Sex Habits of Our Fellow Americans
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, February 9, 2024
Look before you leap.
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What we old-timers used to call “venereal disease” is back in the news. It’s not “VD” anymore, though, because the term acquired “stigma.” “Sexually transmitted disease” was supposed to be a softer term, but it got infected, too, so now, sensitive people say “STI,” sexually transmitted infection. It’s still the same old thing and you get it the same old way.
NPR warns that “Syphilis cases rise to their highest levels since the 1950s.”
Yikes. And cases of congenital syphilis — that’s babies born with syphilis — are up 937 percent in the last decade.
NPR worries that “racial and ethnic minorities are most disproportionately affected,” but that’s not true. Last I checked, Asians are still a minority and they have far lower rates than whites. And NPR followed that false claim with another. Minorities are more likely to get “STIs” “due to “long standing social inequities that often lead to health inequalities.”
If you are a minority, I guess you can give five other people and even your baby syphilis, but it’s not your fault. It’s “longstanding social inequities.”
Let’s look at what those “social inequities” did to our unfortunate minorities. Here are CDC data the media have completely ignored.
This graph shows race differences in new cases of syphilis reported in 2022 — the latest data. Men of different races are the lighter color bars, going off to the left, with cases per 100,000. They have more cases than women, who are the darker bars going off to the right.
At the very top — American Indians and Alaska Natives, you see the highest rates. Asians are right below them. If you look only at women, on the right, Indians and Eskimos were 59.5 times more likely to have syphilis than Asian women. For men, on the left, the multiple between the two groups is greater than eight. For blacks, next row down, men were 3-1/2 times more likely than women to have got syphilis, but blacks are not the group most likely to be infected. Whites, as you can see, have the lowest rates except for Asians, and right above them, NH/PI stand for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. As you can see, their rates are a lot higher than Asian rates, which shows you how stupid it is to lump those two groups together — which the government usually does. As you can see just above them, Hispanic rates are not that much higher than white rates, two bars down.
Since it takes two to tango, how come men have so much higher syphilis rates than women? Because homosexual men give it to each other. In this graph, MSM means men who have sex with men.
They have more cases than anyone, even though they are only about two percent of the population. The number of women and MSW — “men who have sex with woman” — are about equal, and then you have MSU or men who have sex with who knows who or what? They get a lot of syphilis, too.
Women are more likely to have chlamydia than men, but again, as you can see, there are big race differences.
Blacks are at the top with rates — for women on the right — that are five times the white rate and 12 times the Asian rate. Once again, you can see how absurd it is to group Pacific Islanders with Asians when Islander women have an infection rate that is more than seven times the Asian rate. Indians and Eskimos have high rates, second only to blacks, and Hispanics have relative low rates that are still about twice the white rate.
For gonorrhea, we see blacks with the highest rates, followed by Eskimos and Indians, then Islanders, then Hispanics, then whites, and Asians with the lowest rates.
One of the most irresponsible things a mother can do is give her baby syphilis. If she tests positive early in her pregnancy — and docs routinely test for syphilis — the mother can be 100 percent cured by the time the baby is born. Some babies born with congenital syphilis die; some have permanent damage.
There were about 3,700 cases in 2022. Rates per 100,000 births were highest for Indians and Eskimos, then Islanders, blacks, Hispanics, whites, with Asians, as usual, the most responsible. An Indian or Eskimo was about 65 times more likely than an Asian to give her baby syphilis.
NPR made much of the 10-fold rise in congenital syphilis over the last decade, but ignored race differences.
Over the last five years, rates for all races except Asians have drifted up, but as you can see, it is Indians, Eskimos, and islanders who have had really sharp increases.
NPR loves to complain that minorities get bad medical care. Every Eskimo and Indian in a tribe gets 100 percent free medical care from the federal Indian Health Service, which runs hospitals, clinics, and health stations in remote places on reservations. More than 70 percent of its employees are natives.
Let’s look at death rates from AIDS.
Men are on the left, with blacks dying at the highest rate, 8.9 per 100,000, followed by Hispanics, Indians and Eskimos, then whites, then Asians. Blacks die at eight times the white rate. Women, on the right, are considerably less likely to die of AIDS because homosexual men give AIDS to each other, but black women are 19 times more likely than white women to die of it.
For those of you who weren’t paying attention 30 years ago, in the mid-1990s, AIDS almost always killed you. The red line shows that for a while, AIDS killed more men than the other leading causes of death: heart disease, murder, suicide, and unintentional injury, which includes overdoses.
Death from AIDS dropped suddenly because of the invention of antiretroviral drugs that can suppress the virus to the point that someone with AIDS can’t spread it. If everyone were taking his government-paid-for AIDS drugs, there would be no new AIDS cases, but they don’t so there are.
