ホーム | -----H > Harmonic OozeLuke Martin & Coleman Zurkowski "Duos" [CD]

Luke Martin & Coleman Zurkowski "Duos" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Harmonic Ooze

素晴らしい演奏内容、グラフィックスコアのコピー付き!!Wandelweiser、Reading Group、Notice Recordingsといったコンテンポラリー/即興レーベルに音源を残す実力派プレイヤーLuke Martin、秀逸な滝のフィールドレコーディングを残しているColeman Zurkowski、個人的にも激推しの2者が共同で制作したテキストスコア音源[Duos]。「発する音は演奏者が興味を持てるものでなければならない」、「長時間聴いて楽しんだり、何度も繰り返して聴いたりできるものでなければならない」、「テンポは約60ビート/分、演奏者が選択した任意のテンポに変更可能」など、譜面の指示通りに重厚な点描演奏を続けるスリリング且つ美しい35分間。

Limited Edition CD / With Text & Notational Scores Booklet

For Luke Martin and Coleman Zurkowski

Each performer should create a sound.

This sound should be able to be sustained, and its dynamics should be able to be controlled by the performer.

This sound should also be one which the performer finds interesting.

Similarly, this sound should be one which the performer would enjoy listening to for a long time or repeated over and over again.

Perform this sound during designated whole notes at the designated dynamics below the systems.

Dynamics below the systems apply to both performers.

Tempo is approximately 60 beats per minute, however the tempo can be changed to any tempo of the performers’ choice.
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