Local World Forwarders Whitepaper

The flourishing e-commerce industry still suffers from major limitations. Customs duties
are too high and often unjustified. Delivery problems continue to delay progress in many
emerging countries. For example, Tarik from New Delhi is looking to purchase a new
iPhone X, but Apple stores have a policy that prevents shipment of iPhones to India.
Large distributors offer a limited supply based on geographical regions and this is often
not in line with customers’ needs.

The problems are threefold: Protectionism, lack of logistic capability,
and restrictive policies imposed on developing countries by online sale
giants which prevent the ability to acquire first world products. Asia, South
America, and Russia in particular are most affected by these constraints.
Traditional logistics companies use their own centralized systems. They
have not yet caught up with more efficient standardized management
systems which are constantly updated and modified. Integration is often
difficult, time-consuming, and expensive making the writing of APIs and
data consolidation structures especially challenging.
LWF intends to build a multi-service logistics platform supported by a
DPoS-based blockchain capable of decentralizing all information currently
held within traditional logistics systems. In this way the management
system becomes immutable. For the first time, we have a new common
standard for logistical data processed via the DPoS blockchain.

Local World Forwarders Website
Local World Forwarders Whitepaper
