ホーム | -----# > 13Filer Coleman "Below/Light" [CD]

Filer Coleman "Below/Light" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: 13

1987年に始動したニューヨークのオルタナティヴ・ロックバンドCop Shoot Cop創設者にしてキーボードを担当、その後エレクトロニクスにフォーカスし2012年には[Trees]というアンビエント・ソロアルバムを出版したJim Filer Coleman。本作はそこから12年越しで発表されたイタリア"13"からの久々の音源[Below/Light]。数年を掛けてゆっくりと録音、その間定義を模索しながら進化させていったエレクトロアコースティック寄りな音風景作であり、そのアプローチは常に探索的で遊び心がある興味深いもの。

"Below/Light" by Filer Coleman is a selection of ambient works by Jim Filer Coleman. It represents an antidote, or perhaps a counterpart, to the more aggressive music that he may be more known for such as Cop Shoot Cop and Human Impact. These tracks were recorded over a span of a few years, slowly evolving and seeking definition. Electrocoustic in nature, the approach was always exploratory and playful, searching for balance and connection with the natural world.

Jim Coleman was an instrumental member of Cop Shoot Cop, who played keyboards and created samples for this band. After this experience he worked in other groups with more electronics - like Baby Zizanie along with J.G. Thirlwell, and Here with Teho Teardo - and recorded a solo album as Phylr. He also released an ambient album entitled "Trees" under his name. Additionally, Coleman has scored a good number of indie films, like "Exposed" by Beth B and "Stay Then Go" by Shelli Ainsworth, and TV series. He has also worked with directors such as Todd Phillips, Hal Hartley, Richard Kern and Danny Leitner.
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