HEROcoin Whitepaper

Since starting our project in 2014 – née ‘thesocialbet – bet friends. not bookies’ – we’ve pursued the objective to change the nature of online betting. The original and inherent social character of a bet is lost when it comes to online betting. With online betting providers a sports fan is set up against a professional: the bookmaker. Our aim is to cut out the middleman and provide a system that enables users to challenge other sports enthusiasts head to head, without the interference of bookmakers.

In July 2016 we‘ve rebranded our project to herosphere.gg (‘herosphere’) solely focusing on prediction games for esports. So far over 200,000 users registered on herosphere and more than 1,000 users stream in every day. herosphere provides the possibility for esports enthusiasts all over the world to compete against the community or their friends and prove their knowledge about professional esports games.

With a passionate team and lead investors from the payment and online entertainment sector behind herosphere, we are ready to take our platform and the online betting community to the next level by introducing our cryptocurrency: HERO (PLAY).

The mission of HERO is as simple as it is powerful: establishing a new level of trust, transparency and security, yet unknown in the world of online betting