� |
� |
� |
A Manual for a New Existence
� |
� |
A New Vision for the Advancement of Humanity
� |
A Project for The Very Near Future
- Sanctuary Retreat and Survival Center
� |
Banana Peels Remove Toxins
� |
� |
City Living Intensifies Brain
Stress Response and Increases Mental Illness Risk
Espa�ol |
Comedores de Basura Flotante en
Baltimore que Devoran Toneladas de Basura
Designing The Future
� |
Espa�ol |
Dise�ando El Futuro
� |
Education After The Collapse
� |
� |
Education After The Collapse
- A Journey Back - Free
� |
Espa�ol |
El Futuro y M�s All�
Espa�ol |
Estos Puentes demuestran que S� es
posible Convivir en Armon�a con la Naturaleza
� |
Fifty Ways to Starve The Beast
� |
� |
Gold - Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter
in A Mad Max Scenario
From Extortion to Generosity, Evolution in
the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
� |
- A Project Camelot Conversation With Michael St Clair
� |
How Can we Make a More Sustainable
How to Change the World
� |
� |
How to Eat Animals and Respect
Them, Too
� |
� |
Key Facets to a World Where
Humanity can Thrive
Espa�ol |
La Biotecnolog�a y la Informaci�n
dar�n la Posibilidad de Ingeniar la Vida de Nuevo -
Yuval Noah Harari
Espa�ol |
Las C�scaras de Banana Remueven
� |
Espa�ol |
La Vida en La Ciudad Intensifica
Respuesta de Estr�s Cerebral e Incrementa Riesgo de
� |
Through a Great Shift of the Ages
Espa�ol |
Llegan a China las Bicicletas que
Comen Contaminaci�n
Espa�ol |
Los Cient�ficos Plantean Nuevos
T�rminos a la Ecuaci�n Humana
Espa�ol |
Manual de Transici�n
- De la Dependencia del Petr�leo a La Resiliencia Local
Espa�ol |
Mirando Hacia Adelante
� |
� |
One of Many Examples Showing how
Transitioning to A New World has Already Begun!
� |
Open-Sourced Technology Blueprints
for Any New Civilization
Espa�ol |
Porqu� Pronto No Poseer�s Nada y
porqu� eso Es Bueno
� |
Positively Thriving Through the
Collapse of Civilization
� |
Proof that Cooperative, Forgiving
and Generous Populations Succeed in The Long-Term while
Espa�ol |
Prosperando Positivamente a Trav�s
de el Colapso de la Civilizaci�n
� |
Sanctuary Retreat and Survival
� |
Saudi Arabia is Building a
$500-Billion New Territory Based on Tech and Liberal
Espa�ol |
Sobreviviendo La Sobrevivencia
- Tratando con Los Efectos Posteriores de Desastres
Survival and Austere
� |
� |
Survivalist Time Management
� |
� |
Surviving The Survival
- Coping With The Aftereffects of Natural Disaster
� |
- Main File
� |
� |
Ten Ways that Minimalism
can Change Your Life
� |
� |
The Adam and Eve Story - CIA
Classified Document
Adam and Eve Story - by Chan Thomas
� |
The Big Blackout - Why I'm Going
Low-Tech to Prepare for an EMP
The Construction of
Crossbows and Other Weapons
� |
� |
The Free World Charter
� |
� |
Future and Beyond
� |
� |
The Future Called - We're
Disgusting and Barbaric
� |
The Mechanics of a Free Society
� |
Obsession with 'Rewriting the Past' is Highly Destructive
for Civilization
Espa�ol |
Uno de los Muchos Ejemplos que
Muestran c�mo la Transici�n a Un Nuevo Mundo �ya ha
� |
What is A Tribe and Why Would you Want One?
� |
Where are We Going? - Dystopian
Futures and the Work of Philip K. Dick
� |
Why soon You Won't Own Anything
and Why that's a Good Thing
� |
You Can Survive The Coming
Economic Nightmare
- One Family in California Grows 6,000 Pounds of...
