Pulaski Tech will lead effort on new training program for energy jobs

The University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College campus in North Little Rock is shown in this undated courtesy file photo from the college's Instagram page. (Courtesy University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College)
The University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College campus in North Little Rock is shown in this undated courtesy file photo from the college's Instagram page. (Courtesy University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College)

The University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College will lead an effort to develop and carry out a job-training program focused on energy infrastructure and utilities.

Using a $2 million grant, the college said it will work with other partners to develop students' skills so they could become highly specialized energy grid operators and energy-grid cybersecurity experts.

"These individuals play a vital role in ensuring the reliable and cost-effective delivery of electricity to homes and businesses throughout Arkansas and beyond," the college said in a news release.

The program is a collaborative effort between the college and a group of partners. They include:

Regional transmission operators: Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or MISO, and Southwest Power Pool.

Utility companies: Entergy, Today's Power and Arkansas Electric Cooperatives Corporation.

Educational institutions: the University of Arkansas Little Rock, Arkansas Research Alliance; and Forge Institute.

Pulaski Tech said the program addresses two critical skills gaps in the energy industry:

The need for North American Electric Reliability Corporation certification to ensure individuals possess the knowledge and skills necessary to operate the bulk power system reliably. Pulaski Tech said the initiative will reduce a reliance on out-of-state training.

Energy-grid specific cybersecurity training that is essential to protect critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.

Pulaski Tech said the project will be carried out over a two-year period. During that period, officials will develop North American Electric Reliability Corporation certification and cybersecurity training curricula; increase the number of Arkansans with North American Electric Reliability Corporation certification; enhance cybersecurity preparedness for the energy sector; and increase awareness of career opportunities in energy infrastructure and utilities.

The community college, which is based in North Little Rock, said that officials will work to make the program for the long term. Officials said they will asccomplish that goal by expanding training offerings and continuing to establish long-term partnerships with industry leaders.

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