The ASML Foundation closed in 2024, but we remain committed to the Foundation's mission of improving lives through inclusive and quality education through our community engagement activities. Our goal of supporting communities with education investments to enable equitable participation in society remains unchanged.
ASML is committed to being a valued partner in our communities, an integral part of our Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Sustainability strategy. Find out more about our approach and our new Community Partnership Program.
Funding and projects
Our commitment to existing projects and beneficiaries remains unchanged. We will continue to support current projects until they are completed successfully. After fulfilling all commitments, any remaining funds will be donated to a selection of international charitable education organizations to be finalized by the board of the ASML Foundation.
The ASML Foundation no longer accepts new support requests, but ASML does. Please make any new applications for funding through the community engagement apply for support form.