� |
Additional Information |
� |
� |
14 Signs that The Collapse of Our
Modern World has Already Begun
� |
3D Printing Guns and Bitcoin, Show
Power of Technology to Create Change
� |
A Healthier Medical and
Environmental Industry
- Main File
� |
Espa�ol |
Algo Extraordinario Est�
Ocurriendo en El Mundo
Espa�ol |
Ataque Electromagn�tico y
Tormentas Solares
- Una Gu�a
� |
� |
Best Countries to Escape America's
� |
� |
Build Your Own Complete
Non-Invasive Anti-Viral System - Towards Healthcare
� |
Caging Humanity... And How to
� |
Rica's Payment for Environmental ServicesProgram - Intention,
Implementation, and Impact
� |
Electrical Device Plugs Directly Into Trees for Power
� |
Espa�ol |
El Mapa del Mundo Paralelo -
Conozca Pa�ses que no Existen para la ONU
Espa�ol |
El Pr�ximo P�nico Sobre El Planeta
X -
Extracto del "Pron�stico del Planeta X y Gu�a Supervivencia 2012"
� |
EMP Attack and Solar Storms - A
� |
Engaging Community for Sustainable Revitalization
- Key Trends,
Strategies and Recommendations
Espa�ol |
nuestra 'Realidad' creada por Humanos del Futuro...?
� |
Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better
� |
� |
Fighting Radiation Damage The
Natural Way
� |
� |
Free Energy
- Main File
� |
� |
Getting Prepared for An
Electromagnetic Pulse Attack or Severe Solar Storm
� |
Globe Over Nation - World's Future
� |
- The Beginning!
� |
� |
How a Tiny Central American
Country is Getting Richer and Saving the Environment
How the
Third Industrial Revolution Will Create a Green Economy
� |
How to Avoid Second Passport Scams
and Traps |
� |
How to Naturally Deter Insects
With Herbs Instead of Chemicals
� |
How to Return to a Simple Time and
� |
� |
Indian Man Single-Handedly Plants
a 1,360 Acre Forest
� |
� |
Inspiration for Starting a Hackerspace
� |
In this City People Live without
Politics, Religion and without Money
� |
Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and
Beats Cancer
� |
Italiano |
La Mappa del Mondo Parallelo - Per
farvi Conoscere Paesi che per l'ONU Non Esistono
Espa�ol |
Los Mejores Pa�ses Para Escapar de
La Decadencia Estadounidense
� |
Low Salt Diet Does Not Reduce
Heart Disease
- Study Finds
� |
Mediterranean Diet and Reduced
Calorie Intake Promote Brain Health and Longevity
� |
Meet The Innovative Hearthmaster
� |
� |
Not Quite Ready to Leave (your
� |
Only Globalization Will 'Save' The
Future - National Intelligence
Council Report
� |
Policies for A Positive Future
� |
Espa�ol |
Pol�ticas para Un Futuro Positivo
� |
� |
Yourself From Electro-Magnetic Pulse
� |
Espa�ol |
nos Depara el Futuro?
Espa�ol |
o 'Que Cosa' Est� Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
� |
� |
Some Glimpses of the
� |
Something Extraordinary is
Happening in The World
� |
Sunlight Plus Lime Juice Makes
Drinking Water Safer
� |
� |
Survival and The Survival Knife - Everything You Need to
Know and More
� |
Sweden Recycling 99 Percent of
Garbage, Edging Closer to Zero-Waste
� |
The 5 Most Blatantly Corrupt
Industries in The World
- And What You Can Do About It
� |
The 5 Most Surprisingly Corrupt
Industries in The World - And What You Can Do
About It
� |
The Coming
Planet X Panic
- Excerpt From 'Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival
The Easiest Way to a Second
� |
The First Earth Battalion
- Dare to Think the
Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere |
� |
The Future of Passports and
Citizenship by Investment |
� |
Zeitgeist Movement
- Observations and Responses
� |
� |
Thought Vibrations - Practical
� |
� |
Time to
Change the Road You Are On
� |
� |
The Balance of Power - How to Really Change The World - And
It's Easier Than You Think
Espa�ol |
Todo lo Que Hace El Petr�leo, El
C��amo Lo Hace Mejor
� |
Towards Healthcare Emancipation
� |
U.S. Army Survival Field
� |
Espa�ol |
Vibraci�nes del Pensamiento -
Espiritualidad Pr�ctica
� |
Italiano |
Vibrazioni del Pensiero -
Spiritualit� Pratica
� |
� |
We Want to Live in
a World That Is...
