
H1N1 outbreak “largest medical scandal of 21st century”

13-01-2010 | |
H1N1 outbreak “largest medical scandal of 21st century”

The H1N1 outbreak is “one of the largest medical scandals of this century. The so-called pandemic is a setup of a few giant drug companies and the World Health Organisation”.

This statement is expressed by German epidemiologist and head of health at WHO Wolfgang Wodarg. He says that WHO has softened the definition of a pandemic because scientists asked for it and that giant drug companies were able to cash in on sealed contracts for vaccines.
As a result millions of Euros have been wasted on vaccination campaigns and in agriculture thousands of animals found positive with the H1N1 virus were destroyed.
The European Council has already said that it would like to investigate the accusations. These accusations are bad news for the drug companies.
Already in July 2009 it became clear that the number of deaths through the virus was smaller than it would be with a classic seasonal flu, WHO still said the Mexican flu to be a pandemic.
GlaxoSmithKline turned over an estimated $1.7 billion selling H1N1 vaccines and this only in the 4th quarter of 2009.
Countries like France, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands are now facing unused stocks of the vaccine, which they are trying to get rid of or give away.
Wodarg said that “WHO in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies has softened the definition of a pandemic and thus lowered the alarm level, which enabled governments to order large amounts of vaccines.”
Bird flu effect
From June 2009 on Wodarg said that there was no reason for doing this anymore. He believes the reason for this was a result of the bird flu outbreaks a few years ago.
The bird flu virus (H5N1), which is far more deadly virus than this one (H1N1), made government to order sealed contracts with drug companies.
In case of a pandemic drug companies could effectuate these sealed contracts into real contracts.
Dr Wodarg said: “In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide.
“They have made them squander tight healthcare resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.”
If the European Council establishes that the whole circus was a voluntary and cynical misleading by pharmaceutical companies it is considered a crime and pay back will be demanded.
Dick Ziggers Former editor All About Feed
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