, is their goal. Total world
dominance by financial control.
And it's a goal that they have been achieving. A goal that they
have had an unshakeable belief that they would achieve.
Unshakeable, that is, until
the recent Brexit vote.
As discussed
in a previous conversation, that was a massive psychological and
strategic loss for the Red Shields. There have been minor losses
for them before now. But each of those minor losses were
reversible. This one is not...
Without getting too embroiled in the detail, you should know
that the Red Shields main headquarters is in an area known as
"the square mile" in London.
Confusingly, this is a city within
London officially called the
City of London. But this detail is
not important right now.
What is important is that this is the
Red Shields' centre of control. From there they rule an empire
that stretches over vast swathes of the planet. They have gained
dominion over much of Europe and a variety of other nations
around the world, including the USA, of course.
So perhaps you can see why the people of Britain voting to exit
the EU and refusing to do as expected is more than just an
embarrassment. It is a real challenge to the smooth execution of
their plans.
And it emboldens their opposition. And by
opposition I mean not only the forces of the Light but the other
Illuminati factions too.
As a result of the egregiously destructive way in which the Red
Shields have played their hand collapsing governments and
destroying nations, they have driven their opposing teams into
each other's arms. An unexpected alliance between the Gold and
Jade teams is right now being forged.
You'll notice
Russia and
China are suddenly playing nicely together. You'll notice them,
for example, doing war drills together and supporting each other
politically. These are the kinds of obvious signs of what is
going on behind the scenes at the top-most level of the ancient
But these things are less important than the financial
game. Alternative world finance systems are being built together
by the Gold and Jade teams. [2]
Other smaller families are being
sold on their importance and are joining this alternative
banking system. The Red Shields' dominance is being seriously
challenged in this, the most important area. And when the time
is right, the plan is to segue the world's finances back to a
resource-based system.
This would once again make gold the
fundamental monetary unit.
Other precious metals would be valued
in terms of gold. And all money would then be valued in terms of
a direct relationship with these metals. This would bring
stability and order back to the financial world. And, more
importantly, it would also destroy the Red Shields' completely
disproportionate power base.
So, obviously, the Red Shields are
resisting these moves at every turn. But they are not up against
some little third world nation now. This is not a battle they
can win militarily without also risking utter self-annihilation.
Add this turn of events to the Brexit loss and you begin to see
a picture of a team that is used to always winning suddenly
sitting with their heads in their hands.
And now I'd like to list a few more of the Red Shields' recent
catastrophic losses so that you might understand why things will
not go as they have planned.
So that you will understand why
they are in a stricken state of damage control on every front.
So that you will understand that the future is suddenly wide
So that you will understand that there will be a moment in
the not too distant future where you will be able to choose to
create the future you desire.
So that you will understand that
this is a time of great hope and great excitement.
So� a list of the Red Shields' catastrophes, in no particular
I'd like to open that list with the names
Edward Snowden and
Julian Assange, but I'd like to add to those names all the many
brave men and women who have encountered gross violations and
abuses and have stood up to be counted.
Men and women who have
risked all that they held dear to bring public attention to that
Many were never even heard of because many were
silenced before they could speak out. Many more, quite
understandably, bowed under pressure.
But there have been a few
who have been heard. A few who have blown that whistle. A few
who have leaked that information. And quite a few of these have
caused grave upset to the Red Shields' plans.
Not many quite as
catastrophically as brave young Mr. Snowden. The Red Shields'
dream of a single, unified NATO-like nation was dealt a
near-fatal blow with all that he revealed.
And to the whistle-blowers and ethically motivated leakers of
information, I need to add the nameless, faceless hackers who
have used their technological skills in service of principle and
justice. Who have brought to light the abuses of some of the Red
Shield's most beloved players.
More about that in a moment.
First I wish to bring to your attention the Red Shield's losses
on the world stage. I am sure you have been following the war
with the group called
Isis? Perhaps you did not know that this
too was a Red Shield creation?
Both Isis and Al Qaeda are
opposition tools that the Red Shields use for underhanded and
nefarious purposes. Here are two examples.
Firstly, if they wish
to attack an enemy to bring about a change in their banking
system, they can usually use the U.S. military. But what do you do
if the U.S. public cannot be convinced that this is a good idea?
Then they use a proxy such as Isis or Al Qaeda to attack and
destabilize that enemy.
And, secondly, by then framing this
proxy force as being such a rampant, egregiously evil enemy that
they MUST be destroyed, they are then able to gain public
approval to invest U.S. troops with minimal complaint or
One of the main purposes of Isis was to wrest control of Syria
from the Gold team. Perhaps you recall that in 2013 President
Obama wanted to go to
war against Syria?