� |
� |
When We Grow Up, We Will Fall in Love with Earth
� |
� |
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Main File
� |
� |
Why the Modern Day View of Wild
Animals is Wrong
� |
Why we Need to Leave Earth...
while Making Sure we Don't Leave Earth Behind
� |
Why You Should Consider Ham Radio
for Communications - Resistance 101
Youth and Satisfaction with
� |
Air and Plants - Aire y Plantas |
� |
� |
A Dozen
Plants that Naturally Remove Toxins and Purify Your Air
Espa�ol |
- Como Fabricarlo con Plantas
� |
Espa�ol |
Biourban - Tecnolog�a 100%
Mexicana para Purificar el Aire con Microalgas
� |
CO� Myth Busted - Why We Need More
Carbon Dioxide to Grow Food and Forests
� |
CO� -
One of Life's Most Essential
� |
� |
Detox Your Dwelling and Purify
Your Indoor Air with Plants
of Volatile Formaldehyde Removal by Indoor Plants
- Contribution of Aerial Plant Parts versus...
Espa�ol |
En un Futuro las Criaturas de la
Tierra se Asfixiar�n por Falta de Ox�geno
� |
Four Powerful Air Purifying Plants
to Clean the Air in Your Home
� |
Growing Fresh Air with Common
House Plants
� |
If Carbon Dioxide is So Bad for
The Planet, Why do Greenhouse Growers buy CO� Generators
Interior Landscape Plants for
Indoor Air Pollution Abatement - NASA Final Report
Paharpur Business Centre and
Software Technology Incubator Park
Italiano |
Piante che Riempiono di Energia
Positiva la tua Casa o l'Ufficio
Espa�ol |
Plantas que Llenan de Energ�a
Positiva tu Hogar y Oficina
Espa�ol |
Quince Razones para Cultivar
Cal�ndulas-Margaritas en el Huerto o Jard�n
Espa�ol |
Seis Plantas Ideales para un
� |
Some 15 House Plants You Can Use
as Air Purifiers
� |
Ten Plants that can Absorb
Electromagnetic Radiation
The Future Lifespan of Earth's
Oxygenated Atmosphere
� |
These Plants are Oxygen
Bombs and they Clean the Air in Your Home
� |
Want Cleaner and Purer Air? - Try
Air-Cleaning Plants, NASA Says
� |
Wind Turbine Trees Generate Renewable Energy for Urban
� |
� |
� |
Multimedia: |
� |
How to Grow Fresh Air |
� |
� |
Banking-Commerce-Economics |
� |
� |
40 Items to Barter in A
Post-Collapse World
� |
� |
Alternative Economics
� |
� |
Bank of North Dakota Outperforms
Wall Street - WSJ Reports
� |
Debt = Serfdom
� |
� |
Eudaimonics - The Art of Realizing
Genuinely Good Lives
Italiano |
Eudemonia - L'Arte di Creare una
Vita Veramente Bella
Espa�ol |
La Econom�a del Futuro No
Depender� del Dinero
Italiano |
L'Economia del Futuro Non si
Baser� sul Denaro
� |
� |
More Americans Opting Out of
Banking System
� |
Espa�ol |
Porqu� es Vital Cambiar del
Paradigma Econ�mico que Rige el Mundo a un Paradigma
� |
The Economy of the Future Won't Rely on Money
The Post-Capitalist Society is
Already Emerging in Denmark
Transforming Banking for the Poor - Q&A with Jonathan
� |
Why is George Soros Selling Gold
and Buying Farmland?
� |
WikiLeaks Bypasses Financial
Blockade With Bitcoin
� |
� |
Earth and Food - Tierra y Comida |
� |
Espa�ol |
Industrial para Alimentar al Mundo?
� |
Espa�ol |
Algunas Plantas que nos Ayudan a
Controlar Plagas de forma Ecol�gica
Espa�ol |
AquaWeb - Nuevo Sistema para
Captar y Gestionar el Agua inspirado en Abejas, Ara�as,
Hongos y Plantas
Architecture of the Wood-Wide Web
- Rhizopogon spp. Genets link Multiple Douglas-fir
� |
Are Edible Organic Gardens the Key
to Food Sustainability?
- Victory Gardens to Save Us from GMO
Espa�ol |
Tesla' y 'Energ�a E�lica' para la Primera Granja
Hidrop�nica Autosuficiente del Mundo en Australia
� |
Bhutan to Be First Country to Go 100% Organic
� |
� |
Bhutan - Transforming an Entire
Nation to 100% Organic - A Possible Scenario or an
Butterflies and Plants - A Study
in Coevolution
� |
� |
Can Russia's Garden Plot Model
Feed the World, Organically?
