by Alfred Lambremont Webre
February 6, 2010
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
Examiner Website

R. Stewart: Jan. 21
NASA image (UFO at red)
Breakthroughs in new imaging technology
developed by the firm of Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck may now
permit human observers to identify what appear to be planet-sized
extraterrestrial UFOs exiting from dimensional portals in the Sun.
A giant solar UFO wave commenced January
18, 2010, as predicted by the singularity theory of physicist
Nassim Haramein that postulates
that planet-sized UFOs access our solar system using the Sun as a
star gate.
Images of the Sun taken by NASA Stereo spacecraft independently on
January 21, 2010 and again on January 23, 2010 were submitted by
this Examiner.com reporter to a demonstration test using this new
proprietary imaging technology.
The resulting images and analysis
arguably visually confirm the existence of extraterrestrial or
interdimensional giant UFOs exiting from what the images show as
portals or tunnels on the Sun, in both sets of images from
independent NASA Stereo photos dated Jan. 21 and 23, 2010,
respectively. These results were released by the Ron Stewart/Ron
Nussbeck firm in a report, parts 1 and 2 dated February 2 and 3,
According to communications with this reporter from film director
Jose Escamilla and
Mike Bird, director of Exopolitics
Canada, NASA has acted to remove Stereo images of the Sun containing
giant UFOs from their website.
Joe Gurman, NASA Stereo
Project scientist, stated the giant solar UFOs are �compression
The images derived by the Ron
Stewart/Ron Nussbeck imaging technology appear to demonstrate that
planet-sized extraterrestrial or interdimensional UFOs can be
identified in these images as entering and exiting from dimensional
portals in the Sun.
NASA appears, by the weight of prima facie visual evidence, to have
been engaged in yet another cover-up of intelligent extraterrestrial
life in our solar system, contrary to its mandate under the
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Act of

Stewart: UFO from
Fig. D leaves tunnel (1)
imaging technology and physicist Nassim Haramein
a taped lecture on a previous solar
UFO wave, physicist Nassim Haramein posited the giant solar UFOs as
extraterrestrial craft accessing our solar system via the black hole
or dimensional portal of our Sun, as his singularity theory
Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck approached
Mr. Haramein�s staff prior to his
Feb. 3, 2010 public remarks on a Coast-to-Coast radio program with
copies of the two new imaging technology reports on solar UFOs. Mr.
Haramein has yet to be reached for public comment on the two
On Feb. 3 program Mr.
Haramein noted that,
��there is activity around the sun
that can't easily be explained by conventional means,� yet it's
difficult to make distinctions between camera artifacts and
anomalous objects.�
Methodology -
Visible images of planet-sized solar UFOs
In a
preface to Part 1 of the two
reports on the giant solar UFO images, inventor Ron Stewart
�The author of this document and
inventor of a new imaging process that has the capability of
enhancing inconclusive photos and images of just about any
image of an inconclusive tangible object with a success rate
of about 90%.
This new imaging process the
author has invented has numerous capabilities, which at this
time may even be beyond what NASA can produce in such images
as well. It even has the capability to extract areas in an
image as small as (or smaller) than the eye of a needle.�
Demonstration test #1
January 23, 2010 Stereo images of
the Sun
The first demonstration of the new image enhancing technology,
done on solar images taken by NASA�s Stereo spacecraft on
January 23, 2010 did not at first yield any images of a
planet-sized UFO.
Mr. Ron Stewart of the firm of Ron
Stewart/Ron Nussbeck first analyzed 3 images of the Sun taken by
NASA�s Stereo spacecraft on January 23, 2010 and downloaded by
Mike Bird of Exopolitics Canada from NASA�s website prior to
their being taken down by NASA. These 3 solar images can be seen
as Figures A, B, and C in this reporter�s prior Examiner.com
According to
Part 1 of Mr. Stewart�s report
(pages 1-8),
�In Figures A � C, this author
examined all three of these images and did not find/observe
any anomaly that may be of a planet sized orientation to
suggest yet any planet sized UFOs at that point.�
Demonstration test #2
Evidence for possible
planet-sized UFOs in the Sun�s corona
In demonstration test #2 of the new imaging technology, inventor
Ron Stewart begins with Figure D (above), a NASA Stereo
image of the Sun taken January 21, 2010. The imaging technology
then enhances sections of Figure D to arrive at Figure E
In Figure E, the image appears to
show a UFO-like object emerging from a dark tunnel.
