"; displayWittyTerms(); document.getElementById('teaName').value = ""; document.getElementById("teaOne").value = ""; document.getElementById('slider1').value = 0; outputUpdate(0, 1); document.getElementById('teaOnePhoto').src='/images6/question_mark.png'; document.getElementById('teaCharOne').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("teaTwo").value = ""; document.getElementById('slider2').value = 0; outputUpdate(0, 2); document.getElementById('teaTwoPhoto').src='/images6/question_mark.png'; document.getElementById('teaCharTwo').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("teaThree").value = ""; document.getElementById('slider3').value = 0; outputUpdate(0, 3); document.getElementById('teaThreePhoto').src='/images6/question_mark.png'; document.getElementById('teaCharThree').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("inclusionOneNew").value = ""; document.getElementById('teaFourPhoto').src='/images6/question_mark.png'; document.getElementById('teaCharFour').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('labelSample').src = '/images5/wait_icon.gif'; document.getElementById('labelPouch').src = '/images5/wait_icon.gif'; document.getElementById('labelTin').src = '/images5/wait_icon.gif'; // console.log("prompt: " + prompt); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../ajax/dalle3_image_241008.html", data: "prompt=" + prompt, success: function(msg){ // console.log("output: " + msg); var result = msg.split("***SPLIT***"); // BLEND IMAGE document.getElementById('labelSample').src = "https://images.adagio.com/images2/custom_blends_ai/" + result[2]; document.getElementById('labelPouch').src = "https://images.adagio.com/images2/custom_blends_ai/" + result[2]; document.getElementById('labelTin').src = "https://images.adagio.com/images2/custom_blends_ai/" + result[2]; // BLEND NAME document.getElementById('teaName').value = result[4]; // BLEND REASON document.getElementById('aiReason').innerHTML = "
" + result[5]; // BLEND FORMULA updatePreselect(result[6]); var temp = new Array(); temp = result[6].split('|'); sbTeaDescription (temp[0], 'One'); sbTeaDescription (temp[2], 'Two'); sbTeaDescription (temp[4], 'Three'); // INCLUSION document.getElementById('inclusionOneNew').value = result[7]; sbTeaDescription (result[7], "Four"); // INPUT document.getElementById('filestackImage').value = result[2]; document.getElementById('submitPre').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('submitButton').style.display = "block"; // COPYRIGHT CHECKBOX document.getElementById("copyright").checked = true; // STATUS // statusMessage("", 0, 0); } }); } // Define an array of witty terms const wittyTermsSB = [ "Steeping creativity in progress!", "Brewing a personalized masterpiece!", "Infusing flavors for your signature blend!", "Crafting your tea adventure, sip by sip!", "Unveiling your tea's visual inspiration!", "The secret ingredients are simmering!", "Tea leaves whispering your blend's secrets!", "Creating a picture-perfect tea experience!", "Your personalized blend is steeping with care!", "Unlocking the artistry of your tea creation!", "Tea leaves dancing to your unique recipe!", "Savoring the anticipation of your bespoke blend!", "Basking in the beauty of your tea's journey!", "Harvesting the essence of your flavor palette!", "Tea alchemy in progress, just for you!", "A masterpiece of taste and imagery awaits!", "Delighting your senses with a custom tea blend!", "Infusing your cup with artistry and flavor!", "Crafting your dream tea blend, one pixel at a time!", "The canvas of your tea blend is unfolding!" ]; // Function to shuffle the array using Fisher-Yates algorithm function shuffleArray(array) { for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]; } return array; } // Function to display witty terms function displayWittyTerms() { const shuffledTerms = shuffleArray(wittyTermsSB); let currentIndex = 0; const wittyTermsContainer = document.getElementById('witty-terms'); wittyTermsContainer.textContent = shuffledTerms[currentIndex]; currentIndex++; const interval = setInterval(() => { if (currentIndex >= shuffledTerms.length) { clearInterval(interval); return; } wittyTermsContainer.textContent = shuffledTerms[currentIndex]; currentIndex++; }, 4000); }
your full design or image - 700 x 437 pixels
safe area for important image content - 660 x 397 pixels
  • for the best resolution, your final image should be 700 x 437 pixels
  • important image information should be at least 20 pixels from all edges
  • incorporate any text you'd like to appear on your blend into the artwork itself, including the blend name!
  • save your design as a .jpg file format
  • Create Your Own Blend

    Create your very own signature blend of tea. One that reflects your creative flair and personal taste. A unique opportunity to demystify and practice for yourself the ancient art of tea blending. We even give you a chance to name your very own creation.

    Discover the joy of crafting your own tea blend with our innovative AI tool. Input a term or idea, and let our AI conjure up a customized tea recipe, a fitting name, and a captivating image that encapsulates your blend.

    Blend Teas

    --- or ---


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    700 x 437 pixels
    JPG file format only
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