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  • Please re-post your cold weather house item from several years ago. I am new at this and maybe folks are looking at it, but not responding. You did a great job on the article and this is real life stuff. people spoil their animals and kids now days, they need this kind of back to basics information.
    I just seen this and am sorry if I let you down. Are you still a member?
    I haven't been on BYC for awhile, but I posted some questions, and the site is so busy I haven't gotten a response. Don't wanna phish, so, I thought I would write you directly. Here's the thing: I've been keeping between 20-40 birds every year for the past 4 years but using summer quarters outside and stealing one horse's stall in the barn for the winter. I'm paring down my 20 bird flock to 56 layers and moving them in a small coop I made for my turkeys several years ago. Next year (2015) I am building a coop for 12 hens and 3 roosters. (We've been incubating chicks, butchering 1yo flocks and raising up young chicks over the winter for the next year.) I need some advice. Are you still on the site? Thanks for any advice you could give me. =D
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