5810.001 Policy
(a)(2)(ii) The program office or the requiring activity must address whether the acquisition can or cannot be set-aside for small businesses in the market research report.
(b) All Sources Sought Notices (SSN) and Requests for Information (RFI) for acquisitions with an estimated value exceeding $5M, with the exception of the Sole Source Notice of Intent, shall be forwarded to the DISA Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) for review to ensure, for example, potential sources are not requested to submit more than the minimum information necessary. OSBP has 5 business days to complete the review.
(S-90) The contracting officer will thoroughly review and validate as appropriate the market research report.
(1) The program office or requiring activity and the contracting officer must fully document and detail market research with respect to small business participation. Market research must document to what extent the small business community, as a whole, has or does not have the ability to support the requirement. If the resulting acquisition strategy does not include a small business set-aside, market research documentation should explicitly explain why a set-aside is not appropriate. The contracting officer will certify by signature on the market research report whether or not the results support or do not support setting aside the acquisition.
(2) When market research indicates that the small business community, as a whole, does not possess the required capability or capacity to perform as a prime contractor, consideration must be given to small business subcontracting. The market research report should address subcontracting opportunities for small businesses.
(S-91) The contracting officer shall notify the OSBP via e-mail of all industry days, including date, time and location of event, in sufficient time for OSBP participation using the title âIndustry Day Notificationâ to the OSBP email: [email protected] .
5810.002 Procedures
(b)(2)(ix) The contracting officer shall document and attach the results of the SBA Dynamic Small Business Search tool at to the Market Research Report and forward with the DD Form 2579 to OSBP for review. Assistance is available from the OSBP when seeking potential sources.
(x) Post procurement notices to Contract Opportunities including SSNs or RFIs. (See DARS 5819.202 (S-93)(2)(3)).
(A) A RFI is used to develop requirements and make decisions regarding acquisition strategies when limited or no acquisition history is available and when industry input is required. When an RFI is planned, allow for the following:
(1) Posted on Contract Opportunities for at least 21 business days to ensure maximum participation by small business concerns.
(2) Use the approved DISA RFI template at DARS PGI 5810.001(b).
(B) A SSN is used when there is a known requirement with a previous procurement history, or a well-defined new requirement. When a SSN is planned, allow for the following:
(1) Posted on Contract Opportunities for a minimum of 14 calendar days to ensure maximum feedback.
(2) Use the approved DISA SSN template at DARS PGI 5810.001(b).
(S-90) Except for the issuance of a SSN or RFI, market research is primarily the responsibility of the program office or the requiring activity. Market research documentation must be complete, unbiased, and supported by facts, not more than 12 months old (for award of contracts other than task or delivery orders) and provided as part of the requirements package. Include the market research report in the contract file.
(S-91) Market Research Report (MRR) templates are located in DARS PGI 5810.002(S-91).
Table 10-1 MRR Template Type
Dollar Threshold | Procurement Action | Template Type |
<SAT | Competitive Procurements equal to or under SAT | Market Research Report (Equal to or Under SAT (Excludes HW/SW)) (Enclosure 14d) |
>SAT | Competitive Service Procurements over SAT | Market Research Report (Services) (Enclosure 14a) |
>SAT | Competitive Product Purchase* over SAT *Excludes HW/SW, see row below | Market Research Report (All HW/SW (Any dollar value); Other Products > SAT) (Enclosure 14b) |
Any Amount | All HW/SW Procurements | Market Research Report (All HW/SW (Any dollar value); Other Products > SAT) (Enclosure 14b) |
Any Amount | Exercise 52.217-9 Options | Market Research Report (Option Exercise) (Enclosure 14c) |
Any Amount | Sole Source | Market Research Report (Sole Source) (Enclosure 14e) |
Any Amount | Sole Source Direct 8(a) | Market Research Report (Sole Source 8(a)) (Enclosure 14f) |
(S-92) Exceptions to Market Research Report.
(1) Undefinitized Contract Actions (UCA)
(2) Bridge Contract Actions
(3) 52.217-8 Options
(S-93) For DISA-only requirements, the contracting officer shall email the final, signed, and redacted Market Research Report to the Market Research Repository mailbox at DISA Ft Meade BD Mailbox MRR.