
\nOm Apple\u00A0Pay te gebruiken heb je een ondersteunde pas nodig van een deelnemende pasverstrekker. Neem contact op met je pasverstrekker om te zien of je pas compatibel is met Apple\u00A0Pay.\n

\nApple\u00A0Pay is niet overal beschikbaar.\u00A0Bekijk landen en regio\u2019s waar Apple\u00A0Pay wordt aangeboden <\/span><\/a>.\n

\nFeatures kunnen worden gewijzigd. Sommige features, apps en services zijn mogelijk niet overal of niet in alle talen beschikbaar, en vereisen mogelijk specifieke hardware en software. Ga\u00A0voor meer informatie naar Beschikbare features <\/span><\/a>. -->", "loanAmount": "Geleend bedrag", "instantCreditTradeInValueLabel": "Inruilkorting", "copyRightFeeLabel": "Auteursrechtenvergoeding", "installmentSubTotal": "Your Subtotal", "instantTradeInInstruction": "Additional trade-in instructions", "instantTradeInLabel": "Trade-in value", "instantTradeInTagLine": "Once we receive your device and confirm that the condition matches what you described, there\u2019s nothing more you need to do. If it doesn\u2019t match, your original payment method will be charged the difference in value. In that case, we\u2019ll work with you to confirm that you still want to move forward with the trade-in.", "orderTotalAfterTradeUpLabel": "Estimated price after trade-in", "tradeUpValueLabel": "Geschatte inruilwaarde", "deliveryOptionRetrieverHeader": "Select delivery options", "deliveryLocationLinkTextA11y": "See delivery options for the district you selected", "deliveryOptionCityTownTextA11y": "Enter your city or town for delivery options", "footerPricing": "De prijzen zijn inclusief btw (21%) en eventuele van toepassing zijnde verwijderingsbijdragen, maar exclusief leveringskosten (tenzij anders vermeld). Op het bestelformulier zie je het btw-bedrag en, indien van toepassing, de verwijderingsbijdrage voor de producten die je hebt geselecteerd.", "footnoteText": "Voetnoot", "tradeInValueDagger": "", "tradeInRefundDisclaimer": "", "priceAfterTradeInDisclaimer": "", "bagInfoStickyNavTitle": "Bag", "notEngraved": "Geen inscriptie", "splitQuantityUpdateA11y": "Prijs en Shopping Bag aangepast voor aantal {quantity}", "emailOverlayMessageA11y": "Bericht is optioneel.", "bagSavedA11y": "Bag Saved", "clearCustomerA11y": "Customer Cleared", "clearBagA11y": "Entire bag is cleared", "copyToClipBoardA11y": "Link voor gedeelde Shopping Bag wordt aangemaakt", "messageOptionalLabel": "Tekst (optioneel):", "includedInInstallments": "Included in monthly iPhone payments.", "installmentdownPaymentLabel": "Deposit", "downPaymentLabel": "Down payment", "tradeInDueTodayLabel": "Nu te betalen", "totalAfterTradeInLabel": "", "fullPaymentLabel": "", "paymentOptionsHeader": "", "acmiBagHeader": "", "acmiLearnMoreA11y": "", "acmiPaymentLabel": "", "acmiPaymentMessage": "Apple Card Monthly Installments", "acmiTradeInMessage": "", "acmiApplyAndCheckoutLabel": "", "acmiCheckoutLabel": "", "acmiOverlayHeader": "", "acmiOverlayPaymentLabel": "", "acmiShowFinancingLabel": "", "acmiHideFinancingLabel": "", "acmiTotalFinancedLabel": "", "acmiAdditionalChargesLabel": "", "physicalOverlayHeader": "Je boodschap", "priceOfNewIphoneLabel": "", "tradeInCreditLabel": "Trade-in credit:", "priceAfterTradeInLabel": "Price after trade-in:", "orderInstallmentPriceLabel": "", "orderInstallmentPriceLabelA11y": "", "noneLabel": "Geen", "messageCountA11y": "Message should be {max} characters or fewer.", "remainingLengthLabel": "{remainingLength} characters remaining.\n", "tradeinOverlayLink": "", "tradeinExpectationsOverlayLink": "What to expect when you trade in", "tradeInDevice": "Het device dat je inruilt:", "billedSeparatelyHeader": "", "productsLabel": "Producten", "createAcmiSharedBagLabel": "Maak link naar gedeelde Shopping Bag aan", "copyAcmiBagToClipBoard": "Kopieer link naar gedeelde Shopping Bag", "acmipromoMessage": "", "tradeinandpromo": "", "carrierFinancedItemHeader": "Carrier-financed iPhone", "specialPromo": "", "locationConsentMessage": "Bewaar mijn locatie voor toekomstige bezoeken", "closeNotification": "Sluit melding", "notEligibleForAcmi": "", "applePayPromo": "", "continueCheckoutLabel": "Check Out with Apple Card Monthly Installments", "dailyCashPromo": "", "acmiDailyCashPromo": "", "aprFinancingSummaryLink":"", "choosePreferredTerms":"", "addEngraving": "Voeg inscriptie toe", "addEngravingA11y": "Voeg inscriptie toe voor ", "removeEngravingA11y": "Verwijder inscriptie van {productName}", "monthlyTotal": "Monthly payment", "outstandingLoan": "{outstandingLoan} \u2014 Closes your loan balance with Barclays", "tradeInCredit": "{tradeInCredit} \u2014 Applies to your new iPhone purchase", "tradeinOutstandingAmtLabel": "Payment to Close Existing Loan", "seeTermsConditions": "See terms and conditions", "hideTermsConditions": "", "nosuggestion": "", "suggestions": "", "suggestion": "", "hideCarrierDetailsLabel": "Hide carrier plan details and charges", "showCarrierDetailsLabel": "Show carrier details and charges", "orKeyWord": "", "monthlyInstallmentTradeIn": "", "iupCreditLabel": "", "fullPriceAfterCreditLabel": "", "iupEstCreditValueLabel": "", "iupEstAfterCreditLabel": "", "taxIncludedLabel": "", "tradeinOverfundSummaryInfo": "", "tradeInOverfundText": "", "iUpCreditTitle": "", "iUpSummaryCreditLabel": "", "iUpCreditSummary": "", "iUpCreditOverlayLabel": "", "stateDeliveryFeeLabel": "State Delivery Fee", "stateDeliveryFeeInfo": "For Colorado residents, a state delivery fee of {stateDeliveryFee} will apply per order.", "bankLabel": "Bank", "representativeExampleHeader": "", "representativeExampleSubHeader": "", "representativeExampleNote": "", "totalPurchasePrice": "", "FixedTaeg": "", "rateOfInterest": "", "totalCostOfInterest": "", "totalFinanced": "", "termLength": "", "totalMonthlyPayment": "", "selectBankLabel": "Select Bank", "stateDeliveryFeeLabelIconA11y": "What does \"State Delivery Fee\" mean", "oneTimeChargeLabel": "", "monthlyBundleLabel": "", "saveLaterLabel": "Bewaar voor later", "saveLaterOverlayHeader": "You\u2019re saving more than one item.", "saveItemsButtonLabel": "Save items", "dontSaveButtonLabel": "Cancel", "savedItemsHeader": "Jouw selectie", "seeAllLabel": "Bekijk alles", "seeMoreLabel": "Meer", "buyButton": "Koop", "continueButton": "Ga\u00A0door", "removeCartItem": "Remove", "keepCartItem": "Cancel", "bundleTradeInOverlayLink": "", "financeOverlayTableHeader": "Credit card installments available from participating banks:", "overlayHeader": "", "tableHeader": "", "applePayFullPayOnlyMessage": "", "momoCCIFinanceLink": "", "noResultsFound": "" } window.fragments = { "giftPackageImage": "\"\"", "phoneDetailsExpandedA11y": "van {model} {capacity} {finish}", "macDetailsExpandedA11y": "van {productName}", "editPlanA11y": "Bewerk gespreide betalingen voor {carrierDisplayName}", "chatNow": "

Meer hulp nodig? Chat nu(Wordt in nieuw venster geopend)<\/span>\n<\/a> of bel 0800 998 46<\/span>.<\/div>", "combinationTitle": "
{title}<\/div> {monthlyPrice}\/mo or {price} for two years", "bagSeasonalMessage": "", "bagBuacHelpMessage": "Bij het afrekenen kun je de verzend- en ophaalopties kiezen.", "continuePaymentPolicy": "Door op \u2018Ga door naar betaling\u2019 te klikken, ga ik akkoord met het ophaalbeleid van Apple.<\/a><\/span>", "eppBagBanner": "", "inlineRecommendationTitle": "Voeg {title} toe voor {price}<\/span>", "inlineRecommendationTitleDesc": "Add {title} - {description}", "inlineRecommendationTitleDescA11y": "Add {title} - {descriptionA11Y}", "inlineRecommendationTitleA11y": "Voeg {title} toe voor {price}", "inlineRecommendationLearnMoreA11y": "over {title}", "addGiftingMsgA11y": "Voeg een cadeautekst of cadeaupapier toe voor {productName}", "addGiftingA11y": "Voeg een cadeautekst of cadeaupapier toe voor {productName}\'", "editGiftPkgMsgA11y": "Bewerk je cadeauverpakking en -tekst voor {productName}", "editGiftPkgA11y": "Bewerk je cadeauverpakking voor {productName}", "editGiftMsgA11y": "Bewerk je cadeautekst voor {productName}", "editGiftMsgOnCardA11y": "Bewerk de cadeautekst op de bon voor {name}", "editEgcGiftMsgOnCardA11y": "Bewerk cadeautekst op bon voor {name}", "savedBagListDateA11y": "voor {date}", "shippingiUpReminders": "Een aantal aandachtspunten:<\/span>\n