The imaging technology then enhances
Figure E into Figure F (below), which appears to show one
UFO-like object emerging from the dark tunnel, followed by
another possible UFO-like object. This sequence of enhanced
imagery appears to conform to singularity theory holding that
giant ET UFOs may access our solar system using the Sun as a
dimensional portal.
The full sequence of images can be
seen in
Part 1 of the report.
Demonstration test #2 of the new imaging technology was done on
an image of the Sun (Figure D above) taken by NASA�s Stereo
spaceship on January 21, 2010, as set out in a YouTube video
analyzed in a prior Examiner.com article.
UFO Disclosure
Huge UFOs Orbiting The Sun
January 21, 2010
Figure D (well above)
Mr. Stewart examined the
NASA Stereo spacecraft image of the Sun set out in Figure D
(above), stating (Report
Part 1, page 9),
Figure D
�The image above is
important. For it is here we start to see the first
strong suggestive evidence of these possible planet
sized UFOs. In the You-Tube video at about 36:00 seconds
into the video above in this image where the red arrow
The turquoise arrow points
(where at this point in viewing the images the other
possible planet sized UFOs are too small for you to
see)...to other possible planet sized UFOs in the
generalized area where the turquoise arrow points to.�
Figure E (above)
The imaging technology
was used to derive Figure E from a section of Figure D. Mr.
Stewart states about Figure E (Report,
Part 1, page 14):
Figure E
�The first possible
planet-sized UFO is enlarged again. However, what is
important here is the old saying "Things are not always
as they appear� What you see here is not as it truly
appears. The dark area [around the number "1"] is not
really part of this possible planet-sized UFO. If not,
what is it?
Rather, in theory and
hypothesis the photographic evidence on continuing pages
will show this dark spot to be a possible 'deep sort of
tunnel in which these possible planet sized UFOs are
coming through.' (1) is actually part of the first
possible planet sized UFO.�

White arrow
giant UFO (Fig. D well above) exiting tunnel
Red arrow
shows UFO in tunnel
Figure F (above)
Figure E is then enhanced using
the imaging technology to derive Figure F.
Inventor Ron Stewart
states (Report
Part 1, page 18),
Figure F
�In the image above the
yellow arrow points to the possible planet sized UFO
entrance. The red arrow points to what may be another
possible planet sized alien ship as it appears maybe
half-way through this possible tunnel area.�
Demonstration test #3
�the most important photographs
ever, showing these UFO's accessing our Sun�
In a February 4, 2010 telephone
conversation between inventor Ron Stewart and this reporter, Mr.
Stewart indicated that he thought there were giant solar UFOs in
the NASA Stereo images dated January 23, 2010. These were Stereo
images of the Sun downloaded from the NASA website before NASA
had removed them.
On February 6, 2010, the firm of Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck
emailed this reporter as well as
the offices of physicist
Nassim Haramein the results
of Demonstration test #3, in the form of enhanced images from
the Jan. 23, 2010 Stereo image of the Sun.
For ease of viewing, 11 of these images, derived from a NASA
Stereo photograph of the Sun dated Jan. 23, 2010, are included
in a slide show accompanying this article (See below).
Ron Stewart and Ron Nussbeck stated in an email
dated Feb. 6, 2010 to the staff of physicist Nassim Haramein and
to this reporter,
�The images [in the slideshow]
were extracted from NASA's Jan, 23, 2010 Stereo image. The
photographs show conclusively that the UFO's are still in
the image but fainter than the Jan. 18, 2010 images. The
reason for this was obvious once we looked closely at the
images, low resolution.
If you measure the DPI in each
photo you will see that we have increased its level allowing
high-resolution images to be obtained and clearly the
imaging of the UFO's. The last photo is a close up of the
top of the craft showing intelligent design, this maybe the
most important photographs ever, showing these UFO's
accessing our Sun.�
What are the
implications of these new enhanced images of giant solar UFOs around
the Sun?
