海を飛ぶ夢 [DVD]
フォーマット | 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー |
コントリビュータ | ロラ・ドゥエニャス, マベル・リベラ, ハビエル・バルデム, クララ・セグラ, アレハンドロ・アメナーバル, ベレン・ルエダ, マテオ・ヒル |
言語 | 日本語, スペイン語 |
稼働時間 | 2 時間 1 分 |
ディスク枚数 | 1 |
ページ: 1 / 1 最初に戻るページ: 1 / 1
- アスペクト比 : 2.35:1
- 言語 : 日本語, スペイン語
- EAN : 4988013148345
- 監督 : アレハンドロ・アメナーバル
- メディア形式 : 色, ワイドスクリーン, ドルビー
- 時間 : 2 時間 1 分
- 発売日 : 2006/7/19
- 出演 : ハビエル・バルデム, ベレン・ルエダ, ロラ・ドゥエニャス, マベル・リベラ, クララ・セグラ
- 字幕: : 日本語
- 言語 : 日本語 (Dolby Digital 5.1), スペイン語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
- 販売元 : ポニーキャニオン
- ASIN : B000FIKF02
- ディスク枚数 : 1
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 177,801位DVD (DVDの売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- - 17,889位外国のドラマ映画
- カスタマーレビュー:
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2019年10月7日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入レンタルでこれみたら、これ、理解を早くエンタメ、というのと違うので、慌ててみて何も残らなかった、となる公算が高いですので、これはじっくり視るべきの、なんか、先にある恐怖の分析、のように感じました。
- 2014年1月10日に日本でレビュー済みアレハンドロ・アメナーバル監督の本作以前の作品は,ミステリータッチのSF映画「オープン・ユア・アイズ」,シックスセンスを彷彿させるホラー「アザーズ」といったエンターテイメント作品だっただけに,本作が発表されたときには驚きましたし,監督の幅の広さに感心させられました。
- 2011年9月26日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入2004年のスペイン・フランス・イタリア合作映画。アレハンドロ・アメナーバル監督。アカデミー外国語映画賞受賞作品。
- 2014年1月5日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入それぞれの立場から感じ取れる誰もが持つ心の様が繊細に描かれていました。明日の当然の保証は無いと強く感じました。
- 2006年1月30日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入この作品のようなテーマ性のある作品が個人的には好きだ。コメディなどの作品を見るのもいいのだが、この作品のような、見終わった後に深く考えさせられる作品を見ることの方が、私は大事だし、必要だと思う。
- 2011年12月11日に日本でレビュー済みテーマは、尊厳死。
- 2007年7月29日に日本でレビュー済み事故により四肢麻痺に陥ったラモンが尊厳死を求め、周りの多くの人々との関わりを描いた作品。
Juan Carlos G. Chirgwin-Boos2016年9月17日にカナダでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars
Amazonで購入Excellent film, a very controversial issue is well presented and convincingly.
J.C.G. Chirgwin
power cocó2016年10月16日にイタリアでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Gran film, ottimo Bardem
Amazonで購入Film bellissimo e di intense emozioni. Non è triste, come molti invece mi avevano detto: è triste la condizione del protagonista, ma il film vola via che è un piacere. Ottimo Bardem
5つ星のうち5.0 Preciosa
Amazonで購入Los papelones de bardem y belén rueda hacen de esta peli que sea un peliculazo, a dia de hoy sigue siendo la pelicula con mas goyas de la historia, la pelicula es la version alemana, ya que en españa no se edito en blu ray, pero la version alemana tiene logicamente el idioma original, asique no habra problema para nosotros lleva voces y subtitulos en castellano, lo que no esta en castellano es el menu, pero la pelicula y los extras estan en castellano.
Dine Fuss2005年5月27日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 An Absolutely Amazing Film with Poignant Resolution...