He was ordered to do
this, of course, and so presented to the nation his so-called
Red Line.
He told the world that the Syrian regime had used
poison gas against its own people and that this was sufficient
cause for war. The problem was that the American nation simply
told him "no".
This was one of those surprising moments that are
so wonderful to watch from the outside. When the people of the
world simply claim their power, the Illuminati get put in their
place. The difference between that event and what happened with
the BREXIT vote is that the Red Shields quite easily recovered
from that set-back.
They simply changed tack and got their own
way anyway. In this case, they simply used a proxy, as
previously outlined. Isis was, until then, a small rag-tag
outfit operating in Iraq. Now they were repurposed. They were
upgraded and equipped.
Given fleets of vehicles and container
loads of arms. Given support and finances for a massive
recruitment drive. And then they were pointed at Syria. And with
this Isis began to do the Red Shields' "dirty work" that the
military was disallowed from doing.
Conveniently Isis began to
wage war on Syrian government forces.
The same forces Obama was
instructed to target. And then a little while later, when it
seemed suitable, the American people were encouraged to see Isis
as the enemy and U.S. military forces were sent to attack them.
And so a fake war began.
The Red Shields pretended to be at war
with themselves. U.S. soldiers on the one side were fooled into
attacking decoy Isis targets on the other side.
Have you ever
wondered how it was that the might of the U.S. military could not
seem to stop or even slow an insurgent force of semi-trained
recruits with far inferior weaponry?
It's because this was a
carefully orchestrated fake! The U.S. military was carefully
hobnailed with false information and all kinds of limitations
and curtailments!
Yes, people still got hurt and killed. It was important that the
illusion be maintained and neither the Isis fighters nor the
American soldiers were let in on the deception. So a certain
number of genuine combat operations had to happen.
But it did
not serve the Red Shields' interests to allow either of these
forces to sustain great losses, so this was kept to a reasonable
minimum. All the while Isis was allowed to expand its activities
against the Syrian people and their government forces.
All the
while new Isis recruits were encouraged to believe that their
successes against the might of the U.S. war machine was proof that
their God was on their side.
And all of this was a smoke-screen. The actual point of Isis was
to allow the Red Shields to gain control of Syria, which had
been an asset of one of the non-aligned families that had been
wooed by the Gold Team.
A secondary benefit, from the Red Shield
perspective, was that this allowed them to precipitate the
European migrant crisis. Information was disseminated, first in
Syria, and then more broadly, that there was a free-for-all.
That borders were now open and migrants would be freely received
in Europe.
People from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas were
told that houses, cars, jobs and lives of comfort with generous
social security nets awaited them in Europe.
They only had to
get themselves there and all their troubles would be over. And
the Red Shields' political puppets in Europe played along,
enthusiastically opening borders in a way that has no precedent
in the history of your planet.
And THAT is why
the migrant crisis that now plagues Europe
Please understand that I do not apportion blame to the migrants.
Many of them truly are war refugees. And those who are not
almost universally do come from very poor economic conditions.
Whatever else one might say about them, they are pawns who have
been abused in a disastrously unkind game to destabilize the
nations of Europe.
Even those who decided to head to Europe with
the specific and intentional purpose of committing acts of
terror and hatred, even they are just pawns. They are the ones
going to extreme effort, putting themselves through significant
hardship only to risk their lives, and quite likely kill
themselves, to enact that hatred.
Have you asked yourself who it was that told all these migrants
to flood toward Europe en masse? Do you honestly think this was
a purely instinctive response to the chaos at home?
My friends, let us not be naive. This was carefully planned,
constructed and created. And, yes, it was
the Red Shields that
did this.
The Red Shield's strategy is to fill Europe with these migrants
and then to spark incidents that will cause outrage between the
migrants and the residents. It's not hard to do.
The cultural,
socio-economic and religious divides between the two peoples
offers rich opportunity for exactly that. Add a little heat and
a little friction and you very quickly have an explosion. The
plan was to use this to cause a civil war to rage across Europe.
A classic element of the Illuminati play book is to create a
disaster and then offer their own solution to that disaster. In
this case they plan to offer a neat solution. It will seem so
The "only obvious answer" will be to create a
European Defence Force. A single army composed of the armies of the
European nations that will report to the EU politburo. And this
army's first task will be to quell the violence, enforce the
peace and to bring stability.
And with that, the old European
borders will finally become a matter of history and formality.
The Red Shields will have finally gained control of Europe.
nation. One currency. One supreme government that is neither
elected nor responsible to the people of Europe. With one
military to enforce their will.
