Greetings dear readers.
Once again, it is always with great
pleasure that we create the opportunity to share ideas,
energies, and perspectives of reality with you and your world.
As most of you are well aware, you are living during times when
momentous and unprecedented changes in all avenues of life have
become the hallmark of human experience. Your entire globe is
swept-up with the effects of accelerated energy that is altering
the consciousness of Earth and all her inhabitant at supersonic
This acceleration of energy, which
we call "the nanosecond" in the annals of "time," began unfolding
during the summer of 1987 and will eventually encompass
twenty-five years of astounding changes in values and
perceptions among humanity. Throughout this entire period a
massive infusion of cosmic energy is altering the fabric of
physical reality by
triggering humanity to awaken to much larger
truths about the nature of existence.
You are here along with
everyone else to integrate this energy; to participate in and
contribute to a world-wide paradigm shift through the process of
expanding your personal understanding of your identity.
conscious awareness is
the necessary component for understanding and dealing with the
various stages of turmoil and chaos used to control the masses.
The nanosecond is especially important because as everything
quickens, and many monumental changes occur, your beliefs and
ideas about reality - and the nature of reality itself - can be
altered in the blink of an eye.
On a mundane level, the past few years have been especially
noteworthy for events revealing disturbing new images of
senseless violence and trauma. Major news outlets steadfastly
promote the new vistas of violence and then for the most part,
turn their collective backs on every logical lead that could
unravel the truth behind the why's and where fore's of the
shocking events.
...are officially treated as random
activities; yet on some level of awareness, people intuitively
recognize the underlying implications of what is transpiring.
The very deceptively contrived
events on 9/11, followed by the quickly manifested Patriot Act,
then the sudden Afghan invasion, the Washington sniper, the
Columbia explosion, and the war in Iraq have more than dominated
world headlines with decisive spins, yet the truth and the real
reasons and issues behind all of these events still remains
sequestered in the shadows of secrecy.
The masses are also coming to the obvious and most necessary
conclusion that the American media no longer represent the
freedom of the press. Recent "tip of the iceberg" disclosures
revealing pornographic photographs and videos connected to
government approved
mind control techniques - involving the use
of torture and humiliation on prisoners for physical, sexual,
mental, emotional and spiritual abuse - are shaking-up the world
with shocking portrayals of brutal insensitivity.
Iraqi sources claim that "the
iceberg of abuse is so huge, there is no water left," yet those
called forth to testify continue to profess states of
befuddlement or offer gross contradictions peppered with
well-seasoned lies, which are completely ignored by mainstream
corporate-controlled media. Billions of people the world-over
are questioning the culture that lead to this outrageous
behavior and they are deeply disturbed by those who justify the
The masses are also coming to the
obvious and most necessary conclusion that the American media no
longer represent the freedom of the press. And this cheerless
assessment leads to the even more disturbing realization that
"the news" is contrived and controlled and used as a distraction
to confound, confuse and splinter humanity into a myriad of
bickering factions who argue ceaselessly, so to speak, over the
color of the charging beast.
On a psychic level, human consciousness is profoundly affected
by the restless stirring of new levels of awareness coming to
life across the globe. Momentum is building as people the
world-over steadily emerge from various stages of deep denial
due to the effects of the accelerated energy. And like a few
billion Rip Van Winkles suddenly coming to life, they are
realizing that they are waking up to a very different reality
from the one they dozed off in.
The ever-increasing influx of cosmic
energy shakes everything up on a subatomic level, nudging you to
recognize and grow beyond every old dysfunctional pattern that
separates world society into factions that thrive on discord and
disagreement. The twenty-five years of accelerated energy
involve a huge transformation of consciousness that will
collectively unlock specific perceptual limitations, essentially
freeing humanity from a state of bondage that is as yet, largely
Enormous changes are occurring everywhere on Earth, as well as
within and beyond your solar system.
The sun has demonstrated
increasingly high levels of solar storm and electrical activity,
as well as a distinct increase in brightness; an increase in
brightness can also be seen throughout the system as some of the
planets and their moons appear to be glowing.
