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Nothing Gold Can Stay

Season 1
It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?In Mandarin with English captions.
201774 episodesTV-14
Available to buy


  1. S1 E1 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 1
    August 29, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  2. S1 E2 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 2
    August 28, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  3. S1 E3 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 3
    August 28, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  4. S1 E4 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 4
    August 28, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  5. S1 E5 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 5
    August 28, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  6. S1 E6 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 6
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  7. S1 E7 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 7
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  8. S1 E8 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 8
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  9. S1 E9 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 9
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Available to buy
  10. S1 E10 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 10
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  11. S1 E11 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 11
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  12. S1 E12 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 12
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  13. S1 E13 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 13
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  14. S1 E14 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 14
    August 27, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  15. S1 E15 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 15
    August 26, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  16. S1 E16 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 16
    August 26, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  17. S1 E17 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 17
    August 26, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  18. S1 E18 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 18
    August 26, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  19. S1 E19 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 19
    August 26, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  20. S1 E20 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 20
    August 25, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  21. S1 E21 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 21
    August 24, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  22. S1 E22 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 22
    August 24, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  23. S1 E23 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 23
    August 24, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  24. S1 E24 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 24
    August 24, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy
  25. S1 E25 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - 那年花开月正圆 - Episode 25
    August 24, 2017
    It tells about the adventure of a legendary Chinese female merchant in the 19th century: Zhou Ying, after suffering from being sold as slaves, the death of her husband and the bankrupt of the family, how could she get the family out of the dilemma and deal with the dramatic social change of the Qing Empire?
    Free trial of Toku or buy


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Ding Hei
Sun LiChen XiaoHe Rundong

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