Replacement filters

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Replacement Filter Pack

Keep your air fresh

Ensure optimal performance of your Renew air purifier with our replacement filter pack containing one HEPA-13 filter and one activated charcoal filter to maintain high air quality and efficiency.


Enhanced air quality

Removes 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen and more.


Long-lasting efficiency

For up to 6 months, providing continuous protection from particles and chemicals.


Easy to replace

Simple and quick installation process for hassle-free maintenance. No tools required.


Fresh and clean air

The activated charcoal filter traps chemicals and odores leaving your home's air fresh.

HEPA-13 Particle Filter

Superior air filtration

HEPA 13 filter removes 99.97% of all particles in the air measuring 0.3 microns in diameter.

HEPA-13 Filter

Activated Charcoal Filter

Effective odor elimination

Captures and holds gases (VOCs) and odors, perfect for eliminating smoke and cooking smells.

Activated Charcoal Filter


Filter replacement is simple and fast


Ratings & reviews

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