Alexandre Bergel
Computer Scientist at RelationalAI. From 2009 until 2022, Professor (Associate) at the University of Chile, member of the Intelligent Software Construction laboratory (ISCLab).
My research interests include software engineering, software performance, software visualization, programming environment, machine learning, and critical embedded systems.
I am interested in improving the way we build and maintain software. My current hypothesises are validated using rigorous empirical methodologies.
For details concerning my research, check out the publications page or check out the common online resources (Google Scholar, DBLP, ACM, SCOPUS, FCFM, UChile).
I am academic coordinator of the Diploma de Postítulo en Inteligencia Artificial. I am an editorial board member of Empirical Software Engineering.
I like to work with people. As soon as your dream is to help the humanity to make better software then we should talk.
I enjoy writing:
I enjoy discussing scientific advances to a large audience (in Spanish):
- 31-08-2021, Nex Prensa Escrita. Title: "Simulación y realidad virtual: los avances para la minería" url
- 10-08-2021, Terra. Title: "¿Puede la Inteligencia Artificial estar al servicio de las Pymes?" url
- 28-01-2020, El Mercurio. Title: "Interview about Virtual Reality" url
- 22-07-2019, Mundo Plus Vanguardia. Title: "Interview on TV about the Apollo 11 moon landing" url
- 30-06-2019, El Mercurio Valparaiso. Title: "Artificial intelligence" url
- 17-05-2018, LUN. Title: "Artificial intelligence" url
I am part of the Steering Committee of the IEEE International Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) (2015 - 2020) and Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE) (since 2018).
I am part member of the editorial board of the journal Empirical Software Engineering.
Prominent talks:
- 2020-12-10, NASA -- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Title: "Visualization and Analysis of Critical Software Systems" url1 url2
- 2020-08-29, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Softwaretechnologie, Cologne, Germany. Title: "Experiences in Software Visualization"
- IEEE Computer Society TCSE New Directions Award committee (2022)
- MAEVA -- Impact of Software Evolution on Memory and Energy Consumption (2020 - 2023) --FONDECYT Regular 1200067 (approx 100K euros)
- VISIAR -- Visualizing Software Performance in Immersive Virtual and Augmented Reality (2020 - 2022) --Programa de Cooperación Internacional (approx 10K euros)
- STICAmSud DAJA -- Detection strategies based on Software Metrics for Multitier JavaScript (2018 - 2020) --STICAmSud (approx 3K euros)
- ALMA -- Analyses and Tools for Monitoring and Improving Software Quality (2012 - 2014) --FONDECYT Regular 1120094 (approx 100K euros)
- ASPIRE -- Assess, Visualize and Reengineer Software Engineering processes (2011 - 2013) --ECOS-CONICYT (approx 10K euros)
- CoReA -- Comprehension and Remodularization of Applications based on Aspects, Classboxes and Traits (2009 - 2011) --STICAmSud (approx 3K euros)
Participation in evaluation committees:
- UCentral -- Concurso Interno de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo - Universidad Central (2017) -- Chile
- DFG -- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2015) -- Germany
- FONDEF -- Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (2016, 2017) -- Chile
- CONICYT -- Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) -- Chile
- FONCYT -- Comunicaciones y Electrónica del Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnólogica (2014, 2019) -- Argentine
- NWO -- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (2012) -- Netherlands
- MEC -- Concurso de Atracción de Capital Humano del Extranjero (2012) -- Chile
- SNSF -- Swiss National Science Foundation (2009, 2010) -- Switzerland
Journal review (online record):
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE-D-18-00335, EMSE-D-18-00220R1)
- IEEE Access (Access-2018-15488, Access-2019-28219)
- Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC_2018_112)
- Information and Software Technology (INFSOF-D-15-00413)
- Software Quality Journal (SQJO-D-15-00068)
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSME-13-0145, JSME-16-0255)
- ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO-2015-56)
- Software: Practice and Experience (SPE-11-0254, SPE-10-0166, SPE-10-0076, SPE-08-0086)
- Science of Computer Programming (SCICO-D-11-00037, SCICO-D-14-00035, SCICO-D-15-00246)
- Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development
- ACM Computing Review
- Transaction on Software Engineering (TSESI-2008-03-0115, TSE-0024-0107)
- IEEE Software (SW-2015-01-0002, SWSI-0231-1206)
- Computer Languages, Systems & Structures (COMLAN_2017_23)
Workshop organization:
- NII Shonan Meeting 2022 -- Augmented Software Visualization
- NIP '20 -- First International Workshop on New Interfaces for Programming
- VASPE '19 -- International Workshop on Visual Analytics in Supercomputing and Performance Engineering
- VSSP -- GI-Dagstuhl Seminar on "Visualizing Systems and Software Performance (VSSP)"
- Dyla'13 -- the 7th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
- Dyla'12 -- the 6th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
- Dyla'11 -- the 5th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
- Dyla'10 -- the 4th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
- Dyla'07 -- the 3th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications
- ICSME'25 -- 41st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- SESoS'25 -- 13th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems
- ICPC'25 -- 33rd edition of the International Conference on Program Comprehension
- VISSOFT'24 -- 12th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- ICSME'24 -- 40th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- ICSE'24 -- 46th International Conference on Software Engineering 2024
- SESoS'24 -- 12th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems
- IEEE/ACM ASE'23-Journal First` -- 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - Journal-First Track
- IEEE VISSOFT'23 -- 11th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- IEEE SCAM'23 -- 23rd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
- EI.A'23 -- Energy Informatics.Academy Conference
- ICSME'23 -- 39th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- ICSME-Industry'23 -- 39th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution - Industry track
- SATToSE'23 -- 15th Seminar on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution
- ICPC'23 -- 31st International Conference on Program Comprehension
- ISSTA'23 -- 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
- SANER-ERA'23 -- 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
- ICCQ'23 -- 3rd International Conference on Code Quality
- ICSE'23 -- 45th International Conference on Software Engineering 2023
- EASEAI'22 -- 4th International Workshop on Education through Advanced Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
- BENEVOL2022 -- 21st Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop
- IEEE IROS'22 -- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
- IEEE VISSOFT'22 -- 10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- ASE-NIER'22 -- 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- ECSA-DE&I'22 -- 16th European Conference on Software Architecture -- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- ICPE'22 -- 13th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
- SESoS'22 -- 10th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems
- ICPC'22 -- 30th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
- ICPC-Tool'22 -- 30th International Conference on Program Comprehension - Tool Demo Track
- ICPC'22 -- 30th International Conference on Program Comprehension
- ASE'22 -- 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- ICSA'22 -- 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
- SANER-ERA'22 -- 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - Early Research Achievements
- ACM/SPEC ICPE'22 -- 11th International Conference on Performance Engineering
- ISEC'22 -- 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
- ICSE'22 -- 44th International Conference on Software Engineering 2022
- A-TEST 2021 -- 12th A-TEST Workshop, collocated with ESEC/FSE 2021
- ASE-NIER 2021 -- 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results track
- CIbSE 2021 -- 24th Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering
- IEEE VISSOFT-MIP 2021 -- 10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - Most Influential Paper Award chair (program co-chair)
- SBES'21 -- Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
- ICSME-NIER'21 -- 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution - New Ideas and Emerging Results
- VISSOFT'21 -- 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- ECSA'21 -- 15th European Conference on Software Architecture
- SEAA-AI4DevOps'21 -- 47th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications - AI-Enabled Software Development and Operations
- ICSA'21 -- IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
- SANER-Industry'21 -- 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering-Industry track
- SANER-ERA'21 -- 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering-Early Research Achievements