Espa�ol |
China anuncia que Cubrir� de
Bosques casi Un Cuarto del Pa�s para 2020
� |
Climate and Agricultural News
� |
Espa�ol |
Comienze Una Granja en La Ciudad
� |
Espa�ol |
C�mo Cultivar m�s de 2700 Kg. de
Alimentos en 400 m� |
Espa�ol |
C�mo hacer un Invernadero Paso a
Paso |
Espa�ol |
C�mo Transformar Trozos
de sus Vegetales Nuevamente en Verduras |
� |
Consciousness and
- Main File |
� |
Espa�ol |
Cuatro S�per Alimentos Ancestrales
y Sus Beneficios
� |
� |
Ecuador Sets Tree Planting World
Record in One Day with 647,250 Trees Planted
Espa�ol |
El Ganadero Desobediente - Agua de
Mar y MMS
� |
Espa�ol |
El Gran Avance Agr�cola de China -
Menos Fertilizantes, Mayor Rendimiento de Cultivos y m�s
Espa�ol |
El Invernadero del Futuro - Tu Propia
Comida para Todo el A�o
Espa�ol |
El Proyecto de los Mil Millones de �rboles
en Pakist�n es un �xito
Espa�ol |
Cartelera en Per� Absorbe Agua del Aire para Cultivar Hortalizas
� |
Farmer Converts 40,000 Acres into Largest
Organic Farm in Canada
� |
Food and Permaculture
� |
Food Security and Biodiversity -
Can We Have Both?
- An Agroecological Analysis
� |
Food Waste - The Next Food
� |
� |
- Regrowing in Size
� |
Former WW-II Bomb Shelter Now
World's First Underground Farm
� |
Four Ancient Superfoods and Their
Timeless Benefits
� |
� |
Four Best Methods for Off-the-Grid
Food Production
� |
� |
Four Ways to Creatively Grow Your
Own Fruits and Vegetables Using Principles of
� |
Garden as If Your Life Depended on
It, Because It Does
� |
� |
Geodesic Aquaponics Greenhouse
Network - Providing the Basic
Necessities of Life
� |
Food Waste - Half of the World's Food Is Thrown Away
Green is Gold - The Strategy and
Actions to China's Ecological Civilization
� |
Grow Food, Not Lawns - Future
� |
Growing Your Own Food is a Must
for Our Future
Grow Your Own Spirulina
� |
� |
How to Make Your Own Vegetable
Garden Box
� |
� |
How to Start Practicing Permaculture Right Now
� |
� |
How to Turn your
Vegetable Scraps into Vegetables Again
� |
Hugelkultur - Natural Permaculture Gardening
� |
Italiano |
Il Grande Progresso Agricolo della
Cina - Meno Fertilizzanti, Maggior Rendimento delle
Coltivazioni e pi�...
� |
Urban Beekeeping Better Than Rural?
� |
Espa�ol |
La Reforestaci�n en China est�
fomentando la Vuelta de Animales Ex�ticos
Chinese land Carbon sink estimated from Atmospheric Carbon
Dioxide Data
Italiano |
La Russia Rimpiazza gli 'Alimenti
Frankenstein' dell'Occidente
Espa�ol |
Las Gallinas Sustituyen a los
Pesticidas en el Campo Franc�s
Espa�ol |
Las Ciudades deben Pensar en los
�rboles como una Infraestructura de Salud P�blica
Points for Improving Global Food Security
and The Environment
Mapping Tree Density at a Global Scale
Italiano |
Monta la tua Serra Economica Passo
dopo Passo
Espa�ol |
Monta tu propio Invernadero Casero
barato Paso a Paso
Networks of Power and Influence -
The Role of Mycorrhizal Mycelium in Controlling Plant
� |
New Automation
Technologies are Revolutionizing Farming
� |
New Study Shows How Existing
Crop-Land Could Feed Billions More
Espa�ol |
Nueva tecnolog�a 'Agua en Polvo' para Combatir las Sequ�as
Organic Gardening for Beginners
� |
� |
Organic Farming CAN Feed The World
- Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough
Food for...
� |
Organic Rice Farmer in India Yields Over 22 Tons of Crop
on Only Two Acres - Proving
The Fraud of...
Espa�ol |
Permacultura - Proceso de Dise�o
Hol�stico Para Crear H�bitats Humanos Sostenibles
- Pueblos en...
