ホーム | -----P > Paradigm DiscsIntermodulation "Connections (1970 - 1974)" [4CD Box + 48 page booklet]

Intermodulation "Connections (1970 - 1974)" [4CD Box + 48 page booklet]

価格: 6,897円(税込)
Label: Paradigm Discs

Gentle Fireの3CDボックスに続く英実験界の偉業的アーカイヴ!!お見逃し無く!!Peter Britton、Robin Thompson、Roger Smalley、Tim Souster、主にパーカッション、ファゴット、ソプラノサックス、VCS3 、エレクトリック・キーボードの編成にて、シュトックハウゼンをはじめとする重鎮コンポーザーの作品演奏を行なったグループIntermodulation。活動期間中に録音は一つも残さなかったグループの1970~1974年までの記録を纏めた4CDアーカイヴ。ディスク1はイーリー大聖堂で行われたコンサートの全曲、ディスク2はBBCでの録音にフォーカス、ディスク3はドイツのラジオ局のアーカイブに保存されていた素材、そしてディスク4には4人の奏者とテープの為に書かれた 72分間の長編を収録。シュトックハウゼン、テリー・ライリー、コーネリアス・カーデュー、自身らの即興演奏までをカバーした超充実&最強の内容です。48ページのブックレットにはグループの歴史が掲載されています。

Edition of 500 numbered copies

Having releasing a box set of works by Gentle Fire it felt necessary to do the same with Intermodulation and thus complete the other half of this missing chapter in British experimental music. Intermodulation have a quite different line up to Gentle Fire, most notably with Peter’s percussion, Robin on bassoon and soprano sax, and the shared use of VCS3’s and electric keyboards. Nonetheless both groups covered similar ground, appeared at the same European festivals, travelled together with Stockhausen to Iran, and they were generally concerned with a similar repertoire of experimental scores. Although Intermodulation released no records during their existence (and Gentle Fire only the one LP), both groups did appear side by side on the recording of Stockhausen’s Sternklang.

This 4CD set aims to cover a wide range of their work. CD1 contains the entirety of their 1971 concert at Ely Cathedral (a 6 minute excerpt of which appeared on the 2CD ‘Not Necessarily English Music’ compiled by David Toop). CD2 focuses on their BBC recordings including excerpts from 2 Prom performances, one of which is the famous 1970 Prom which had Soft Machine taking the stage in the second half. CD3 features material held in the archives of 3 German radio stations and the fourth disc consists of one work; World Music by Tim Souster, the 72 minute opus written for the four players plus tape.

In summary, we hear Intermodulation play 5 Stockhausen pieces (4 of which are realisations of his intuitive text pieces), 2 Terry Riley pieces and one by Cardew. They also play 2 compositions by Tim and one by Roger as well performing 2 group improvisations. The set comes with a 48 page booklet detailing the groups history. This is a numbered edition of 500.
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