by Zen Gardner
11 May 2016

from ZenGardner Website

Spanish version

The fundamental understanding that we are an energy source for some form of inter-dimensional parasites is becoming more and more predominant.

After all, it fits not only ancient and even current religious and spiritual teachings, but every form of social and psychological framework as well. We're being used and abused.

But by whom ultimately, and why?

There's clearly a contrary current at play working against the instinctive creative and loving force most of us are tapped into and endeavor to manifest in our lives. We have not just opposition, but apparently a seemingly coordinated or similarly "inspired" enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests.

A simple perusal of the abusive systems at large in the human societal fabric paints a very clear picture.

Whether it's false education and controlled media that only stifle and misdirect or the engineered highly toxic social, geological, technological and essential resource manipulation we see escalate at an exponential rate, humanity and our planet are under attack and at a serious crossroads.

Loosh Change

Understanding the gnostic/archontic explanation of earth's situation as propounded by John Lash as well as the wetiko teachings put forth by Paul Levy are profoundly important in order to more fully grasp what is going on here.

In addition, a further understanding regarding the actual energy being harvested, also known as loosh energy, is imperative and complimentary to this and extremely compelling, having its own attributes to help us more fully understand our material as well as psycho-spiritual environment.

Just how these parasitic forces operate, and indeed manage us, in order to provide the energetic food source they need to live on, is essential to our empowerment.

It's not exactly a pleasant subject, but then neither is the human devolution and depopulation agenda for the obvious purpose of abject domination of our species and planet.

The concept of loosh energy was more modernly articulated by Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, although the concept as a known reality has been around a long, long time.

Loosh, being life force energy (spiritual energy), is just simply energy, and includes the energy familiar to us as emotional energy both happy and unhappy.

Most notably, as terminology of rare usage, "loosh," per se, was the word devised by Robert Monroe referring to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche.

And so, "loosh," in this older usage, described a negative experiential spectrum.

And who is utilizing it, and why?

Try this on:

This "loosh" was not a discovery of something new.

Rather, it was simply Monroe's identifying, and hence naming, of a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon that has always existed (spiritual energy simply is) and - probably since many centuries ago, perhaps even millennia - was developed and exploited as a dark, multidimensional occult art and skill, utilized by secret societies and institutionally for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith in our electronic era.

Once there was a Monroe Institute, then related offshoots and derivations of that type of experimentation and research soon became the specialized, highly refined activities and techniques of Area 51 and Montauk for "military" and "defense" objectives (so-called), and the pop-music /entertainment industries and institutional pedophilia as they particularly are today.

As a type of spiritual energy identified by Monroe, capitalized upon by the secret services and black-ops, and exploited as a social engineering utility by the interdimensional Negatives, "loosh" essentially is of the earth planes (lower dimensions) and the trauma energy of the human and animal emotional body (for example, via the cruelty imposed upon and endured by the animal kingdom, and the brutality of the abbatoir).

As negative emotional energy, especially the energy of pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering, or as Georgi very rightly described it, as "dreadful loosh," it contains the heightened molecular content and organic /hormonal adrenalin-cortisol cascades, coursing through the quantum dynamics of blood, body, and brain systems.

Under such intense extremity of trauma, the blood and flesh is, for the Negative Entities, thus highly �enriched' and hence highly prized, their brand of premium gold caviar diamond steak, as it were.

(There is a passage in the Old Testament where the gods rush in from afar, salivating at the aroma of burning human flesh. The so-called "God" or "Gods" in the O.T. - Old Testament - were/are mostly Negative Entities.)

Not only is this negative loosh highly coveted, but most crucially of all, it is absolutely necessary for probably most Negative Entities, for enabling and facilitating existence in the Earth planes, as well as for the ability to hold the human form so they don't slide into shapeshifting.

Apparently, because of the vibrational difference in frequency levels, there is a fundamental physiological incompatibility which our negative loosh neutralizes for them, and which even enhances their energetic stamina and function in the Earth and lower dimensions.

Vibration and frequency, in them, in humans, and animal Earthlings, are key to loosh's entrapment dynamics and emancipation from it.

More on the Nature of "Loosh" Energies

Still With Me? The War is On!

This is nothing less dramatic than demon possession explained or whatever semi-or-not paradigm you might subscribe to.

We have to understand the dynamics of what is being reigned upon us in order to fully empower ourselves in every facet of our being.

We're in an interdimensional conflict of some sort and it's a battle for our survival, consciously as well as physically. Understanding these deeper dynamics is paramount to our welfare.

The concept of entropy lends itself to this, the scientifically identified impact of reducing the energy of any given process or body in order to release energy. Burning fossil fuels is a perfect example, breaking down elements in order to harvest their energy.

There are so many examples of this, physically as well as socially� and especially spiritually!

You'll see that entropic breakdown for energy harvesting phenomena such as nuclear reactions more and more, but understand the destructive process we are witnessing is releasing energy for a much deeper purpose than is being told.

These are the aspects we need to research for ourselves, but when we do, we find common denominators on every side.

Good Loosh, Bad Loosh

Now the good news.

All "loosh" is not bad or necessarily manipulated. We generate amazing amounts of good energy that cannot be contained or tainted.

But it takes some recognizing on our parts:

Negative loosh is like a harness and leash which the dark contingent uses against us, to oppress and entrap.

Our aim in the ever-shifting calibration of vibration and frequency dynamics is to rise into the heart center, or drop down from the ego-mind into Heart, so we can be stably beyond the vibrational reach of engineered "loosh," thus liberating ourselves from its insidious ubiquity.

"Beautiful Loosh" was the dream's contemporary philosophical message for our generation of spiritual workers - that we can consciously create a proper concept of, and context for, true loosh, and we can be ourselves the catalysts of Beautiful Loosh, for the world's, for humanity's, ongoing transcendence and ascendance.


Does that sound like good news? It is!

We clearly have the upper hand, despite their reversal of truth. Something to beware of continually. There's always a reverse and overwhelming energy to whatever they devise.

Our focusing on their designed end product is what brings it into reality.

So How and Why is this Understanding Empowering?

Funny you should ask that. Just look at them.

These would-be controllers and seeming 'hot shots' we see in the news with their suits, uniforms and even religious or otherwise regalia are fundamentally impotent. If you look honestly they're sick psychos in human form.

They're ugly, sickly, shallow and weak. The power of this so-called enemy attempting to oppress us is ultimately of our complacent making. Their only power is that which we empower them with. Without us they're nothing.

Therein lies our strength. Not just to our awakening to these greater truths and understandings, but letting ourselves be empowered by the realization of their futility.

Nature itself is not on their side.

  • Does that say enough?

  • Does the power of one candle to enlighten a darkened room speak to you?

It should. And loud and clear, no matter who or what's mentioned here, we are not alone� but together!

The fact that we can now specifically identify our oppressors is incredibly empowering. Never feel they have the upper hand, it's just flimsy and illusory - a construct meant to displace our humanity and sense of conscious connection - but only if we agree to it!

Know your true identity as individual yet part of an amazing continuum of the ultimate source. Their fear based intimidation wilts in our gaze of knowing truth. Be strong. Informed, empowered and encouraged.

We already have every possible element needed to refute and dissipate this imposed, parasitic control system.

Live freely! And carry on the process. We're not just observers, but doers of the very real truth we've come to understand. Do bravely! There's nothing to fear! Shake it and simply be who you truly are, no matter how weird or strange these manifesting influences may appear to be.

We're all learning and activating accordingly.

Enjoy it as you remain vigilant and responsive...