In a short way, you can use fort the proc-macro for Bastion:
use bastion::prelude::*;
async fn main(_: BastionContext) -> Result<(), ()> {
println!("Running in Bastion runtime!");
Or, you can configure every piece by yourself:
use bastion::prelude::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
fn main() {
let started = AtomicBool::new(false);
let started = Arc::new(started);
Bastion::children(|children| {
children.with_exec(move |ctx: BastionContext| {
let started = started.clone();
async move {
if started.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst) {
println!("Already started once. Stopping...");
// This will ask the system to stop itself...
// ...and this will stop this child immediately...
return Ok(());
// Note that if Err(()) was returned, the child would have been
// restarted (and if the system wasn't stopping).
// This will return None.
let try_recv = ctx.try_recv().await;
println!("try_recv.is_some() == {}", try_recv.is_some()); // false
let answer = ctx
.ask_anonymously("Hello World!")
.expect("Couldn't send the message.");
msg! { ctx.recv().await?,
msg: &'static str =!> {
println!(r#"msg == "Hello World!" => {}"#, msg == "Hello World!"); // true
let _ = answer!(ctx, "Goodbye!");
// This won't happen because this example
// only "asks" a &'static str...
_: _ => ();
msg! { answer.await?,
msg: &'static str => {
println!(r#"msg == "Goodbye!" => {}"#, msg == "Goodbye!"); // true
// This won't happen because this example
// only answers a &'static str...
_: _ => ();
// Panicking will restart the children group.
panic!("Oh no!");
.expect("Couldn't start a new children group.");
Read the documentation, take a look at the examples, get involved in the project