As noted by many astronomers,
magnetic pole shifts, huge changes in atmospheric pressures and
temperatures, and unusual fluctuations in magnetic fields are
taking place
throughout the solar system. Something very big is
obviously occurring and once again, the controlled media is
doing their best to create another shell game of diversions and
distractions away from the looming issues of massive systemic
The years of the nanosecond include a cosmic identity crisis
that is steeped in enormous complexity; everyone will have to
completely reevaluate and reconsider who they are in
relationship to the ever-expanding map of cosmic existence. An
official acknowledgement of
the presence of intelligent
life-forms that share time and space with you is just around the
Unfortunately this proclamation may be used to steer
humanity into another contrived quagmire - this time
encompassing cosmic proportions.
Numerous ET races have been
interacting with humanity and operating on Earth for more
millennia than you can imagine. However, like every other aspect
of the news, the presentation of selected ET factions into the
public domain will be filled with staged events designed to
deceive people and distract them from noticing the more
disturbing, secret hidden agendas being carried out with the
very same ET races.
Once this
disclosure becomes official,
everything will speed up; life will seem more complex and the
choices for what to think and how to respond to the pending
changes will become exceedingly more confusing for those still
chained to the old, crumbling paradigm where the words of public
officials are neither questioned nor doubted.
As the veil of denial is whisked away, all that has been
formerly hidden will become more and more transparent. Now, in
direct opposition to the ever-increasing attempts to confound
the public, the incoming cosmic energies serve to balance the
situation by opening the flood gates of human awareness,
deliberately stimulating you to pay closer attention to a new
source of information stemming from deep inside.
As this all-powerful inner-knowledge
genie emerges, newly realized
psychic and intuitive abilities
will help you to achieve levels of personal empowerment that
will assist you in dealing with the spiritual dynamics of the
transformation. With humanity's inner abilities strengthened and
unleashed, the truth, on all levels, will be increasingly
difficult to hide. As the veil of denial is whisked away, all
that has been formerly hidden will become more and more
For those who refuse to acknowledge
what is occurring, the years ahead will not be easy.
with everything moving at an ever-increasing pace, all forms of
consciousness entrained with the awakening aspects of the
acceleration can achieve massive leaps in conscious awareness
and learn how to manage their newly unveiled mental, emotional
and intuitive capabilities. Eventually, it will be apparent that
all forms of consciousness engaged with 3-D reality are learning
extremely valuable, if sometimes volatile lessons concerning the
effects and ramifications of playing with the power of subtle
As the acceleration progresses, your
solar system will traverse new areas of space that carry
important codes of consciousness for understanding that all life
is sacred, and that life ripples outward and coexists with you
in the same space, separated only by a barrier of time. It is
most important to be aware of these connections, yet quite
another to experience them first hand.
Your biological vehicle is a very sophisticated code-reading
device for analyzing the environment, and as a spiritual being
you occupy your body for the purpose of interacting with and
immersing yourself in the exquisite system of nature. As a human
being you are a physical creature of nature; nature sustains you
and without it you cannot exist in your present form. You are
part of a massive dance of energy that chooses to differentiate
itself from the cosmic mind to experience this dimension, as
well as many others.
When you take a holiday to a foreign
land you become immersed in new experiences that catalyze you to
learn more about yourself; when you come to Earth you have
similar goals and intentions. For billions of years in your
terms, various forms of consciousness have been drawn here to
experience the rich intricacies of physical reality. While you
are here, you share space with many other legitimate realities
that are layered and linked to you, somewhat like fine French
Each reality has a pronounced
border, laced with its own rich filling; each layer and its
filling are separate yet still connected to form a larger
structure of consciousness, a multidimensional version of
reality that is far grander than what is readily apparent. The
flowering of your inner knowledge and psychic senses are tools
for accessing new wisdom for navigating these changing times,
and once you entrain with these abilities, it will be difficult
to imagine how on Earth you got along without them.
The year 2005 is seven years away from the closing point of the
nanosecond at
the winter solstice in 2012.
These years are
extremely important because pivotal choices must be made for
working with reality in such a way that you are able to bend it
according to your own intentions. Intentions are cultivated and
refined through attaining higher awareness by learning to focus
and direct your mind and your attention towards what you want to
Celestial activities occurring
during these twenty-five years such as planetary and solar
alignments, galactic center alignments, solar flares, coronal
mass ejections,
comets, meteors and asteroids, as well as the
appearance of unusual heavenly bodies and ET races, all
introduce new energetic programs into the system. Cosmic
activity affects Earth's energetic field, stimulating and
triggering it to light up and respond to the in-coming forces.
