The weekend of April 28 you may have noticed that all the major
prostituted print and broadcast media outlets announced yet
another AIDS conference of "goodwill" had just
ended in Africa.
This latest public relations pageant (or
pressure-relief valve) was orchestrated in Nigeria, a location
of deep and protracted turmoil.
All the usual array of participants (from politicians to
pharmaceutical companies to medical "experts") promised, with
special practiced earnestness for the cameras, to work hard to
combat this illness. Meanwhile, The Truth of the matter
is far different from the likes of this major propaganda event,
broadcast far and wide "coincidentally" with our receiving and
sharing of the following heart-wrenching communication.
The deep pain and chronic suffering that is a daily experience
for many South Africans has never been more
vividly described than in my recent phone conversation with
Credo Mutwa.
Some of you will recall that we presented a
remarkable front-page feature interview with Credo Mutwa back in
our October 1999 edition of The SPECTRUM. Things have
gotten quite a bit worse in South Africa since we last spoke,
particularly as it relates to those infected with and dying from
On the morning of April 23, I received a telephone call from
David Icke�s publicist for the United States, Royal Adams,
relaying a request from Credo Mutwa to speak with me. I
am grateful to both Royal Adams and David Icke for
considering The SPECTRUM to be the appropriate conduit
through which to share this great Zulu shaman�s
most impassioned message. I called Credo Mutwa that same
morning, and he was as genuine and cordial as I remembered him
to be-but with a very serious edge of urgency in his voice.
Actually, words fall terribly short at times like these for
their inability to convey the kind of intense emotional impact
his voice so tangibly carried. It was as though Credo was
speaking before the full assembly at
the United Nations,
delivering, in very measured wording, the most serious and
important appeal imaginable.
His plea is on behalf of humanity
that the genocide (initiated covertly some years ago as part of
the depopulation agenda of the dark, so-called "elite" global
controllers) MUST CEASE in the land of Africa - which is
rapidly becoming a graveyard populated by the walking dead.
With that brief introduction to a subject of tremendous moral
consequence, let me just move directly into the message Credo
Mutwa wishes to be shared.
Keep those Kleenex handy.
Credo Mutwa:
My call, sir, has to
do with the terrible disease which is killing my people, the
disease which is called AIDS.
My appeal is this, sir: I don�t know who the people are who
created this disease. But in the last 2 years or so, I have
handled many cases. I have handled friends of mine who are dying
of this disease. And I know now that this disease, sir, is a
man-made one.
I wish to appeal to those human beings who created this disease:
PLEASE STOP NOW! You have done enough. You have killed
enough of the children of Africa. Stop now! Stop!
The death of
Africa will be the death of the whole world. If it is correct
for Dr. Simon Weisenthal to pursue Nazi war
criminals many years after the end of the Second World War, will
it also not be just and correct for future Africans to pursue
these men and these women who have murdered Africa in this
terrible way?
There are questions about AIDS which I want to be
answered. AIDS is not just a disease. It is a
spiritual disaster to our people. It destroys families, sir. It
turns children against parents. It turns lovers against each
other. It has turned our society upside-down.
But what chills my blood is the paralyzing that I see amongst
our leaders. Men and women who suffered and died for the
liberation of South Africa are paralyzed like
little rabbits in front of a vicious fox when they have to turn
around and face AIDS. I do not know what our
leaders are afraid of, who they are afraid of. Are there, after
all is said and done, humanoid shadows out there who scare our
leaders witless?
And I say, sir, to the pharmaceutical organizations in
South Africa: you have done enough! Your sham of a court
case has been rebuked for what it is-an act of cheap
advertisement for drugs which have been rejected in Europe, in
America, and elsewhere.
On top of death, you are dumping more death on Africa.
Why? I say, to every human being on this planet, AIDS
is not a God-made disease! If it was, I would not be
trying to fight it-half-educated, semi-literate, and stupid as I
I say this disease was made BY people, and I am
appealing to those people to stop, now! There are names which
are being bandied about by frightened people in South
Africa, people who talk in whispers. One of the names
that is mentioned is the name of the man called [Dr. Robert]
I say to Mr. Gallo: Remember your common
humanity. You have done enough. Stop now!
I say to the
pharmaceutical organizations: Sir, you are like octopuses. You
have got tentacles sprawling all over the world. You play
Jehovah [God] with the lives of our people.
But your tentacles can be lopped-off! You are driving African
people into a situation where they will have to turn around and
attack you with weapons. And if that happens, you will have only
yourselves to blame. I am not threatening anyone. I am only
articulating the anger that our people convey to me - as they
lay dying, in empty shacks, skeletons wasted to nothing, with
skins like brown wet paper.
I say: stop now, my brothers, in the name of our humanity! If
your aim is to destroy Africa, say so. Let us
fight, and at least die with honor. I say: four of my children
are gripped by this terrible scourge. I cannot bear the prospect
that I will have to bury my offspring before I die. It is
unnatural and obscene. I say, again, to those shadowy
organizations in America, and in England,
and Canada, and elsewhere: STOP!
You have done enough. Turn off the tap of murder. You have
killed enough. STOP!
Or allow us the right of all threatened animals to retaliate,
with weapons, for what is being done to us. If there are, out
there, the children of the serpent, the
Chitauri, the walkers in darkness, let
them know this: that I, Credo Mutwa, am not a brave man.
But when I see my children ravaged by AIDS, when I
see my children turning their eyes, turning away from me, I feel
the courage of any beast that watches its offspring being
slaughtered by a predator. You have done enough. Conspirators,
you have done enough!
Do you know, sir, let me tell you one last thing before I stop.
