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by Alfred Lambremont Webre January 2009 from ExopoliticsRadio Website � � January 10, 2009 � A conversation with Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Mayan Code - Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind, on the relationship with the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy and the time acceleration matrix of human evolution from 16.4 billion years ago to the present. � How catastrophobia developed from a solar system, Mars, and planetary catastrophe in 9500 B.C., which may have led to Earth's quarantine from the rest of Universe society. � What time acceleration in 2009-2011/12 means for the end of the planetary quarantine, and for contact with Universe society. � The Black Hole at the Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy (NASA/UMass/D.Wang et al.) �
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� � � � � � � January 17, 2009 � Part II of a conversation with Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind, on the relationship of the quadrant in the time acceleration matrix of the Mayan Calendar known as the Sixth Day of the Galactic Underworld (Nov. 13, 2008 - Nov. 7, 2009 - see below insert). �
� How Exopolitics - the science of relations between our human civilization and other intelligent civilizations in the Universe - will be the paradigm of the Sixth Day, including possible open contact by our civilization with an ET civilization, ending a planetary quarantine since a solar system, Mars and Earth cataclysm of 9500 BC. � How the discovery of intelligent Life on Mars in NASA photos by Andrew D. Basiago, formally announced Dec. 28, 2008 by the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS) may a part of this Sixth Day paradigm. � � This Chandra image shows our Galaxy's center. The location of the black hole, known as Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* for short, is arrowed. � � � � The Sixth Day of The Galactic Underworld & the Discovery of Life on Mars � �
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