
\nTo use Apple\u00A0Pay you need a supported card from a participating card issuer. To check if your card is compatible with Apple\u00A0Pay, contact your card issuer. \n

\nApple\u00A0Pay is not available in all markets.\u00A0View Apple\u00A0Pay countries and regions <\/span><\/a>. \n

\nFeatures are subject to change. Some features, applications and services may not be available in all regions or all languages and may require specific hardware and software. For more information, see\u00A0Feature Availability <\/span><\/a>. ", "loanAmount": "Loan Amount", "instantCreditTradeInValueLabel": "Trade-in credit", "copyRightFeeLabel": "Copyright fee", "installmentSubTotal": "Your Subtotal", "instantTradeInInstruction": "Additional trade-in instructions", "instantTradeInLabel": "Trade-in value", "instantTradeInTagLine": "Once we receive your device and confirm that the condition matches what you described, there\u2019s nothing more you need to do. If it doesn\u2019t match, your original payment method will be charged the difference in value. In that case, we\u2019ll work with you to confirm that you still want to move forward with the trade-in.", "orderTotalAfterTradeUpLabel": "Estimated price after trade-in", "tradeUpValueLabel": "Estimated trade\u2011in refund", "deliveryOptionRetrieverHeader": "Select delivery options", "deliveryLocationLinkTextA11y": "See delivery options for the district you selected", "deliveryOptionCityTownTextA11y": "Enter your city or town for delivery options", "footerPricing": "Prices include GST and delivery charges (unless otherwise indicated).", "footnoteText": "Footnote", "tradeInValueDagger": "", "tradeInRefundDisclaimer": "", "priceAfterTradeInDisclaimer": "", "bagInfoStickyNavTitle": "Bag", "notEngraved": "Not engraved", "splitQuantityUpdateA11y": "For quantity {quantity} Price and Bag Updated", "emailOverlayMessageA11y": "Message optional.", "bagSavedA11y": "Bag Saved", "clearCustomerA11y": "Customer Cleared", "clearBagA11y": "Entire bag is cleared", "copyToClipBoardA11y": "Shared bag link is created", "messageOptionalLabel": "Message (Optional):", "includedInInstallments": "Included in monthly iPhone payments.", "installmentdownPaymentLabel": "Deposit", "downPaymentLabel": "Down payment", "tradeInDueTodayLabel": "Amount Due Today", "totalAfterTradeInLabel": "", "fullPaymentLabel": "", "paymentOptionsHeader": "", "acmiBagHeader": "", "acmiLearnMoreA11y": "", "acmiPaymentLabel": "", "acmiPaymentMessage": "Apple Card Monthly Installments", "acmiTradeInMessage": "", "acmiApplyAndCheckoutLabel": "", "acmiCheckoutLabel": "", "acmiOverlayHeader": "", "acmiOverlayPaymentLabel": "", "acmiShowFinancingLabel": "", "acmiHideFinancingLabel": "", "acmiTotalFinancedLabel": "", "acmiAdditionalChargesLabel": "", "physicalOverlayHeader": "Your message", "priceOfNewIphoneLabel": "", "tradeInCreditLabel": "Trade-in credit:", "priceAfterTradeInLabel": "Price after trade-in:", "orderInstallmentPriceLabel": "", "orderInstallmentPriceLabelA11y": "", "noneLabel": "None", "messageCountA11y": "Message should be {max} characters or fewer.", "remainingLengthLabel": "{remainingLength} characters remaining.\n", "tradeinOverlayLink": "", "tradeinExpectationsOverlayLink": "What to expect when you trade in", "tradeInDevice": "Your trade-in device:", "billedSeparatelyHeader": "", "productsLabel": "Products", "createAcmiSharedBagLabel": "Create shared bag link", "copyAcmiBagToClipBoard": "Copy shared bag link", "acmipromoMessage": "", "tradeinandpromo": "", "carrierFinancedItemHeader": "Carrier-financed iPhone", "specialPromo": "", "locationConsentMessage": "Save my location for future visits", "closeNotification": "Close Notification", "notEligibleForAcmi": "", "applePayPromo": "Now until 8\/12, Apple is donating US$5 to the Global Fund for every purchase made with Apple\u00A0Pay at Apple.*", "continueCheckoutLabel": "Check Out with Apple Card Monthly Installments", "dailyCashPromo": "", "acmiDailyCashPromo": "", "aprFinancingSummaryLink":"", "choosePreferredTerms":"", "addEngraving": "Add engraving", "addEngravingA11y": "Add engraving for", "removeEngravingA11y": "Remove engraving from {productName}", "monthlyTotal": "Monthly payment", "outstandingLoan": "{outstandingLoan} \u2014 Closes your loan balance with Barclays", "tradeInCredit": "{tradeInCredit} \u2014 Applies to your new iPhone purchase", "tradeinOutstandingAmtLabel": "Payment to Close Existing Loan", "seeTermsConditions": "See terms and conditions", "hideTermsConditions": "", "nosuggestion": "", "suggestions": "", "suggestion": "", "hideCarrierDetailsLabel": "Hide carrier plan details and charges", "showCarrierDetailsLabel": "Show carrier details and charges", "orKeyWord": "", "monthlyInstallmentTradeIn": "", "iupCreditLabel": "", "fullPriceAfterCreditLabel": "", "iupEstCreditValueLabel": "", "iupEstAfterCreditLabel": "", "taxIncludedLabel": "", "tradeinOverfundSummaryInfo": "After we receive your Trade In Kit, we\u2019ll apply your trade-in credit to your payment method and email you an Apple Gift Card for any remaining trade-in balance.", "tradeInOverfundText": "An Apple Gift Card for any remaining trade-in balance will be emailed to you after trade-in received.", "iUpCreditTitle": "", "iUpSummaryCreditLabel": "", "iUpCreditSummary": "", "iUpCreditOverlayLabel": "", "stateDeliveryFeeLabel": "State Delivery Fee", "stateDeliveryFeeInfo": "For Colorado residents, a state delivery fee of {stateDeliveryFee} will apply per order.", "bankLabel": "Bank", "selectBankLabel": "Select Bank", "stateDeliveryFeeLabelIconA11y": "What does \"State Delivery Fee\" mean", "oneTimeChargeLabel": "", "monthlyBundleLabel": "", "saveLaterLabel": "Save for later", "saveLaterOverlayHeader": "You\u2019re saving more than one item.", "saveItemsButtonLabel": "Save items", "dontSaveButtonLabel": "Cancel", "savedItemsHeader": "Saved by you", "seeAllLabel": "See all", "seeMoreLabel": "See more", "buyButton": "Buy", "continueButton": "Continue", "removeCartItem": "Remove", "keepCartItem": "Cancel", "bundleTradeInOverlayLink": "", "financeOverlayTableHeader": "Credit card installments available from participating banks:", "overlayHeader": "", "tableHeader": "", "applePayFullPayOnlyMessage": "", "momoCCIFinanceLink": "", } window.fragments = { "giftPackageImage": "\"\"", "phoneDetailsExpandedA11y": "of {model} {capacity} {finish}", "macDetailsExpandedA11y": "of {productName}", "editPlanA11y": "Edit {carrierDisplayName} Instalment Plan", "chatNow": "

