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Published on October 22, 2021
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    Click the links below to learn how to clear cookies on your desktop computer’s browser —  Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. If you’re on mobile, find out how to clear cookies on iPhone and Android.

    How to clear cache and cookies on Chrome

    1. Click the three dots in the top-right corner of your browser.

      Start by opening up "Settings" on Google Chrome.
    2. Click Settings.

      Open up your Settings to get started deleting cookies on Chrome.
    3. Scroll down and click Clear browsing data in the Privacy and security section.

      Privacy and security settings in Chrome
    4. Set the drop-down menu to All time and make sure the boxes for cache and cookies are checked. Then, click Clear data.

      Check the Browsing history box to clear your browsing history as well.

      Here you can clear all your cookies and browsing data easily.

    How to block cookies on Chrome

    After clearing your cookies on Chrome, you can change your cookie settings to prevent certain types — or all types — of cookies from being stored on your browser.

    1. Open your Chrome Settings and click Cookies and other site data in the Privacy and security section.

      the Privacy and security settings in Chrome
    2. Choose your desired cookie settings.

      The cookie settings in Google Chrome

      We recommend you block third-party cookies, since some of these are harmful cookies that track your online activity. Note that doing so may cause login issues and other glitches on some websites you visit. So you can keep third-party cookies blocked while allowing them sites you use regularly.

    3. Scroll down for customizable cookie options: choosing specific websites that can always or never use cookies, or websites where cookies are automatically cleared when you leave. Many Chrome security extensions can also block cookies and other types of online tracking. You can also learn how to manage Chrome pop-ups to further improve your online security.

    How to clear cache and cookies on Firefox

    1. Click the hamburger button in the top-right and select Settings.

      Opening the Settings in Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10
    2. Click Privacy & Security in the menu on the left. Then, click Clear Data in the Cookies and Site Data section.

      The Cookies and Site Data settings in Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10
    3. Keep both boxes checked in the Clear Data window, then click Clear. Click Clear Now in the pop-up to confirm.

      Clearing cookies and cache in Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10

    How to block cookies on Firefox

    1. Open Settings and click Privacy & Security on the left to access the Enhanced Tracking Protection options.

      The Enhanced Tracking Protection settings in Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10
    2. Choose Standard or Strong protection, or set your preferred level of web tracker protection in the Custom options.

      The Custom Enhanced Tracking Protection settings in Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10

      You can find many customization options in the settings, including the option to manage and remove Firefox extensions and deactivate Mozilla’s data collection tools.

    How to clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge

    1. Go to Settings via the menu button in the top-right.

      Accessing the Settings in Microsoft Edge for Windows 10
    2. Click Privacy, search, and services in the menu on the left, then click Choose what to clear in the Clear browsing data section.

      The privacy options in Microsoft Edge for Windows 10
    3. Keep the cookies and cache options checked, then click Clear now to clear cookies on your computer in Microsoft Edge.

      Clearing browsing data in Microsoft Edge for Windows 10

      Regularly clearing your browser cookies and cache is one of the best ways to remove temporary files from your computer.

    How to block cookies in Microsoft Edge

    In the Settings, click Cookies and site permissions on the left. Here, you can choose what types of cookies to block and allow.

    The cookie and site permissions settings in Microsoft Edge for Windows 10

    How to clear cache and cookies on Safari

    1. With Safari open, click Safari in the top menu bar and choose Preferences.

      Opening the Preferences in Safari for macOS
    2. Select the Privacy category and click Manage Website Data.

      The Privacy settings in Safari for macOS
    3. Click Remove All to clear all cookies from Safari, or select the type of cookies you’d like to remove. Click Remove Now to confirm.

      Clearing cookies in Safari for macOS

      With your Safari settings open, you can adjust your Safari pop-up blocking options to strengthen your online privacy and improve your browsing experience.

    How to block cookies in Safari

    In the Privacy tab of your Safari settings, check the box for Prevent cross-site tracking to block tracking cookies and other types of web trackers that pick up the traces of data you leave behind every day. You can also choose to Block all cookies, but this may negatively affect the functionality of certain websites.

    The Privacy settings in Safari for macOS

    How to clear cache and cookies on AVG Secure Browser

    AVG Secure Browser is a free browser outfitted with a full range of features that enhance your security and protect your privacy. Here’s how to clear cache and cookies on AVG Secure Browser.

    1. Open the menu in the upper-right and select Settings.

      Opening the Settings in AVG Secure Browser for Windows 10
    2. Click Privacy Cleaner - clear browsing data.

      The Privacy and security settings in AVG Secure Browser for Microsoft Edge
    3. Make sure the options for cookies and cache are checked, then click Clear data.

      Clearing browsing data in AVG Secure Browser for Windows 10

    How to clear cache and cookies on iPhone

    Here, we’ll show you how to clear cache and cookies on iPhone and clear cookies on iPad using the Safari browser as an example.

    1. Open Settings, then scroll down and tap Safari.

      Accessing the Safari settings in iOS
    2. Tap Clear History and Website Data, then tap Clear History and Data to confirm.

      Clearing history and browsing data in Safari for iOS

    How to clear cache and cookies on Android

    Clearing cookies on Android is pretty similar from one browser to the next. Here, we’re using Chrome as an example.

    1. Tap the three dots in the corner and choose History.

      To delete cookies on the mobile version of Chrome, start by opening up settings.
    2. Tap Clear browsing data.

      The history settings in Google Chrome for Android
    3. To clear all your cookies on Android, set the range to All time. Make sure the options for cookies and cache are checked, then tap Clear data.

      Clearing browsing data, including cookies and cache, on Google Chrome for Android

    Why should I clear browser cookies and cache?

    Clearing your cache and cookies can:

    • Free up space

      Individual cookies and cache files are tiny, but they can build up fast. Clearing your cache and cookies regularly — as well as unused apps and other junk files — helps free up storage space and improve performance.

    • Speed up your browser

      Even though cache files are designed to load websites faster, having too much data in your browser can actually slow it down. Clearing your cache and cookies can speed up your browser. And keeping your device clean can help speed up your computer as a whole.

    • Preserve your privacy

      Web tracking and ad tracking cookies can follow you around the internet and record your browsing activity. Companies use this data to target you with more relevant advertisements. Delete ad tracking and other cookies to keep your data to yourself.

    • Protect against data breaches

      If a company that’s holding your data ever gets hacked, your personal data can leak in a data breach. Clear cookies to prevent these companies from acquiring and storing your data in the first place.

    Keep your browser clean automatically

    Clearing your cache and cookies is essential to maintaining your online privacy — but doing it over and over again can get old fast. AVG TuneUp keeps your browser clean and working at its best, optimizing your entire device for ongoing top performance.

    Automatically remove clutter like cookies and junk files, uninstall unwanted apps, and eliminate memory-hogging background activity, all in one easy-to-use app.

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    Clear cookies automatically with AVG Cleaner

    Free install

    Protect your iPhone against threats with AVG Mobile Security

    Free install
    Ivan Belcic