� |
Pioneering Grandma
Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out of Hemp
� |
Plants 'Talk' to Each Other Using Nanoscale Sound Waves
to Help Them Grow - Study
Italiano |
Quattro Super Alimenti Ancestrali
ed I Loro Benefici
� |
� |
Quietly U.S. Cities Spend your
Money Preparing for Climate Change
Espa�ol |
Rusia Reemplaza a los 'Alimentos
Frankenstein' de Occidente
Espa�ol |
Sahara Forest - O c�mo Producir
130.000 Kg. Anuales de Alimentos de Forma Sostenible en
el Desierto
Espa�ol |
- Alimento No Perecedero en Caso de Crisis Alimentaria
� |
Seven Things to Know About The
Freeze-Dried Food Craze
- Not Just For Survivalists?
� |
Six Steps to Create Your Own
Organic Permaculture Garden
� |
Small Farms May Be Better for Food
Security and Biodiversity
� |
Space Farming - The Final Frontier
� |
Start a Farm in The City
� |
� |
The Astonishing Success of Fleet
Farming - Breaking New Ground in the "Food Not Lawns"
� |
The Cutting Edge Method for
Producing Food just Might Be the Old Method for
Producing Food
� |
The Health of Trees and The Natural World is Closely
Linked to Our Own State of Health
� |
The Post-GMO Economy
- One Mainstream Farmer is Returning to Conventional
Seed - and He's Not Alone
The Relationship Between Trees and
Human Health
� |
� |
The Russians Prove Small Scale
Organic CAN Feed The World
� |
The Surprising Healing
Qualities... of Dirt
� |
The Whispering World of Plants -
"The Wood Wide Web"
� |
The World's Largest Vertical Farm
will Produce 2 Million Pounds of Produce
� |
This Billboard in Peru Sucks Water
Out of the Air to Grow Vegetables
� |
This Street Grows its Own
Food for the Entire Neighborhood
� |
Three Friends Built a Greenhouse
on a Roof and Got 625 Tons of Produce
� |
Town in England Transforms
Landscape into Giant Food-Producing Edible Garden
� |
Tree and Human Health May Be
Espa�ol |
Tres Amigos Construyeron un
Invernadero en una Azotea y Obtuvieron 625 Toneladas de
Espa�ol |
Vivienda Ecologica, Vivienda Libre
� |
� |
Watercress - A Garnishing Green
That Provides Bountiful Health Benefits
� |
We Don't Need Genetically
Engineered Food, Just Biodiverse Farms
- Don't Buy The False Promise of...
� |
We Have Enough Land to Feed our
Growing Population - We Just Have to Use it Right - Study Finds
� |
Why You Should Plant More Trees -
Research Shows Trees Grow Happier People
� |
Wild Mammals are making a Comeback in Europe thanks to
Conservation Efforts�
� |
With huge new Vertical Farm
Plenty's Produce could hit more Shelves
� |
Your Guide to Eating Alkaline
- What Are The Top Alkaline-Forming Foods?
� |
� |
� |
Fungi - Hongos: |
� |
� |
Are Fungi The Earth's Natural
� |
� |
Edible Mushrooms - Nature's Most
Researched Anti-Cancer Agent
Espa�ol |
El Reino de Los Hongos
- Los Hongos No Son ni Plantas ni Animales
� |
Mycelium Running - How Mushrooms
Can Help Save the World - Book Review
� |
Kingdom of Fungi - Mushrooms Are Neither Plants Nor
� |
� |
� |
Multimedia: |
� |
Inhabit - A Permaculture
Perspective |
� |
Espa�ol |
La Historia del Suelo |
Italiano |
La Storia del Suolo |
The Rise of Vertical Farming |
The Soil Story |
� |
Housing - Vivienda |
� |
� |
Affordable and Earth-Friendly
Alternatives to Living in a Traditional House
Espa�ol |
Alternativas Asequibles y
Ecol�gicas para Vivir en una Casa Tradicional
� |
America's Eco-Cities - Sustainable
Prisons of The Future
� |
Espa�ol |
Artisan�polis - La Polinesia Francesa Albergar� en 2020 la
Primera Ciudad Flotante Sostenible del Mundo
� |
Buildings Made from Fungi? - Meet
London�s pop-up Bio-Lab Innovators
Espa�ol |
Casa del Futuro - Piramidal,
Antis�smica, Eficiente y Autosuficiente gracias a las
Energ�as Renovables
Espa�ol |
China crear� una Impresionante
Ciudad-Bosque para Combatir la Contaminaci�n
� |
City 2.0 Already Obsolete - City
3.0 Already Up and Running
Espa�ol |
Ciudades Privadas - "La Prioridad
no es la Necesidad de los Ciudadanos"
� |
Collapsing Cities
- The First Wave of World's Collapsing Cities
Espa�ol |
C�mo Construir de forma Sostenible
con Superadobe
� |
Earthships Provide Path to Future
Self-Sustaining Homes
� |
Espa�ol |
hechos de Hongos? - Conozca a los Innovadores del Bio-Laboratorio
surgido en Londres
Espa�ol |
Dinamarca inaugura la Primera Casa
Biol�gica del Mundo
� |
Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City
of the Future in Toronto
Espa�ol |
la Arquitectura Modular el Futuro de la Arquitectura
Espa�ol |
Esta Casa Australiana
Autosuficiente Cosecha sus Propios Alimentos, Energ�a y
� |
Five Ways Buildings of the Future
will use Biotech to become Living Things
� |
Floating Cities - The Future or a
Washed-up Idea?
