There is no one place where 400 mln micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) can meet each other, commit trade agreements easily and trustfully and get help with trade-related services in a cost-effective way.
Blockchain technology can be used to build a user’s platform which can add a module of trust into the B2B trade cycle, while simplifying the execution of transactions and decreasing their costs. ModulTrade has laid the foundations for creating a value ecosystem for global trade: a digital blockchain networked value structure that is real-time, global, connected, digital and cost-effective, with features to support further fintech solutions developed by third parties.
ModulTrade Value Ecosystem (MVE).
This white paper describes how MVE will democratize global trade by connecting the heart of Blockchain functionalities (i.e. trust and democracy) to real life trade transactions within the enterprises’ supply chains globally.
MVE will leverage on two innovative technological implementations: ● A Smart-contract platform: this replicates traditional trade finance instruments (such as letters of credit and bank guarantees) and allows MSME to establish trust into their trade agreements
● The MTRc (ERC-20 Ethereum-based ModulTrade token): will be a new trade enabler (every enterprise with access to a smartphone will be able to execute trade real-time, globally and in a cost-effective way) and 3rd party application enabler (it will be used for charging usage fees for third parties’ solution built on ModulTrade’s smart-contract platform).
As MVE is a multi-sided platform, requiring to reach a certain number of users to achieve a network effect (please see further below for more details), this document also explains: ● the rationale of critical mass which is needed to trigger the network effect in MVE ● the approach to reach this critical mass
By combining together the development of a value ecosystem and a new crypto token for B2B trade, ModulTrade is one of the few pioneers able to improve the trade finance industry by connecting millions of enterprises (underserved by today’s banking system) to the global trade in an easier, trustful and more efficient way.