Need more help? Chat now(Opens in a new window)<\/span><\/a>\nor call 0800-692-7753<\/span>.<\/div>", "combinationTitle": "
{title}<\/div> {monthlyPrice}\/mo or {price} for two years", "bagSeasonalMessage": "", "bagBuacHelpMessage": "Shipping and pickup options can be selected in Checkout.", "continuePaymentPolicy": "By clicking Continue Payment, I accept the Apple Pickup Policy.<\/a><\/span>", "eppBagBanner": "", "inlineRecommendationTitle": "Add {title} for {price}<\/span>", "inlineRecommendationTitleDesc": "Add {title} - {description}", "inlineRecommendationTitleDescA11y": "Add {title} - {descriptionA11Y}", "inlineRecommendationTitleA11y": "Add {title} for {price}", "inlineRecommendationLearnMoreA11y": "about {title}", "addGiftingMsgA11y": "Add a gift message or gift wrap for {productName}", "addGiftingA11y": "Add a gift message or gift wrap for {productName}\'", "editGiftPkgMsgA11y": "Edit gift package and message for {productName}", "editGiftPkgA11y": "Edit your gift package for {productName}", "editGiftMsgA11y": "Edit your gift message for {productName}", "editGiftMsgOnCardA11y": "Edit gift message on card for {productName}", "editEgcGiftMsgOnCardA11y": "Edit gift message on card for {name}", "savedBagListDateA11y": "for {date}", "shippingiUpReminders": "Some things to keep in mind:<\/span>\n