Last year, a few days after the full moon in Sagittarius on June
3rd, 2004, the planet Venus passed between the Earth and the sun
on June 8th, creating a spectacular alignment known as an
occultation or Venusians eclipse; the transit lasted almost 7
hours and is the first of two such activities occurring in pairs
separated by 8 years. In the past, these Venus
transit-to-the-sun cycles have served to suddenly initiate human
consciousness into a new level of global transformation.
As a result of this cosmic union, a
very auspicious time was activated, a time with enormous
potential for birthing stunning changes in human values. A
direct, precise celestial alignment is always accompanied by a
powerful transmission of energy. In the midst of your planet's
tumultuous changes, the Venus occultation offers a boost, a
stupendous jump-start of energy that will catapult consciousness
into a new realm of realization by effectively enhancing both
perceptual awareness and unique states of creativity in an
unprecedented manner.
When the planet Venus entered your solar system ages ago, it was
captivated by the sun. Celestial objects that enter the system
are not merely balls of ice or pieces of matter accidentally
falling through space; consciousness permeates every aspect of
the field of existence.
There are no random acts within the
cosmos; every activity has a point and purpose. Venus makes this
particular aspect with the Earth and the sun twice in an
eight-year period, then over a hundred years pass before the
cycle repeats itself. Because of the length of the cycle, this
is essentially a once in a life-time opportunity.
The first of the pair of
occultation's occurred on June 8th, 2004 and the second in the
series will take place on June 6th, 2012, approximately six
months before the winter solstice sun alignment with the
galactic center. Eight is a key number symbolizing both infinity
and balance; and between these eight pivotal years humanity will
undergo changes that will dismantle society as you know it,
giving rise to a whole new set of values to birth a new paradigm
of balance based on understanding the of power consciousness.
This pair of Venus occultations will
spark the brilliance of mind that is necessary for dealing with
the great divisions of consciousness and the proliferation of
lies and deceit that gridlock humanity into paralyzing states of
fear and victim hood. If necessity is the mother of invention,
then Venus, the Earth and the sun in their series of alignments
will most assuredly deliver the codes of consciousness to
further awaken and augment the human mind; however, it is up to
you to make use of the information.
Everything in your world is a symbol for how energy is being
made manifest... without symbols how would you express yourself? Everything in your world is a symbol for how energy is
being made manifest. Symbols represent ideas about reality; they
are an interface between the field of existence and
consciousness. Symbols express and unlock larger ideas; without
symbols how would you express yourself?
Symbols transform reality by
building connections; you assign meaning to the symbols, yet
rarely do you question where the meaning really comes from. In
3-D reality, part of your challenge is to swim in a sea of
symbols and use them to navigate your life, without becoming
overly attached to the symbols, no matter what they represent.
Every invention is a symbol for managing the energy of the field
of existence. From a historical perspective, during the eight
years of the last Venus occultations in 1874 and 1882, a number
of inventions by Thomas Edison - specifically the phonograph and
electric light bulb - instantaneously opened the doors of human
perception to new and drastically different versions of reality.
Sound and light took on meanings
that would forever alter society's world view. During this time,
creativity sprouted like fields of flowers bursting into bloom
over every hill and dale. The light bulb was a unique
expression, a way of notching the local field with new
significance; it served as a practical manifestation in 3-D
reality based on a translation into form for the codes of bright
ideas that the Venus occultations were activating.
As innocent
as these inventions appeared to be at the time, the light bulb
and phonograph helped pave the way to the version of reality you
currently occupy; one covered in a web of visible and invisible
electrical power lines,
cell towers, and satellite surveillances
transmitting trillions upon trillions of bits of sound and
During the interim of the past 100 years - or the span between
one series of Venusians eclipses and another - the choices made
by humanity reveal a vast misunderstanding of the vital
qualities of the atmosphere. Many modern practices have created
huge disturbances within the system of nature by blocking out
the sun's rays and disrupting the stability of the ecosystem.
When there are disturbances within
the field of nature, your personal biological field of energy
and your surrounding environment are deeply affected. A pond, or
most any body of water, does not always have a smooth, serene
surface. A pond can transform into cold hard ice under the
influence of winter's harsh, frigid winds. And during a storm
the pond's surface is often whipped up, and tossed about,
frothing and dancing to its own invigorating primordial rhythm.