Imaging technology
Invention of new technology by
the firm of Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck appears to process
NASA�s Stereo spacecraft images of the Sun and create prima
facie evidence of planet-sized extraterrestrial or
interdimensional UFOs accessing our solar system using the
Sun as a star gate.
Independent demonstration of
UFOs and tunnels on our Sun
The new imaging technology has
now demonstrated the existence of what appear to be
planet-sized UFOs emerging from tunnels on our Sun in two
independent demonstrations, based on separate NASA Stereo
photos taken Jan. 21, and Jan. 23, 2010.
Freedom of Information
U.S. citizens and taxpayers, as
well as the world community, are entitled to the full
information and knowledge provided in NASA Stereo of the Sun
as set out in the provisions of the U.S. National Aeronautic
and Space Act of 1958, which provides (inter alia) that �it
is the policy of the United States that activities in space
should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of
all mankind.�
NASA�s actions contrary to the
U.S. National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958
NASA appears to be taking down
valid Stereo spacecraft images of the Sun containing giant
solar UFOs, in contravention of its mandate under the
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Act of 1958. Criminal prosecution by the U.S.
Department of Justice is in order.
NASA�s official statements
contrary to the National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958
NASA officials such as those of
Joe Gurman, NASA Stereo
Project scientist, stating that the giant solar UFOs are
�compression artifacts� are non-tenable and may be in
intentional aid of a criminal racketeering (RICO) conspiracy
to violate the National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958.
Criminal prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice is in
Quantum physics now can explain
giant solar UFOs
Nassim Haramein�s
singularity theory offers a
plausible, science-based explanation of giant solar UFOs,
which use the star gate of our Sun to access our solar
system from
interdimensional reality.
The January 18, 2010 solar UFO
wave constitutes a disclosure of their presence by
By entering our solar system
through the Sun�s star gate and being monitored and recorded
by NASA�s Stereo spacecraft, extraterrestrial (interdimensional)
civilizations have de facto disclosed their presence in
space ships as large as the Earth.
Earth-sized solar UFO spaceships
accessing the solar system through the star gate of a Sun
that Earth has made subject to the Outer Space Treaty of
1967 (Article II), which provides that �Outer space,
including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not
subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty,
by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.�
Earth-sized solar UFO spaceships
accessing the solar system through the star gate of the Sun
appear to have the capability to render emergency assistance
to (or socio-political domination of) our human population,
if need be. Such an intervention would violate a universal
law of non-intervention. � See:
2012 may bring the �perfect storm� �
solar flares, systems collapse
Citizen disclosure
The evidence to date appears to
demonstrate that citizen-driven extraterrestrial and
inter-dimensional disclosure initiatives (including citizen
whistleblowers) are perhaps a sole source of authentic
disclosure. The disclosures by citizen inventors Ron
Stewart/Ron Nussbeck of close-up images of giant solar UFOs,
exposing NASA�s cover-up in the case of Stereo spacecraft
images are the latest case in point.
Exopolitical infrastructure
Human society lacks a
transparent, interactive
exopolitical infrastructure
for open and mutual relations with the intelligent
civilizations that may be accessing our solar system through
the star gate of the Sun. This is the legacy of the
1953 U.S. CIA Robertson Panel,
which created a climate of public discourse around the
extraterrestrial presence driven by ridicule. Allowing an
effective human exopolitical infrastructure to flourish
after years of a truth embargo is a singular priority.
Editorial caveat
In undertaking the evaluations necessary
for this Examiner.com article, this reporter had access to the
Ron Stewart/Ron Nussbeck Report
Part 1 and
Part 2, and interviewed inventor
Ron Stewart on Friday Feb. 6, 2010.
This reporter is not responsible for
errors of analysis, grammar and syntax in the Stewart/Nussbeck
report and has no organizational connection to the Stewart/Nussbeck
firm. Mr. Stewart�s contact information is available on the cover of
the Report.
Mr. Stewart stated he welcomes queries
about his imaging technology and findings.
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