Handbook for Building Homes
of Earth
� |
� |
could Change the Way we Build Everything
How to Build With Cob
� |
� |
How will We Live in the
Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science
Espa�ol |
Ingeniero brasile�o Dise�a la
Primera Teja Hidrop�nica del Mundo
Espa�ol |
La Cina creer� una Impressionante Citt�-Bosco per Combattere
la Contaminazione
Espa�ol |
La NASA busca Construir 'Casas a
base de Hongos' que se mantienen "Vivos" y se Regeneran
si se da�a...
Espa�ol |
La Peque�a Casa Prefabricada
argentina dise�ada para ser "Indestructible"
Espa�ol |
La Peque�a Casa Prefabricada de
Elon Musk es una casita Boxabl
Italiano |
La Piccola Casa Prefabbricata
argentina disegnata per essere "Indistruttibile"
Espa�ol |
La Propiedad Privada y Las Mafias
de La Privatizaci�n ante El Cambio de Ciclo y El Nuevo
Italiano |
La Propriet� Privata e Le Mafie
della Privatizzazione di fronte al Cambiamento del Ciclo
e il Nuovo Para...
Espa�ol |
Las Casas Bajo Tierra m�s
Impresionantes del Mundo
� |
Espa�ol |
Las Ciudades Internas del Futuro
� |
� |
Living Close to Trees Comes with a
Number of Health Benefits
Espa�ol |
Planes de la �lite Global para Buscar Refugio
Espa�ol |
Manual de Bio-Construcci�n a Base
de Costales de Tierra y Pacas de Paja
Espa�ol |
Muchas Razones Para Considerar Una
Vida Independiente Fuera-de-la-Red
Espa�ol |
Mujer de 88 A�os Vive Fuera del
Sistema de Forma Autosuficiente desde 1960
Espa�ol |
NexusHaus - Casa que Genera su
Propia Energ�a y Reutiliza el Agua para Producir
Espa�ol |
OAS1S "TreeScrapers" -
Arquitectura Futurista Inspirada en los �rboles
� |
Peter Thiel Bankrolls Floating
Startup Nation in South Pacific
Espa�ol |
Pozos Canadienses - Tecnolog�a
Natural de Bajo Coste para Climatizar tu Casa Ahorrando
Espa�ol |
Sistema de Refrigeraci�n Pasiva
sin Electricidad - Con Materiales de Bajo Coste, capaz
de Enfriar nuestras...
Espa�ol |
Tejas Solares Fotovoltaicas - El
Futuro de la Energ�a Solar en Viviendas
The Case for Young People and
- A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future
� |
The Magical Hobbit-Like Eco Cave
� |
� |
The Many Reasons to Consider
Off-The-Grid Independent Living
� |
The Really Creepy People Behind
the Libertarian-Inspired Billionaire Sea Castles
� |
The Technologies Building the
Smart Cities of the Future
� |
The World's First Floating Nation
to Launch in Pacific Ocean in 2022 - With Own Government
and Crypto...