Amazonで購入Infinite distance of an inch could be unbearable when one does not have the ability to provide in any form for anyone. A mere inch might as well be in a different continent much like an endless long-distance relationship. The difficulty of reaching for the inch results from the inability of sending signals from the from brain through the spinal cord to the motor neurons that control muscular contraction that creates movement through a number of complex levers generated through the muscles and bones. Also, no stimulus can return to the brain that would be perceived as touch, warmth, and pain. Thus, there is no way for a quadriplegic to openly express their thoughts through actions, as actions bear more depth than meager words. In the Sea Inside the protagonist Ramón Sampedro (Javier Bardem) has suffered from this sad disability for more than a quarter of a century, as he only can move his facial muscles.
"Relax..." is the first word of the film, which sets an ironic tone due to Ramón's disability. However, the word's purpose is of serenity, as the voice of Gené (Clara Segura), tries to induce mental state that can help Ramón dream and imagine of how life could have been if he never were injured. This scene illustrates the power of the mind, as Ramón drifts into his personal paradise where the waves of the ocean brush the perfect beach while the water gently sweeps over his feet during his walk. His stroll along the beach provides an opportunity for him to feel the warm wind run between his fingers and against his skin. Everything is perfect, until reality returns in form of a thunderstorm outside. Only the mind can create these sensations in artificial manners such as dreaming. In reality, Ramón needs help with basic needs such as sleep, food, water, and toilet visits which requires continuous loyal support. For example, someone must turn him or he will most likely suffer a bed soars that could give him an infection. His lives a life with constant distance where privacy does no longer exists, as time simply passes before him.
Over time Ramón has learned that crying does not sooth his pain within, as he must rely on others. As a result, Ramón smiles whenever he cries, and he does a lot of smiling throughout the film. When Julia (Belén Rueda), a lawyer that will help Ramón to achieve his ultimate goal in life, which is to end his life asks the question why he desires to die Ramón replies that he wants to die because his life offers him no dignity. However, in order to help push through a law that could help euthanasia for Ramón, she must dig deeper into his psyche and his identity. Through the portrayal of Ramón the audience learns that he was an active person who loved his freedom while traveling the world. His dreams of the ocean and being able to fly enhances his desire for freedom, which he cannot obtain.
The film continues to propose notions about love, freedom, death, and life. Rosa (Lola Dueñas), a factory worker and radio host, becomes heavily involved with Ramón, but through her fear of loosing him she persists to keep him alive. Instead of being loving and accepting the others wishes, she becomes selfish and through her selfishness Ramón remains a prisoner to life. Ramón has a similar relationship to his brother. There is also an interesting scene in the film is when a quadriplegic priest visits Ramón and tries to convince him that life is worth living. Throughout the discussion between the two men the priests says, "Freedom without a life is not freedom." Ramón counters with "A life without freedom is not a life." This might sound slightly arrogant by Ramón, but he also does not judge others, as he simply wants to live with dignity. These ideas and many others offer a poignant solution to what he wants and what others want, which offers much to ponder.
Alejandro Amenábar directs an absolutely amazing film that brings the audience a taboo topic up close and personal. Previously, Amenábar has directed terrific films such as the frightful Thesis (1996) and brilliant visual maze Open Your Eyes (1997). This time he continues to show improvement in his skills as a filmmaker, as many viewers will probably see much more from this up and coming director. The Sea Inside covers almost every possible angel that relies on a great script, which keeps the audience engrossed in the cinematic experience. The meticulous camerawork captures every detail of the astounding mise-en-scene. This enhances the artistic and visual experience. Lastly, the terrific cast around Javier Bardem helps augment his stellar performance, as it will leave many viewers in deep contemplation in regards to its theme.
Nicholas Casley2007年9月19日に英国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 A film of LIFE
Amazonで購入I cannot really add much to the excellent reviews that have already appeared below about this brilliant film. Suffice to say that you should not let the words 'euthanasia' or 'quadraplegic' put you off what is in a very real sense a film about LIFE.
As the director makes clear in his wonderful accompanying commentary and in the marvellously detailed and enlightening 'making of' feature, watching this movie can only bring home to you how magical is the viewer's own life.
I rarely ever give five stars, but this film moved me profoundly on a number of levels. It is not a political film with a message to convey and a cause to espouse. Rather, it is a philosophical film, questioning your assumptions about your own life and about the value of choice in society at large. It is a film replete with a vigorous humanity.