� by Bronte Baxter from Chapter 8
Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment:
Confessions of a New Age Heretic from BronteBaxter Website � � � � � � "Love one another..." � "We are all one..." � � Such beautiful sentiments... �
Love is the balm that heals the heart,
and oneness the reality that joins us. But spiritual teachers with
an agenda use "love" and "oneness" teachings to keep the lid down on
their disciples' spiritual development.
When a teacher or religion preaches love, at first glance that seems to be a good thing. It encourages people to be selfless and to help their fellows. � Because of "love" teachings, religious people give to the poor, volunteer their time, and bite their tongue a lot. They say "the right thing" and don't do things that other people won't like. � They put their desires on the backburner and focus instead on doing what they think will make others happy. �
Whenever sentiments of discontent or
rebellion arise, they quash them with the stern heel of conscience.
They know such feelings are from the dark side, and that they must
be vigilant against them. � The rebellion in them grows, because they are not listening to themselves. Their soul cries out for experiences, for learning through experience, but they have been taught that personal desires are selfish, so the cries of their soul go unheeded. � They grow depressed or angry, because their purpose of embodiment in human form has been thwarted. � The frustration comes out in many negative ways:
The sincere people who faithfully follow "love" teachings typically live in a box with the lid down, able to express but little of themselves because instinctual wants are considered suspect or evil. �
Repressed, their souls turn miserable or
spiteful, like a dog chained for years to a stake. "See, it's a bad
dog," people say when the animal snarls and nips, convinced by such
nasty behavior that they were right in chaining that animal all
along. �
It's ego, teachers preach, that makes the spirit
discontent and rebellious. The vices their followers find in their
private hearts are proof that the soul is a tainted thing, needing
to be risen above or controlled. � The Christian struggling with wicked thoughts is told to surrender his soul to Jesus. The disciple plagued by negativity is told to surrender her ego to Oneness Consciousness. It amounts to the same thing. Spiritual aspirants must make an oblation of the will (the soul's chief attribute and mode of expression) to something perceived as greater and purer than themselves. � If they do this, God, they are promised, will 'destroy the evil' in their hearts. � Oneness, or Brahman Consciousness, will dissolve their selfish cravings and negative mental chatter. The soul will melt away into the wholeness that is their true cosmic nature, or into the love that is Jesus. �
The troublesome entity they have fought
with for years, their inner self, will be gone. In its place will
come a peace that surpasseth understanding, the presence of the
Divine alive in their heart.
� All that exists in the shell called the body is the presence of something else:
The consciousness that takes over when we surrender our souls only claims to be divine or of the Source. � It is a consciousness that hates life, that abhors uniqueness and diversity. It wants to wipe out the creative spark whose expression was the purpose of creation. That spark, individual consciousness, burst forth from the Source Consciousness in a brilliant firework display at the beginning of time. �
We are those sparks, children of the
Infinite, and our play and display is the reason for the world. �
While a few people in society break free
from these fetters (becoming our artists, our inventors, our
thinkers), most of mankind lives under the yoke of spiritual
repression, judging their deepest instincts as suspect, selfish, and
wrong. �
Religious people work so hard to make
sure everyone else is happy, but no one does anything that makes
anyone happy, because happiness is a luxury they're told they have
no right to expect or experience.
Everyone was so busy being unselfish, trying to do what the others supposedly wanted, that no one ever answered honestly about what they thought would be fun. � So we went to the park or museum, never knowing if even one family member really wanted to go there. �
We were
that intent on being good Christians, on sacrificing our personal
desires for the sake of everyone else. We thought that made us moral
and pleasing to God.
Those who have succumbed to the teaching that the ego is a self-serving, antisocial, anti-spiritual entity that lives inside waiting to undermine, can never free the creative spark and do the things that truly bring happiness to themselves and to others. � When we trust our desires and stop judging them as selfish, the nastiness that once accrued to our inner spirit strangely disappears. �
The soul isn't repressed anymore.
It is free and expressing, fulfilling its divine promptings. Gone is
its envy toward others, its anger and resentment. The soul fills
with its own innate joy, and wishes no less for everybody else. �
where is the selfishness? �
Love is a tenderness of feeling,
empathy to what another is going through, a perception of the beauty
in another. � Only an open soul can experience those things. A soul shrouded in judgment of itself as egoistic and selfish cannot feel tenderness, empathy or appreciation. It is way too hurt and closed for such delicate feelings. � Expecting a judged soul to bloom forth in genuine love is like expecting a seedling you poured drain cleaner on, to sprout forth in beautiful, new, green shoots. Any spiritual leader who makes love the core of their teaching or who talks of dissolving the "small self" or "ego" leads mankind further into the dark. � A truly awake person knows that love cannot be achieved through effort and that egoism is the product of self-flagellation. The truly awake don't tell people to be loving, they suggest people be true to themselves. They advise self-trust. �
They are also aware of
the nature of
religion and its destructive role in the world. They speak out
against it in all its forms. � They perceive that someone stands to gain from this, those who stand at the top of religions, those who call themselves God, gods, or gurus. They know that the true God, the Source Consciousness, has no need for worship and never mandated such. �
They know that anyone asking for
adulation is less than Infinite, less than divine - an imposter
pretending to be those things. �
They know that religion's teachings of
mandated love and dissolving ego thwart the Infinite's purpose by
destroying those souls. � They never codify "truth" and they never set themselves up as "teachers." They don't allow others to put them on a pedestal. They don't appear on the rolls of "the holy" or "the Self-realized." �
They are simple, confident people going
about their lives with the light on inside. � The truly awake inspire envy and anger in many, whose first reaction to the possibility of freedom is outrage, because it means they may have been traveling in the wrong direction all their lives.
Love and Oneness - what could be better? � Love and Oneness are their calling cards. � � � |