� |
This House Was 3D-Printed in Under
24 Hours at a Cost of Just $10,000
Espa�ol |
Una Caba�a de Campo en Forma de
Arco por Menos de 1.000 $
Espa�ol |
Una Ciudad Flotante de 10.000
Habitantes anticipa el Futuro Urbano
Italiano |
Una Donna di 88 Anni Vive fuori del Sistema in modo
Autosufficiente dal 1960
� |
Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities
- Pentagon Video Warns
� |
Fake Islands Might Be a Real Boon for Science
� |
Politics - Pol�tica |
� |
Espa�ol |
Algunos Hechos Chocantes Sobre la
Sociedad, que Absurdamente Aceptamos como Normales
Espa�ol |
As� se Prepara el 1% para el 'Apocalipsis'
� |
Boomers, Gen 'X', Gen 'Y' and Gen
'Z' Explained
Espa�ol |
De C�mo la Generaci�n del
Milenio se Desenamor� de Sus Posesiones
� |
Direct Democracy is the Future of
Human Governance |
� |
� |
Like The Government? Make Your Own, on International
Espa�ol |
El Futuro de la Tecnolog�a - �S�lo
los M�s Ricos Sobrevivir�n y Trascender�n la Condici�n
Espa�ol |
El L�der del Futuro ser� una Persona muy Diferente al del
Espa�ol |
Estados Unidos - La Rebeli�n de la
"Generaci�n Y (millennials)" y la "Generaci�n Z
� |
Evo Morales - An Indian Out of
� |
How Millennials Fell Out
of Love with Their Possessions
� |
Is Holacracy the New "Operating
System" of Conscious Capitalism?
Espa�ol |
La Alternativa a la Econom�a
Capitalista - Christian Felber
Espa�ol |
La Ley del Almirantazgo y
la Esclavitud a Trav�s del Lenguaje
Espa�ol |
La Mec�nica de Una Sociedad Libre
� |
Espa�ol |
La Revoluci�n Femenina
Italiano |
La Strategia della Resilienza -
Soluzione o Legittimazione del Nuovo Apartheid
Espa�ol |
Menos de la Mitad de los 'Milenials'
apoyan la Democracia - Dice un Estudio de la Universidad
de Cambridge
� |
Millennials are Homesteading,
Buying Affordable Homes and Building Community
Espa�ol |
Nueva Tendencia en China
- Millennials que se Van a las Monta�as a Vivir como
� |
Protest has helped Define the
First Two Decades of the 21st Century - Here's what's
� |
Self-Sufficiency - A Universal
Solution to The Globalist Problem - The Globalists' Worst
Espa�ol |
S� Es Posible Otro Mundo
- Con Formas Diferentes de Gobernar y Ser Gobernados -
CR�NICA Desde...
� |
Shocking Facts About Society that We Absurdly Accept as
� |
The Benefits of an Inefficient
� |
The Biggest Lie 'Tech People' tell
Themselves - And the Rest of Us...
� |
The Venus Project and the New World Order - A Critical
� |
The World's Tiniest Countries and
the Eccentrics Who Rule Them
Espa�ol |
Un Partido Mundial |
� |
Possible Future
Earth' Maps |
� |
� |
Amasia, 'Pangaea Proxima' - Next
Supercontinent will appear and form One Continent on our
Atlas of Earth History
- by Christopher R. Scotese
Espa�ol |
La Carta del Mundo Libre
Espa�ol |
Los Cambios Terrestres del 2012
Hasta el 2016 Est�n Acerc�ndose R�pidamente
� |
Possible Maps of The Future
� |
Espa�ol |
Posibles Mapas Continentales Posteriores a La 'Transici�n'
� |
� |
Possible 'Post-Transition' Continental Maps
� |
� |
The Earth Changes of 2012 Through
2016 Are Fast Approaching
� |
- Agua |
� |
� |
Advance Water Storage - The Facts
� |
Espa�ol |
de Mar - Un Plasma Marino al Alcance de Todos
� |
Espa�ol |
Agua Limpia para El Mundo - Un
Simple Horno Solar hace Potable el Agua Salada
Espa�ol |
AquaWeb - Nuevo Sistema para
Captar y Gestionar el Agua inspirado en Abejas, Ara�as,
Hongos y Plantas
Espa�ol |
Biodisponibilidad de los Elementos y Agua de Mar - Sal de Mar
vs. Agua de Mar
� |
Bolivia to Expel Coca-Cola in Wake
of 2012 Mayan 'Apocalypse'
- 'End of Capitalism'
� |
Can Ocean Farms Actually Be More
Sustainable Than Even The Most Environmentally Sensitive...
