from Exopolitics Website � � � On July 5, 2007 Benjamin Fulford, a former Forbes Magazine Asia Pacific Bureau Chief, gave a series of interviews (Part 1 - Part 2) where he gave ultimatums to the Rockefeller branch of the Illuminati concerning a covert depopulation program that targeted Asians. � Fulford was allegedly recruited by Chinese secret societies to deliver a stark ultimatum to the Rockefellers to abandon this depopulation policy, and to begin a policy of positive works to atone for past transgressions including the suppression of advanced technologies. � Fulford claimed that thousands of Chinese secret society members would begin targeting Rockefeller banking interests around the world if they did not comply. Fulford subsequently offered to meet with the Rockefellers at the historic Canadian residence of G.T. Fulford (his industrialist grandfather) to negotiate directly with them. � G.T. Fulford was allegedly murdered by order of John Rockefeller, Snr., for attempting to fund Nikola Tesla's efforts to create a new energy system. �
Fulford's professional background with
Forbes Magazine
led to me to conclude that he did have the
kind of underworld connections he claimed, and that he was likely
being used as an intermediary to negotiate on a sensitive regional
policy issue. � Fulford tells Rockefeller about the importance of thinking about "his legacy", and then talks about a number of issues, some of which concern disclosure of interstellar space travel technology. � Fulford wrote:
According to Fulford, Rockefeller's disclosure of advanced space faring technologies would ensure his legacy and he would be remembered as the benefactor of humanity's interplanetary future:
Strangely, Fulford dares Rockefeller to go ahead with a false flag operation involving holographic projections, flying saucers and to stage a contrived Armageddon, but one with few casualties or destruction:
This is very reminiscent of the
contrived alien invasion about which Dr.
Werner Von Braun had allegedly
issued warnings. � Fulford claims:
� � All the above sounds fantastic, yet Fulford was able to supply Henry Makow with a photograph * of him meeting with David Rockefeller in Japan. This in itself is highly unusual and very significant in light of Fulford's claims if the photo proves to be genuine. � �
* Thanks
to Dr Henry Makow for permission to use the Fulford-Rockefeller
The impending failure of the United States dollar and the financial impact this would have on banking interests, may have contributed Rockefeller's decision to participate in such a psychological operation. �
The Fulford
Rockefeller meeting might therefore herald the release of
advanced technologies, but this would be done in a way that
national security interests. � The meeting gives credence to some of Fulford's earlier claims, while not eliminating the possibility of an elaborate psychological operation. � All this makes Fulford's latest article something to seriously ponder. � � � |