It was a masterful plan. Evil, certainly, but brilliant...
And this is busy back-firing upon them. First there is the
Brexit vote. A disaster from their perspective. And then the
people of Europe are simply not playing ball as they were
supposed to do. Too many of them are becoming less tolerant and
more nationalistic.
They are beginning to insist upon the return
of national borders. Certain nations are refusing to take
refugees at all.
There is greater ideological fragmentation of
Europe now than any time in the last few decades. And, as new
elections are held, it becomes ever more apparent that this
entire gambit has been an absolute disaster for the Red Shields.
And the bad news does not end for them.
The Gold Team have, in
the meantime, begun to take the Syrian situation in hand.
Instead of allowing the fake war against Isis to continue, they
have prosecuted a real war against them.
And suddenly Isis does
not appear to be the indomitable foe you were lead to believe.
When Russian forces attack, Isis collapses. And so the war in
Syria is being won by the Gold Team and, as things now stand, no
regime change will happen.
And to compound this loss, at this
time it seems as if Turkey, a key Red Shield asset that has been
Isis' direct support line, is making noises indicating a desire
to defect to the Gold Team!
And you must also have heard of the
Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP)?
Just as the EU was sold to
Europeans as a trade agreement between foreign states that was
then, without public participation or permission, incrementally
expanded with the goal of becoming a political union� in just
the same way the TTIP has been proposed as a trade agreement
that would unify all Red Shield assets under one umbrella.
hidden plan is to then expand this deal to turn all of these
nations, effectively, into one nation under the power and sway
of unelected Red Shield approved lackeys.
Crucially, the actual
terms of the TTIP are secret. If your nation is party to this
agreement, you will not know what is being agreed to on your
behalf until long after it is in force.
Equally, you have no
right or power to vote against this agreement that fundamentally
alters the way your country does business with other countries
Does that not sound terribly troubling to you?
But, good news for you and bad news for the Red Shields, this
deal is now looking less likely to pass, as France and other
states are declining to sign and as public resistance mounts.
But the latest news is that President Obama is putting in an
all-out effort to get this approved in the U.S..
Which side will
win this particular battle? You or the Red Shields? Time will
And, as much as the Red Shields' plans to dominate Europe are
now somewhat in tatters, still they fail to attain full
dominance in the USA itself. There are many reasons for this.
big one I would like to point to is that the very soldiers that
the Red Shields ship off all over the world to obtain control of
foreign nations must all eventually come home. And when they do,
they come home equipped with some significant combat skills.
they come home to a nation with a constitutionally enshrined
right to bear arms. The importance of this right in the American
constitution is often misunderstood. Mostly by the people of
other nations, but also by many Americans themselves.
This is
not about giving you the right to hunt, to shoot at targets or
even to defend yourself against criminals.
Though, of course,
you do have the right to use your arms in such a fashion, the
framers of the American constitution actually intended for the
American citizenry to carry a bigger stick, metaphorically
speaking, than their own government does. And you do.
Woe betide
any government that sufficiently raises the ire of the American
citizenry that they actually feel sufficiently universally
aggrieved to take to arms and rise up! You have many times more
individuals licensed to hunt deer in the U.S. than any nation has
in their entire army.
There is no real way to accurately know
how many individuals beyond that number own arms and how
proficient they are in their use.
But, factor in the veterans
and it is a fact that the framers of the constitution have their
wish. The U.S. citizenry is extremely well armed and no
conventional army would ever be able to pass through the USA
Now please don't misunderstand. I don't advocate this course of
I simply point out the massive deterrent value in the
combination of trained veterans mixed into a citizenry that are
armed to the teeth. And it is in this light that I point to the
continuous and varied attempts that Red Shield lackeys have
employed to separate you from your constitutional right to bear
those arms.
Perhaps you have noticed a special attempt to
declare veterans unfit to bear arms?
A powerful way they have attempted to drive this disarmament has
been through the use of mass shootings. A great number of these
mass shootings have actually been created by agents of the Red
Shields themselves!
Your heart would quail if I were to reveal
to you the psychological manipulations and abuses they have
perpetrated upon individuals to lead them to act in this
fashion. And then, following such monstrous events there is
always the possibility of copy-cat actions.
But, in any event,
the purpose is served:
These mass-shootings create such shock
and horror when they are broadcast in the media that it seems
reasonable thereafter to hear calls from their political agents
to disarm you, the law abiding citizenry.
It's the same
problem-solution game from the Illuminati playbook all over
At this point these attempts have been a massive back-firing
failure. Each call for disarmament yields a weapons buying
spree. Each attempt to control, limit and curtail the right,
which the constitution says "shall not be infringed", is
stubbornly resisted.
