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� He also served as the country's 34th president, spending eight years in office; before that, he served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II. � His military career was long and extensive, and if anyone knows anything about supposed extraterrestrial beings and the UFO phenomenon, it would definitely be him. � He would, after all, be taking the place of Harry S. Truman, who was president while Eisenhower was Supreme Commander, and who, after being asked if he had been briefed on the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects, stated on live television:
If we fast forward to more than 50 years later, one thing has become extremely obvious:
Some startling examples of UFO encounters were�outlined by Dr. Jacques Vallee. � A scientist notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, in a paper he published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration titled� "Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases of Unexplained Ariel Objects with Defined Luminosity Characteristics." � These objects are commonly witnessed�by military pilots and tracked on both air and ground radar simultaneously. � They are seen performing maneuvers that defy our current understanding of physics. As�outlined in the publication above, often when pilots enter the vicinity of these objects, their critical instrumentation and electronics systems all go offline. � One�classic example comes from the Iranian Air force, who�dispatched two F-4 fighter jets to check out an unexplained flying object. � The United States took this encounter very seriously,�sending a�report of what happened to multiple national security officials and to U.S. President Gerald R. Ford, CIA Director George Bush, and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, among others.� � Both of the F-4 interceptor pilots reported seeing the object visually, and it was also tracked on their airborne radar. Both planes experienced their critical instrumentation and electronics go offline at a distance of twenty-five miles from the object. � Here is an excerpt from the report:
The report also described how a smaller object detached from the bigger object, turned inside the arc of the F-4 itself, and then regained the original object. This incident lasted for several hours. � What's more,�on top of all these files and publications, which number in the thousands, we have files from intelligence agencies like the FBI showing heavy interest from some very high level people about extraterrestrial bodies and space craft. � For example, HERE (on pages 21/22) is a�Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)�document addressed to,
The letter offers details about�extraterrestrial bodies and craft, stating,
Considering the above evidence, combined with the hundreds of statements from high ranking military and political personnel (and more) that are available, it's difficult�to believe there is nothing going on. � And if anyone were�in a position to know the true story, it would have to be�Dwight Eisenhower, which is what makes his story and the supposed meeting he had with extraterrestrials�so compelling - provided you keep an open mind when listening.
� � � The Eisenhowers� When Laura Eisenhower was asked about her great grandfather and his supposed meeting with extraterrestrial beings, she had this to say:
In February of 2010, Laura also posted a long document on the web describing her own contacts with beings from other worlds. � Below is an excerpt:
Apparently at this meeting�Eisenhower was forced into an agreement with one race of extraterrestrials�involving the�exchange of 'their' technology for the ability to abduct some of us, examine us, and return us safely with no recollection of these events. � So�where did the Eisenhower rumors stem from? � Well on December 11th, 1984, a television producer by the name of Jamie Shandera received an envelope that had no return address, with two more envelopes inside and a 35 mm roll of film. � The first paper within the envelope was a cover sheet labeled "Top Secret/Majic Eyes Only" and titled�"Briefing Document - Operation Majestic 12 Prepared for President-Elect Dwight Eisenhower." It was dated November 18, 1952. � Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter (quoted earlier in the article speaking about UFOs) was listed as the briefing officer, along with President Truman, who established the group under executive order. � Other names on the document included General Nathan Twinning, who stated in a declassified intelligence document that,
The MJ 12 documents go on to describe the known details of the�extraterrestrial presence; although they cannot be confirmed as completely authentic, they are no doubt intriguing. � William Cooper, who was a close friend to Jamie Shandera, as well as a Navy officer who himself had experience�with the�UFO phenomenon, wrote a paper titled "The Secret Government: The Origin, Purpose, and Identity of MJ-12" where he made several revelations. � He claimed�there were at least 16 downed alien craft, 65 bodies, and one live alien retrieved between 1947 and 1952, and at least 10 more UFO crash retrievals during the Eisenhower years. � � He also claimed that this secret government was dominated by the CIA and the Air Force, but then went into even greater secrecy in 1952 with the establishment of the NSA, which didn't become known to the general public until 30 years after its creation. (1) � When I think about the above program, I think of former Canadian Defence minister Paul Hellyer stating that pilots were ordered to,
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� � � � On a side note, the NSA�(and other agencies as well)�has also recently released some weird documents without any explanation, like this one that reads "Key to The Extraterrestrial Messages." � These documents reveal, at the very least, that these agencies are actively interested in this phenomenon and devoting significant resources to its study. � Another source sharing details of�Eisenhower's meetings with extraterrestrials is Dr. Michael Salla, a former American University professor who now writes extensively in the UFO field. � He has also noted that he wrote to Ike's son, John S.D. Eisenhower, and asked if there was actually an alien encounter with his father. The response, as Salla reported, was "no." (UFOs - Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities) � You can read Salla's paper regarding the circumstantial evidence surrounding Eisenhower's supposed meeting with extraterrestrials at Eisenhower�s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials. � According to Pentagon consultant and UFO researcher Timothy Good, Eisenhower had meetings with extraterrestrial beings on more than one occasion. (source) � Another source is below:�a deathbed testimony given to one of the world's most notable UFO researchers, Richard Dolan. � � �
� � � Who really knows what happened? � All we can do is draw conclusions from the evidence at hand, since we don't have a statement from Eisenhower himself.
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