- LANGETI @ FSE/ESEC'20 -- 1st Languages and Tools for Next Generation Testing Workshop
- ACM SRC @ FSE/ESEC'20 -- ESEC/FSE 2020 ACM Student Research Competition PC
- SBCARS 2020 -- 14th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures, and Reuse
- IWST 2020 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- COP 2020 -- The 12th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity
- VISSOFT 2020 -- The Eight IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- DLS 2020 -- Dynamic Languages Symposium
- Onward! Essays 2020 -- Onward! Essays 2020 @ ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications
- SEAA - AI4DevOps 2020 -- 46th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications -- track AI-Enabled Software Development and Operations
- SESoS/WDE 2020 -- 14th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems
- CIbSE 2020 -- XXIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering
- MSR 2020 -- 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- ICSA 2020 -- IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture
- SANER-LBI 2020 -- 27th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - Late Breaking Ideas Track
- SANER-ERA 2020 -- 27th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - Early Research Achievements
- SANER-Industry 2020 -- 27th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering - Industry Track
- ICSME 2019 (Short Papers) -- 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (Short Papers)
- WEESR 2019 -- 2nd Workshop on Empirical Experiences of Software Reuse
- DLS 2019 -- 15th Dynamic Languages Symposium
- VISSOFT 2019 -- 7th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- ASSE 2019 -- Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering
- ICSME 2019 -- 35th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- SESoS-WDES 2019 -- Joint 7th ICSE International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and 13th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems
- SEAA 2019 -- Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications 2019 (Software and Big Data Analytics session)
- TOOLS 50+1 -- Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
- MSR 2019 -- 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- OSS 2019 -- 15th International Conference on Open Source Systems
- SANER-ERA 2019 -- 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering -- Early Research Achievements Track
- SANER-Industry 2019 -- 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering -- Industry track
- ICSE-SRC 2019 -- 41th International Conference on Software Engineering -- Student Research Competition
- WDES @ ECSE 2018 -- 12th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems, collocated with the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture
- VISSOFT 2018 -- 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- SATToSE 2018 -- 11th Seminar on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (program co-chair)
- IWST 2018 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- ICSME-Industry 2018 -- 12th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution - Industry track
- SA-SEAA 2018 -- 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
- ICPC-ERA 2018 -- 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension - Early Research Achievement
- MAINT 2018 -- 1st International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Interaction Histories, co-located with the 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)
- LTB 2018 -- Workshop on Load Testing and Benchmarking Software Systems, co-located with the 9th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE)
- SANER-ERA 2018 -- 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering - Early Research Achievement
- VEM 2017 -- 5th Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance
- ICSME-Industry 2017 -- 33rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2017), Industry Track
- WEA 2017 -- 5th International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures
- IWST 2017 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- ICSME 2017 Artifacts -- 33rd International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution - Artifacts Track
- SLISW / ASSE 2017 -- Simposio Latinoamericano de Ingeniería de Software / Simposio Argentino de Ingeniería de Software
- DLS 2017 -- 13th Dynamic Languages Symposium
- SATToSE 2017 -- 10th Seminar on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution
- VISSOFT 2017 -- 5th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- OSS 2017 -- 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems
- SANER-ERA 2017 -- 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reenginering - Early Research Achievement
- ICPC-ERA 2017 -- 25th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension - Early Research Achievement
- WEA 2016 -- 4th International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures
- SATToSE 2016 -- Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution.
- VISSOFT 2016 -- IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- ICPC-Tool Demo 2016 -- 24th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension -- Tool demo
- VISSOFT-AEC 2016 -- IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization -- Artifact Evaluation Committee (program co-chair)
- ICSME-Industry 2016 -- International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Industry track
- CIEL 2016 -- 5ème Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel
- VEM 2016 -- 4th Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution, and Maintenance (VEM) (program co-chair)
- OOPS 2016 -- 31th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016), Object-Oriented Languages and Systems track
- ACM SRC ICSE 2016 -- ACM Student Research Competition, collocated with ICSE 2016
- MODELSWARD 2016 -- 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
- SCORE 2016 -- Student Contest on Software Engineering, collocated with ICSE 2016
- EOSESE 2015 -- 2015 European Open Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering
- VEM 2015 -- Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance, and Evolution
- CIEL 2015 -- 4ème Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel
- WEA 2015 -- 3rd International Workshop on Ecosystem Architectures
- IWSECO 2015 -- 7th Workshop on Software Ecosystems
- ASSE 2015 -- Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE 2015)
- ICSME - ERA 2015 -- The IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2015) --- The Early Research Achievements (ERA) Track
- IEEE VISSOFT 2015 -- 3rd International Working Conference on Software Visualization (Program co-chair) (program co-chair)
- Demos 2015 -- Demonstrations and Posters track at Modularity 2015
- OOPS 2015 -- 30th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2015), Object-Oriented Languages and Systems track
- SANER 2015 -- 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2015)
- SANER-ERA 2015 -- 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering, Early Research Achievements (SANER-ERA 2015)
- VEM 2014 -- Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance, and Evolution
- IWST 2014 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- VISSOFT NIER 2014 -- 2nd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization
- CLEI 2014 -- XI Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática
- CIEL 2014 -- 3ème Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel
- ENASE 2014 -- 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
- ICSOFT-PT 2014 -- International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
- CSMR-WCRE ERA 2014 -- Early Research Achievements at the joint meeting of the CSMR and WCRE conferences
- OOPS 2014 -- 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems
- MODELSWARD 2014 -- 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
- ICSE SRC 2014 -- Student Research Competition @ ICSE 2014
- IWST 2013 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies, collocated with ESUG 2013
- LAFM 2013 -- Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods
- WASDeTT 2013 -- 4th International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques
- WCRE 2013 -- 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
- ESEC/FSE 2013, AEC -- Artifact Evaluation Committee co-chair, 9th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (program co-chair)
- CIEL 2013 -- Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel
- SC 2013 -- International Conference on Software Composition
- OOPS 2013 -- Object Oriented Programming Languages and Systems - ACM SAC 2013
- ECOOP 2013 -- European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
- Smalltalks 2012 -- 6th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies
- IWASE 2012 -- International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering
- IWST 2012 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- CIEL 2012 -- Conference en Ingenierie du Logiciel
- CibSE 2012 -- XV Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, Doctoral Symposium
- ICSOFT 2012 -- 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- PPPJ 2012 -- 10th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java
- GPCE 2012 -- Generative Programming and Component Engineering
- WEWST 2012 -- 7th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies
- FREECO 2011 -- 2nd workshop on "Free Composition", collocated at SPLAH/Onward!!