There’s curious stuff on the CDC website.
For example, people who live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida — very popular with homosexuals — are 33 times more likely to have AIDS than people who live in Provo, Utah, which has 62 Mormon churches.
Blacks have always been more likely to get AIDS and die from it, as you can see from this graph, with blacks in purple at the top. Next, Hispanics in blue, then whites in yellow.
In the inset, you see Indians and Eskimos in green and Asian/Pacific Islanders — that absurd combination — in blue. Even at the height of the AIDS epidemic, Indians and Eskimos were only one eighth as likely as blacks to die from AIDS but they are now more likely to have syphilis and give it to babies.
I wonder why. Genetic reasons? Nah. Race is a social construct.
NPR would never tell you this, but the miracle AIDS-killing retroviral drugs explain the rise in syphilis. It’s not a death sentence anymore for homosexuals to be promiscuous. They just give each other syphilis and some give it to women.
And then there is “the down-low,” a slang term for black men who have sex with women and may even be married, but who also cruise parks and gay bars and never tell women they have sex with men.
Even the New York Times looked into this 20 years ago.
It found that “the majority of [black men] having sex with men still lead secret lives.” They see “homosexuality as a white man’s perversion” so they keep their man hobby “on the down low.”
“Most DL men identify themselves not as gay or bisexual but first and foremost as black. To them, as to many blacks, that equates to being inherently masculine.”
Some black men start having sex with men in prison, and keep at it after they’re out, even though they also sleep with women.
This article from last year notes that many black men are still on the down low, but refuse to be tested for HIV because that would be admitting they have sex with men and are therefore not hypermasculine.
The authors note that this contributes to high rates of new HIV infections in both black men and women.
You may have missed it, but Wednesday was National black HIV/AIDS awareness day.
This was its 25th year. Latinx get their AIDS awareness day on October 15th.
Just about everyone gets an awareness day: women, Indians, transgenders, Asians, gay men, young people, even old people, but not white people.
No special day for them.
But back to the question of why there are huge racial differences in STD rates.
The CDC has a page called STD Health Equity that says, “poverty, large gaps between the rich and the poor, fewer jobs, and low education levels can make it more difficult for people to stay sexually healthy.”
I left a phone message with the CDC press office and sent email asking if there were any race differences in number of sex partners, unprotected sex, etc.
The CDC promises to reply in one business day, but remains strangely silent business six days later.
There’s research on this. This article from 2016 asked “Who has how many sex partners.”
It found survey data on numbers for single white, black, and Hispanic men during the previous year. Blacks are in red, Hispanics in blue, whites in orange.
White men are most likely to say zero or one partner, on the left, and least likely to say 3 or four-or-more on the right. If blacks are twice as likely as whites to have four or more in a year, that adds up.
If you look into how STDs get passed around, you will learn about “concurrency.” That means starting to have sex with someone new before you are finished with someone old, and going back and forth. That means if you get a dose from your new squeeze, you could pass it back to your old squeeze (or squeezes).
This article from 2011 says black men were three times more likely than white men to be concurrent — to have more than one woman on the go at the same time — and 1.69 times more likely than Hispanic men.
Also, for blacks and Hispanics, the more money they have the more likely they are to be concurrent. The wealthiest Hispanics are 3.71 times more likely than the poorest Hispanics to be concurrent. Rich black men are 1.79 times more likely than poor blacks.
For whites, it’s the other way around. White high school dropouts are 3.5 times more likely than college graduates to have multiple women on the go.
Men of all races who are concurrent are less likely to use condoms than men who were not, and that really spreads things around. Concurrency was six to seven times more likely among single men than married men, and black men were 30 percent more likely than whites or Hispanics to be single.
Men who lose their virginity at an early age most likely to be concurrent. Forty-nine percent of black men had had sex by age 15; 35 percent of Hispanics but only 25 percent of whites.
This article says black women are twice as likely as white women to be concurrent (21 percent vs. 11 percent).
Likewise, because so many black men are dead or in jail, young black men are at a premium and can keep more than one black woman on the go and insist on unprotected sex.
This article says blacks are more likely than whites to have anal sex, which is especially likely to infect women, and to have unprotected sex.
As this table shows, it also finds nearly twice as much concurrency among blacks than in whites — for both men and women — and points out that since blacks mostly have sex with other blacks, that spreads disease because both partners are much more likely than whites to be infected.
That’s called “assortative mixing.” Like with like.
I couldn’t find anything that explains the very low STI infection rates for Asians, but presumably you find the same patterns: safer sex, fewer partners, more marriage, more monogamy, and less concurrency. Hispanics would be midway between whites and blacks, with Eskimos and Indians closer to blacks.
There’s a lesson here, boys and girls. Look before you leap. And forget fashionable baloney. Race is a lot more than skin deep.