AIMS’ approach to technological innovation for broadcast works because we have the active participation of many of the best individuals and organizations in the industry. We want your knowledge and experience to help us become even more productive.


The transition from SDI to IP marks a key juncture in the broadcast industry. IP can enable new business models and make the broadcast industry stronger and more competitive. Now is the time to promote and deploy standards that accelerate the broadcast industry’s ability to compete. Now is the time to not shrink toward proprietary approaches that saddle the industry with a slower migration and added costs.

By supporting the principles of AIMS and following the SMPTE/VSF roadmap, broadcasters and suppliers can feel comfortable investing in IP solutions today—and the industry overall will have a real option to save cost, avoid interoperability headaches and implement a true, common language for replacing SDI.

Contact Tina Lipscomb, administrator for the alliance, at [email protected] or +1 (425) 870-6574 for more information.


Full Members $8,500

Full members may both govern (serve on the board of directors, vote on all matters, hold offices on board or in working groups) and participate in all working groups and events. Full members receive all membership benefits as outlined by the Alliance for IP Media Solutions.

Associate Member $3,500

Associate members may not govern but may participate in all working groups and events and will receive all marketing benefits provided by the Alliance for IP Media Solutions.

Individual Member $175

Individual members may not govern but may participate in all working groups. Individual membership is subject to the approval of the AIMS board of directors and must meet one of the following requirements

1) an individual not acting on behalf of any company in the media industry,

2) an individual in academia as a student, researcher, or in some other way actively associated with an

institution of higher learning, or

3) a sole proprietor or the only employee of a corporation.

While individual members will not qualify for the full range of AIMS marketing opportunities available to full and associate members, they may state their AIMS membership on their own websites and promotional materials.