- Smalltalks 2011 -- 5th Argentine Conference on Smalltalk -- Research Track
- IWASE 2011 -- Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering
- DSLRob 2011 -- 2nd International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems
- WEWST 2011 -- 6th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies
- RAM-SE 2011 -- 8th Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution
- IWST 2011 -- International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
- ICSOFT 2011 -- 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- TOOLS Europe 2011 -- 49th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns
- SEFM 2011 -- 9th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
- SAC 2011 -- Programming Languages (PL) Track at the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- ICSM 2010 (demo track) -- 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, tool demo track
- WEWST 2010 -- 5th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies
- SCCC 2010 -- XXIX Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la Computacion
- Smalltalks 2010 -- 4th Argentine Conference on Smalltalk -- Research Track
- FAMOORSr 2010 -- 4th Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering
- MajecSTIC 2010 -- MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
- IROS'10) -- 1st International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and models for ROBotic systems
- ROOTS 2010 -- 1st ECOOP'10 International Workshop on Real-time Object-Oriented Technologies
- RAM-SE 2010 -- 7th ECOOP'10 Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution
- ICSOFT 2010 -- 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- CLEI 2010 -- XXXVI Latin American Conference on Informatics
- TOOLS 2010 -- 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns
- PL-SAC 2010 -- Programming Languages Track at the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- RAM-SE 2009 -- 6th ECOOP'09 Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution
- ICSOFT 2009 -- 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- Smalltalks 2008 -- 2da Conferencia Argentina de Smalltalk
- INTENSIVE 2009 -- 1st International Conference on Intensive Applications and Services
- TOOLS 2009 -- 47th International Conference Objects, Models, Components, Patterns
- ICSOFT 2008 -- International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- Web Technologies Track at SAC 2008 -- the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- SC 2008 -- Software Composition Symposium SC 2008 (program co-chair)
- ICSOFT 2007 -- International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- SC 2007 -- Software Composition Symposium SC 2007
- EIWAS 2006 -- 3rd European Workshop on Aspects in Software
- NODe 2006 -- Net. Object Days, Objects, Aspects, Service, the Web
- MajecSTIC 2006 -- Conference nationale consacree aux sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
- ICSOFT 2006 -- International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
- SC 2006 -- 5th Internation Symposium on Software Composition
- IWSAC 2005 -- 2nd International Workshop on Software Aspects of Context
- CMDS 2005 -- Components Models for Dependable Systems
- Increasing the Effectiveness of Automatically Generated Tests by Improving Class Observability -- Geraldine Galindo-Gutierrez, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Nicolas Jimenez-Fuentes, Alexandre Bergel, Gordon Fraser. Proceedings of 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'25) --
- The Hidden Costs of Automation: An Empirical Study on GitHub Actions Workflow Maintenance -- Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz, Timo Kehrer. Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (IEEE SCAM'24) --
- Debugging Activity Blueprint -- Valentin Bourcier, Alexandre Bergel, Anne Etien, Steven Costiou. Proceedings of 12th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (IEEE VISSOFT'24) -- pdf
- On the Use of Statistical Machine Translation for Suggesting Variable Names for Decompiled Code: The Pharo Case -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Harold Camacho-Jaimes, Geraldine Galindo-Gutierrez, Andrés Neyem, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Journal of Computer Languages. pdf , web
- Asking and Answering Questions During Memory Profiling -- Alison Fernandez Blanco, Araceli Queriolo Córdova, Alexandre Bergel, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer. Transaction on Software Engineering. pdf , web
- A Test Amplification Bot for Pharo/Smalltalk -- Mehrdad Abdi, Henrique Rocha, Alexandre Bergel, Serge Demeyer. Journal of Computer Languages. pdf , web
- Sobo: A Feedback Bot to Nudge Code Quality in Programming Courses -- Sofia Bodadilla, Richard Glassey, Alexandre Bergel, Martin Monperrus. IEEE Software. web
- SmallEvoTest: Genetically Created Unit Tests for Smalltalk -- Alexandre Bergel, Geraldine Galindo-Gutiérrez, Alison Fernandez-Blanco, Juan-Pablo Sandoval-Alcocer. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'23) -- pdf
- µPrintGen: Supporting Workflow Logs Analysis Through Visual Microprint -- Sebastian Alfaro, Alexandre Bergel, Jocelyn Simmonds. Proceedings of 11th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (IEEE VISSOFT'23) -- pdf
- EGAD: A Moldable Tool for GitHub Action Analysis -- Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo, Alexandre Bergel, Timo Kehrer, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of 20th IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) (IEEE/ACM MSR-Tool'23) -- pdf
- Exploring GitHub Actions through EGAD: An Experience Report -- Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo, Alexandre Bergel, Timo Kehrer, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'23) -- pdf
- Introduction to Special Issue on Visualization Applied to Software Engineering -- Paul Leger, Alexandre Bergel, Juan Pablo Sandoval, Leonel Merino. Information and Software Technology. pdf , web
- Visualizing Memory Consumption with Vismep -- Alison Fernandez Blanco, Alexandre Bergel, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Araceli Queirolo Córdova. Proceedings of 10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (IEEE VISSOFT'22) -- pdf
- Spike – A code editor plugin highlighting fine-grained changes -- Ronald Escobar, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Hagen Tarner, Fabian Beck, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 10th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - New Ideas and Emerging Results (IEEE VISSOFT-NIER'22) -- pdf
- TestEvoViz: Visualizing Genetically-Based Test Coverage Evolution -- Andreina Cota Vidaure, Evelyn Cusi Lopez, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Empirical Software Engineering. pdf
- Small-Amp: Test Amplification in a Dynamically Typed Language -- Mehrdad Abdi, Henrique Rocha, Serge Demeyer, Alexandre Bergel. Empirical Software Engineering. pdf , web
- Software Visualizations to Analyze Memory Consumption: A Literature Review -- Alison Fernandez Blanco, Alexandre Bergel, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer. ACM Computing Surveys. pdf , web
- Evolution of GitHub Action Workflows -- Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering -- Early Research Achievements (IEEE SANER-ERA'22) -- pdf
- VR-Based User Interactions to Exploit Infinite Space in Programming Activities -- Víctor Stefano Segura Castillo, Leonel Merino, Geoffrey Hecht, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 40th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC'21) -- pdf , web
- Agile Visualization with Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel. Published by Apress, 266 pages -- pdf
- Do Comments follow Commenting Conventions? A Case Study in Java and Python -- Pooja Rani, Suada Abukar, Nataliia Stulova, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation - New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (IEEE SCAM-NIER'21) -- pdf , web
- A Scalable Log Differencing VisualisationApplied to COBOL Refactoring -- Céline Deknop, Kim Mens, Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry, Vadim Zaytsev. Proceedings of 9th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'21) -- pdf , web
- Systematic Fuzz Testing Techniques on a Nanosatellite Flight Software for Agile Mission Development -- Tamara Gutierrez, Alexandre Bergel, Carlos E. Gonzalez, Camilo J. Rojas, Marcos A. Diaz. IEEE Access. pdf , web
- Building a Bot for Automatic Expert Retrieval on Discord -- Ignacio Nuñez Norambuena, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evolution (MaLTeSQuE) -- pdf
- HAnS: IDE-Based Editing Support for Embedded Feature Annotations -- Johan Martinson, Herman Jansson, Mukelabai Mukelabai, Thorsten Berger, Alexandre Bergel, Truong Ho-Quang. Proceedings of 25th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, Demonstration and Tools track (SPLC) -- pdf
- FeatureVista: Interactive Feature Visualization -- Alexandre Bergel, Razan Ghzouli, Thorsten Berger, Michel R. V. Chaudron. Proceedings of 25th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) -- pdf
- Quality Histories of Past Extract Method Refactorings -- Abel Mamani Taqui, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Geoffrey Hecht, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA) -- pdf
- How do developers use the Java Stream API? -- Joshua Nostas, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Diego Elias Costa, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA) -- pdf
- Nanosatellite constellation control framework using evolutionary contact plan design -- Carlos E. Gonzalez, Alexandre Bergel, Marcos A. Diaz. Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology - The Space-Terrestrial Internetworking workshop (SMC-IT-STINT) -- pdf
- Tools Impact on the Quality of Annotations for Chat Untangling -- Jhonny Cerezo, Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing - Student Research Workshop (ACL-IJCNLP 2021 SRW) -- pdf
- Generating Object-Oriented Source Code Using Genetic Programming -- Vicente Illanes, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, collocated with ICSE (GI'21) -- pdf
- Beacon: Automated Test Generation for Stack-Trace Reproduction using Genetic Algorithms -- Ignacio Slater, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, collocated with ICSE (SBST'21) -- pdf
- Quantifying the Adoption of Kotlin on Android Stores: Insight from the Bytecode -- Geoffrey Hecht, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft'21) -- pdf
- Fuzz Testing in Behavior-Based Robotics -- Rodrigo Delgado, Miguel Campusano, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE ICRA'21) -- pdf
- Optimization of Java Virtual Machine Flags Using Feature Model and Genetic Algorithm -- Felipe Canales, Geoffrey Hecht, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Performance Engineering - Work-in-Progress/Vision track at ICPE (ACM/SPEC ICPE-WIP'21) -- pdf
- Agile Artificial Intelligence in Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel. Published by Apress, 386 pages -- pdf
- Toward Applying Fuzz Testing Techniques on the SUCHAI Nanosatellites Flight Software -- Tamara Guterriez, Alexandre Bergel, Carlos E. Gonzalez, Camilo J. Rojas, Marcos A. Diaz. Proceedings of 5th Biennial Congress of IEEE Argentina Section - Aeronautics and Space track (IEEE ARGENCON'20) -- pdf
- An Interdisciplinary Model for Graphical Representation: Two Case Studies -- Giuseppe Antonio Pierro, Stéphane Ducasse, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Cognition: Interdisciplinary Foundations, Models and Applications (CIFMA'20) -- pdf
- Reproducing Bugs in Video Games using Genetic Algorithms -- Tomás Ahumada, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of IEEE Games, Animation, Multimedia and Multiple Realities (IEEE GMAX'20) -- pdf , web
- Interactive Role Stereotype-Based Visualization To Comprehend Software Architecture -- Truong Ho-Quang, Alexandre Bergel, Arif Nurwidyantoro, Rodi Jolak, Michel Chaudron. Proceedings of 8th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'20) -- pdf
- TestEvoViz: Visual Introspection for Genetically-Based Test Coverage Evolution -- Andreina Cota Vidaure, Evelyn Cusi Lopez, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 8th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'20) -- pdf
- Fuzzing to Estimate Gas Costs of Ethereum Contracts -- Daniel Soto, Alexandre Bergel, Alejandro Hevia. Proceedings of 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution -- New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSME-NIER'20) -- pdf
- Suggesting Descriptive Method Names: An Exploratory Study of Two Machine Learning Approaches -- Oleksandr Zaitsev, Stephane Ducasse, Alexandre Bergel, Mathieu Eveillard. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology ( QUATIC'20) -- pdf
- Assessing Textual Source Code Comparison: Split or Unified? -- Alejandra Cossio Chavalier, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of First International Workshop on New Interfaces for Programming (NIP'20) -- pdf
- Improving the Success Rate of Applying the Extract Method Refactoring -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alejandra Siles Antezana, Gustavo Santos, Alexandre Bergel. Science of Computer Programming. pdf , web
- Evaluating a Visual Approach for Understanding JavaScript Source Code -- Martin Dias, Diego Orellana, Santiago Vidal, Leonel Merino, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC '20) -- pdf , Video, Teaser
- Toward Agile Situated Visualization: An Exploratory User Study -- Leonel Merino, Boris Sotomayor-Gómez, Xingyao Yu, Ronie Salgado, Alexandre Bergel, Michael Sedlmair, Daniel Weiskopf. Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Late-Breaking Work (CHI-LBW'20) -- pdf , Video
- Vision: Alleviating Android Developer Burden on Obfuscation -- Geoffrey Hecht, Cyprien Neverov, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MobileSoft '20 Visions) -- pdf
- Prioritizing versions for performance regression testing: The Pharo case -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel, Marco Tulio Valente. Science of Computer Programming. pdf , web
- Housing Prices: Testing Machine Learning Methods -- Isabelle Chardon, Francisco Javier Martínez Concha, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 19 Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte (CChIT19) -- pdf
- Performance Evolution Matrix: Visualizing Performance Variations along Software Versions -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Fabian Beck, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 7th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT '19) -- pdf , web
- Enhancing Commit Graphs with Visual Runtime Clues -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Harold Camacho Jaimes, Diego Costa, Alexandre Bergel, Fabian Beck. Proceedings of 7th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - NIER (VISSOFT-NIER '19) -- pdf , web
- An architecture-tracking approach to evaluate a modular and extensible flight software for CubeSat nanosatellites -- Carlos E. Gonzalez, Camilo J. Rojas, Alexandre Bergel, Marcos A. Diaz. IEEE Access. pdf , web
- Live Programming and Software Evolution: Questions during a Programming Change Task -- Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC '19) -- pdf , web
- Building an Expert Recommender Chatbot -- Jhonny Cerezo, Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes and Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (collocated with ICSE'19) (BoTSE '19) -- pdf , web
- PerfVis: Pervasive Visualization in Immersive Augmented Reality for Performance Awareness -- Leonel Merino, Mario Hess, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz, Daniel Weiskopf. Proceedings of 10th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (Work in progress) (ICPE '19) -- pdf , web
- Live Programming in Practice: a Controlled Experiment on State Machines for Robotic Behaviors -- Miguel Campusano, Johan Fabry, Alexandre Bergel. Information and Software Technology. pdf , web
- VizRob: Effective Visualizations to Debug Robotic Behaviors -- Miguel Campusano, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC '19) -- pdf , web
- Continuation to the Rescue: Seamlessly Handling Battery Interruption in Drones -- Rodrigo Delgado, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC '19) -- (Poster) pdf , web
- Visual Analytics Challenges in Analyzing Calling Context Trees -- Alexandre Bergel, Abhinav Bhatele, David Boehme, Patrick Gralka, Kevin Griffin, Marc-André Hermanns, Dusan Okanovic, Olga Pearce, Tom Vierjahn. Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis (colocated with the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'18)) (VPA'18) -- pdf
- Slimming JavaScript Applications: an Approach for Removing Unused Functions from JavaScript Libraries -- Hernán Ceferino Vázquez, Alexandre Bergel, Santiago Vidal, Andres Diaz Pace, Claudia Marcos. Information and Software Technology. pdf
- Experience in Bridging Keras for Python with Pharo -- Alejandro Infante, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST '18) -- pdf
- Deviation Testing: A Test Case Generation Technique for GraphQL APIs -- Daniela Meneses Vargas, Alison Fernandez Blanco, Andreina Cota Vidaurre, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Milton Mamani Torres, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST '18) -- pdf
- Effective Visualization of Object Allocation Sites -- Alison Fernandez Blanco, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT '18) -- pdf
- Overcoming Issues of 3D Software Visualization through Immersive Augmented Reality -- Leonel Merino, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT '18) -- pdf
- Imprecisions Diagnostic in Source Code Deltas -- Guillermo de la Torre, Romain Robbes, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR '18) -- pdf
- An API and Visual Environment to use Neural Network To Reason About Source Code -- Alexandre Bergel, Paulin Melatagia, Serge Stinckwich. Proceedings of Programming Experience Workshop (PX/18) -- pdf
- A Domain-Specific Language to Visualize Software Evolution -- Alison Fernandez Blanco, Alexandre Bergel. Information and Software Technology. pdf , web
- Reducing resource consumption of expandable collections: The Pharo case -- Alexandre Bergel, Alejandro Infante, Sergio Maass, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer. Science of Computer Programming. pdf , web
- The Road to Live Programming: Insights From the Practice -- Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) -- pdf
- Pharo Git Thermite -- A Visual Tool for Deciding to Weld a Pull Request -- Ronie Salgado, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST) -- pdf
- Object Equivalence: Revisiting Object Equality Profiling (An Experience Report) -- Alejandro Infante, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 13th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) -- pdf
- Accurate VM profiler for the Cog VM -- Sophie Kaleba, Clement Bera, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST) --
- Guest editorial of the special section on software visualization -- Alexandre Bergel, Fabian Beck. Information and Software Technology. pdf , web
- Method Execution Reports: Generating Text and Visualization to Describe Program Behavior -- Fabian Beck, Hafiz Ammar Siddiqui, Alexandre Bergel, Daniel Weiskopf. Proceedings of 5th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT '17) -- pdf
- Identifying Classes in Legacy JavaScript Code -- Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio, Alexandre Bergel, Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. pdf , web
- Refactoring Legacy JavaScript Code to Use Classes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -- Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR'17) -- pdf , web
- Statically Identifying Class Dependencies in Legacy JavaScript Systems: First Results -- Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering - Early Research Achievements track (SANER-ERA'17) -- pdf
- Agile Visualization -- Alexandre Bergel. Published by, 235 pages -- pdf
- Does Live Programming Help Program Comprehension? - A user study with Live Robot Programming -- Miguel Campusano, Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry. Proceedings of Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU' 16) -- pdf
- Visually Exploring Object Mutation -- Rodrigo Schulz, Fabian Beck, Jhonny Wilder Cerezo Felipez, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 4th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - New Ideas and Emerging Results track (VISSOFT-NIER'16) -- pdf
- MetaVis: Exploring Actionable Visualization -- Leonel Merino, Mohammad Ghafari, Oscar Nierstrasz, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 4th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - New Ideas and Emerging Results track (VISSOFT-NIER'16) -- pdf
- Energy Code Profiling in Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'16) -- pdf
- Dynamically Composing Collection Operations through Collection Promises -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Marcus Denker, Alexandre Bergel, Yasett Acurana. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'16) -- pdf
- Representing Component Authorship Using Randomly Generated Glyphs -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 9th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE'16) --
- CuboidMatrix: Exploring Dynamic Structural Connections in Software Components using Space-Time Cube -- Teseo Schneider, Yuriy Tymchuk, Ronie Salgado, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 4th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'16) -- pdf
- Over-exposed Classes in Java: An Empirical Study -- Santiago A. Vidal, Alexandre Bergel, J. Andrés Díaz-Pace, Claudia Marcos. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures. pdf , web