On a warm summer afternoon, the pond
will be calm and beautiful, filled with the surrounding sounds
of small creatures vibrantly conducting busy lives. Like the
pond, the field of existence has weathered many storms; a
disturbance to the normal state of affairs is known and
understood on a spiritual level as a way of ridding stagnation
and introducing new vitality. Nature is a symbol for a system
that supports and sustains your identity in cooperation with
celestial activities that continuously provide structure and
meaning to Earthly existence.
In order to wake up and accept your
personal power, you must be willing to emerge from denial
activate the psychic sensitivities that will gift you with
sensibilities to discern truth from deceit. The storm that is
disturbing the world is a symbol of your own awakening
consciousness. In the past humanity collectively chose to close
down their psychic intuition, and now they are paying the full
price of self-imposed ignorance.
Your consciousness is part of a dynamic dance of energy; you are
swimming in a sea of subatomic particles where everything is in
constant motion. These particles are differentiated by
consciousness and selected for use by your own discretion.
Subatomic particles are actively engaged in building realities;
they are in constant contact with the entire field of existence.
As your solar system moves through
the new areas of space, you must personally incorporate the new
dance of energy these places provide. The changes you are
experiencing are actually occurring subatomically, and one could
say with a bit of humor, that you are just along for the ride.
Many levels of consciousness are involved in the transformation.
As a human being, you experience the changes in 3-D reality, yet
as you learn to integrate and incorporate more of this
accelerated energy, you will invariably discover that what you
are thinking is also being played out in numerous layers of
Part of your challenge during these
years of transformation is to ride the wave of the subatomic
particle revolution while learning to manage and direct your own
awakening consciousness with clear intent. How you use your
awareness and your attention will prove to be of utmost
importance in the years ahead. Dealing with the extensive
exchange of information is like weeding the garden; if you do a
bit every few days, then you will not have such a big job in
front of you.
In America, the courage to fearlessly ask questions is at the
core of the country's spiritual karma. People have been clinging
to various stages of denial for a long time and as a result of
this inattentiveness to life, a behind-the-scenes
breeding-ground for carrying out despicable deeds was easily
Various mundane and cosmic forces
are aligned in a desperate battle for your attention because
your attention represents where and how you focus your energy
for creating the reality you encounter. In America, the courage
to fearlessly ask questions is at the core of the country's
spiritual karma. People have been clinging to various stages of
denial for a long time and as a result of this inattentiveness
to life, a behind-the-scenes breeding-ground for carrying out
despicable deeds was easily fostered.
During the summer of 2004 and
beyond, the potential for difficulties coming home to roost in
America is heightened due to some very challenging astrological
transits to the U.S.A.'s natal sun, as well as to the natal sun
and Saturn in President
Bush's birth chart. A reality check
extraordinaire is in the making.
The gross mismanagement of
resources at every level has set a dynamic into motion that will
catalyze huge changes in political, economic, and geophysical
Saturn in Cancer works to
restructure your psychic abilities by taking you into the depths
of your identity to meet yourself and accept responsibility for
who you are. Saturn's passage through each sign provides
invaluable lessons for maturation of responsibility in specific
areas of experience. Playing hooky and ignoring the value of the
lessons, creates a gridlock where all movement is stalled and
stuck until the dynamic of the teaching is accepted, valued and
Your world leaders epitomize society's denial to affectively
deal with the truth, and by playing out exaggerated versions of
lies and deceit; they test your abilities of discernment. By
claiming your rightful abilities to move your conscious
awareness around the field of existence, you will experience
direct knowledge and be able to tell the difference between
truth and deceit. And you must claim these abilities in order to
reach beyond the confines of physical reality to understand the
power of the forces that challenge you to awaken.
