ホーム | -----T > Temporary Residence LimitedWilliam Basinski & Janek Schaefer " . . . on reflection" [LP]

William Basinski & Janek Schaefer " . . . on reflection" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Temporary Residence Limited

ハロルド・バッドに捧げられた共作。多くの説明は不要、数多くのアンビエント/ミニマルの名作を残すWilliam Basinski、少年時代にサウンドコラージュに目覚め、現在は作曲家、発明家、エンターテイナーと幅広い活動を展開するJanek Schaefer、2者が2022年に共同制作した音源[. . . On Reflection]。完成までに8年を要したという気合いの一枚で、互いのアーカイブ音源から繊細なピアノサウンドを抽出、それをベースに湿度の高いサウンドスケープとミックスしつつ複雑なメロディーを生み出した至極ミニマムな5パート。

Time and duration are core themes in the work of both William Basinski and Janek Schaefer, and this long-distance collaboration took a suitably long gestation of eight years from start to finish. In that time, our collective perception of time has at times become disorienting. “ . . . on reflection ” remodels that instability as an exquisite work of art – one that is unmoored by time or space.

Limitation breeds creativity, revealed as an expression of minimalism and close focus. Deploying a delicate piano passage from their collective archive, Basinski and Schaefer weave and reweave in numerous ways, forging an iridescent flurry of flickering melodies. The sounds of various birds heard from late night windows on tour can occasionally be heard throughout, ricocheting off mirrored facades, reflecting on themselves as they continually reshape their own environments with song.

“ . . . on reflection ” looks backwards, a bustling revelry of positive emotions heard through the aging mirrors of memory. It is a celebratory meditation where sound shimmers through time like the light of the sea’s waves glistening as it folds and unfolds upon itself.

Created 2014-2022 between L.A. & London. Mixed at Narnia, Walton-on-Thames.

For Harold Budd.
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