- Understanding and Addressing Exhibitionism in Java Empirical Research about Method Accessibility -- Santiago A. Vidal, Alexandre Bergel, Claudia Marcos, J. Andrés Díaz-Pace. Empirical Software Engineering. pdf , web
- Glyph-Based Software Component Identification -- Ignacio Fernandez, Alexandre Bergel, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alejandro Infante, Tudor Gîrba. Proceedings of 24th IEEE International conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'16) -- pdf
- Learning From Source Code History to Identify Performance Failures -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel, Marco Tulio Valente. Proceedings of 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'16) -- pdf , web
- Tracking Down Performance Variation Against Source Code Evolution -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 11th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) -- pdf , web
- On Understanding How Developers Use the Spotter Search Tool -- Juraj Kubelka, Alexandre Bergel, Andrei Chis, Tudor Girba, Stefan Reichhart, Romain Robbes, Aliaksei Syrel. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - New Ideas and Emerging Results (VISSOFT-NIER) -- pdf
- Validating Metric Thresholds with Developers - an early result- -- Paloma Oliveira, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel, Alexander Serebrenik. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, early research achievement (ICSME-ERA) -- pdf , web, slides
- JSClassFinder: A Tool toDetect Class-like Structures in JavaScript -- Leonardo Humberto Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Nicolas Anquetil, Daniel Carlos Hovadick Félix, Alexandre Bergel, Anne Etien. Proceedings of Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSOFT'15) --
- A Tool for Assessing Quality of Rescue Plans by Combining Visualizations of Different Business Process Perspectives -- Alvaro Jose Peralta, Nguyen Tuan Thanh Le, Serge Stinckwich, Chihab Hanachi, Alexandre Bergel, Tuong Vinh Ho. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management - Mediterranean Countries (ISCRAM-med) -- pdf , web
- Controlled Experiment to Assess a Test-Coverage Visualization: Lesson Learnt -- Alexandre Bergel, Vanessa Peña Araya, Tobias Kuhn. Proceedings of 8th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE) -- pdf
- A Visual Support for Decomposing Complex Feature Models -- Simon Urli, Alexandre Bergel, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Philippe Collet, Sébastien Mosser. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT'15) -- pdf , web
- Toward a Platform for Visual Debugging -- Rosario Molina, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST) -- pdf
- Analyzing Dynamic Information with Spy and Roassal: An Experience Report -- Alison Fernandez, Diego Gabriel Nuñez Duran, Alejandro Infante, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Software Analytics (collocated with SANER'15) -- pdf
- Does JavaScript Software Embrace Classes? -- Leonardo Humberto Silva, Miguel Ramos, Marco Tulio Valente, Alexandre Bergel, Nicolas Anquetil. Proceedings of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (IEEE SANER) -- pdf
- GiLA: GitHub Label Analyzer -- Javier Luis Canovas Izquierdo, Valerio Cosentino, Belen Rolandi, Alexandre Bergel, Jordi Cabot. Proceedings of Early Research Achievements (ERA) track at SANER -- pdf
- Efficiently Identifying Object Production Sites -- Alejandro Infante, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of Early Research Achievements (ERA) track at SANER -- pdf
- Increasing test coverage with Hapao -- Alexandre Bergel, Vanessa Peña Araya. Science of Computer Programming. pdf , web
- AVISPA: A Tool for Analyzing Software Process Models -- Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Alexandre Bergel. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. pdf , web
- Asking and Answering Questions during a Programming Change Task in Pharo Language -- Juraj Kubelka, Alexandre Bergel, Romain Robbes. Proceedings of Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) -- pdf
- Pitekün: An Experimental Visual Tool to Assist Code Navigation and Code Understanding -- Juraj Kubelka, Alexandre Bergel, Romain Robbes. Proceedings of Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2014 (JCC) -- pdf
- Inti: Tracking Performance Issue using a Compact and Effective Visualization -- Milton Mamani, Alejandro Infante, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2014 (JCC) -- pdf
- On the Use of Type Predicates in Object-Oriented Software: The Case of Smalltalk -- Oscar Callaú, Romain Robbes, Éric Tanter, David Röthlisberger, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 10th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) -- pdf
- A Domain-Specific Language For Visualizing Software Dependencies as a Graph -- Alexandre Bergel, Sergio Maass, Stéphane Ducasse, Tudor Girba. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT NIER) -- pdf
- Profiling, debugging, testing for the next century -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 7th Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATToSE'14) -- pdf , web
- Verifiable Source Code Documentation in Controlled Natural Language -- Tobias Kuhn, Alexandre Bergel. Science of Computer Programming. pdf , web
- Deep into Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel, Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse, Jannik Laval. Published by Square Bracket Associates, 421 pages -- pdf , web
- PLOMO Associate Team Final Report -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Marcus Denker, Johan Fabry. pdf , web
- Pragmatic Visualizations for Roassal: a Florilegium -- Mathieu Dehouck, Usman Bhatti, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'13) -- pdf
- Identifying Equivalent Objects to Reduce Memory Consumption -- Alejandro Infante, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'13) -- pdf
- Artifact Evaluation (Summary) -- Alexandre Bergel, Lorenzo Bettini. Proceedings of 9th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'13) -- pdf
- Design Decisions in AspectMaps -- Johan Fabry, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization VISSOFT, Tools demo -- pdf
- Performance Evolution Blueprint: Understanding the Impact of Software Evolution on Performance -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Marcus Denker. Proceedings of 1st IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization VISSOFT -- pdf , web
- Interactive Code Execution Profiling -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Live Programming -- Collocated with ICSE'13. pdf
- Tracking Performance Failures with Rizel -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of 13th International Workshop on Principles on Software Evolution -- Collocated with ESEC/FSE'13. pdf
- Visual Patterns with Profiling Blueprint -- Alexandre Bergel, Vanessa Peña Araya, Chris Thorgrimsson, Chung Ho Huang. Proceedings of 7th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications -- Collocated with ECOOP'13. pdf
- Modeling Domain-Specific Profilers -- Jorge Ressia, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz. The Journal of Object Technology (JOT). pdf , web
- Spy: A Flexible Code Profiling Framework -- Alexandre Bergel, Felipe Bañados, Romain Robbes, David Röthlisberger. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. pdf , web
