Bluzelle Whitepaper

Our vision is to make the internet a safer and more secure place for the data of people and businesses.

1.1. The Problem
Blockchain technologies are propelling the next genera_on of the Internet. Protocols like Ethereum are a plaTorm for launching decentralized applica_ons (dApps) that will change the way products and services are consumed. These dApps will exchange massive amounts of data that need to be stored and managed. The problem is blockchains like Ethereum are not designed for data storage and management; doing so would take up too much space and take too much _me.

1.2. The Solution – Bluzelle
Just like decentralized services like Filecoin and Storj are needed for file storage & management; there is a need for data storage & management. Bluzelle is a decentralized, on-demand, scalable database service for dApps. Bluzelle fills a need and is complementary to the other components to make the decentralized Internet complete. Without these decentralized components, the decentralized Internet would not be able to run efficiently and scale to massive use.

Bluzelle BLZ-Whitepaper