And it becomes clear that the very thing
that the Red Shield most fears in the USA, which is the eviction
of their agents via a modern equivalent of the
Boston Tea Party,
would be precipitated by an attempt to forcibly disarm you. It's
a bit of a stalemate.
And if you keep them in stalemate you
begin to win the game because time, as I shall soon explain, is
not on their side.
So, my friends, I am painting a picture for you of the situation
the Red Shields have created for themselves. Decades, or even
centuries, of wins and successes had them feeling invincible.
They truly believed that they were on their way to owning the
And now suddenly they are on the ropes. Suddenly
everything that can go wrong for them, is doing so. And they are
not used to dealing with such adversity!
They haven't developed
the resources for this. So they do what they have always done.
They are trying to spend their way out of all of their problems.
Which means that they are
hemorrhaging money.
Which means that
more and more money must be printed.
Which means that the
financial implosion, that would have taken another decade or
three, is now looming much, much closer.
Which means, that when
the crunch comes, they will not own the world.
Not only have
they not destroyed the other teams� but indeed the other teams
are gaining ground and actually have an alternate economic
system waiting in the wings, ready to be implemented when the
fiat financial system shows itself to be what it is:
meaningless numbers.
And then there is the piece de resistance. I'd really love to
give you a full briefing on the situation with the American
elections, but I really do not wish, in any way, to influence
you in your voting choices.
So I will preface this discussion by saying that, were I a voter
in the U.S., I would not vote. I would not consider the present
system to be anything approaching an inclusive democracy. It is
an oligarchy.
And I would only vote for someone who had shown a
track-record of willingness to fundamentally transform the
political playing field in such a way that I, the voter, that
we, the people, truly had a say in all government activities.
return governance to the people, for the people and by the
people. But this is another topic altogether that I hope to
address on another day.
I merely wish to indicate that I have no
favorites in this race. But, that said, it is unambiguously and
blatantly apparent that the Red Shields do!
And what is also apparent is that there is another in the race
who is not one of their lackeys. And this, in itself, is a very
interesting point. You see, the Red Shields began this election
cycle with great confidence that they had stacked both sides of
the race with willing lackeys, just as they always do.
They were
utterly confident that all those who had any chance at all of
getting to the front running would play ball with them.
things, once again, simply haven't gone according to plan.
Now I
will not name names but I'll let you decide who I am talking
On the one side of the race the Red Shields' puppets
simply imploded and self-destructed, one after another, as a
total dark horse candidate, who has shown no sign of willingness
to co-operate with them, steamed to the front!
Indeed, this very dark horse candidate has even shown an open
willingness to negotiate with the Gold team!
One might very
easily level all kinds of accusations at this dark horse. An
over-the-top show boater. An erratic wild-card. An entertainer
with no substance. Perhaps some of these accusations, and many
others like them, are even true.
But, whatever the case, just
the fact that this dark-horse candidate has made it to the
nomination for one of the parties is an enormous, unprecedented
headache for the Red Shields.
And, to top it all, unlike
Kennedy, the dark horse has not selected a Red Shield-approved
running mate!
On the other side of the race, the Red Shields' absolute darling
has been plagued by revelation after revelation that has caused
their true criminal colors to be vividly shown.
The more that
is known and revealed about this Red Shields favorite, the less
likely a fair and honest win at the polls becomes!
Yes, it is true that
the Red Shields,
still own the media
still control the spin
they control the polls that continue to
show their candidate winning
and they strive to create a maximum of hype and fear around
their opposition candidate
and yes, it is true that that
opposition candidate is not a perfect angel...
But irrespective of the way the election goes, of whether the
Red Shields manage an honest win, or whether they fraudulently
steal the vote again using the voting machines that they create
and own.
Or of whether the opposition candidate is brought to
heel with the kind of pressure I have previously related.
Irrespective of all this, my friends, do you see that the Red
Shields are have fundamentally lost control of the game?
It is unprecedented that anything like this might happen and a
clear sign that their grip is very fast slipping. And, given
their behavior and their track record, I cannot think of a
single reason that that should be a bad thing. It is, indeed,
cause for celebration.
So, my friends, all of this is the crucial background
information that you needed to hear at this time. Unless you
have been living under a rock, you will have been hearing for
some years now that you should prepare for a financial crash.
Well I wish to reiterate that call now.
The time is drawing
quite near.
It is not for me to know exactly when that will
come, as it depends on the way in which the Red Shields will
continue to play their ever weakening hand and, indeed, on the
way the other players respond.
But my friends, if you have not
been preparing, I advise you now to begin!