And once you awaken, you
will not be so easily deceived again.
controlled media is used as a
tool to pull your attention into a probable world that is devoid
of vitality and creativity. By enticing your attention into a
reality of violence and war, your thoughts and beliefs are
conditioned to enslave you in victimhood and complete
The twenty-five years of acceleration are an
opportunity to live a life of empowerment by developing your
attention and conscious awareness to the extent that you can
recognize the larger truths of your spiritual heritage and
actively participate to create a world that embraces this
Humanity is learning about the utmost necessity of being able to
recognize the proliferation of lies that have infiltrated every
facet of society; yet after having lived for far too long in
stages of deep denial by pretending they were hearing the truth,
behaving in a truthful manner is challenging to everyone's
courage. Lies are sometimes tempting to believe, because then
you can avoid the personal responsibility of taking action. We
ask you to honor yourself and embrace the courage that truth
calls forth. Enjoy the freedom you are claiming to know yourself
as an empowered being.
When people pay more attention to nature and care for the Earth
rather than obsessing on war and financial portfolios, you will
know the transition to greater awareness has truly taken hold.
When people pay more attention to nature and care for the Earth
rather than obsessing on war and financial portfolios, you will
know the transition to greater awareness has truly taken hold.
The land must be loved into vitality
and nature must be recognized and cherished as an intelligently
designed interactive system of information that connects you to
layers upon layers of multi-dimensional realities. The use of
poisons to destroy what you do not understand is another stage
of denial that disavows the inherent meaning of life. Plants and
creatures are very cooperative once you to learn to focus your
attention and communicate with them.
Throughout the seasons, be sure to
spend much of your time in nature; turn off the air conditioning
and open the windows, notice how the creatures keep the energy
moving with their bustling activities. Immerse yourself in the
sounds, sights, scents and tastes that nature offers. Take long
walks, sleep on the ground for a change, enjoy a campfire and
gather with friends and loved ones to watch the stars. Each
year, the summer solstice sun takes you to the peak of
perceptual attunement.
Tune in by paying attention during
this time; new energy always arrives and you certainly do not
want to miss the latest news from the sun. Slow down and sit
with the trees, spend leisurely afternoons in the meadows or by
the sea, climb mountains to meet the rarefied energies, and
savor the sweet sensations of nature's intelligence. Use your
attention to focus on the dance of subtle energy; remember when
you do not focus your attention with your own volition, others
will grab it for a roller coaster ride through their own
versions of reality.
No matter what situation arises, if you maintain conscious
awareness and remain focused on your intentions, there is always
a way to bend realty in your own direction. We have been working
with our home classes on the process of changing beliefs. Our
students have proved to themselves that when they focus their
energy and work as a group to suspend their beliefs about what
they can and cannot do, they are able to bend spoons and forks.
Bending a spoon is a symbol for
bending reality. To bend a spoon or any avenue of reality, you
must first 'warm up the idea' and release any former beliefs of
restriction. You heat up the field by focusing your attention on
imagining what you want to transpire. Using most the reliable
approach for bending reality to your desires, imagination is
always the key first ingredient, then by adding clear intention,
expectation and action, results will be realized.
Bending a spoon is another symbol
for what the energies of the next eight years will activate in
humanity. At this phase of the acceleration, it is most
important for everyone to recognize the patterns and symbols
that define your reality and intuit a new understanding behind
their apparent meaning. Remember symbols are a sign of energy;
do not get so attached to the symbols that you miss their
greater teaching.
The awakening of conscious awareness is unstoppable. During the
highly creative years between the Venus-sun eclipses, nature
will work with you to help you birth your own versions of bright
ideas. You must value the life you are living during these times
of tremendous change. You are highly adaptable and well prepared
on other levels of realty to deal with your chosen
probabilities. You must gather the courage to believe in your
inner strength.
Pay attention, focus your attention
and your mind and body and the subatomic levels of your being
will start to gather new intelligence. The sounds, sights, and
scents of nature create hemispheric balance between the right
and left sides of the brain, allowing you to tune in to what is
going on with greater precision and clarity. When you balance
your body, you can integrate the new fields of energy that carry
codes of consciousness for navigating this huge transformation.
With everything speeding up, we remind you once again that
everything is a dance of energy, a swirling sea of subatomic
particles that can be differentiated to become symbols of energy
used to qualify the field for the purpose of creative
Whatever level you are playing this game on, it is
all about learning how to swim in symbols that are being used to
explain and explore, and differentiate the field of existence in
cooperation with other versions and interpretations of reality.
The next phase of your development involves direct learning
through experiences in nature.
Ultimately, you are responsible for
what you create.
You are here to restore dignity and full
operability to the code-reading device that you call the human
body, and with this task in mind, we bid you very pleasant