
  1. Would a dyed silkie attract predators?

    Hi all, i have a pet white silkie and my girlfriend wants to dye her wingtips and tail for easter fun. My concern is that will make her much more visible to predators as she and my other chicken have free range of the back yard during the day. The only predators we have to worry about in our...
  2. Hawk circling above, could it get into my fenced area?

    So I was filling up my ducks little pool that be have for them when I noticed they were all cocking their head towards the sky. I thought it was cute until I saw a large bird circling in the sky above. My backyard isn't too big and has some trees that come over the fence and one tree inside. Do...
  3. American Kestrel

    A male American Kestrel perched on a telephone wire.
  4. Cooper's Hawk

    An adult Cooper's Hawk perched in a tree. I think it is a male.
  5. Bald Eagle Adult & Immature

    Two Bald Eagles, and adult and a immature, perched in a tree. The adult is the the one with the white head on the left and the immature is all brown in the top right corner.
  6. Great Horned Owl

    Great Horned Owl asleep in a tree during the day.
  7. Owl At Sunset

    A Great Horned Owl perched in a tree at sunset.
  8. Osprey Nest

    Osprey nest on an artificial platform on top of a telephone pole. You can see one of the parents preparing to take flight.
  9. Great-horned Owl Fun in 2019

    An owl just came in. It did not go into barn. Carcass used placed in front of camera not touched. Dogs were fired up, but had trouble locating it. Owl was trying to get at a couple of penned birds and may have gotten briefly hung up in the process. It may have flown into pen as I approached...
  10. Nocturnal Visitor

    My Nocturnal Visitor tonight looking for Rats or CHICKEN NUGGETS just inches from my big hen house. What kind of Owl is it besides JUMBO? North Florida Species..
  11. Raptor took my Pullet

    Free range as it perks. But also is dangerous. The Hawks were squaking and then it got quite. I walked into one of our paddocks and found the pick up spot. I rattled the food can to get them all back in before the Dragon returns.. 8 months to raise, 8 seconds to lose.. bummer.. :barnie
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