have, for almost 18 months now been asking
Chris Whitty
Patrick Vallance to debate with me.
Whitty is, of
course, the UK's chief medical advisor and Vallance is
the UK's chief scientific advisor.
Since they and their
chums have closed down the country and since their
lockdowns will result in millions of deaths, it seemed
to me reasonable that they would debate their decisions
in public.
It is, after all, what scientists usually do.
But they have steadfastly refused to debate with me.
They know darned well that if they try to defend their
decisions they will lose and the truth will destroy them
and governments around the world.
To be honest they would both start off a debate with a
Whitty has worked with the 'Bill and Melinda
Foundation' - which has close links to vaccine
And Vallance worked for years for GSK
- one of the dirtiest drug companies in the world in my
view. Indeed, the last time I looked, Vallance still had
a lorry load of shares in that drug company.
How could either of them defend their decisions with
that sort of background?
Their refusal to debate, and the refusal of government
ministers and other advisors, to debate their decisions
in public is one of the foremost reasons why we know
that everything about Covid-19 is fraudulent.
If they
had truth on their side they would be happy to debate
because they'd know they'd win.
The other big reason we know this is all a fraud is the
fact that governments everywhere are telling lies about
those of us who are speaking out.
I've been lied about
everywhere on the internet since the day after my first
video. And those lies and libels originated with
governments which now control major web propaganda
forces such as
Google and
But now, for the first time, the pro-Covid fraudsters
may be about to make a mistake.
And the mistake is likely to come from the General
Medical Council (GMC)
- at the very heart of the British
medical establishment.
The medical establishment may be
about to put itself on trial.
Decades ago the GMC was best known for striking off the
register naughty doctors who had relationships with
their patients.
The Sunday papers used to keep several
pages clear for whenever the GMC held a meeting.
But gradually the GMC has, like so many charities and
quangos, changed into a money making machine. Over
recent years the GMC's army of overpaid bureaucrats have
in my view been responsible for thousands of deaths.
GMC has become a form filling nightmare and has forced
many doctors out of practice and into early retirement.
As a result the GMC has, I believe, done infinitely more
harm than even the most wicked or incompetent medical
In my view it's the GMC which is partly
responsible for the fact that for years now many
patients have concluded it would probably be easier to
win the lottery than get an appointment with a GP.
But now, it is the GMC itself which could find itself on
And this could give us an excellent chance to prove that
everything the establishment has done since March 2020
has been built on lies.
A little while ago a British doctor called Dr
Sam White,
practising as a GP in England, had the courage to speak
out about
the dangers of the Covid-19 experimental jab
and advised people not to wear masks.
This, of course, is considered medical heresy these
Any doctor who dares to reveal the truth about the
Covid-19 injections or about the dangers of mask wearing
is likely to be attacked in every way possible.
The GMC is now contemplating action against Dr White - who has already been suspended by NHS England.
His crime?
Well, you can't describe it as a crime...
Because as far as I can see all he has done is have the
courage to protect his patients, and to speak out to
protect members of the public, by practising fact based
Getting into trouble for the crime of telling the truth
has always been a sign of living under an oppressive,
totalitarian regime.
If the GMC now decides to try to remove Dr White's
licence completely, thereby preventing him from earning
a living as a doctor and practising his profession in
any way he chooses, then it will have to explain why - and in explaining why it will have to prove that what he
has been saying is not true.
And this is where the GMC could find itself in very
serious trouble - for the very simple reason that Dr Sam
White is absolutely correct to warn about the dangers of
the Covid-19 experimental jab and absolutely correct to
warn that wearing masks does more harm than good.
The evidence against the establishment line is
absolutely overwhelming.
Here are some of the facts the GMC will have to face if
it decides to go ahead.
First, the UK Government's own advisors decided back in
March 2020 that Covid-19 should be placed in the same
category as the annual flu.
The GMC can't argue against
that because the decision appears on the UK Government's
own website.
Second, the statistics show that the number of people
who have died of Covid-19 is no greater than the number
of people who die in a fairly normal year of the flu.
The Government has fiddled the figures by telling
doctors to list deaths as Covid deaths if they occur
within weeks of having a positive Covid test.
This means
that people dying of cancer, heart disease and so on
have all been listed as having died of
someone who was run over by a bus had tested positive
before their accident then they officially died of
Even so, the bald statistics show quite
clearly that Covid-19 killed nowhere near as many people
as is claimed. Indeed, it has killed no more than the
flu. There never was a 'pandemic'.
If the GMC wants to
avoid a very embarrassing confrontation with the facts
then it should study the transcript of my video entitled
Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic
Never Existed.
The transcript is on this website.
the PCR test so widely used as an alleged
indication that we are in the middle of a 'pandemic', is
as reliable as a politician's promise.
Fourth, the scientific evidence proving that
masks do
not work - and do far more harm than good - is
My book
Proof that Face Masks do More Harm
than Good is available free as a PDF on this website.
I heartily recommend that the GMC download the book and
look through it. If they persist in trying to defend the
use of masks they will look very silly.
Fifth, the experimental jab.
Well, the evidence proving
that the experimental jab is causing thousands of deaths
and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries is
available for everyone to see.
I've done numerous videos
listing the facts and anyone in doubt merely has to go
to my website and look at the article entitled
UPDATED - How many people are the vaccines killing.
Both the U.S. and British Governments publish figures
which show just how dangerous the experimental jab is
proving to be.
Tragically, we knew it was going to kill
huge numbers of people before the jabbing program
started, but a corrupt government, a corrupt medical
profession and a corrupt mainstream media have
successfully hidden the truth.
The problem the GMC will have, if it goes ahead, is that
the Government position on masks and the Covid-19
experimental jab is based entirely on lies, myths and
hysterical warnings which were designed to create fear
and panic rather than to protect our communities.
And if the GMC decides to try to take away Dr Sam
White's license then it will have to defend those feeble
lies against a battalion of truths.
The GMC will be
making the biggest mistake in its history if it
continues with this case.
But it will, at the same time,
give us a real opportunity to attack the lies and prove,
quite conclusively, that the Covid-19 experimental jab
should be banned and that masks do more harm than good.
Either way the GMC is going to lose this battle.
If they back off, and don't try to take away Dr Sam
White's licence, then they will be admitting that the
Government and the medical establishment have put
forward claims which are indefensible.
The fraud will be
And if they insist on trying to remove Dr Sam White's
licence then, if they rely on the facts and the science,
they will lose.
And everyone will know that the Covid-19 fraud is just
that - the biggest fraud in history...!