- Execution profiling blueprints -- Alexandre Bergel, Felipe Bañados, Romain Robbes, Walter Binder. Software: Practices and Experience. pdf , web
- Generics and Reverse Generics for Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel, Lorenzo Bettini. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trend (ICSOFT'12) -- pdf
- Object-Centric Debugging -- Jorge Ressia, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'12) -- pdf
- Debugging performance failures -- Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications -- Collocated with ECOOP'12. pdf , web
- The Hidden Face of Execution Sampling -- Alexandre Bergel, Vanessa Peña Araya, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer. Proceedings of the 1st Smalltalk Direction Workshop -- Collocated with STIC'12. pdf
- Reconciling Method Overloading and Dynamically Typed Scripting Languages -- Alexandre Bergel. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. pdf , web
- FlowTalk: Language Support for Long-Latency Operations in Embedded Devices -- Alexandre Bergel, William Harrison, Vinny Cahill, Siobhan Clarke. Transactions on Software Engineering. pdf , web
- Toward Lean Development in Formally Specified Software Processes -- María Cecilia Bastarrica, Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 18th European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference (EuroSPI'11) -- pdf
- Counting Messages as a Proxy for Average Execution Time in Pharo -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'11) -- pdf
- Domain-Specific Profiling -- Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz, Lukas Renggli, Jorge Ressia. Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS EUROPE'11) -- pdf
- Analyzing Software Process Models with AVISPA -- Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the International Conferences on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP'11) -- pdf
- Supporting Language Interoperability by Dynamically Switched Behaviors -- Jan Kurs, Jan Vrany, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the Databases, Texts, Specifications, and Objects (DATSEO'11) -- pdf
- Challenges to support automated random testing for dynamically typed languages -- Stéphane Ducasse, Manuel Oriol, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies -- Collocated with ESUG'11. pdf , web
- Memoization Aspects: a Case Study -- Santiago A. Vidal, Claudia Marcos, Alexandre Bergel, Gabriela Arevalo. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'11) -- Collocated with ESUG'11. pdf
- Klotz: An Agile 3D Visualization Engine -- Ricardo Jacas, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'11) -- Collocated with ESUG'11. pdf , web
- Test Coverage With Hapao -- Vanessa Peña Araya, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications -- Collocated with TOOLS 2011. pdf , web
- Visualizing and Assessing a Compositional Approach of Business Process Design -- Sébastien Mosser, Alexandre Bergel, Mireille Blay-Fornarino. Proceedings of the International Conferences on Software Composition (SC'10) -- pdf
- Visualizing Dynamic Metrics with Profiling Blueprints -- Alexandre Bergel, Romain Robbes, Walter Binder. Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS EUROPE'10) -- pdf
- Read-Only Execution for Dynamic Languages -- Jean-Baptiste Arnaud, Marcus Denker, Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet, Alexandre Bergel, Mathieu Suen. Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS EUROPE'10) -- pdf
- Software Process Model Blueprints -- Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, Alejandro Lagos, Alexandre Bergel, María Cecilia Bastarrica. Proceedings of the International Conferences on Software Processes (ICSP'10) -- pdf
- Analyzing the Scrum Process Model with AVISPA -- Julio Ariel Hurtado Alegría, María Cecilia Bastarrica, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the XXIX International Conference of the SCCC -- pdf
- Memory Profiling Blueprint -- Alexandre Bergel, Mariano Abel Coca, Gabriela Arevalo, Dale Henrichs, Jannik Laval. Proceedings of the 4th Smalltalk Conference (Smalltalks'10) -- pdf
- SPY: A Flexible Code Profiling Framework -- Alexandre Bergel, Felipe Bañados, Romain Robbes, David Röthlisberger. Proceedings of the 4th Smalltalk Conference (Smalltalks'10) -- pdf
- Agile Code Profiling Visualization -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications (DYLA'10) -- pdf
- Identifying cycle causes with Enriched Dependency Structural Matrix -- Jannik Laval, Simon Denier, Stéphane Ducasse, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 16th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'09) -- pdf
- Reverse Generics -- Parametrization After the Fact -- Alexandre Bergel, Lorenzo Bettini. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT'09) -- pdf , web
- Adding State and Visibility Control to Traits using Lexical Nesting -- Tom Van Cutsem, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Wolfgang De Meuter. Proceedings of the 23th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2009) -- pdf
- Reusing Protocol Tests with Traits -- Stéphane Ducasse, Damien Pollet, Alexandre Bergel, Damien Cassou. Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS EUROPE 2009) -- pdf
- SQUALE -- Software QUALity Enhancement -- Alexandre Bergel, Simon Denier, Stéphane Ducasse, Jannik Laval, Fabrice Bellingard, Philippe Vaillergues, Francoise Balmas, Karine Mordal-Manet. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2009), European Projects Track -- pdf
- Controler la visibilité des aspects avec Aspectboxes -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of LMO 2009 -- pdf
- Matrice de dependances enrichie -- Jannik Laval, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Romain Piers. Proceedings of LMO 2009 -- pdf
- the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies -- Alexandre Bergel, Noury Bouraqadi. isbn: 978-1-60558-899-5 pdf
- Tackling software navigation issues of the Smalltalk IDE -- David Röthlisberger, Oscar Nierstrasz, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST'09) -- pdf
- Stateful Traits and their Formalization -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roel Wuyts. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. pdf , web
- Creating Sophisticated Development Tools with OmniBrowser -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Colin Putney, Roel Wuyts. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. pdf , web
- the 8th International Conference on Software Composition -- Alexandre Bergel, Johan Fabry. isbn: 978-3-642-02654-6 pdf
- the Third Workshop on Dynamic Languages and Applications -- Alexandre Bergel, Wolfgang De Meuter, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roel Wuyts. pdf , web
- Enhanced Dependency Structure Matrix for Moose -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Jannik Laval, Romain Piers. Proceedings of the 2nd FAMOOSr Workshop -- pdf
- Assessing the Quality of your Software with MoQam -- Jannik Laval, Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of the 2nd FAMOOSr Workshop -- pdf
- Importing Java Code into FAMIX -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 2nd FAMOOSr Workshop -- pdf
- The Debuggable Interpreter Design Pattern -- Jan Vrany, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2007) -- pdf