I, and a White doctor, are saving many of our people-not
curing them, because we are not allowed to claim that we have a
cure for this disease-but the herbal medicine that we use
is making people, who have been condemned to go home and die,
come back to life.
And I am asking that the South African
government and the United Nations, if they are not
servants to Dark Forces, they must release this
medicine and allow us to combat this scourge, until such a time
as scientists can come up with a stronger medicine against
I will not allow Africa to die! I am sorry, but I will not allow
my people to perish! I am only doing my duty as a father and as
a Black man, and as a human being, in a country which is being
deliberately murdered.
I cannot accept, and will not accept, the
fact that in the United States, the magazine called
TIME, states that there are only 920,000 people with
AIDS in the United States. And yet,
in sub-Saharan Africa, there are close to 44 million.
This is illogical! And I want to know the reason behind it. I�m
sorry, sir, but this is how I feel!
Martin: Please don�t apologize.
Credo Mutwa: These conspirators, sir, these ugly entities
have shown a dangerous over-confidence, and it is high time we
confronted them. I cannot - you know, sir, what happens in
South Africa is that a child who has got AIDS
runs away from his family and hides himself. And if you, the
desperate parent, try to go looking for your child, your child
fights you and can hit you with stones and drive you away.
It happened to me, sir.
There are stories which newspapers never dare to print, which
are happening in South Africa, centering around
AIDS. And the newspapers in South Africa,
which are directed by conspirators and liars, do not even try to
stop the stigma, which they built-up, against AIDS
and its victims.
In fact, sir, they are making it worse, with
the resolve that people who are suffering from this disease find
that they are being rejected by their families. Men die alone,
in shacks behind their homes. Women chase their husbands out of
their homes. Men murder their wives, sir, because of the spread
of AIDS.
I appeal to you, and the editor of The SPECTRUM - please,
please, tell the world the hell in which we are living. Please!
Like now, I am trying desperately to build clinics in
South Africa, with the help of my initiate, Virginia
Rathele, and others. But we are being blocked and frustrated
at every turn. We are threatened.
My house has been broken into 3 times, and the seeds of the
precious and endangered plant, which we use in helping our
people, were stolen.
But I was able to find more, and I intend
to find a piece of land - God knows where and how - to plant
them, so that this plant, which is on the brink of extinction,
should come back and save our people, which it is doing. I
appeal to the world, sir, and to all decent human beings, that
the strangle-hold that the Chitauri, the
Reptile People, have over humanity, should be
broken once and for all. The death of Africa will
lead to the death of the entire human race.
People must be aware of that, please. Thank you, sir. But,
please, can you please tell me, sir: What should a half-educated
man like me do? You know, sir, I expected my kids to bury me
when I die. But now it seems it is going to be the other way
What father can see his children being slaughtered in
this way? What parent can allow such an ugly thing? What should
a parent legally do against these monsters who have unleashed
Everything points to the fact, sir, that AIDS is a
man-created disease.
In fact, I was telling Mr.
David Icke,
only a few moments ago, that I have traveled widely through
Africa, as you know, and I can tell you one thing
that scientists who study AIDS cannot tell you:
That people who die of AIDS, sir, immediately
after death, show signs of people who have died of arrow
poison-you know, as if they�d been shot with a poisoned arrow.
They don�t die, merely, of a disease, as would happen in the
case of tuberculosis or cancer.
Their lips are discolored in a
way that I have seen happening with people who had been hit by
poisoned arrows. What is it in AIDS that behaves
like an arrow poison?
And, another thing, sir: It is said that AIDS
began as a disease of homosexuals. But wait. In Africa, most
homosexuals do not penetrate each other, sir, as they do in
Europe. African homosexuals do the sex act between each other�s
thighs, not in each other�s, you now, back passage. So, how does
it come that these people get AIDS, when there is
no physical contact with the body fluids between them?
Another thing: How does it happen, as I have seen now many
times, that you find a family of four - a mother, a father, and
two children. You find, sir, that the parents are healthy, but
the little kids have got full-blown AIDS. Can
someone, kindly, explain this to me, this phenomenon which I
have seen in many parts of southern Africa?
Another thing: You find a man who has got full-blown AIDS,
and a wife who is free from AIDS, and these people
have got a child who is totally free from AIDS.
How can one - can anyone on the Earth who reads your paper, sir,
kindly explain this amazing phenomenon to me?
What, other than sexual intercourse, what is another thing that
is spreading AIDS? I suspect there is something
else, but the doctors disagree with me when we talk at
conferences. I suspect there is another way by which AIDS
spreads through people.
Is it an insect, as I suspect, or is it
a what?
I don�t know. Please, let wise people out there help me, because
these conspirators and their running dogs, these people who work
in shadows, are, literally, destroying Africa. And if
Africa is destroyed, other races of humankind will follow - one
of them being the Black Americans in America. They
won�t survive the destruction of Africa.
What is the idea behind
I read a chilling book not so long ago, a book written about the
"great" [The word should definitely be contained within
quote marks, to depict the actual, opposite meaning of "respect"
for this very prolific, now deceased member of a very major
family among the so-called "elite" controllers.
knows very well that about which he speaks so humbly!] White
man, Bertrand Russell. Russell stated that, one day, the
Western nations would have to decimate Black people,
using war, famine, and disease. And this has happened.
I say, please, you Russell followers, please, you racists
and Malthusians, you have done enough harm! Stop
now! Stop!
In the name of our common humanity, and in the name
of the Intelligence that obviously exists behind the Cosmos, the
Intelligence which human beings call by the cheap name, God,
please stop now!
Stop, please! Stop!
Thank you very much, sir.