
�-� A Declaration from 'The People of Planet Earth'

Espa�ol �-� Algunas Caracter�sticas Principales de Seres Altamente Evolucionados

�-� Alien Intervention on Earth

�-� Aliens, Egos and Souls - Who Are We in The Big Picture?

�-� Archons in The News

�-� Are We Possessed?

�-� As Government frames ET's as 'Threat,' many use Higher States of Consciousness to Contact Them

�-� A Theory about Aliens - For Years Watching it all Come True...

�-� Awakening The Extraterrestrial Within You


�-� Como Opera el Control Mental en la Abducci�n y en tu Vida

�-� COVID Vaccines - Consequences on the Soul, Spirit and Life after Death


�-�Cu�nto est�s Dispuesto a Saber?


�-� Disidencia y Control de Consciencias


�-� El Control de los Cuerpos Sutiles y la Intervenci�n Et�rica - Abducciones e Implantes


�-� El Mas Grande Enga�o - Por el Dr. Jack Pruett - Una Rese�a de Libro

�-� Encounters with Unseen - A Personal Journey of Discovery


�-��Estamos Pose�dos?


�-�Est� siendo el Planeta Tierra Terraformado por No-Humanos?

�-� ETs and the Spiritual War in the Heavens

�-� Eugenics - Evidence of the Invasive Alien Mind

�-� Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe...


�-� Evidencia Cient�fica Que Las Energ�as Gal�cticas Han Provocado Una Expansi�n de La Consciencia en...


�-� Exoconciencia - Los Or�genes Extraterrestres de La Consciencia Humana

�-� Exoconsciousness - Extraterrestrial Origins of Human Consciousness

�-� Exopsychology


�-� Exponiendo a Los Mal�volos Due�os y Se�ores de La Tierra

�-� Exposing The Evil Overlords of Earth


�-� ExoHistoria - Vuestros Origenes - Parte final

�-� Flying Saucers, Hidden Empire and the Secret of World Control

�-� Galactic Energy Has Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion - Scientific Proof


�-� Hay que Expandir la Conciencia para Ahuyentar al 'Predador' que llevamos Dentro

�-� How Much are You Willing to Know?

�-� Human Consciousness and The Anunnaki

�-� Interdimensional Entities Influencing Daily Life


�-� Intervenci�n Alien�gena en la Tierra

�-� Is COVID an Interdimensional Disease? - An Alien Connection

�-� Is Planet Earth Being Terraformed by Non-Humans?


�-� La Algo-Matrix y los ETs - La Tierra Como una Iniciativa Extraterrestre


�- �La Columna Vertebral de La Intervenci�n est� Rota - Ya es Hora que la Humanidad Camine Libre


�- �La Consciencia Humana y Los Anunnaki


�-� La Extra�a Sensaci�n de "No Pertenecer a este Planeta"


�-� La Federaci�n Gal�ctica inici� la Limpieza Planetaria


�-� La Puerta de Entrada a la Luz - Mensaje Andromedano


�-� La Transici�n Final y la Derrota de los Arcontes

�-� Light Gateway Message from Andromedans


�-� Los Voluntarios


�-� Miedos, Virus, Situaci�n Global - Mensaje Extraterrestre Pleyades


�-� M�mica - El Meme de los Arcontes

�-� Mimic - Meme of Archons


�-� Nadie est� por Encima de la Ley Natural

�-� No One is Above Natural Law


�-� Sobre las Limitaciones del Ser Humano y las Razas que las Provocaron

�-� Some Top Characteristics of Highly Evolved Beings

�-� The Algo-Matrix and the ETs - Earth as an Alien Enterprise

�-� The Back of the Intervention is Broken - Time for Humanity to Walk Free!

�-� The Final Transition and Defeat of the Archons

�-� The Grandest Deception - By Dr. Jack Pruett - A Book Review

�-� The Hidden Spiritual War Through Us

�-� The Terraforming of Planet Earth - The Planned Annihilation of Humankind

�-� The Truth is Out There - The Philosophy of the X-Files

�-� The Wetiko Virus - A Malignant Egophrenia

�-� Three Types of Planetary Soul Matrices

�-� Using Humanity to Spy on Soul Groups from Other Worlds and Densities

Additional Information

�-� 11.11.11 and The Facts About Life as A 4th Dimensional Human - Andromeda Council

�-� Andromeda Council - Reaching Out With Help Across Space

�-� An Interview With John E. Mack

�-� A Time-Free Transparent World - Barbara Hand Clow

�-� Cosmic Consciousness and Outer Spaces in Popular Culture

�-� Dark Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates Resume


�-� El 11.11.11 y los Hechos Acerca de la Vida como Ser Humano de 4� Dimensi�n - Concejo de Andr�meda


�-� El Concejo de Andr�meda - Llegando Con Ayuda a Trav�s El Espacio

�-� Errors in the Human Condition

�-� How the Covid-19 'Pandemic' is Preparing Humanity for First Contact

�-� If Our Universe is so Old and Vast then Where are All the Aliens?


�-� La Alianza de La Tierra - Divulgaci�n Total y la Inminente Revoluci�n Mundial


�-� La Mec�nica Acerca del Atrapamiento de Almas en la Tercera Dimensi�n


�-� Mecanismos de la Ocultaci�n Extraterrestre

�-� Mechanics Around Entrapment of Souls in Third Dimension


-� Nuestros Origenes Estelares - Main File

�-� On The Relationship With The Is-ness

�-� Our Stellar Origins - Main File

�-� The Earth Alliance - Full Disclosure and the Coming Global Revolution

�-� The War on Human DNA


�-� Transformaci�n a Una Vida de 4� Dimensi�n en La Tierra

�-� Transformation to a 4th Dimensional Earth Life - Andromeda Council


�-� Un Mundo Transparente Exento de Tiempo - Barbara Hand Clow



�-� Guerra en El Cielo - El Colegio Invisible - por Kyle Griffith

�-� War in Heaven - The Invisible College - A Completely New and Revolutionary Conception of... - by K.Griffith


�-� Aliens are a Myth? - Don't be Daft, they are Manipulating Our World

�-� Global Reset and Reptilian Overlords - Rise of the Resistance and Full Disclosure


�-� La Historia Real se sabr� entre Ahora y Abril (Noviembre 2021-Abril 2022)



Related Reports

�-� The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials - Effects on Humanity's... - Main File

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