- User-Changeable Visibility: Resolving Unanticipated Name Clashes in Traits -- Stéphane Ducasse, Roel Wuyts, Alexandre Bergel, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'07) -- pdf
- Classboxes -- Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions -- Alexandre Bergel. it- Information Technology. pdf , web
- Classboxes: Supporting Unanticipated Variation Points in the Source Code -- Alexandre Bergel, Claus Lewerentz, Liam O'Brien. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering (AOPLE) -- pdf
- Stateful Traits -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roel Wuyts. Proceedings of the International Smalltalk Conference, ESUG Academic Track 2006 -- pdf
- Meta-Driven Browsers -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Colin Putney, Roel Wuyts. Proceedings of the International Smalltalk Conference, ESUG Academic Track 2006 -- pdf
- Aspectboxes -- Controlling the Visibility of Aspects -- Alexandre Bergel, Robert Hirschfeld, Siobhan Clarke, Pascal Costanza. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2006) -- pdf
- Context-Aware Aspects -- Eric Tanter, Kris Gybels, Marcus Denker, Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Software Composition (SC 2006) -- pdf , web
- Controlling the Visibility of Changes in Java with Classboxes -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the Objekty Conference, 2006 -- pdf
- FacetS: First Class Entities for an Open Dynamic AOP Language -- Alexandre Bergel. Proceedings of the Open and Dynamic Aspect Languages Workshop -- pdf
- Prototyping Languages, Related Constructs and Tools with Squeak -- Alexandre Bergel, Markus Denker. Proceedings of the ECOOP '06 Workshop on Revival of Dynamic Languages -- pdf
- Analyzing Module Diversity -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz. Journal of Universal Computer Science. pdf , web
- Classboxes: Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz, Roel Wuyts. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures. pdf , web
- Classbox/J: Controlling the Scope of Change in Java -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz. Proceedings of Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'05) -- pdf
- On the Revival of Dynamic Languages -- Oscar Nierstrasz, Alexandre Bergel, Marcus Denker, Stéphane Ducasse, Markus Gaelli, Roel Wuyts. Proceedings of Software Composition 2005 -- pdf , web
- Mise en symbiose des traits et des classboxes : Application à l'expression des collaborations -- Florian Minjat, Alexandre Bergel, Pierre Cointe, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of LMO 2005 -- pdf
- Supporting Unanticipated Changes with Traits and Classboxes -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of Net.ObjectDays (NODE'05) -- pdf
- Scoped and Dynamic Aspects with Classboxes -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse. RSTI -- L'Objet (programmation par aspects). pdf
- Classboxes -- Controlling Visibility of Class Extensions -- Alexandre Bergel. PhD Thesis. University of Bern. pdf
- Prototalk: an Environment for Teaching, Understanding, Designing and Prototyping Object-Oriented Languages -- Alexandre Bergel, Christophe Dony, Stéphane Ducasse. Proceedings of the ESUG Academic Track 2004 -- pdf
- Classboxes: A Minimal Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Roel Wuyts. Proceedings of Joint Modular Languages Conference (JMLC 2003) -- pdf , web
- The Classbox Module System -- Alexandre Bergel, Stéphane Ducasse, Roel Wuyts. Proceedings of the ECOOP'03 Workshop on Object-oriented Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era -- pdf
- IC2D: Interactive Control and Debugging of Distribution -- Françoise Baude, Alexandre Bergel, Denis Caromel, Fabrice Huet, Olivier Nano, Julien Vayssière. Proceedings of the Third International Conference, LSSC 2001 -- pdf
- Most Influential Paper award at IEEE VISSOFT 2023 for "Performance Evolution Blueprint: Understanding the Impact of Software Evolution on Performance" (published at IEEE VISSOFT 2013)
- 2nd best paper award at the International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies '23 for "Exploring GitHub Actions through EGAD: An Experience Report"
- Premio Ramón Salas E., Instituto de Ingenieros, for the work about the Suchai CubeSat, 2020
- Best paper award at the 7th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization 2019 (IEEE VISSOFT '19), with Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Fabian Beck, Alexandre Bergel, for the paper titled "Performance Evolution Matrix: Visualizing Performance Variations along Software Versions"
- Best paper award at the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension 2019 (IEEE ICPC '19), with Juraj Kubelka, Romain Robbes
- Distinguished paper at the 6th IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (IEEE VISSOFT 2018) for the paper "Overcoming Issues of 3D Software Visualization through Immersive Augmented Reality", with Leonel Merino and Oscar Nierstrasz
- Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, for the ISI journal Information and Software Technology (October 2016)
- Distinguished Academic, delivered by the University of Chile (April 24, 2015) for the book Deep into Pharo
- Distinguished Reviewer Award, delivered by the IEEE Computer Society SANER Conference 2015
- First position at the 9th Innovation Technology Awards organized by ESUG'12 for our project titled "Object-Centric Debugging". url
- Third position at the 9th Innovation Technology Awards organized by ESUG'12 for our project titled "Roassal". url
- Best paper award for "Generics and Reverse Generics for Pharo", ICSOFT'12. url
- Finalist Desafio Intel 2011. url
- Ernst Denert Award 2006, for my PhD work on Classboxes. url
- Best paper award for "Classboxes: A Minimal Module Model Supporting Local Rebinding", JMLC'03. url
Alexandre Bergel is Computer Scientist at RelationalAI, Switzerland. Until 2022, he was Associate Professor and researcher at the University of Chile. Alexandre Bergel and his collaborators carry out research in software engineering. His interest includes designing tools and methodologies to improve the overall performance and internal quality of software systems and databases by employing profiling, visualization, and artificial intelligence techniques.
Alexandre Bergel has authored over 170 articles, published in international and peer-reviewed scientific forums, including the most competitive conferences and journals in the field of software engineering. Alexandre has participated in over 175 program committees of international events. Several of his research prototypes have been turned into products and adopted by major companies in the semiconductor industry, certification of critical software systems, and aerospace industry.
Alexandre gave talks to prominent research institutes, including NASA JPL and the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR).
Alexandre is a member of the editorial board of Empirical Software Engineering. Alexandre authored 4 books: Agile Visualization with Pharo, Agile Artificial Intelligence in Pharo, Agile Visualization, and co-authored the book Deep Into Pharo.
My CV is available online.
When I am not in front of my computer, I practice and teach Tae Kwon Do ITF.
Contact information: +41 76 683 23 78, alexandre.bergel(O) I am physically located in Bern, Switzerland.