� |
Clean Water for The World - Simple
Solar Oven Makes Salt Water Drinkable
Espa�ol |
Generador Port�til de Aire a Agua
- Hasta 20 litros al d�a de Agua Potable en cualquier
momento y lugar
� |
Graphene May Be the Key to
Drinkable Ocean Water
Espa�ol |
HELIO - Agua Potable en Cualquier
parte del Mundo y a un Coste M�nimo
HELIO - When the Sun creates Water...
Espa�ol |
La "Bomba de Agua Barsha" es capaz
de Bombear 45.000 litros de Agua al D�a sin Combustible
Espa�ol |
Los Minerales en El Agua de Mar y La Pr�xima Revoluci�n
Espa�ol |
Microcentral El�ctrica que se
Monta F�cilmente en cualquier R�o - Para Casas...
Espa�ol |
Mini Hidroel�ctrica con el Tanque de Agua de Tu Casa
� |
� |
Tree' Substance Produces Clean Drinking Water
Inexpensively and Sustainably
Espa�ol |
Plasma Marino Programado - Ibiza y
Formentera Agua de Mar
� |
Scientists Develop 'Nanopores'
that Inexpensively Filter the Salt out of Seawater
Seasteading - A Practical Guide to
Homesteading The High Seas
Seawater Minerals and The Coming
Agricultural Revolution
� |
� |
Some Tips to Help You Get Started
with Aquaponics
� |
The Imploder - Water Energizer
� |
Sieving of Ions using Graphene Oxide Membranes
Espa�ol |
Una M�quina Israelita produce 900
Litros Diarios de Agua a partir del Aire
Desalination with a Single-Layer MoS� Nanopore
Espa�ol |
WaterSeer consigue Agua Potable 24
horas al d�a con Energ�a E�lica
Espa�ol |
Yakka - El Atrapanieblas capaz de
Capturar 10 Litros de Agua al D�a
� |
Books-Treatises |
� |
Espa�ol |
Manifiesto para Una Vida Libre de
- por Mark Boyle
� |
� |
Multimedia |
� |
A Farm for The Future
� |
A Glimpse Ahead
� |
Espa�ol |
Dulce -
La Tierra Vista Desde El Cielo
� |
A Simpler Way - Crisis as
� |
Battery Powered Homes
� |
Beyond 2012 - Evolving Perspectives on The Next Age
� |
Dirt! The Movie
� |
Earthships -
Self-Sustaining Homes
� |
Future by Design
- The Venus Project
� |
Garbage Warrior
� |
Homegrown Revolution - The Urban
- The Dervaes Family
How The Elite Stay In Power
� |
How to Neutralize Radiation and
Chemtrails from The Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body
- Ken Rohla
Grave Danger of Falling Food - Bill
Mollison and Permaculture
Libertopia - A Documentary About
Finding Freedom
� |
Espa�ol |
Los Nuevos Experimentos en
- Sugata Mitra
� |
Espa�ol |
Ma�ana - Un Film de M�lanie
Laurent y Cyril Dion
Paradise or Oblivion
� |
Espa�ol |
Peligro de Escasez de Comida
- Bill
Mollison y La Permacultura
Espa�ol |
Peligro Urbano - Salgan de Las
Permaculture Principles at Work
� |
Political Risk
- Casey Research on "Going Global"
� |
Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The
World - Paul Stamets
� |
Strategic Relocation
- The Film
� |
The 3 Minute Video that Explains
why 100 Years Ago People were Eating Food Most of Us
will Never Taste
The Child-Driven Education
- Sugata Mitra
� |
The Future of Food and Seed
- Vandana Shiva
� |
The Imploder Videos
- The Imploder - Water Energizer
� |
The Indoor Generation
� |
Tomorrow - A Film by M�lanie
Laurent and Cyril Dion
Urban Danger - Leave The Cities
� |
Voyage to The Edge of Space - Your View of the World is
About to Change
What Plants Talk About
- Documentary
� |
� |
Related Reports |
� |
� |
A Healthy
Way to Food
- Main File
� |
� |
Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
Main File
� |
EndGame - JuegoFinal
- Main File
� |
� |
Mushrooms - Fungi
- Main File
� |
� |
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
- Main File
� |
Global Food Control
- Main File
� |
� |
Solar Storms and Earth's Electric
- Main File
� |
� |
The Theory of Gaia
- Main File
� |
� |
- Main File
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |