Advertising options

Paid advertisements

Free event promotion

  • Events of interest to BACCH members can be advertised free-of-charge via the website (short description & link) and in the monthly email update (link only - for a formal paid advert see below)
  • If you are interested, please email the BACCH office:
    event title, short description, weblink and organisation/event logo
  • We are also able to promote studies/ surveys of relevance to BACCH members - please get in touch to discuss

Advertising Policy

  • BACCH reserves the right to refuse any advertising deemed inappropriate, or which might damage the reputation of the organisation.
  • Advertising which contravenes current legislation, particularly Equality and Diversity, will not be accepted
  • The claims made in an advertisement are not endorsed by BACCH

Advertising in BACCH News

'BACCH News' is the printed quarterly Newsletter for BACCH members.


NHS Job adverts
Back page Â£600£300
Full page£450£225
Half page£250£125
Quarter page£130£65
(supplied to us)
(printed by us)
From £530From £265


15 February20 February15 March
15 May20 May15 June
15 August20 August15 September
15 November20 November15 December

Contact office for insertion deadlines.


  • Press-ready PDF artwork at actual size, where possible. (Images files also accepted if at least 300 dpi.)
  • Newsletter is printed in A4 portrait format
  • Therefore, dimensions for adverts are:  
    - Quarter Page: 115 (H) x 95 (W) mm (portrait format)
    - Half Page: 160 (H) x 195 (W) mm (landscape format)
    - Full Page: 270 (H) x 195 (W) mm (portrait format)
  • Please contact us if you would like to see examples of previous editions


  • Printed copy mailed to paying members (900+) and PDF version available for all members (1,000+) via the members' section of the BACCH website
  • Printed four times a year (March, June, September and December)
  • Most BACCH members are UK-based Community Paediatricians, along with a number of medical students and AHPs.

All enquires to the BACCH office

Advertising in the monthly email update

Monthly email sent to BACCH members who have signed up to receive it (over 960 as of August 2024). 


NHS Job adverts
text & weblinkmax 100 words of text (excluding title and weblink)£125
Formal advert with artworkhigh quality image file, max size 300px (H) x 600 px (W), plus relevant weblink£240

Deadlines & further details

  • Deadline for queries: 10th of each month
  • Deadline for text/artwork: 14th of each month
  • We will invoice you on receipt - please provide invoicing details and PO number if applicable
  • A maximum of two adverts can be included in each email - first-come first-served
  • Enquires and artwork/advert text should be sent to the BACCH office.
BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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