Do so with care and
forethought. Make sure you will be able to survive for a month
or three, if this thing you call money stops working for a
Think about what that will mean for you.
What if you cannot draw
currency at the cash machine?
What if stores go empty?
What if
your electricity is cut off?
What if your water is cut off?
You have been receiving warnings to prepare for years now. As a
result there are many sites on the internet with a great deal of
information about how to prepare.
So, instead of reiterating all
that, I will offer these items of additional advice:
Don't give in to panic. What lies ahead is a necessary reset
that cannot be negotiated without a period during which your
money will not work.
This is not the end of the world. This is a
change in systems. And a new system will replace the old. It
might just take a little while to reach you.
Don't leap into reaction. You have some time still.
The Red
Shields have shown themselves to be willing to keep "kicking the
can down the road" for as long as they can. And they are very
good at doing so. And they still have some tread left in their
kicking shoes.
So you can really expect the system to limp along
for at least a year or two, but more likely, a good few years.
And if you keep your eyes open you will be able to see signs of
imminent collapse. Most notably watch the big banks.
Illuminati protect their own, most precious, banks at all costs.
That's why banks get bailed out when all other businesses are
allowed to go bankrupt. When they can no longer protect the
banks and the banks actually start closing, then you are in the
final stretch.
But don't wait for that to happen before you
begin preparations. That will be too late. Begin to prepare now
and finalize your preparations when banks begin to collapse.
Don't allow fear to drive your decisions now.
Think and plan
the way you might for a family camping trip, for example. Think
in terms of provisioning your household for a period of
And you don't need to rush out and spend a
fortune either.
If you stock up on foodstuffs, for example, make
sure that you regularly eat from those stocks and, in careful
rotation, add to your stocks so that they never expire.
Think about what you will REALLY need.
You can do without all
kinds of things in a pinch. What you cannot do without is water,
food, warmth and shelter. Make sure you have those things in
Everything else can be figured out.
Don't forget community.
In times of trouble, humanity's
strength lies in community. You don't need to get all of your
neighbors to prepare with you.
But you do need to know who,
around you, you can rely on. And if you don't feel there is
anyone around you that you can trust, where can you go, in an
emergency, where you are surrounded by reliable individuals?
Plan for how you might make this happen, if needed.
Don't be rash.
You might think it doesn't matter what you do
with your money if it's going to fail anyway but we don't know
when and how this will happen.
You can find yourself in a whole
lot of trouble between now and then if you, for example, create
reckless debt.
Rather eliminate your debt, if you can, and gain
the peace of mind that comes with that freedom.
If you have fiat currency to invest and you are of a mind to
take investment advice from a space alien on the internet
[ironic smile] then I would recommend purchasing physical
precious metals.
No matter what comes, there is no future
scenario in which precious metals cannot later be translated
back into cash or goods.
My friends, there are no guarantees about what will happen in
your near future.
But the more prepared you are, the less
traumatic you will find it. And if you can move yourself out of
fear about what may come, you might be able to see the wonderful
opportunity that life is about to present you with.
You see,
chaos is life's way of allowing for change. And the greater the
chaos, the greater the possible change.
The Red Shields have
been very hard at work implementing their dream for a
new world
order in which there is one world united under their rule.
key word there, "order", is the means by which they disallow
change. The means by which they remain in total control of every
step of proceedings. Well� when their order falls into chaos
then, suddenly, marvelous change becomes possible.
suddenly you are freed to create a vast range of possible
outcomes for yourself and your world.
And this opens a new topic for conversation. One I wish to
address with you next. Today I have spoken about the situation
in the most worldly of terms.
When I next speak to you I will
speak from a very much more spiritual perspective.
I will
explain to you how this reset is really a wonderful opportunity
for you to create what your soul most desires for your world and
for your reality. And then I will tell you, in specific detail,
what you will then be able to do to bring that reality into
My friends, some parts of today's conversation might have been a
bit difficult for you to hear.
But please believe me when I say,
with every ounce of conviction of my being:
What is happening is
a necessary and good change.
But it will not come about without
some modicum of hardship.
But with just a little preparation you
will pass through that time of hardship with the minimum
disruption. And that time of hardship is actually the most
magnificent opportunity in all of time.
This truly is not
something to fear. It is something to be prepared for, something
to understand, something to work with and something from which
you might reap the most unimaginably wonderful rewards if you
are but willing.
I have so much more to say about this� and this is where I will
resume this conversation next time we meet.
Until then, I leave you with a reminder to remain connected to
your own divine guidance which you find in your own heart.
strong, be courageous and be true. But mostly, be love.
I am Adamu of the
Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilization
and I have been coming to you, as always, through Zingdad.